"don't fight the trend" is very commonly used phrase.
Tell that to the MASSES and HORDES of people that thought the same thing about Bitconnect (or any other obviously flawed project for that matter) hahahaha. Masses of people doing something doesnt make it legit (illegals voting for example lol). The bottom line is that there is already an inflationary currency (USD), another one isnt needed. USD trades better online than even Doggy coin, the only difference between the two is that one has a human for it's mascot the other has a dog for it's mascot. Other than that, they are completely identical. Why? Because that's exactly why Doge was created, the entire meme was to make a USD clone and slap a dog image on it for the lolz.
You cant debate historical facts. EVERY inflationary currency to ever have existed has FAILED (95% of which failed due to hyperinflation). This includes the USD (which became inflationary in the 70s when it was unpegged from an actual real finite resource, gold). Inflation is like Socialism for currency, it sounds good on paper, but in reality, it's destined to fail due one of 2 reasons, hyperinflation or hyperdevaluation (happens when people no longer consider it valuable as is the case when something is to abundant such as doge).
You have to remember that currently, old/damaged USD is burned (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_burning). Doge is NOT burned. It's just continually made with no destruction. Even USD has destruction of it's currency. No inflationary currency can sustain a continual inflation without burning or it runs the risk of entering hyperdevaluation. That's exactly what doge was designed to do, it's meme was to mimic what the author believed is/was/would happen to the USD. It's a freakin joke crypto for christ sakes hahaha. Like, literally

So basically the only option for Doge is to implement burning, something Musk has called to add. However, cryptos that have burning have also crashed and burned as their popularity goes straight down once people find out that their coins were burned simply because they didnt spend them in time. Burning only sounds good on paper, just like socialism. Why burn in order to simulate deflation when you can just use deflation to begin with. Duuuuuuh.