If he wants to be funny, he should make a forum post like everyone else.
If he wants to engage with any of my views on any topic, he can write pages and pages and pages and provide examples from history, science, statistics, case studies, and the Bible.
To mess with my account settings (a power he has that I don't), both times intending to mock me for being a Christian, he is breaking some of his own posted forum rules:
Religious, racial, or sexual intolerance
Posts containing religious, racial, or sexual intolerance, unless posted in the Flames subforum, will result in a warning and such posts will be sent to the flame forum. Frequent offenses can result in warnings or bans.
Insults and offensive language
Insults and flames in the regular forums will typically be overlooked, especially in posts that contain additional content. However, disruptive flame wars or empty content flames can result in warnings or bans, especially when moderators are forced to send a portion of a thread to the Flame forum.
Pornography and not safe for work imagery
Pornography and not safe for work material must always be accompanied by a warning and provided only in spoiler tags or by a link. This rule applies to all forums, even the Flame War forum. Offenses will result in warnings or bans.
Spam and off-topic garbage
Spam bots and spam advertising is banned. Persistent contentless posting can also result in warnings or bans.
Abuse of forum features
You can be warned or banned for falsely reporting posts, spamming karma votes, or otherwise abusing forum features.
In all cases, first offenses will usually be warnings, but repeated offenses can lead to temporary or indefinite bans.
In all cases, people can be warned or banned at the discretion of the moderators.
Changing my account name to a blasphemous mockery substituting "Crepes" for "Christ" and "Whatwouldjessu001do" in place of the "What would Jesus do?" catchphrase are both targetting me based on my religion.
He didn't do this as far as I know to
any other user, not the n-word users, the "kill xyz and their kids" users, not the Muslims.
It's obviously an abuse of power to mess with a user's account settings and change a name that does not violate a Code of Conduct to names that are intended to insult/mock the user.
No other forum or website I've joined has ever messed with my user account settings. Are they also reading private forum messages sent to other users? Who knows.
Point is simply, if he wants to engage with me, present his view, or even just tell me he thinks I'm a mentally ill slut piece of garbage and should be imprisoned and killed and stoned and euthanized and banned for telling the truth, he should do it in a forum post instead of abusing power to change my name, which represents me falsely, as most people will assume I made the name changes myself to things that are silly and more than border on blasphemous.
I mean, you can argue to someone what you feel they should be able to withstand and accept that isn't happening to you, like if a woman who is shopping at the grocery store has a strange man come up behind her and he grabs her ass and she complains that something happened that shouldn't happen, you could shrug it off and tell her, "No big deal, don't be such a baby."
But what happened is something that shouldn't happen. Women should be able to shop at the grocery store without having to worry about being violated by indecent men.
People should be able to sign up for a stupid website or forum without having to worry that the website staff will mess with the account settings in the absence of violations of the rules (ie. racist names like "i-hate-naggers" could rightly be changed and the user penalized because it violates the first point of the forum rules blid himself posted against racial intolerance).
The complaint is legitimate. They should not be messing with user accounts just because they don't like the person's religion. He should make forum posts about it instead as a valid way to express his concerns so it doesn't come across as power abuse or bullying. IDK what his intention was because he didn't say.