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Topics - LiveFreeorDie

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The Moderated Section of the Warcraft 2 Forum is out of control. The rules of the section are not being upheld, the content quality has taken a nosedive, and the rampant obscene language forbidden by the rules now splatters the section through and through.

This is unacceptable.

With mousey banned and eyyy im walkin here failing to uphold the section rules, a change is needed immediately.

Besides his dereliction, he has himself shown a complete disregard for the section rules and has tainted the section with obscene language.

In addition, he has declared his intention to abdicate from responsibility in this section, as seen here:

Welcome back, although I'm not really sure if this Moderated forum is working out.  I'll probably talk to Mousetopher and see if we might close it down, possibly tonight.

I am taking over moderating this section and plan to enforce the rules properly.

New bans include ****boi, eyyy im walkin here, and easycompany, all for obscene language breaches, active as soon as I figure out how to do it with my new powers.

I will also be adding various new topics open for discussion to inject some life into this section.

I will also be updating the ban policy for new bans that will apply to infractions starting after the posting of this post. Old bans, or bans for infractions that occurred prior to the posting of this post, including the three mentioned here, will fall under the old ban policy.

The new ban policy will be a tiered system.

1st offense: 1 week ban

2nd offense: 1 month ban

3rd offense: Permaban with exactly one chance for redemption via meaningful community service that will be approved by me

I feel like I should now just start calling myself Queen Shark or something similar so the people can fall into line with proper respect.

Exciting new item now available!!

Custom printed Warcraft II T-Shirt
Navy blue
Size XL
100% Cotton

This shirt is being sold by auction. No limit on number of bids. Bidding goes until 12 am EDT October 30, 2017. Highest bidder will receive shirt upon receipt of Paypal payment by tracked mail.

Shipping cost is included in the bid. Tracked shipping cost to USA for one shirt is roughly $13.64 USD. Two shirts sent to USA last week together cost $20 CAD = $16.04 USD.

Therefore bidding starts at $14.64; the actual shirt value bidding starting at $1 USD.

Please inquire about international shipping. It may be necessary to opt out of tracked shipping as the shipping cost then slightly exceeds the value of the item and makes less sense then.

The shirts are a great way to commemorate the many fun times you had playing this amazing game called Warcraft II. There's been both good and bad, anger and laughter, the crush of defeat and the triumph of hard-earned victory.

These are the people who have been with us through it all. Somehow we all come together to form this crazy conglomeration of very different people who share one thing in common: we all love Warcraft II!

Messy, sticky, but most often thrilling and loads of fun and laughs, we are the community of Warcraft II.

Imagine yourself in one of these beautiful keepsake shirts to have a treasure to look back on with nostalgia and fondness.

Laundering instructions: Wash inside out in cold water, tumble dry normal.

Pictures are limited to 4 per post. More pictures to follow.

Kids are captivated by the sounds and sights of what's playing on the television screen.

They can spend hours fixated on it, forgetting everything else. During that time, they are generally quiet and stationary, not whining, fighting, asking questions, climbing, fidgeting, making messes, damaging things, or otherwise requiring parental intervention.

But is it good for children?

Here are some basic ways that excessive screen time does not promote healthy development in children:

1. Sedentary children are not moving their growing muscles and bones, which is required for normal development. Obesity is affecting vast numbers of children before they are old enough to be making their own choices in food, drink, and exercise. In other words, it's parental-induced obesity, and too much couch potato behavior is adding to the problem.

2. Children are born with natural curiosity about the world and the people, animals, plants, and objects in their environment. Everything is pulled, pushed, squeezed, dropped, tasted, and shaken, to see how these things behave. That is normal behavior. When children are placed in front of screens too much, that natural curiosity and desire to explore begins to diminish. The screen becomes addictive. Everything else becomes "boring."

3. Because children learn to be sedentary and receive continual stimulation and input from movement and sounds on the television with no effort, movement, on involvement on their part, in addition to everything else becoming "boring," they also become very passive and lazy. Tasks or chores like cleaning their room or putting their shoes away become arduous. Creativity and inventiveness are stifled in the child who is accustomed to continual exciting input with no output. Creative play, which has long been a childhood staple, is stunted, and children become dependent on someone else to tell them what to do in order to not be bored. Children should not even know how to get bored. Pre-TV, healthy children created their own play and didn't know the meaning of the word "boredom."

