Author Topic: 2v2 Newb + Pro Team Ultimate Face Off June 4th 10 pm EDT Fresh Assorted Maps!!!!  (Read 31182 times)

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Ultimate Newb + Pro Team Face Off on Fresh Assorted Maps!!

WHEN: Monday, June 4th, 2018 at 10 pm EDT

***Pre-registration is required: Deadline to register May 21, 10 pm***

This will allow the format to be planned out so it goes smoothly and will allow players two weeks to familiarize themselves with selected maps if they so desire.

WHO: Newb + Pro team (or two mid-range players)
            Maximum ELO per team: 3150
            Minimum x wins per player at /stats x-y-z: x=100

MAP SELECTION: Each individual **pre-registered** team may choose two maps per team or one per player from the maps listed below to add to the Monday Moonlight Madness Map Pool of maps that will be played on June 4th. Picking the same map as other players IS allowed, and the map will increase in frequency in the map pool, ie. it will be added into the generator twice or however many times it is picked.

If fewer teams register, each team will be allowed more map choices.

Mr. Bean

Pirate's Lagoon


Ocean Bloom

Party at Midnight

16 x 9



Hey Stop That!

A Diamond in the Rough

Agent's Traps

Lost Paradise

Violent Voyage

Dangerous Territory

Secret Operation

Woodland Warlords

Arena of Annihilation

Combat Zone

Buccaneer Bay

Highway to Hell

The Hunters


Captain's Cove

Halo of Hegemony

Newb BS + Pro Buddy Team was originally going to challenge one other team for a little fun competition, but I wanted to give everyone a chance to participate.

*Pre-registration is required: Deadline to register May 21, 10 pm*

The exact format of the competition can only be decided once I know how many participants we will have. If you're interested, the sooner you express interest, the better I can plan this out.

I anticipate Round Robin style with each team playing each other team, if we have 5 teams or less, each team would play each team twice. If 6+ teams, each team would play each other team once. I'm thinking the map selection will be randomized using a generator (ie. the order of play and which match gets assigned which map out of the ones that have been selected by contestants). I need to have all the matches set up ahead of time so that is why preregistration is required.

If this ends up being between my team and another team, I still think that would be great fun. But especially since Thumb$ complained about lack of opportunity and others have expressed interest, I wanted to open it to more players.

Team 1: HumanPeasant and BabyShark
Team 1 Map Selections: Party at Midnight and Mr. Bean

Team 2: Igognito(z) and KagaN
Team 2 Map Selections: Zones and Halo of Hegemony

Team 3: Lambchops and TD Viruz
Team 3 Map Selections: Party at Midnight and Party at Midnight

Team 4: Vizzer and Mousey
Team 4 Map Selections: Lanes and Hey Stop That!

Team 5: ring62 and He-Man
Team 5 Map Selections: Violent Voyage and Ocean Bloom

Team 6: Masta{hr} and Disgruntled
Team 6 Map Selections: Violent Voyage and Halo of Hegemony

*Please post Insight Replays for all matches*

Let me know if you have any questions.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2018, 10:57:28 AM by BabyShark »

Offline Igognito

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Well I need a pro to join me then :-)
I'm in for this tourney (Assuming I'll be able that day)

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Great! I added you to the team list. What's your map selection? I plan to add a few more to the total pool and if you have any suggestions of great maps made by W2 players themselves, I'm happy to expand the selection. It'll just take me a bit of time to get the pics and all that.

Offline eleison

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Babyshark! Why are my maps being rejected :'( Cool initiative though! :)

Offline Lambchops

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Sounds awesome. Now I just need to find someone good enough to carry my newb ass  :)
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

Offline Vizzer

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count me in, ill request june 4th off now

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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The reason I didn't include Twisted Meadows in spite of liking it just fine is because you can build on dirt, which is not standard play. If you recreated same map normal function I could include it.

The being able to build on dirt makes it and oddball and will hinder or confuse players who come to it without that awareness if the opponents know about that odd feature.

If you have some normal maps, feel free to PM or post in maps section on forum with @ so I can take a look and possibly include them in the potential map candidates that players can choose from.

My target for maps is fits at least 4 or more players and is made by W2 players, and is of quality and attractiveness and normal play style.

I also didn't include a lot of Bjaylandmaker because his gold mines have infinite gold.

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Splendid. Do you have a teammate in mind or would you like to join Team 2?

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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@Lambchops Excellent. You are on Team 3. :)

Offline Vizzer

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my alliance is mouse

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Yay mousey! (My apologies in advance for having to crush you on June 4th!)

I will finalize the map selection options with pictures by the end of the weekend. If you know what you guys want to pick for yours already, feel free to name them.

Offline mousEtopher

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Newb BS + Pro Buddy Team was originally going to challenge one other team for a little fun competition, but I wanted to give everyone a chance to participate.
nice thought, it's great that you're going to the extra effort to bring this fun & exciting event to the war2 people ^-^

also, great looking selection of maps from some of war2s most prolific map makers :D look forward to playing !

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Ok, the map list is updated and finalized. All the pics are there. If you want to dl any map, many of them can be found elsewhere on the forum, or send me a PM and I can get you the .pud if you can't find it.

Offline Ring62

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Hi guys!  I just registered myself on the forum. My first vote for the tournament is violent voyage of course then second is halo of hemogony.  Is it teams of 2 players only? If its 2 players im not sure who is free to play either xbremer , he man, tofu or varas yet.

Offline Szwagier

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I got no idea why u are doing that in monday(wtf) 10 pm,few people from europe could play it but here will be 4 am, most of us got work and can't play in this hours
I have never seen a tournament that would start at 18:00 East European time(12:00 your time)

Since i change work, for me will be problem tour 3 pm in sunday, probably i will play only half and even if i won few rounds and it will be final i will just log off "gg going sleep"  cause its only game

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience