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Messages - Mistral

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Mods & Development / Re: more than 9 unit selection ?
« on: January 29, 2025, 09:59:22 PM »
war2 BNE

Mods & Development / Re: more than 9 unit selection ?
« on: January 28, 2025, 05:00:38 PM »
they have human readable code
so its was way more easy for them to change

Mods & Development / Re: more than 9 unit selection ?
« on: January 28, 2025, 10:10:12 AM »
not possible
too much hardcoded
this is not even problem with interface like icons buttons amount (but this is also would have been VERY hard to fix)
but the main problem is that amount of 9 is tied everywhere in net code
like you select group of 1 to 9 units game send packet of this size to others and also you can ctrl+1 save control groups, all code working with those is strongly harcoded to the many arrays of 9*4 bytes size and they all used and REused in many places of code
so you cannot just change like one number 9 in 1 place
there will be like hundreds or even THOUSANDS of lines of code that harcoded to this size
and the main problems is not even changing them but
to FIND them ALL, that is what is VERY hard
and you cannot afford to miss it
if you miss even 1 its possibly can actually change nothing but also possibly this 1 place can cause some very cursed bugs which will be unknown what is even happening

Mods & Development / Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
« on: January 01, 2025, 08:12:12 AM »
ha ha nice one
very big work

i will add corresponding changes to triggers editor and war2mod a bit later

6 / Re: The Mist Turns Red. Prequel. Act 1. Released!
« on: December 13, 2024, 02:38:35 AM »
fixed crashes from memory leak
fixed crashes from new oragorn cursors ( removed cursors  :) )
fixed some other minor bugs
added autosave
added easter eggs

you can update to new version in loader (maybe later we will make autoupdate here but now is cannot)

7 / Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« on: December 11, 2024, 11:16:24 AM »
well its actually not a super secret info as oragorn says
i have war2mod from server source code on my github for 2 years already
its 2 yr old version though but all of main functions was not changed by those 2 yers
so if you really want to check you can
i just doubt you really can understand anything
it was never as much hidden as you think

8 / Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« on: December 07, 2024, 09:36:28 AM »
folder select fixed
campanign crash fixed (was bug with oragorn new cursors draw)

9 / Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« on: December 05, 2024, 08:38:00 PM »
full game yes, all 400+ mb being downloaded

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« on: December 05, 2024, 09:31:17 AM »
no its not danny lol
if set by default then it will work as normal

Flame Wars & Offtopic / vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« on: December 05, 2024, 06:52:39 AM »
so you guys can now test new balance from blizzard

but we have received suggestions of istead just making new game mode for it
just follow blizzard and make it in game by default (in normal games)

so what you think about it?

13 / Added game mode with blizzard balance to serv
« on: December 05, 2024, 06:33:30 AM »
so i basically added game mode with "modern" game balance (so we are not behind the rest of the world  :) )
for anyone who want to try but not have access to remaster (or just thinks remaster is trash)
you can play it by selecting Blizzard game mode in lobby

Balance Changes:
            Heal mana cost per HP healed: 6 → 5
            Heal research time: 200 → 100 steps
            Exorcism research time: 200 → 150 steps
        Death Knight:
            Death and Decay:
                Mana cost per set of ‘rots’ created: 25 → 30
            Raise the Dead:
                Skeleton HP: 40 → 60
                Range: 12 → 10
        Ogre Mage
                Duration: 1000 → 750
                Mana cost per unit enchanted: 50 → 60
                Double damage is now applied after armor reduction instead of before.
        Dragon / Gryphon
            Gold cost: 2500 → 2250
        Archer / Axethrower:
            Base piercing damage: 6 → 7
            Upgrade Axes/ Arrows 1:
                Damage increased: 1 → 2
                Gold cost: 300 → 200
                Lumber cost: 300 → 200
                Research time: 200 → 150 steps
            Upgrade Axes/ Arrows 2:
                Damage Increased: 1 → 2
                Gold cost: 900 → 600
                Lumber cost: 500 → 300
                Research time: 250 → 200 steps
            Longbow / Lightaxe Upgrades:
                Gold cost: 2000 → 1000
                Lumber cost: 0 → 300
                Research time: 250 → 200 steps
            Scouting Upgrades:
                Gold cost: 1500 → 500
                Lumber cost: 0 → 200
                Research time: 250 → 150 steps
            Ranger Marksmanship Upgrades:
                Gold cost: 2500 → 1000
                Research time: 250 → 200 steps
            Berserker Regeneration Upgrades:
                Gold cost: 3000 → 1000

wait lol wtf so still 1 range, ok
but ALSO
not dmg added? so why they writed is patch notes its add dmg lol?
or they forgot to add so that its actually shown in status in game?
so lol

i think maybe they just copy from other changes above
and for this upgrade actually was changed just costs
so dmg text was just forgot to remove after copy

i not have remaster guys
who can confirm longbow uprgade if range +1 or +2 ?

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