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61 / Petition in Support of XuRnT
« on: January 18, 2018, 10:37:06 AM »

General Discussion / The Atheist Delusion
« on: January 09, 2018, 10:52:26 PM »
This movie was so well done, that after I finished watching it, I knew I had to share it here.

After we're dead, eternity is going to go on for a long time, and nothing is as important as knowing the truth when our eternity hangs in the balance.

If you're an atheist, watch this film!!

The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) HD - YouTube

General Discussion / Some people
« on: January 07, 2018, 11:24:14 PM »

« on: January 02, 2018, 02:30:22 PM »
It appears that some of the contests are above the abilities of this particular group of people, so it seemed prudent to make a contest where EVERYONE can be a winner!!

Here it is!!


You accuse other people of hacking and earn points!!

1. Accuse someone random and generally well-liked and respected (1 point)

2. Accuse someone with no evidence (5 points)

3. Accuse someone with evidence (1 point per piece of evidence to a maximum of 5 points)

4. Accuse someone with fabricated evidence (10 points)

5. Accuse someone of non-existent hacks (1 point)

6. Use the term "worthless" to apply to any user (1 point per use, up to a maximum of 3 points)

7. Accuse someone of hacks that exist (1 point)

8. Accuse someone who is a worse player than you (3 points)

9. Use the terms "retard, moron, idiot, stupid" (1 point each use to a maximum of 5 points, other insults not in this list 2 points each to a maximum of 10 points)

10. Sound enraged by the end of your post (3 points)

11. Use an emoticon or icon (1 point)

12. You are featured on a Warcraft 2 T-shirt (3 points)

13. You have accused someone of hacking before (1 point)

14. You have not accused someone of hacking before (1 point)

15. You randomly call the accused a racist (1 point)

16. You post to insult the host or the competition (1 point first post, 2 points second post, 3 points 3rd post, subtract 1 point 4th post, subtract 2 points 5th post, subtract 3 points 6th post)

17. No one understands your post or your post is so random and unrelated to anything that people just scrunch foreheads (10 points)

18. Use of ALL CAPS or underlining for at least one word (1 point)

19. Randomly post a Youtube video/song (1 point, maximum 1 point)

20. Refrain from posting or entering (1 point per instance of not posting or not entering, must provide evidence of self-restraint to collect)

21. Flying machines are involved (5 points)

22. Accusation is a counter-accusation (3 points)

23. Entries are valid starting from Dec. 18, 2017 in any thread or forum section

24. Contest scoring:

0-10 points: 1 :peon:

11-15 points: 2 :peon:

16-20 points: 3 :peon:

21-25 points: 4 :peon:

26-30 points: 5: :peon:

31-35 points: 6 :peon:

36-37 points: 7 :peon:

38 points: 8 :peon:

39-40 points: 9 :peon:

41+ points: 10 :peon


1. Admin Complaint Contest
2. Official Complaint Against User Contest

General Discussion / .
« on: December 25, 2017, 08:55:37 AM »

Undoing the Dis-Education of Millenials

by law professor Adam J. MacLeod

I teach in a law school. For several years now my students have been mostly Millennials. Contrary to stereotype, I have found that the vast majority of them want to learn. But true to stereotype, I increasingly find that most of them cannot think, don’t know very much, and are enslaved to their appetites and feelings. Their minds are held hostage in a prison fashioned by elite culture and their undergraduate professors.

They cannot learn until their minds are freed from that prison. This year in my Foundations of Law course for first-year law students, I found my students especially impervious to the ancient wisdom of foundational texts, such as Plato’s Crito and the Code of Hammurabi. Many of them were quick to dismiss unfamiliar ideas as “classist” and “racist,” and thus unable to engage with those ideas on the merits. So, a couple of weeks into the semester, I decided to lay down some ground rules. I gave them these rules just before beginning our annual unit on legal reasoning.

Here is the speech I gave them.


Before I can teach you how to reason, I must first teach you how to rid yourself of unreason. For many of you have not yet been educated. You have been dis-educated. To put it bluntly, you have been indoctrinated. Before you learn how to think you must first learn how to stop unthinking.

