Author Topic: The Superiority of Islam  (Read 21204 times)

Offline 3bdushakur

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The Superiority of Islam
« on: May 10, 2018, 11:26:53 PM »
In the Name of Allaah, Ar-Rahman (The Most Gracious), Ar-Raheem (The Most Merciful)

All praise and worship is for Allaah alone, and may His peace and blessings be upon his Messenger, his family, his companions and all those who follow them in piety and righteousness until the Final Hour is established, as to what proceeds:

Allah, the Most High, Says (What has been interpreted into the English language from Dr. Muhsin Khan and Taqqiuddin Al-Hilali):
It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) hate (it). [9:33]

Allah, the Most High, Says in the Verse prior to the one above:
They (the disbelievers, the Jews and the Christians) want to extinguish Allah's Light (with which Muhammad has been sent - Islamic Monotheism) with their mouths, but Allah will not allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the Kafirun (disbelievers) hate (it).

"With their mouths" means by way of lying and falsifying the truth of the religion, or by making noise over the recitation of the Qur'aan.

As can be seen in the following Verse:
And those who disbelieve say: "Listen not to this Quran, and make noise in the midst of its (recitation) that you may overcome." [41:26]

And from the means of lying and deception, Allah says:
And a party of the people of the Scripture say: "Believe in the morning in that which is revealed to the believers (Muslims), and reject it at the end of the day, so that they may turn back. [3:72]

Such as the false and deviant scholars and the fake ex-Muslims who are hellbent on "exposing" Islam, when they themselves are exposed to the believers before their plot, as Allah says (from the general understanding of the verse):
And they (disbelievers) plotted, and Allah planned too. And Allah is the Best of the planners. [3:54]

And verily, among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues (as they read), so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say: "This is from Allah," but it is not from Allah; and they speak a lie against Allah while they know it. [3:78]

Look, how they invent a lie against Allah, and enough is that as a manifest sin. [4:50]

No matter what you respond with, it has been refuted as falsehood, and your affair in this life has been exposed as Allah says:
And We send not the Messengers except as giver of glad tidings and warners. But those who disbelieve, dispute with false argument, in order to refute the truth thereby. And they treat My Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), and that with which they are warned, as jest and mockery! [18:56]

So all of those who choose the disposition of opposition, your affair in this life is known to the believers, as Allah says:
Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe. [2:6]

And had We willed, We would surely have elevated him therewith but he clung to the earth and followed his own vain desire. So his description is the description of a dog: if you drive him away, he lolls his tongue out, or if you leave him alone, he (still) lolls his tongue out. Such is the description of the people who reject Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.). So relate the stories, perhaps they may reflect. [7:176]

And surely, We have created many of the jinns and mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones. [7:179]

And the example of those who disbelieve, is as that of him who shouts to the (flock of sheep) that hears nothing but calls and cries. (They are) deaf, dumb and blind. So they do not understand. [2:171]

And the predictable response of the disbeliever is also known, as Allah says:
Verily! (During the worldly life) those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed. And whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to another (in mockery); And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting; And when they saw them, they said: "Verily! These have indeed gone astray!" But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not been sent as watchers over them (the believers). But this Day (the Day of Resurrection) those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers [83:29-34]

So the matter has been settled.

The Qur'an does not support any other religion as truth whatsoever (particularly Christians who think that Allah has vouched for Christianity), as Allah says:
And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. [3:85]

...Say: "Perish in your rage. Certainly, Allah knows what is in the breasts (all the secrets)." [3:119]

And to bring it back to one of the current scholars of Islam, Shaykh Muhammad Sa'eed Raslan, may Allah preserve him, his lecture will illuminate the reality of the current state of affairs and firmly establish Islam as the superior religion and way of life over all other paths.

