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Topics - frontliner2

Pages: [1]
Howdy guys, took me a while to release this map and I haven't released new maps in a long while.

Here it is, (8)Arctic Archipelago 1.1;
- (!) Always uncheck 'one peon only' - This is necessary for the Transport to spawn
- You start with a peon and a transport ; be quick to claim an Island
- 15 viable but assymetrical Island Bases to conquer
- Optional use of corner Mining operations - Not a great place to build your first base but there are some resources there
- Middle Islands have a little more gold

I hope you guys enjoy my labors.

STORY; in the year 129, after a long and devastating war all factions agree to send a small diplomatic mission to finally discuss a long lasting peace. Weary of war all leaders were equally surprised to find that everyone actually showed up. Was peace an option after all? After a few days of talks new borders were agreed upon across the world, progress was made and agreements documented and shared amongst the clans. Even the more savage clans hardly negotiated for land or resources, quickly agreeing to term and conditions.

The attrition of 46 war years has truly changed the culture for these remaining clans. In hindsight not entirely outrageous knowing that so much life and prosperity was forever lost. Finally the bells rang, ushering in a white peace... But then as the mission prepares for a feast of ale, bread and the abundance of seal meat all tranquility suddenly fell apart when the roar of Dragons was heard in the distance.

Was this a betrayal, a plan to murder clan leaders when their all together? Did perhaps the Alliance arrange an uprising from within the Dragon Roost? A great chaos spreads after the chest with notarized documents ends up in the water. Damnit, one of our diplomats reminds us that all treaties will now be falsified and alliances will be reshuffled.

You watch in horror as the Blackrock clan sails off in hurry. All other missionaries start boarding and scattering across the narrow seas surrounding this wretched icy plateau. What are we to do now Chieftain?

Cartography & Custom Maps / (4) Icelandic Fjords
« on: May 15, 2019, 02:19:19 PM »
Hi Guys, this is a WATER ONLY remodel of Musky Mangroves. Now you must expand across your ICY bay!  :critter: :critter: :critter: :critter: :critter: 8)

I really want you guys to play my maps, now all I see online is GOW GOW GOW CHOPS

This map rocks, you can BATTLESHIP SIEGE every base!@

Cartography & Custom Maps / Golden Grid (8)
« on: May 04, 2019, 10:03:36 AM »
Another fun map by your boiii Frontliner2. Cool hand drawn semi-symetric map.

Each mini-mine is only 7500 gold. ENJOY :D  :critter: :pig: :pig: :critter: :critter: :pig: :pig: :peon: :fro:


I hereby release version 1.0 of Musky Mangrove (formerly known as Pirate's Cove beta).

It's a Land Sea hybrid map where you can break open a path to the middle mine and to your opponents through use of Sappers. However, you may also use ship to attack all and any of the mining operations of your enemies. First however, you should expand across your bay. This expo also has a long distance mine that may be utilized.

This map has proven to host fun and diverse intense matched. I would love for the prominent players to host/stream and tourney this map. Comments are welcomed.


Cartography & Custom Maps / Bloodbath reworked, version 1.2
« on: July 19, 2018, 07:05:34 PM »
After much feedback, I've changed Bloodbath significantly, more lumber, less crampy space, less gold, better pathing.

Thanks for playing:)

Cartography & Custom Maps / Bloodbath-8p.pud released
« on: March 09, 2018, 07:46:48 AM »
Hi, with feedback of some good players and a couple of high level 4v4;s I've made this map for the community and are now releasing after many updates.

I'm primarily a mapper (also broodwar and Wc3) but with that knowledge I appreciate feedback in view of balance.

I hope you like it and I hope to host or see many games with good players.

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