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1 / The Mist Turns Red. Prequel. Act 1. Released!
« on: December 05, 2024, 05:25:37 PM »
The team welcomes you! And we inform you that the new additional campaign for Warcraft 2 is ready for your use. And you, Mountain Thane, are destined to go through it!
Please read the materials below.

Campaign "THE MIST TURNS RED. Prequel. Act 1. The Seal Path" includes a number of new products and benefits:

   Playable race
      - Dwarves
      - Three new and cool tilesets
      - Added new sprites and icons
      - Added new "dwarvish" cursor
      - Сustom intro video

   Gameplay and new game mechanics
      - Added Two game difficulties
      - Added new abilities and upgrades
      - Player can resurrect the hero in Town Hall (loss of experience after death).
      - Miners got ability to repair Cannon and Helicopter
      - Added unit and upgrades order queue
      - Added ability to give units multiple commands using shift
      - Added andatory construction of buildings by Miners
      - Added new unit status
      - Units can gain experience and ranks
      - Added animated rally point setup for units
      - Building got animation during upgrades or recruitment of units
      - Added echanics of random names of enemy leaders
      - Added mechanics of giving a name to the player's character
      - Miners can repair combat ships
      - Added new important Building of the campaign - "Trading post"
      - New game music and sounds
      - Custom voice acting

   Software support
      - HD support for various monitors

   Additional information
      - Interesting, well-designed and exciting maps!
      - A new, separate story
      - The campaign contains secrets :)

   Language support
      - Russian
      - English

So, your task, as one of the most experienced military men in the country, is to lead a trade expedition...
We called it “The Seal Path”. You can find more details in special briefings. We wish you good luck, Mountain Thane!


✅ The campaign "The Fog Turns Red. Prequel. Act 1. The Seal Path" now has its own installer!

Playable race - dwarves. Many modern mechanics. A new stage of technological development in Warcraft 2. Autosave added. Bugs fixed. Two game difficulties. The game is available in "HD" mode.  :wc2:

2 / Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« on: December 05, 2024, 03:58:34 PM »
So, that happened 29 years ago:
Blizzard Entertainment this week began shipping "Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness," one of the most anticipated entertainment titles this year. Warcraft II, sequel to the company's award-winning fantasy-strategy game "Warcraft: Orcs and Humans," boasts several enhancements including tactical combat over land, sea and air; head-to-head play against as many as eight players; ability for players to customize their own maps, units and sound effects; and rich Super VGA graphics.

So, let me introduce our new build in honor of that day:

War2Combat 5.0!

    - The main developer of the combat have been changed to: Mistral. Reworking the main executable file of the game: fois. Project curator: il
    - The concept of the combat has been changed.
        - The installer with a bunch of confusing settings has been removed, the optimal default settings have been selected, they are used when installing the game.
        - Important system settings of the game have been moved from the registry directly to the main executable file of the game.
        - A launcher has been made for the most important settings, as well as a configurator.
       - Now the combat can be downloaded and updated online, directly through the launcher.

    - Now the only executable file of the game, has become a widescreen version, adapted for new modern monitors and showing more game space on the screen.
    - Combat allows you to enter both the official Blizzard server and any unofficial ones.
    - The ddraw configurator and the ddraw files themselves have been updated.
    - Now the OpenGL visualizer is selected by default for rendering the game on modern computers, using shaders for anti-aliasing and obtaining a beautiful modern picture.
      OpenGL correctly displays the BNET chat, but it switches the monitor resolution.
      So, it's still possible to switch to the old GDI, which used to be the main visualizer before. The chat is still displayed in a resolution of 640x480.
      You can also use the new GDI visualizer from the developer narzoul, which allows you to scale the BNET chat. However, it does not support switching to windowed mode.
    - All necessary plugins for the game have been updated and tested.
    - Combat includes the final versions of War2InSight and WarVideo, compatible with current and earlier versions of Warcraft II.
    - The map editor has been updated by the developer: fois. Unit limit check has been removed, and other small improvements have been made.
    - Utilities for map makers have been added: PudPic, as well as WarMaker.
    - A trigger editor for maps has been added: War2 Triggers Editor.

Here's it:

Please, give me any feedback for this thing.

(It's kinda beta-version, so use if carefully, make a backup of your old war2combat or install this one anywhere else.)

3 / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2023, 06:27:39 AM »
Merry Christmas!

I have no enough time for war2 right now, but that is a great day today!

Merry Christmas to all of you!

4 / - new mirror for
« on: August 15, 2023, 05:45:51 PM »
Just hosted the mirror for old ftp service.

It's not "ftp", it's http and https.
Both works the same way:

Now contains the same files as, but have different location: - location - Russia. - location - Atlanta, GA.

Please, check that and let me know which one works faster (or maybe some more troubles will appear?)

5 / WarCraft 2 - THE MIST TURNS RED - New custom campaign
« on: August 01, 2023, 04:18:36 AM »
Several months of hard and secret work resulted in the creation of one of the most advanced additional campaigns for Warcraft 2!
The latest technologies and developments were involved, various previously unseen game mechanics were introduced.

The War2ru team has once again raised the bet on the quality and level with which new campaigns should be released!

In addition to the ordinary missions (oh, no, they are not ordinary at all!), in which the AI has become MUCH smarter and stronger,
for the first time in the history of Warcraft 2, we have done pre-game TUTORIAL, in the format of a small mission (in the best traditions of newer strategies, for example, Warcraft 3).

During the training, you will be able to appreciate the new control mechanics, new unit abilities, new icons and sprites.

Also, the campaign provides TWO difficulties of the game!

But that's not all! During the game you will be surprised more than once.

But this, we are sure, will not prevent you from passing our campaign.

You might even be able to find our secrets and Easter eggs, who knows?..
Of course, the campaign has a simple but fascinating stand-alone storyline that will keep you entertained:

The king of the country of Lakitor, one of the kingdoms of the Old World, has received disturbing news about the severance of ties with a distant but rich Colony in the New World.
There are rumors that recently local Orc tribes in the colonized lands began to behave suspiciously actively.
Now a significant part of the country's budget is cut off from the kingdom. And, unfortunately, there is still a long and hard war with the neighboring country of Dorlanes. The king faces a difficult choice: either the continuation of the war, or an attempt to return the Colony.
King Lakhar III makes a choice.

So what, warrior? Stop resting!
It's time to show what you really stand for!
May the Holy Light protect you!


Any wishes, suggestions, comments are welcomed!

6 / Site and forum migrated
« on: October 28, 2022, 06:20:45 AM »
Just migrated forum and site to different hosting.
If you see this, that means your DNS is already see the changes.

All the domain names should work the same way:
Also with no ssl:

Let me know if something is not working/became broken here.

7 / Replaced gateways ->
« on: May 07, 2022, 07:21:51 PM »
Due to political issues related to .ru we enforced replace gateways from .ru to .online.
The changes will be applied automatically when you join the server.

8 / New domain: ->
« on: March 20, 2022, 07:59:52 PM »
Our project will use another domain name now, in addition to

Many people told about to change .ru to something country-independent, saying something like "people from other countries hate russians" or w/e else.
That hurts me, i think many russians are very good guys, but who cares?

And now, given the current political situation, another problem has arisen.

Our official position:
We are out of politics, our project just gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy playing war2!
Regardless of nationality, country of residence, religion, skin color, gender, language and other features.
You can have any opinion on any of these issues as long as you don't force them on others.

Unfortunately, some ISPs have decided to restrict access to some domains just because they are in the ru zone.
At least some (or all) Ukrainian ISPs.

That's why, here's the new domain for our projects!

Now you can use the same domain names for bnet-servers to write them into gateways (,
And i just configured forum on several domains:, and also (separately for http and https for testing purposes).

At least one of these names should work fine for all the countries in the world.

Going to make new domain names working for other resources soon (en, server, ladder, ftp and others).
Please, try and let me know if you find any problems with it.