Reasoning requires you to understand truth claims, even truth claims that you think are false or bad or just icky. Most of you have been taught to label things with various “isms” which prevent you from understanding claims you find uncomfortable or difficult.

Reasoning requires correct judgment. Judgment involves making distinctions, discriminating. Most of you have been taught how to avoid critical, evaluative judgments by appealing to simplistic terms such as “diversity” and “equality.”

Reasoning requires you to understand the difference between true and false. And reasoning requires coherence and logic. Most of you have been taught to embrace incoherence and illogic. You have learned to associate truth with your subjective feelings, which are neither true nor false but only yours, and which are constantly changeful.

We will have to pull out all of the weeds in your mind as we come across them. Unfortunately, your mind is full of weeds, and this will be a very painful experience. But it is strictly necessary if anything useful, good, and fruitful is to be planted in your head.

There is no formula for this. Each of you has different weeds, and so we will need to take this on the case-by-case basis. But there are a few weeds that infect nearly all of your brains. So I am going to pull them out now.

First, except when describing an ideology, you are not to use a word that ends in “ism.” Communism, socialism, Nazism, and capitalism are established concepts in history and the social sciences, and those terms can often be used fruitfully to gain knowledge and promote understanding. “Classism,” “sexism,” “materialism,” “cisgenderism,” and (yes) even racism are generally not used as meaningful or productive terms, at least as you have been taught to use them. Most of the time, they do not promote understanding.

In fact, “isms” prevent you from learning. You have been taught to slap an “ism” on things that you do not understand, or that make you feel uncomfortable, or that make you uncomfortable because you do not understand them. But slapping a label on the box without first opening the box and examining its contents is a form of cheating. Worse, it prevents you from discovering the treasures hidden inside the box. For example, when we discussed the Code of Hammurabi, some of you wanted to slap labels on what you read which enabled you to convince yourself that you had nothing to learn from ancient Babylonians. But when we peeled off the labels and looked carefully inside the box, we discovered several surprising truths. In fact, we discovered that Hammurabi still has a lot to teach us today.

One of the falsehoods that has been stuffed into your brain and pounded into place is that moral knowledge progresses inevitably, such that later generations are morally and intellectually superior to earlier generations, and that the older the source the more morally suspect that source is. There is a term for that. It is called chronological snobbery. Or, to use a term that you might understand more easily, “ageism.”

Second, you have been taught to resort to two moral values above all others, diversity and equality. These are important values if properly understood. But the way most of you have been taught to understand them makes you irrational, unreasoning. For you have been taught that we must have as much diversity as possible and that equality means that everyone must be made equal. But equal simply means the same. To say that 2+2 equals 4 is to say that 2+2 is numerically the same as four. And diversity simply means difference. So when you say that we should have diversity and equality you are saying we should have difference and sameness. That is incoherent, by itself. Two things cannot be different and the same at the same time in the same way.

Furthermore, diversity and equality are not the most important values. In fact, neither diversity nor equality is valuable at all in its own right. Some diversity is bad. For example, if slavery is inherently wrong, as I suspect we all think it is, then a diversity of views about the morality of slavery is worse than complete agreement that slavery is wrong.

Similarly, equality is not to be desired for its own sake. Nobody is equal in all respects. We are all different, which is to say that we are all not the same, which is to say that we are unequal in many ways. And that is generally a good thing. But it is not always a good thing (see the previous remarks about diversity).

Related to this:  You do you not know what the word “fair” means. It does not just mean equality. Nor does it mean something you do not like. For now, you will have to take my word for this. But we will examine fairness from time to time throughout this semester.

Third, you should not bother to tell us how you feel about a topic. Tell us what you think about it. If you can’t think yet, that’s O.K.. Tell us what Aristotle thinks, or Hammurabi thinks, or H.L.A. Hart thinks. Borrow opinions from those whose opinions are worth considering. As Aristotle teaches us in the reading for today, men and women who are enslaved to the passions, who never rise above their animal natures by practicing the virtues, do not have worthwhile opinions. Only the person who exercises practical reason and attains practical wisdom knows how first to live his life, then to order his household, and finally, when he is sufficiently wise and mature, to venture opinions on how to bring order to the political community.

