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Topics - LiveFreeorDie

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I've been thinking about how to do a fun fight for people my level on fun maps we all enjoy, and I'd also like to add a separate higher level fight if the interest is there.

I want to gather some community input for what people would like to participate in.

For SURE, the maps Mr. Bean and Zones will be included.

I'm going to list other awesome maps and put it up for voting to see which ones people want to play most.

Party at Midnight
Pirate's Lagoon
Ocean Bloom
Woodland Warlords
Lost Paradise
Agent's Traps
Dangerous Territory
16 x 9

Preregistration for this tournament will be required because the set up for the player matchups needs to be all worked out beforehand.

These are people who are approved to join the "my level" group, which is a bit difficult to pinpoint and certainly some of these players are superior, but people I've beat at least 2x on any proper map qualify.

Raimis (I guess you're not gonna be here then but you're invited anyway!)

Some people love water and some people play only land.

Time zones are all over the map.

The Pro group will be open to everyone, including "my level" players, so they might be at separate times to enable some people to play in both.

Another style I contemplated was having a 2v2 matchup with a maximum of 15 points per team entering. Ie. a Level 10 Player has to pard a Level 5 player or lower for a maximum of team score of 15. A Level 8 player could pard a Level 7 etc. That would be a way to incorporate higher and lower level players into the same tourney.

Another option that has gotten some positive feedback was the idea of doing a "correspondence" tournament, so it's not on a set date. It would be a round robin style so every player plays every other player in the grouping, probably about 6 players so 5 games per group, which would look something like this:

(Example only - click "Not Now" to skip registration and view example round robin schedule)

I'm thinking right now of having a group of 6 players in the 1s Round Robin and if there is interest from higher level players a separate group of 6 for them. If there are more players wanting to participate than 6, I would do a 2nd bracket of 6 players, and the winner of each bracket (whoever takes most wins) would battle the winner of the other same level bracket for championship.

Strategy & Replays / YouTube vid at war2combat channel with no volume?
« on: April 13, 2018, 05:27:06 PM »
Hey @XuRnT

Warcraft 2 | Schwartzwald | u8t3io3p vs. Braviet - YouTube

Is there a way to get volume for this vid? It seems to have no volume.

I mean you can see that you're talking but your voice can't be heard.



Szwagier vs Kyr.!VooDoo


Mr. Bean


You will play 10 games total: 5 games on Mr. Bean, 5 games on Zones.

If it goes 5-5, you will have a tiebreaker game on Mr. Bean to decide the series winner.

Insight replays are required for all games. All 10 games will be played, even if it goes 10-0, and all 10 replays are required to win prize, plus tiebreaker replay in the event it goes 5-5.

Players must play on recognized well recognized AKA (no smurfs).

Series does not need to be completed all on one day. A deadline will be given by which the Insight replays must be submitted for eligibility for prize.

Prize is $50 USD via PayPal.

Any opponent from Tora's Super Pro™ list is approved:

u8t3io3p (*edit - we don't have the technology available yet that would enable you to play against yourself, unfortunately - BS)
Seriest (edit* SERIST102 - BS)

*All decisions regarding who is allowed to play in this tournament is subject to discretion.   

If Szwagier forfeits this opportunity, his spot will be open to any other Super Pro™ who is feeling fierce and feisty and up for the challenge.

Szwagier you have until the end of April 15th, 2018 to confirm your spot in this challenge, unless you choose to forfeit your spot sooner, in which case this opportunity will open up to other players once you have forfeited.

If you have another opponent in mind or someone wishes to challenge him who is NOT in this list, user should submit his application with resume by Private Message with an essay about why he feels he is qualified.

Kyr.!VooDoo who is not in the above list but is clearly top notch Super Pro™ is also approved.

If you think you can handle W2's TOP PLAYER of 2017, ENTER THE CHALLENGE TO WIN!!


added banner  ^-^ --mousey




@XuRnT  @eyyy im walkin here @mousEtopher @anyone else who would like to help out

I believe the community of Warcraft 2 would like to add two excellent, expertly made maps to the "valid" playing pool of maps that qualify for ladder 1s. These maps have been embraced by a significant portion of the community and have become beloved to many users as well as offering an exciting new battleground for those dipping their toes on them for the first time.

