Author Topic: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia  (Read 19813 times)


all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« on: August 25, 2019, 06:20:53 AM »
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia

on map everything is built by ours and by enemies
and in saved everything is developed and immediately battle

2019 map based on my 2002 maps
and settings are possible: where ours and type of attacks

life hack: to quickly find best card
you need to save game to disk and play loading

youtube: my cards of 2019 for Dark Saga & Wargus
1280x720 and all past years I play only my cards

further in this topic: darksaga converter pud and other maps

WarCraft2 DarkSaga всепоглощающие новые миры Данилин WarCraft2 DarkSaga allconsuming new worlds Dani - YouTube

« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 04:24:25 PM by DANILIN »
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego

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Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2019, 12:26:04 AM »
interesting design :ok_hand: will try!!


Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2019, 06:47:39 AM »
newest youtube: warcraft2 on screen 1600 about 5 of my maps in 2 minutes

WarCraft2 1600 Russian 5 PUD Danilin allconsuming Wargus 

WarCraft2 1600 Russian 5 PUD Danilin всепоглощающие allconsuming Wargus - YouTube

speak russian: vsepogloschayuschie novye miry
« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 04:23:43 PM by DANILIN »
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego


Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2019, 12:20:21 PM »
later I will write a review of miracles from additions
but we look about all-consuming worlds and wonders
in short: miracles are active when there is a palace
and in my cards there is a palace originally

WarCraft2 MIRACLE Wargus 1600 DANILIN allconsuming worlds всепоглощающие миры - YouTube

pozzhe sochinyu obzor chudes iz dopolneniy
zato smotrim pro vsepogloshchayushchiye miry i chudesa
vkratze: chudesa aktivny kogda yest' dvorets
i u menya v kartakh yest' dvorets iznachal'no
« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 04:23:08 PM by DANILIN »
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego


Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2019, 12:07:30 PM »
WarCraft2 versions for playing only selected cards are created
and each of 3 versions includes its own language RUS USA FRA
and develops WarCraft2 Wargus wonderful versions see YouTube

used existing files of different versions and clones
plus my cards are compatible with Wargus Stratagus DarkSaga

characters are voiced and video matches language and knowing rules
of registration it is possible to change everything at any time

music: last century and metal cover and new
downloaded separately and unpacked to music

WarCraft2_Program = genaration & modify maps
pudbrowse pudconvert puddle pudpic resview warmaker


« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 05:33:59 AM by DANILIN »
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego

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Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2019, 05:00:42 PM »
WarCraft2 versions for playing only selected cards are created
and each of 3 versions includes its own language RUS USA FRA
I still didn't understand, are these 3 languages supported by wargus/stratagus?
As i understand, russian doesn't work with wargus, is it?

I downloaded Wargus_FireIce_RUS_da78and didn't find any russian resources for wargus...
How to use all these archives?
Are there resources to play wargus on russian some way?

I thought about to make build of wargus, something like Wargus Combat, maybe multilingual also. Including all the resources, everything. To just install it (next-next-next-finish) and then click "play" and enjoy.
Looks like "REMASTER" group made almost the same, they just "forgot" to mention they used wargus... But their build looks fine and it's the only one existing build for wargus.
Need help to translate War2Combat to German, French, Italian, Polish or another language:,4728.0.html
Please, contact me if you are interested in that.


Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2019, 03:16:43 AM »
reality: Russian screen saver from Slovo Palitra Kod
and accordingly French version: speak French

plus units speak Russian taken from mobile version
all so that foreigners join Russian language

? do units speak russian?

plus for another theme a new sound of music
with compatible titles in the game

real'nost': russkaya zastavka svoya i ot Slovo Palitra Kod
i sootvetstvenno frantsuzkaya versiya: govoryat po-frantsuzski

plyus yunity govoryat po-russki vzyato s mobil'noy versii
vsyo daby inostrantsy priobshchilis' k russkomu yazyku

? yunity govoryat po-russki ?

plyus dlya drugoy temy novoye zvuchaniye muzyki
s nazvaniyami sovmestimymi v igre
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego


Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2019, 06:14:16 AM »
Updated collection includes superior voice Russian
Slovo Palitra Kod SPK compatible with many versions

links inside my youtube
and added a mod clone of middle ages with my cards

Today is map of week: da78_air.pud

Everything is built and by our enemies
and there are options for development of enemy: earth \ water \ air
so we develop and fight

By filling mines with gold or customizing map
balance of power allows you to play endlessly

Unique design sometimes often creates a plot:

for our gold other people's workers
came on one bridge and left on another bridge
and ships fighting over bridge