And regardless of the path you choose, Allah says:
Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism worshipping none but Allah Alone), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him shall they all be returned. [3:83]

Whether you believe or disbelieve is irrelevant, you are a slave of Allah, willingly or unwillingly, Allah says:
Verily, Allah! Unto Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, He gives life and He causes death. And besides Allah you have neither any Wali (protector or guardian) nor any helper. [9:116]

Watch it or not, take heed or not, it doesn't matter:
Say: "Who is he who can protect you from Allah if He intends to harm you, or intends mercy on you?" And they will not find, besides Allah, for themselves any Wali (protector, supporter, etc.) or any helper. [33:17]

Allah says:
Say (O Muhammad): "Verily, my Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). [6:162]

Say (O Muhammad to mankind): "If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Quran and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

Say (O Muslims), "We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Ishaque (Isaac), Ya'qub (Jacob), and to Al-Asbat [the twelve sons of Ya'qub (Jacob)], and that which has been given to Musa (Moses) and 'Iesa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam)." [2:136]

...say: "Bear witness that we are Muslims." [3:64]

Whatever is correct is from Allah and any errors are from my own hand.
Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil'Alaameen
« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 11:37:37 PM by 3bdushakur »

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2018, 12:06:53 AM »
As for the correct methodology then, Allah did not reveal politics or Sufism to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, nor did he reveal Shi'aism or any such sort of deviation.

Allah revealed Tawheed, pure Monotheism as the foundation of Islam, with the sole purpose of removing and freeing mankind from the shackles of worshipping creation, be it yourself (as gods as many people do today), other men (as many do when they worship saints or prophets), idols or any other animate or inanimate object that can be percieved with the senses (i.e. anything within the realm of creation).

This was the first 13 years of revelation, Tawheed.

Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) is the most important aspect of the religion. If the Creed of Tawheed is corrupted, then the rest of ones religion becomes corrupt and leads to deviation or disbelief.

Tawheed consists of 3 categories: Tawheedur Rubooboyyah (Monotheism of Allah's Lordship); Tawheedul Uluhiyyah/Ibaadah (Monotheism of Allah's Divinity/Worship) and Tawheedul Asma wa Sifaat (Monotheism of Allah's Names and Attributes).

Tawheedur Ruboobiyyah means that Allah is the Creator and Lord of all that exists and in His Hands are Life and Death and the Divine Pre-Decree. All from mankind believe in this except for the atheists who deny Allah in total. The polytheists associate the creation of Allah with Allah Himself, such as saying that the "Universe" (which Allah created) has power over destiny. Some of the extremists go further and believe that they are Allah when they say, "We are our own gods", when Allah says:
Do they attribute as partners to Allah those who created nothing but they themselves are created? [7:191]

Say (O Muhammad): "Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?" Say: "(It is) Allah." Say: "Have you then taken (for worship) Auliya' (protectors, etc.) other than Him, such as have no power either for benefit or for harm to themselves?" Say: "Is the blind equal to the one who sees? Or darkness equal to light? Or do they assign to Allah partners who created the like of His creation, so that the creation (which they made and His creation) seemed alike to them." Say: "Allah is the Creator of all things, He is the One, the Irresistible." [13:16]

And as some of the opponents claim (although the notion has been refuted and destroyed), that Allah is a "moon" god, rather, Allah says:
And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him. [41:37]

As for the second category: Tawheedul Uluhiyyah/Ibaadah, then this is what seperate the believers from the disbelievers due to the fact that this aspect of Tawheed refers to worship, and worship of Allah is specific, as Allah Says:
When you have finished As-Salat (the prayer - congregational), remember Allah standing, sitting down, and lying down on your sides, but when you are free from danger, perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as- Salat). Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours. [4:103]

Along with this is fasting for the month of Ramadhaan for Allah's sake, and paying Zakat and performing Hajj to Makkah, and these are the 4 pillars of Islam which are invalid without the first pillar and that is bearing witness that Allah is the only deity worthy of worship and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

So the prayer, as the second pillar is the dividing line between belief and disbelief, and the Muslims are the only ones to engage in this obligatory act. As in the hadeeth:
Narrated Jabir: that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Between disbelief and faith is abandoning the Salat." At-Tirmidhi 2618 (saheeh)

