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Messages - Mistral

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 27
Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: human edition
« on: September 19, 2024, 10:38:15 AM »
you mean edit sprites? yes its very easy you can change GRP files with progs you can find on
and you can use code from my plugins on my github to load files from folder and change them in game on fly

Mods & Development / Re: Extremely basic questions from an extreme newbie.
« on: September 16, 2024, 07:57:09 AM »
check out my github on other war2 mods
seq_change function is what can be used to change units animation speed from C++ code

3 / Re: Randomly Lag
« on: September 14, 2024, 10:42:49 AM »
how VPN works
in one picture

Mods & Development / Re: Extremely basic questions from an extreme newbie.
« on: September 14, 2024, 10:34:37 AM »
gog is shit
get normal game from
this is our version
you can play on our serv we have many new cool stuff going on out there

Strategy & Replays / Re: Nation specific bonuses
« on: September 05, 2024, 02:02:48 PM »
you can check out source codes of my mods

Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: orc edition
« on: September 03, 2024, 12:36:19 PM »
well  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
it is hardcoded  >:D
and catapult do not need to be stronger lol, its already have huge advantage against ballistae

Mods & Development / Re: Wall Balance mode (multiplayer)
« on: August 31, 2024, 07:09:15 PM »
autoheal cost is actually depends on greater heal spell cost, you can change it with triggers.
greater heal is default not finished spell by blizzard, autoheal actually works on its code.
and cost of 5 is also actually default set by blizzard.
in original it wasnt auto though, but it seems like it was AOE heal, but there is not orig code for that, they do not maked it to the end, dunno why.

there is also trigger that can fix blood onto honest x2 instead of x1.5-x3, its switch place of armor calculation

Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: human edition
« on: August 31, 2024, 08:46:01 AM »
did you saw triggers game mode?
there is also triggers editor prog
there is trigger that fix blood, makes exactly x2, just changes place of armor calc
you can set trigger in map and host in in triggers game mode

Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: human edition
« on: August 31, 2024, 12:35:55 AM »
lol wtf
no one will use blood on grunt
why, if you have ogres
if you must have to use grunt vs paladin then something is very fucked up going on in your game (like maybe no lumber for ogres ?)

so the main problem with blood is that blizzard fucked up calculation, it should have been making exactly x2 damage
but they remove armor after doubling, not before.
this makes the armor itself and armor upgrades is way more weakier agains blood.
because of that it can become from x1.5 to x3 damage.
only on units with 0 armor like peons it have normal honest x2 as intended

main power of blood is not actually because killing units, there is many other stuff that can kill enemy units.
but there is very very little things that can kill buildings.
i mean kill buildings FAST.
lvl 1 ogre have 8 str damage and 4 pierce
he deals from 6 to 12 dmg on 0 armor unit
and 12 - 24 with blood
but on building str damage is blocked
building have 20 armor
so no matter blood or not, 8 or 16 they blocked by 20
that means there is stay only 2-4 damage or 4-8 with blood
but lvl 3 ogre with 2 upgrades on damage
will have 12 str damage
and with blood it will be 24, that means it outdamage even buildings armor
20 - 24 = 4 more overdamage
means 6-12 damage on buildings with blood, instead of default 4-8 (which is basically x3 instead of x2)
difference prob seems not very big, but ogres attack speed is fast
with blood they need 7-8 less hits in average to kill guard tower for example
this is why its very VERY important to do 2 damage upgrades for ogres
they can crack open closed bases sometimes even before player can understand what happens and before peons can run here to even start repair
ogres and peons have same attack animation speed, that means you need 2 peons to outrepair blood ogres lvl 1 damages, but for lvl 3 ogres you need 3 peons per ogre, sometimes you simply not have enough space for peons to stand and repair, so ogres will crack open base no matter if you repair or not.

but ok this is buildings, if you remember units then lets check vs knight (or other ogre)
so they on lvl 1, have 4 armor, they block it from 8
8-4=4 + 4(pierce) =  4-8 damage
and witch blood
16-4=12 + 8 =  10-20 damage, so directly x2.5 already
now check lvl5 vs lvl5
12 dmg - 8 armor = 4 + 4 = 4-8 damage normal
but with blood
24 - 8 = 16 + 8 = 12 - 24 damage
which is x3, they will need 10 less hits in average to kill knight
this is why important to upgrade damage for ogres

remember knight still hits ogre for 4-8, he need 10 more attacks in average to kill
if you add heal here, you can add +1 attack because heal animation is just like attack animation.
so you can heal 40 hp from full mana (seems like 42 but blizzard set hardcoded limit of 40 per 1 heal cast)
so now what, if you lucky and ogre roll small damage, like 12 he still need only 4 hits, and if he roll high like 24, actually even 20 enough, it takes just 2
so what that means, ogre need 5 attack in average to kill knight, knight need like 16
knights spend +1 attack for heal, but its not +1 BUT +2 because while they heal ogres still hits them, and at this time they could have been spending time atacking ogre, so that means knight use +2 to add in average +3 for ogres
now knight have like 18, while ogre still have like 8
so, what if we have more knights, and they all heal
20-11, 22-14, 24-17, 26-20, 28-23, 30-26, 32-29, 34-31, 36-34, 38-37, 40-40, 42-43
so that shows that you need at least 14 (in average, really you need more) knights to outheal one ogre in fight vs same amount of ogres
also remember they all heal from full mana, while blood costs only 50
and on the duration of blood ogre can make 40 attacks.
oh yea you see how wonderful its number 40 again, in my previous calculation paladins was able outheal ogres exactly after 40 hits.
this is reason why blizzard maked heal exactly 6 mana, this is real balance you see.
the only thing is that its on average and in ideal fight and when all paladins heal perfectly on timings

Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: human edition
« on: August 29, 2024, 08:29:02 AM »
fun fact, goblins and dwarfs have a little different movement animations
because of that haste spell working better on dwarfs
you can test, without buff they move same speed
but with haste dwarfs are faster that goblins
if you want real numbers then
haste makes goblins move 2 frames faster
but dwarfs will move 4 frames faster

11 / Re: War2Rebalanced - We need your feedback!!!
« on: August 27, 2024, 07:50:59 AM »

Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: human edition
« on: August 26, 2024, 04:13:36 PM »
you could be surprised but coil is also AOE spell
if you cast it on empty place it can whiff and missed but it anyways SPEND mana on missed cast
it can hp drain in 5x5 aoe around cast place.
this is important - dk do NOT heal 50 hp, they heal only exact hp that was on units that got damaged.
50 damage (and dk heal) is just limit
you can shot up to 25+9 coils in one cast, if in 5x5 area there is 25 land units and can also be 9 air like dragons.
if they all have 1 hp, they all die and dk can get those 36 hp.

so about fireball it have 40 dmg, that means direct shot of explosion is from 20 to 40 hp and splash damage is always 1/4 so 10, then splash damage around is from 5 to 10.
after it flies to cast target location, its speed becomes exactly 1/2 from what it was, and it starting speed depends on distance between mage and target location.
after that it makes explosions every 8 game ticks and disappears on 40th tick, which is exactly 5 explosions.
(dragon or gryphon disappear after 25 ticks which is 3 expo)
each explosion makes damage on direct hit (20-40) and splash on 8 units around direct hit (5-10)
so this is very very VERY random yes.

potentially firebal is way stronger than coil, if you acurately hit line of units you can potentially do 200-300 damage to group of units, where some weak units like archers or peons is 70-80% guaranteed to die.
while coil only have 50 hardcoded damage and there is no way to go beyond that (ofc this also heals dk but...)

so there is no problem in spell itself actually but how to use it, you cannot find enemy units convenientely standing in good line like this often, more often it can be when they are moving around but its requires high skill in aiming it.
other thing is that blizzard is way more stronger so usage of fireball becames obsolete.

13 / Alaunter 2 status concept
« on: August 12, 2024, 05:47:00 PM »
so as everyone knows we are making new custom campanign called Alaunter 2 act 1
and we wanted to add new game mechanics of XP -> lvl up -> ranks
ranks can give bonuses, like armor or damage to units
also we will add some new custom upgrades or aura effects that can also add damage or armor

so because all of that needed to be shown somewhere i thinked about making custom status
as many pro players probably knows, whats is shown in original game satus is actually very fucked up and sometimes even wrong
for example default lvl 1 grunt damage is shown as 2-9, so what is 2 and what is 9?
and if someone opens map editor they will see grunt have stats of 3 prc dmg and 6 str dmg, so, normal player can think WTF is 2 and 9?
so i decided to add in status icons for STRENGTH damage, and PIERCING damage separately.
they will shown real basic stats from map editor +upgrades bonus +new custom upgrades and ranks bonus from alaunter 2
i think this is very useful to see what damage type upgrade or rank gives bonuses

and also will show an aprox min max damage as blizzard did in orig but i will calculate the REAL value and also include all bonuses

but other developer thinks its very wrong and cursed way.
so i wanted to ask if my new unit status concept is good.

p.s. don't pay attention to the icons themselves, their images got fucked up palette, i will fix them for all tilesets later.

just use combat with plugins support + HD patch if you want to play campanigns with this plugin.
if you want to play our custom campanigns like Alaunter or Red Mist then not worry, they have save load fix and ai fix by default
so basically you not need gog to play campanigns because gog is shit

and if you want to play multiplayer with saveload fix then its very cursed on gog, you need to have every player with who you plays also get this plugin, otherwise game desync and drop.
you can play on our server easily, just enable rebalanced game mode in lobby, ai fix and saveload fix is set by default, AND its syncronisend by players so game will not drop.
BTW the plugin itself is maked only for singleplayer, its not supported in mp and not expected to even work here at all.
for server side its already here you just play on rebalanced mode or set map with triggers with saveload enabled.

actually lol wtf, is there is even someone who really need save load in multiplayer and also when playing with comps? i can only imagine some super duper ultra hardcore comps map otherwise people basically just play and thats all.
so probably you do not need this plugin for multiplayer at all.
and that means you want it for singleplayer? just use combat for that, gog is shit

Support Requests / Re: Map errors on editor
« on: August 05, 2024, 05:10:42 AM »
Triggers Editor stored all triggers in OILM section of pud war2 map, new maps have this section empty, and game actually do not use it at all (this is why trig editor use it), but some old maps have some info on this section, because they was created in old version of war2 map editor which was adding some info here by default.

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