One of my goals for you this semester is that each of you will encounter at least one idea that you find disagreeable and that you will achieve genuine disagreement with that idea. I need to explain what I mean by that because many of you have never been taught how to disagree.

Disagreement is not expressing one’s disapproval of something or expressing that something makes you feel bad or icky. To really disagree with someone’s idea or opinion, you must first understand that idea or opinion. When Socrates tells you that a good life is better than a life in exile you can neither agree nor disagree with that claim without first understanding what he means by “good life” and why he thinks running away from Athens would be unjust. Similarly, if someone expresses a view about abortion, and you do not first take the time to understand what the view is and why the person thinks the view is true, then you cannot disagree with the view, much less reason with that person. You might take offense. You might feel bad that someone holds that view. But you are not reasoning unless you are engaging the merits of the argument, just as Socrates engaged with Crito’s argument that he should flee from Athens.

So, here are three ground rules for the rest of the semester.


1.  The only “ism” I ever want to come out your mouth is a syllogism. If I catch you using an “ism” or its analogous “ist” — racist, classist, etc. — then you will not be permitted to continue speaking until you have first identified which “ism” you are guilty of at that very moment. You are not allowed to fault others for being biased or privileged until you have first identified and examined your own biases and privileges.

2.  If I catch you this semester using the words “fair,” “diversity,” or “equality,” or a variation on those terms, and you do not stop immediately to explain what you mean, you will lose your privilege to express any further opinions in class until you first demonstrate that you understand three things about the view that you are criticizing.

3.  If you ever begin a statement with the words “I feel,” before continuing you must cluck like a chicken or make some other suitable animal sound.


To their credit, the students received the speech well. And so far this semester, only two students have been required to cluck like chickens.


Adam J. MacLeod is an associate professor of law at Jones School of Law at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Alabama.

(Taken from

General Discussion / Female Genital Mutilation *Graphic video*
« on: December 10, 2017, 07:38:14 AM »

Little girl being circumcised. Female Genital Mutilation. - YouTube

This cruel and barbaric violation of human rights needs to be stopped. What I want to know is WHERE ARE ALL THE FEMINISTS TO PROTEST the outrageous damage and harm being caused to these little girls against their will?? The very vocal and demonstrative "MY BODY MY CHOICE" activists who claim to champion women's rights are SILENT when it comes to abuse of girls and women in Islam.

This practice is coming into civilized Western countries when its proponents come to these countries. It's ILLEGAL, but it's HAPPENING.


Female Genital Mutilation Rises In UK | FGM "Parties" | No Prosecutions - YouTube


Underground in America: Female Genital Mutilation | ABC News - YouTube


Women speak out on female genital mutilation in Australia - YouTube

Personal stories from women who were mutilated

Aisha, 33

What I vividly remember is my sister and I were playing, and a woman came and took us. This was in The Gambia, and I was 6 and my sister was 3 at the time. This woman was known in the village, and she told us she was taking us somewhere to see something. Like little kids do, we tagged along. We went into a home, and immediately women grabbed and blindfolded us and tied us to some thick bushes.

I could smell the leaves, the dirt, everything around us. I knew we were no longer in a home setting, but outside somewhere. There was loud drumming and older women were singing songs, which I was too young to understand. I could hear other kids crying out in pain, but I didn't know why.

I was dragged to a fence covered in leaves, and they took the blindfold off. I could see the other girls bleeding and sobbing in pain. I saw an old woman holding a knife so sharp I could see the drops of blood sliding down the edge. It was the blood of the other girls.

Three other women were holding down my arms and legs, and another was sitting right on my chest, covering my mouth. They try to put pressure on you, so you don't cry for the next girl to hear. I can still feel the weight of her today. I can still visualize all their faces as I talk about this. I can see what each one of them looks like and the emotions that they had — so empty, like they didn't see me as a human being.