The third category, Tawheedul Asma wa Siffat refers to Allah's Beautiful Names and Attributes, such as Ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious), Ar-Raheem (The Most Merciful) which is how every Chapter, save one (9) begins in the Qur'an, with Allah's Names. As for His attributes, we know that Allah has Hands, and Eyes and Vision, and Hearing, and a Face (which the believers will see on the Day of Judgement and the disbelivers will be blinded from so they won't even see Who is punishing them while knowing that the punishment is real), and we do not say anything or elaborate on these attributes. We accept them as Allah has stated in the Qur'an or hadith without addition or ommission.

This is the category that seperates the deviant groups from the saved sect in Islam. The Sufis, the Mu'tazilah, the Shi'ah and so forth distort this aspect of Tawheed and plunge themselves into the darknes of deviation and misguidance.

The saved sect is Ahlus Sunnah wal Jammah (The People of the Sunnah and the Congregation), as Allah's Messenger has informed us about:

It was narrated from Mu’aawiyah ibn Abi Sufyaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) that he said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stood among us and said: “Those who came before you of the people of the Book split into seventy-two sects, and this ummah will split into seventy-three: seventy-two in Hell and one in Paradise, and that is the jamaa’ah (main body of Muslims).” Narrated by Abu Dawood (4597) and others; classed as saheeh by al-Haakim (1/128), who said: it is an important hadeeth that represents a basic principle..

The saved sect are the Muslims who follow the religion as was understood by Allah's Messenger and his companions, and all those who follow them until today, and today this approach, this methodology is known as Minhajus Salafiyyah (The Methodology of the [Pious] Predecessors).
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 12:16:01 AM by 3bdushakur »

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2018, 12:35:02 AM »
Islam may work for the men that survive childhood (and aren't sent off to occupy foreign lands or blow themselves up for Jihad) in giving them some level of dominion and power and self-importance while alive on earth, but it sure does not work well for the women and girls who are forced to have their genitals cut out and sewn shut, forced to marry old men as children, forced to have their damaged and mutilated private area penetrated and ripped apart by an adult man for intercourse, then forced to birth children through all that scar tissue, forced to tolerate their husband marrying multiple wives, forced to live with physical hitting and sometimes having face or body chemically burned or having their nose removed, not being allowed to leave the house without permission and/or an escort, not being able to get medical care without a husband's consent, not being allowed to talk to men or have any kind of freedom, forced to live under a black fabric bag for life, not even able to get sunlight or fresh air or have enough freedom to choose what she wants to wear.

And no, not every single woman in every Islamic country is abused to the same degree, but every woman that is abused has the stamp of approval of Allah and the Qu'ran, and no man says a word or looks remotely surprised to see this woman beaten in public in daylight in a crowded place:

An Innocent Muslim Woman Getting beaten in Streets in Sudan - YouTube

Here you can see a clip from Afghanistan, a giant mob of angry Muslim men beat a woman to death, accused of the crime of burning a Qu'ran. A few police try, but are far outnumbered and unable to save her:

muslim mob brutally beat practising muslim woman to death in afghanistan - YouTube

After she is kicked and beaten to death, then run over by a car, dragged by a car, set on fire, they discovered that she has not actually even burned a Qu'ran (which, even if she had, should never result in this kind of horrific abuse and murder).

Causing suffering, beating up, torturing, and killing the most vulnerable members of society, women and children, particularly girl children, is not good. This is evil. This is pure evil.

Islam is a religion of men beating up and raping women and girls. This is factual, there is evidence, anyone who denies this truth is a liar.

Men brutally beating woman and her four daughters

Caught on camera: Widow, four daughters beaten up brutally at their home - YouTube

19 year old woman stoned to death after fleeing man she was forced to marry

Woman stoned for adultery - YouTube

Leaving Islam is a choice punishable by death.