4. Some parents think that "educational" TV programs intended for children are actually helping children. Research does not line up with these beliefs. Especially "Baby Einstein" geared towards young babies has shown detrimental effects including delayed language development. The findings in research led the American Academy of Pediatrics to recommend that no child under the age of 2 should watch any television.

5. Screen time removes time to connect with children. Children have many, many questions, and one of their needs is to have a secure attachment to a parent or consistent caregiver who is loving, responsive and engages with them. Screen time hampers time to connect and build the key relationship between parent and child during the critical formative years. There is a relatively small window to influence and teach children before they grow up and move along to start their own life when you remove sleeping and school hours that it's important to make the most of the time you do have to bond and interact with your children.

6. The more TV children watch, the shorter of an attention span they have later in life. ( by Dr. Dimitri Christakis et al., University of Washington)

7. Violent content has a negative effect on children. (, Dr. Dale Kunkel)
They can have chemical changes in the brain similar to what is seen with post-traumatic stress disorder. Children have difficulty diffrentiating between real violence and pretend violence. Children exposed to violence become less empathetic and more aggressive, have more fear and less patience, more unwilling to cooperate with others and less able to handle frustration without having outbursts. Children habituated to violence on screen are more likely to become violent as teenagers and have more interactions with the law.

8. Sexual content has a negative effect on children. Children who are exposed to sexual content are more likely to become sexual at earlier ages when they are not mature enough to understand the potentially lifelong consequences of their actions. Children are increasingly being sexualized at younger and younger ages, to their great harm and detriment. (,

It's so great to be back in here.

It's been a long journey of personal growth for me and I feel like the ban was really good for me.

That's what discipline is for. It's to help form a person's character. Discipline makes us better.

I would like to thank all the people involved for making sure that the Moderated Section of W2 Forum stays a safe, happy, positive, welcoming atmosphere by dealing with infractions of the community rules promptly and responsibly as we've seen done in this case.

Those who don't appreciate all the hard work the admins do around here should look no further than this section of the forum to see that they are taking care of the community in such a way that will help it flourish and grow into something we can only dream about.

One day, it will become a reality.

Thanks to mousey and blid for dealing with the situation in a fair manner.

Although mousey is in the Moderated Section Thread of Shame. I believe it will be as good for her as it was for me.

97 / Another SS refusal from Swift
« on: September 23, 2017, 04:41:38 AM »
Ran straight to my base with first peon

Rule number one states:

"General Rules

1. In this section of the forum it's prohibited to upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any content that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, torturous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable or generally unlawful."

Mousey has posted this video which is filled with harmful, vulgar, obscene, objectionable language, including repeated use of the f word:

Bill Burr - Anger-problem Recognition and Cookie Sales Protocol - YouTube

This video also constitutes blatant promotion of racism and racist speakers, as seen in this video by this same speaker containing racist comments such as "What the f*** are all these f***ing Asians doing in this *** ****** restaurant!?!?!"

Might as well be wearing the swastika armband.

Bill Burr Oddly Racist - YouTube

Cya mouse.

I am very, very sorry.

I have been a bad girl.

My punishment has taught me a lesson.

I will be good from now on.

BS requires ban. Can't argue.

Moderated General Discussion / Missing SS from D@ta
« on: September 20, 2017, 01:16:39 AM »
D@ta has not posted ss requested.

@Lambchops You're invited! :)

Moderated General Discussion / Mousey is a genius
« on: September 18, 2017, 09:03:28 PM »
Well, this is the best news the forum has seen since...probably ever.

Mousey you are a genius.

Thanks for your efforts and work involved in breathing new life into the W2 forums and creating a field where seeds can be planted.

You inspire me. <3

The world just got a little better.

« on: August 29, 2017, 09:21:32 AM »

General Discussion / Aug. 28
« on: August 28, 2017, 04:52:33 PM »

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