People are requesting these maps more and more and the quality of these productions is evident in both the beautiful visuals as well as the top notch game play seen on these masterpieces that deserve to go down in the W2 Hall of Fame for best maps ever created for the game of Warcraft 2.

If someone who knows could present the method for making these maps official, the community and I would be most appreciative. Swag at one point mentioned he had discovered a way to easily convert these maps but wanted a community vote on them. I am amenable to carrying out a community vote if that is the method that would best accomplish the officializing of these W2 cartographical gems.

Blid posted this video:

10 Amazing Comebacks and Insults - YouTube

Containing homophobic language: "INSULT: YOU'RE GAY"

I've included an educational guide here to educate the community on homophobic language:

I'll highlight a few pertinent sections.

The most common form of homophobic language is ‘that’s so gay’
and ‘you’re so gay’. 99 per cent of gay young people report hearing
the casual use of these phrases in school. These comments are
sometimes directed towards people who are actually, or perceived to
be, gay. However, they are most often used to mean that something
is bad or rubbish, with no conscious link to sexual orientation at all.
A pupil might say ‘those trainers are so gay’ (to mean rubbish or
uncool) or ‘stop being so gay’ (to mean stop being so annoying).
Teachers sometimes don’t feel they have to challenge this secondary
use of ‘gay’.
(page 4)

Homophobic language also refers to terms of abuse specifically
directed at gay people. This includes words such as ‘queer’, ‘poof’,
‘fag’, ‘faggot’, ‘dyke’ and ‘lezza’.
(page 5)

Words or phrases that wrongly imply an individual’s membership of a group
and/or refer to that particular group in a derogatory way are wrong
(e.g. faggot, that’s so gay, you’re so gay).
(page 15)

Blid, I think you should show that you believe what you say you believe about homophobic language and give yourself a 2 week self ban from server and forum to set an example of conduct for the community.

Then follow through and ban every single user who uses the homophobic terms "faggot" or "you're so gay" or "that's so gay" or uses the term "gay" in any negative way.

Then ban all people who identify as Muslim, since the Islamic religion calls for the killing of homosexuals, unless they renounce their religion.

Abu Dawud (4462) - The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done."  (This is a sahih hadith)

Abu Dawud (4448) - "If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death." (Note the implicit approval of sodomizing one's wife).

And then, of course, ban all Christians who recognize the penis and vagina were designed to go together. I will never renounce my religion, so you should just make it permanent.

Believe it or not, this was a pro-gay ad by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines:

51 / babyshark banned from server for 2 weeks
« on: March 04, 2018, 12:56:13 PM »
I'm already committed to hosting and streaming today for XuRnT's Fun Day event on the server, but after today, I'm giving myself a 2 week ban from the server to support GoodShep and to stand against bullying and all the crap and to stand against injustice and indifference from admins.

No smurfing either.

March 5 12 am to March 19 12 am.

Sorry to my friends who will miss me, but you can still find me on Discord for our daily chats. :)

52 / x
« on: March 04, 2018, 08:55:41 AM »

53 / Warcraft II
« on: March 03, 2018, 12:27:45 PM »

General Discussion / Cop Protects First Amendment Rights
« on: February 19, 2018, 05:16:21 PM »

General Discussion / @Lone
« on: February 15, 2018, 08:34:00 AM »
I wonder what people did before marriage was invented. Perhaps they followed their righteous intuition and had an overall 1000 times cleaner connection with what is referred to as God.

Doubt Satan waves sins into anyone's face. It's probably more like people are unable to properly handle the feeling of guilt and get stuck in it for long or forever.

There was no time before marriage was invented, unless you count when God let Adam be alone for a little while so He would see, as God saw, that it is not good for man to be alone.