Islam is a religion of hatred, abuse, torture, killing, forcing, and offer no hope or help to anyone.

Muhammad is dead and lies in his grave.

Jesus is alive, and has died for the sins of every sinner, you, me, every Muslim.

The true God is a God of love and compassion and forgiveness, who does not demand we sacrifice our sons and daughters to appease Him.

He is the God that gave Himself to suffering to save the people He loves by taking our sin on the cross and dying for us in our place.

My God teaches us to love people, care for people, be kind to people, help people, and even love and pray for enemies (which is admittedly very difficult).

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2018, 12:36:33 AM »
As for a general list of deviant sects in Islam, the following is a list of sects that deviate away from proper understanding:

The Shi'ah - Who worship 'Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), they worship their Imams, make sacrifices to the grave, perform self-flagellation, curse the wives and companions of the Prophet Muhammad. Pray in a manner other than what was legislated in the Shari'ah. Distort the meaning of the verses in the Qur'an and lie about the Qur'an itself. They worship others besides Allah, claim the Angel Gabriel made an error in delivering the Revelation, cut themselves, practice prostitution (mutta), practice dissimulation and deception known as Taqqiyyah (which is part of the Shi'ah doctrine). This is why the scholars say that Shi'aism is disbelief but we cannot say that an individual person who identifies as Shi'ah is not Muslim because they may euther be total ignoramuses or may not hold the same polytheistic and heretical beliefs of their religion. This descritption refers to primarily the Rawafidh (12er Shi'ah) who are the majority of the sect, and are the ones who follow the Ayatollah's in Iran. The Shi'ah army known as Hezbollah, are a terrorist group.

The Khawaarij - This group appeared at the time of the Prophet and make up the majority of deviant groups today. These are the extremists and some of the names they go by are, the Shi'ah (who believe that killing Sunnis is a virtuous deed), The Sufis, the Tabligh/Deobandi (who are also Sufis), The Muslim Brotherhood, who are in reality a Freemasonic organization formed in Egypt by Sufis and the British government. The Ahmadiyyah (who are heretics and disbelievers), The Taaliban, Boko Haram, Al-Qa'idah, Islamic State In Syria (ISIS/Daesh), so on and so forth. Anygroup that engages in oppression, assassination, terrorism and murders inncocents Muslim or non-Muslim belongs to this group.

Orginizations such as CAIR, ICNA and so on in the United States are funded by the Muslim Brotherhood, who are an "Islamic" mask for the Freemasons, this is why they are able to be in the press and media and in positions of power, because they are Masonic pawns. In order to elucidate further, Shaykh Muhammad Sa'eed Raslan describes their history beriefly:

The Muslim Brotherhood believe in union with everyone, Jews, Christians, and the deviants from the Muslims. They believe in strength in numbers and one of their main calls to action is protesting and political activism. These actions are prohibited in Islam. Revolutionary action, and uniting upon falsehood is prohibited. Protesting is prohibited along with any radical engagement.

These groups above are from one extreme end, and the other extreme end are those, especially in the West who claim to be the "Moderate" Muslims, who go to the extreme of being Lackadaisical. Who reject hadeeth, and contradict the religion and the injunctions of the injunctions ordained by Allah. These are those who seek to imitate the West and their people, who change the religion to please the enemies of Allah. May Allah guide us all.

And this is an extremely brief look into the current state of affairs of the Muslim groups.

Whatever is correct is from Allah and whatever is incorrect is from myself.

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2018, 12:38:24 AM »
Islam may work for the men that survive childhood (and aren't sent off to occupy foreign lands or blow themselves up for Jihad) in giving them some level of dominion and power and self-importance while alive on earth, but it sure does not work well for the women and girls who are forced to have their genitals cut out and sewn shut, forced to marry old men as children, forced to have their damaged and mutilated private area penetrated and ripped apart by an adult man for intercourse, then forced to birth children through all that scar tissue, forced to tolerate their husband marrying multiple wives, forced to live with physical hitting and sometimes having face or body chemically burned or having their nose removed, not being allowed to leave the house without permission and/or an escort, not being able to get medical care without a husband's consent, not being allowed to talk to men or have any kind of freedom, forced to live under a black fabric bag for life, not even able to get sunlight or fresh air or have enough freedom to choose what she wants to wear.