The cutting happens very fast. What the cutter does is hold on to your clitoris to make sure she gets that and scrapes everything else that comes along with it — all of the labia, if they can. I fought the whole time, and as a result, only my clitoris and part of my left labia are cut. The other side is still intact. My mother told me recently that when this happens they will often wait until the girl has a child. Then they will finish the job, cutting everything off they didn't get the first time.

After all the girls in my group were cut, we were left to bleed into little dirt holes for hours. Finally, when it became dark, we were taken to the home of the woman who did the cutting and crowded into one room to heal. We were there three months. We ate out of one shared bowl.

In the morning, we would wake up, line up, and receive our "treatment." They took dried leaves and placed them on the wound and that would stay on for two to three days. Then they would rip it off and put another one on until the tissue began to scar. Every morning a woman came in to teach us songs, and if we didn't memorize the words, she would beat us. We were also taught, every day, that if we ever talked about this, if we even mentioned it, they would kill us.

I became friends with these girls. We bonded and ended up going to school together. I learned two of them later died in childbirth, which was too difficult for them because of FGM. They bled to death.

At the end of the three months, there was a ceremony to celebrate that we had gone through the rite of passage. My mother came to pick us up, and I kept asking, "Why did they do this to me? Where were you?"

She just responded, "They told you not to say anything, right? Then don't talk about it." I never got an explanation until years later. I work in health care now, and I have so many questions about my health that has to do with something so significant regarding my genitalia. So I pressed my mother again. She finally said she did it to protect me. She said, "If I were to take you out of that equation, you would be regarded as an outcast, an unclean person. You would not be a part of us. And I don't want anyone to be an outcast of our society. This is who we are."

She also admitted that she couldn't be there when they took us — even though she arranged for it — because it was too painful for her.

I know 100 women who I am related to, all of them will be cut. My uncle's wife now took over in our village, and she's the one who has the knife. All my nieces and any girl born in my family will be cut.

My sister came to the U.S. for her education, and she was the one who helped me come here as well. She cannot have kids as a result of her FGM. I have two daughters now and had to be cut open again to have each one. But I had them here, with a doctor. Back in Gambia, I could have died. My girls will be the only ones in my family who will not have to go through FGM. I know if I ever have my daughters in Gambia, they will do to them what they did to me. My mother assured me of this. I will never take them back. My family will never see them.

This is criminal. This is barbaric. This is against human rights. This is evil.

Gay coffee shop owner kicks out peaceful Christians and defends his action later on radio saying "I kicked them out for littering" (even though he had no evidence they were the ones that had actually littered).

Homosexual Kicks Peaceful Christians Out Of His Coffee Shop - Bryan Fischer - YouTube

Gay Coffee Shop Owner Appears on Radio to Defend Kicking Out Christians - YouTube

Moderated General Discussion / WOMEN'S RIGHTS and FEMINISM
« on: December 03, 2017, 03:37:12 PM »
The issue of women's rights and feminism was slightly touched on, but no detail was really given as to why I said what I said regarding women's rights, which I actually can't find right now, but it was something about women in America today having too many rights.

A critical and apparently bewildered user replied with:

so babyshark is in one thread rambling on about how islam mistreats women while in another thread crying that women have too many freedoms like the freedom to choose to abort a fetus or not. you can't make this shit up  ;D ;D ;D

to which I replied

Both starvation and obesity are bad.

There is such a thing as balance.

I am going to explain what I am talking about here.

IN America, women currently have FIVE legal rights which MEN do not. They have not truly wanted EQUALITY as they claim, but DOMINION and SUPREMACY.

1. Once a man and woman have created a new human life that has started to form, the MOTHER can legally opt out of parenthood (morning after pill, abortion, dropping baby off with safe haven laws that allow baby to be abandoned to the care of the state, and adoption). The FATHER can NOT legally opt out of parenting (he cannot "financially abort" his child if he changes his mind about being a dad or did not want to become one in the first place.) A father who WANTS his baby CANNOT protect his child legally. WOMEN can choose parenthood. MEN can NOT.

2. FEMALE babies are legally in USA protected from genital mutilation (female "circumcision" commonly practised in 3rd world countries to remove possibility of sexual pleasure for women). MALE babies are not protected from circumcision (yes, ofc a less invasive and less damaging procedure, but all the same, a procedure for which the patient does not and is not able to give consent).

3. Women in USA can access federal services and vote without signing up to be drafted to military service. MEN do not have this right. A MAN has to sign up to be draft-able to be disposed of and die in a war. Women can vote for who will send these men to war, but women themselves do not need to be in the military. If women really wanted EQUAL rights, they would also be pushing that all women are able to be drafted to military service to the same extent men are with exceptions for age and health and so on.

4. When parents break up, women are always automatically favored for custody of the children. If a man wants equal custody, he needs to hire lawyers and other expensive professionals to prove that he is equally capable of parenting his children. He can win, but because of the prohibitive cost, most men can't afford to fight this.

5. Rape and sexual assault against women is DEFINED as rape and sexual assault. "Unwanted non-consensual sex that involves penetration of any orifice with any object." Women who coerce men into sex and rape men cannot be accused of rape because of the sexist definition of rape. Women cannot be rapists, apparently...just because they are female.

How many women breadwinners who make more than their ex-husband actually pay alimony?

When the Supreme Court ruled that, okay, women, you can have equality. If you were the higher earner, you are required to pay your ex-husband like husbands are required to pay for ex-wives. NO FAIR, scream the angry women.

Also, on TV/movies, you see women belittling, insulting, and smacking men. If the man were to do the EXACT same thing or say the exact same thing, he would be called sexist chauvinist abusive pig.

Here is a video demonstrating blatant feminist hypocrisy (ie. insulting/"body shaming" male body but judging same when done to a woman, women touching man's chest intimately/sexually without his consent, objectifying men, etc.):

How the Olympics is exposing feminist hypocrisy - YouTube

These are cases where women's rights EXCEED men's rights, and go to show that EQUALITY is not what they are after, but rather SUPREMACY.



mousEtopher :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon:

XuRnT :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon:

Szwagier :peon: :peon: :peon:

Lambchops :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon:

Claw :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon: :peon:

00Brett :peon: :peon: :peon:





RED Slacher (correctly guessed by XuRnT who has earned 1 :peon:)
BLUE braviet (correctly guessed by mousEtopher who has earned 1 :peon:)
TEAL dJ_boSs (correctly guessed by XuRnT who has earned 1 :peon:)
PURPLE 00Kyle (correctly guessed by XuRnT who has earned 1 :peon:)
ORANGE 00Logan (correctly guessed by XuRnT who has earned 1 :peon:)
YELLOW alf-attack (correctly guessed by XuRnT who has earned 1 :peon:)
BLACK u8t3io3p (correctly guessed by XuRnT who has earned 1 :peon:)
WHITE : 00Brett (correctly guessed by XuRnT who has earned 1 :peon:)




RED :peon:
BLUE :peon:
TEAL :peon:
PURPLE :peon:
YELLOW :peon:
BLACK :peon:
WHITE :peon:


Every correct guess earns that poster one :peon:, and then the correct answer will be filled in above. Contest closes when all players are correctly filled in.

Some players appear in both games and are therefore listed twice below.

The players are: dj_boss, alf-attack, Bigfoot7, PulsarNS200, 00Logan, 00Kyle, 00Brett, u8t3io3p, braviet, dj_boss, ffasonly, TRILLION$MAN, braviet, slacher, u8t3io3p

ALSO GUESS WHICH COLOR AND PLAYER WINS EACH GAME! 1 :peon: FOR FIRST CORRECT GUESS. Ie. You can guess "Teal wins and I think teal is Player X" 1 :peon: for correct color guess, player still available for further guesses if player guess is wrong.

For this contest, there is no such thing as cheating. Any method you can use to collect this information is permitted, even asking the players from the game, or BEING the players from the game.

Wild guessing is allowed.

Repeated guessing is allowed, with this stipulation, that you cannot guess more than one answer per answer slot per post, and cannot guess a new answer until the first answer(s) was/were identified as correct or incorrect.