But the very first two people God made were married to each other. God invented marriage. It's not a human construction. It's a beautiful and perfect design, but we as sinful human beings manage to mess it up pretty severely. In spite of our failure to follow God's blueprint perfectly, the institution of marriage is a good, holy, sacred, beautiful thing.

Marriage allows for 3 important things.

1. Children - Children are raised in a safe environment by their own biological parents who love them and both strive to nurture, protect, and train them.

2. Chastity - The marriage bed is the God-given place where husband and wife can give themselves to each other in a very intimate and vulnerable way that God also made very pleasurable because He wants good things for us since He loves us. This beautiful act is also where the miracle of new life happens.

3. Companionship - You have a partner in life to support you through everything. You work as a team in this battlefield of life. Two are stronger than one. Two minds can come up with better solutions to problems. If one is sick or injured, he or she has a helper. The load of life, the burden of life is shared. Raising children is hard. Having a teammate in that challenge makes it a lot less overwhelming.

The marriage vows say, "I'm not leaving. Ever."

Maintaining a long term relationship forces the individuals to grow and develop, to learn to compromise, to forgive, to be compassionate. Each one is going to point out behavior deficits in the other, so that each person is held accountable and grows.

On the other hand, the single life or the long-string-of-uncommitted-sexual encounters lifestyle allows individuals to be lazy, selfish, and gross, only putting on airs of humanity for the purpose of seducing their next self-validating instant gratification pleasure experience.

Men and women are designed to be compatible, to appreciate and value each other, to enjoy their differences.

Today's culture strongly attacks marriage, family, children, and both men and women.

Many men are being made to feel guilty just for being men.

There isn't only a war on men.

There's also a war on women. The "women's march" women who wear vagina hats are not looking out for the interests of women. They are looking to promote feminist values. They hate women who choose to serve a husband and who choose to have children and who stand against the killing of unborn children. And they certainly aren't looking out for the young women not yet born that they want to have the freedom to kill because of convenience.

You can see how rudely and hatefully this woman is treated for just asking questions at a women's march. She is farted on, told she's garbage, etc.:

Must See! Cringworthy Outtakes From The Women's March In LA - YouTube

The "women's movement" is nothing to do with actually supporting and protecting women's rights, and everything to do with promoting evil and wicked behavior under the guise of "tolerance" and "women's rights", when obviously they have no tolerance or concern for women who think differently from them.

The division in America is reaching a boiling point, and at this rate, America is headed for civil war.

A functional and stable society structure cannot exist in the absence of a functional and stable family unit. The natural family unit, man, woman, children is the best and most stable, most loving training grounds for the next generation.

The family has been successfully attacked and fragmented and society is on the verge of collapse because of it.

General Discussion / @Jordan4385
« on: February 15, 2018, 07:37:38 AM »
When everything comes down to "personal preference" in the absence of ultimate morality, good, evil, right, wrong, you have nothing to respond with when someone says they want to go have sex with animals or children or unwilling people by force. It's their "preference" after all.

yep. Those people are no different from you and I. Just following what they believe is "right" and "wrong". and what is right in their mind is to have sex with goats.

I dont need a book from "god" to tell me i shouldn't be raping.

Morality is a joke.

There is No right and no wrong.

No Evil and no good.

Just a bunch of people walking around thinking that how they view the world is how everyone else should view it.

Do you realize that your statements contradict each other?

"I shouldn't be raping" contradicts "There is no wrong, no evil."

One of these statements is untrue. They can't both possibly be true at the same time.

Obviously, the second statement "There is no wrong, no evil." is a false statement.

But your statement "I dont need a book from "god" to tell me i shouldn't be raping." is a true statement.

God's Word says that God's law is written on our hearts. We all have a conscience.

Romans 2:14

14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)

So you do know that rape is wrong. Your God-given conscience makes you aware of it.

Therefore your statement "There is no wrong, no evil" is false even by your own standard that rape is wrong.

58 / Support Group for W2 Addicts Not Ready to Leave
« on: February 09, 2018, 01:20:40 PM »
We are all here for you.

We are all here for you.

60 / x
« on: January 19, 2018, 04:12:55 PM »

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