9 / Forum and site migrated
« on: February 28, 2022, 04:00:27 PM »
Here's the message i got from old hoster:

Russia service termination

Dear Ilya,

Unfortunately, due to the Russian regime's war crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine, we will no longer be providing services to users registered in Russia. While we sympathize that this war may not affect your own views or opinion on the matter, the fact is, your authoritarian government is committing human rights abuses and engaging in war crimes so this is a policy decision we have made and will stand by.

If you hold any top-level domains with us, we ask that you transfer them to another provider by March 6, 2022.

Additionally, and with immediate effect, you will no longer be able to use Namecheap Hosting, EasyWP, and Private Email with a domain provided by another registrar in zones .ru, .xn--p1ai (рф), .by, .xn--90ais (бел), and .su. All websites will resolve to 403 Forbidden, however, you can contact us to assist you with your transfer to another provider.

Customer Support,

Though they said about March 6, 2022, hosting stopped working yesterday.

That's very sad to have such problems, has no relation to any kind of war against any country or w/e, we just want to let everybody enjoy playing war2.
Everybody in the world.

Looks like both en.war2.rn and are working now.
Some small functionality is not working, i'll fix that a little later...
Let me know if something became broken.

10 / Warvideo updated, compatible with Warcraft II Widescreen
« on: January 08, 2022, 08:46:33 PM »
Now it supports up to FullHD resolution 1920x1080,
Works fine for record and playback such replays.

I didn't touch warvideo window size, so playback works in resize mode if resolution is higher than 640x480.

Please, try that and report if something goes wrong.

Added SSL to page, to let new browsers (like chrome or others) download files from the ftp site.

Now you can use ftp: //

Let me know if something goes wrong when you try to download something: your browser and what you try to download.

12 / Anyone still use WinXP to play war2?
« on: October 17, 2021, 08:08:06 AM »
The problem is related with combat false-positive antivirus detections. That's why we loose lots newcomers who don't want to download and start something being marked as virus.

My idea is to try to update version of installer. Unfortunately it doesn't support WinXP.
What do you think about new war2 combat versions not supporting windows XP? Should we follow that way?
Or XP is still sufficient part?

13 / Automatic ss implemented on the server
« on: May 13, 2021, 04:52:22 AM »
So, here's it:
you can type the command "/ss" being in game, and it will request screenshot from any player in the game.

These screenshots will be delivered into right after the game finished.
Format of the path format: ss/MonthDay/gameid_gamename/HHmmss(time)_username

As soon as screenshots can take up a lot of disk space, each player has limit: 3 /ss requests per game.

Also going to make autodeleting for screenshots older than some value (depending on the real disk usage, i'll turn it on later).
So, please, note that is not the persistent storage.

That /ss thing works for every version of war2, not working for (that's why is being marked as "unsafe" when it joins the game).

Thanks a lot to Mistral for implementation on the client side.
Also thanks to Lancelight for the idea and some help with the server part (about 5-8 years ago).

Now you don't need to pause the game, ask ss from one of players and wait for them. Just type the /ss, and you will get screenshots for that moment from every player in the game right after the game is over.

14 / Status page updated
« on: April 22, 2021, 09:53:07 AM »
Last weeks our team spent the time making the new status page, ane here's it:
- now you can see speeds, tilesets, resources, etc
- now you can see the game state: open, full, started and/or if port for game host is open or closed
- antihack and HP moved to the sides of the table
- the page have been redesigned, many icons added for better visibility

But that's just a visible part.
The page backend have been completely rewritten from scratch, for better flexibility and extensibility
So, it became possible to make some sufficient improvements in near future.

Please, let me know if you got any bugs and other problems related to this new status page!

Also let me know what you think about this update.

Old status page, just for comparison:

15 / War2Mod (War2 with triggers) started on the main server
« on: January 19, 2021, 08:57:12 AM »
Well, beta testing:,6083.html is over, so looks like we got some part of community who like that War2Mod, but we don't plan to make that Mod feature mandatory or w/e, so we created the new channel War2Mod on the main server.

To play with mod, all the players should join War2Mod channel and create/join the game from it. Then the game will be started with triggers.

Now the main server: will be used for stable War2Mod release and for development one.

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