Personally I play only my cards for years
and a New Year contest is possible

Obnovilsya sbornik vklyuchena uluchshennaya ozvuchka russkaya
Slovo Palitra Kod SPK sovmestimaya so mnogimi versiyami
ssylka vnutri moix youtubov
i dobavlen mod klon srednevekov'ya s moimi kartami

Segodnya karta nedeli: da78_air.pud

Vsyo postroyeno u nashikh i u vragov
i yest' varianty razvitiya protivnika: zemlya \ voda \ vozdukh
znachit razvivayemsya i voyuyem

Zapolniv shakhty zolotom ili nastroiv kartu
balans sil pozvolyayet igrat' beskonechno

Unikal'nyy dizayn inogda chasto sozdayot syuzhet:
za nashim zolotom chuzhiye rabotniki
prishli po odnomu mostu i ushli po drugomu mostu
i yeshcho korabli voyuyut cherez most

Lichno ya godami igrayu tol'ko v moi karty
i vozmozhen novogodniy konkurs
« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 06:17:18 AM by DANILIN »
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego


Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2019, 04:32:57 AM »
My cards added to clone mod
MLP my little pony
and personally for years I play only my cards
links inside youtube

WarCraft2 Wargus Aleonas Pony allconsuming worlds DANILIN всепоглощающие миры - YouTube

Moi karty dobavil v klon mod
moi malenkie pony
i lichno ya godami igrayu tol'ko v moi karty
ssylki vnutri yutyuba

Mes cartes ajoutées au mod clone
mon petit poney
et personnellement pendant des années je ne joue que mes cartes
liens dans youtube
« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 04:22:03 PM by DANILIN »
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego

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Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2019, 03:51:57 AM »
Damn, in that first video I really enjoyed the health bars and seeing the damage units were dealing, that seems great


Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2021, 04:53:47 AM »
My add-on 2MB: SinglePlayer Maps 2005... 2020

Tsar of WarCraft2

2MB & milli pictures
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego


Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2021, 11:28:33 AM »
Long-standing idea has been implemented: a duel
Moreover enemies are developing
Engineers can build towers
Version originally for widescreen WarCraft2

Реализована давнишняя идея: дуэль и кто кого победит
Причём враги развиваются тоже
Инженеры могут строить башни
Версия изначально под широко-экранный WarCraft2

WarCraft2 широкоэкранный совместим с Win версиями обычными
Английская версия 2,5МБ и форум:

Доступны 5 вариантов и я выбрал 1280x704
где особенно удобны карты 32x32
поэтому планирую разместить несколько карт ежеквартально

Прилагаю карту для дуэли и изучения взаимодействия персонажей
почти как на картинке выше только добавлены аэро шпионы
и цель: победить без своих потерь

WarCraft 2 widescreen compatible with Win versions regular
English version 2.5 MB and forum:

There are 5 options available and I chose 1280x74
where 32x32 cards are especially convenient
therefore, I plan to place several maps quarterly

I attach a map for a duel and studying interaction of characters
almost like in picture above, only aero spies
and goal are added: to win without your losses

зданий больше значит параллельное развитие 2-жды быстрее
и есть версия горизонтальная

more buildings means parallel development 2 times faster
and there is a horizontal version

« Last Edit: December 02, 2021, 01:36:21 AM by DANILIN »
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego


Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2022, 03:30:19 PM »
A quick victory without your losses.
It is still possible to develop and preserve and discover.
Maps inside youtubes of this topic.
Who will win faster? Necessarily without your losses

Быстрая победа без своих потерь.
Ещё возможно развиться и сохранить и открывать.
Карты внутри ютюбов данной темы.
Кто победит быстрее? Обязательно без своих потерь

Bystraya pobeda bez svoikh poter'.
Yeshcho vozmozhno razvit'sya i sokhranit' i otkryvat'.
Karty vnutri yutyubov dannoy temy.
Kto pobedit bystreye? Obyazatel'no bez svoikh poter'

all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego


Re: all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2023, 04:33:17 AM »
A quick victory without your losses.
It is still possible to develop and preserve and discover.
Who will win faster? Necessarily without your losses
Maps inside youtubes of this topic.

Быстрая победа без своих потерь.
Ещё возможно развиться и сохранить и открывать.
Кто победит быстрее? Обязательно без своих потерь
Карты внутри ютюбов данной темы.

Bystraya pobeda bez svoikh poter'.
Yeshcho vozmozhno razvit'sya i sokhranit' i otkryvat'.
Kto pobedit bystreye? Obyazatel'no bez svoikh poter'
Karty vnutri yutyubov dannoy temy.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2023, 04:43:18 AM by DANILIN »
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
Russia looks world from future
Rossiya smotrit mir iz buduschego