73 / Super Easy Money for First Super Pro to 10-0 Me
« on: November 25, 2017, 08:31:38 AM »
Super Easy Money for First Super Pro to 10-0 Me

Now I'm just asking to get beat up. ;)

This invitation is extended to any player who considers themselves a super pro or any player who thinks they could easily 10-0 me KOTH style. Map pool is any map that counts for ladder. *Elimination of maps from pool by you is allowed, see below.*

Yes, I'm going to lose this one, since there are quite a few players that can easily squash me, so this offer ends when the first Super Pro has collected $50 USD by beating me 10-0 or January 31, 2018, whichever comes first.

I want the enjoyment and honor of getting to play against the best of the best and becoming squashed. I think it would be great fun. I also want my previously officially challenged crew to see how easily this feat can be accomplished by someone who is actually tiers above me, so they may be emboldened to accept my fun friendly challenge.

You must win by 10-0 to collect the prize.

If I win 1 game, no one gets anything.

If I win 2 games, you pay me $5.

If I win 3 games, you pay me $20.

If I win 4+ games, you pay me $100.

Rules and Conditions:

1. Warvideo or Twitch stream replays required to be posted on forum for all games by both players.

2. Offer is open until first super pro to 10-0 me collects his easy $50 USD via Paypal or until January 31, 2018. Prize must be collected within 30 days of end of series or will be forfeit.

3. Hacking/tipping/interference not allowed.

4. MAP ELIMINATION If you have certain maps you detest, you may eliminate any number of maps from the map playing pool you desire, but whatever number of maps you choose to eliminate from the map pool, I will be allowed to eliminate the same number. The only stipulation with map elimination is that after you have eliminated your chosen maps and I have eliminated the same number of my chosen maps, if I were to choose to eliminate any, that there are still at least 10 maps left to choose from. Eliminating a map eliminates all its versions (ie. HSC all versions, ladder and classic, counts as one elimination).

5. All maps will be played HIGH res EF speed unless we both agree on an alternate setting during the series.

6. Series does not need to be played all in one day, if time does not permit, but all 10 games must be completed for collecting prize.


Winner by public vote gets 5  :peon:. (*EDIT* TuPaC has generously offered a bonus cash prize of $25 to the winner of this contest as well!) ENTRY DEADLINE JANUARY 6, 2018

1. You are limited to 5 minutes to re-create the Plains of Snow BNE map using Warcraft II Map Editor. The 5 minute time is for designing the layout of the map, the trees and gold mines. AFTER the 5 minutes, you have unlimited time to add 8 peons and 8 starting positions and adjust gold mine amounts

2. The .pud is the only requirement to enter.

3. I would request that those who are able also submit the SS picture of the entire map using Lamby's SS Grabber (find it here: If you don't know how to do this, I am willing to talk you through the process, as are probably a number of others, but if you don't know how, and can't find anyone to help you, I will do it for you. In that case, just submit the .pud.

4. Winner will be determined by public vote.

5. Streaming is not necessary (to allow non-streamers to enter as well).

6. You must re-create the map from memory and not refer to the original map once you have begun the creation process in Map Editor.

7. Entries must be received by JANUARY 6, 2018. Entries submitted after the deadline will not be valid. You may begin submitting entries starting right now.

8. The winning map will be used in a PEON :peon: CONTEST POS RE-CREATION WINNING ENTRY FFA MATCH on January 27, 2018 3 PM EDT for further opportunity to collect :peon:.


« on: November 24, 2017, 07:44:09 PM »

Everyone post your favorite beautiful song or music!

Entries may be instrumental or vocal or both. You may enter up to three songs (ie. by Youtube link). You cannot post the same song/music as someone has already posted. You have the option to post publicly on the forum page or to post privately by PM so people are voting for the songs themselves rather than by feelings toward the person posting. Songs will be added to the voting poll as they are entered. Winner by public vote gets 3  :peon:

Enter by replying to this thread or by private message, as you prefer.


(Poll is already added as I don't think it can be added later. The poll is currently locked and will be unlocked when voting begins.)

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