And no, not every single woman in every Islamic country is abused to the same degree, but every woman that is abused has the stamp of approval of Allah and the Qu'ran, and no man says a word or looks remotely surprised to see this woman beaten in public in daylight in a crowded place:

An Innocent Muslim Woman Getting beaten in Streets in Sudan - YouTube

Here you can see a clip from Afghanistan, a giant mob of angry Muslim men beat a woman to death, accused of the crime of burning a Qu'ran. A few police try, but are far outnumbered and unable to save her:

muslim mob brutally beat practising muslim woman to death in afghanistan - YouTube

After she is kicked and beaten to death, then run over by a car, dragged by a car, set on fire, they discovered that she has not actually even burned a Qu'ran (which, even if she had, should never result in this kind of horrific abuse and murder).

Causing suffering, beating up, torturing, and killing the most vulnerable members of society, women and children, particularly girl children, is not good. This is evil. This is pure evil.

Islam is a religion of men beating up and raping women and girls. This is factual, there is evidence, anyone who denies this truth is a liar.

Men brutally beating woman and her four daughters
Caught on camera: Widow, four daughters beaten up brutally at their home - YouTube

19 year old woman stoned to death after fleeing man she was forced to marry
Woman stoned for adultery - YouTube

Leaving Islam is a choice punishable by death.

Islam is a religion of hatred, abuse, torture, killing, forcing, and offer no hope or help to anyone.

Muhammad is dead and lies in his grave.

Jesus is alive, and has died for the sins of every sinner, you, me, every Muslim.

The true God is a God of love and compassion and forgiveness, who does not demand we sacrifice our sons and daughters to appease Him.

He is the God that gave Himself to suffering to save the people He loves by taking our sin on the cross and dying for us in our place.

My God teaches us to love people, care for people, be kind to people, help people, and even love and pray for enemies (which is admittedly very difficult).

I didn't read this, but it is obvious that you did not read my post either. Anyway, it doesn't matter, whatever you posted was already exposed prior to your posting, which is how I know you didn't read. It seems like you have a copy and paste archive of generic arguments that you use when the opportunity arises.

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2018, 12:42:05 AM »

Actually, Coptic Christians (who are the closest to the Orthodox Christian teachings), they do execute apostates in the Churches (in Egypt), and even they call 'God' Allah and Jesus, son of Allah.

So regardless of what you say, Allah is God and Jesus is Allah's creation. They know it, we know it, you do not.

Most of the West is in darkness about the reality of their own religion and you seem to be among those Christians that knows zero about their religion:

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. [1 Corinthians 14:34]

Is this not a law you are violating now? Not only this, but you are distorting what the Bible actually says.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 12:47:06 AM by 3bdushakur »

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2018, 12:53:56 AM »

Allah Says:
"He ['Iesa (Jesus)] said: Verily! I am a slave of Allah, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet;" [19:30]

['Iesa (Jesus) said]: "And verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him (Alone). That is the Straight Path. (Allah's Religion of Islamic Monotheism which He did ordain for all of His Prophets)." [19:36]

And (remember) when Allah said: "O 'Iesa (Jesus)! I will take you and raise you to Myself and clear you [of the forged statement that 'Iesa (Jesus) is Allah's son] of those who disbelieve, and I will make those who follow you (Monotheists, who worship none but Allah) superior to those who disbelieve [in the Oneness of Allah, or disbelieve in some of His Messengers, e.g. Muhammad, 'Iesa (Jesus), Musa (Moses), etc., or in His Holy Books, e.g. the Taurat (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel), the Quran] till the Day of Resurrection. Then you will return to Me and I will judge between you in the matters in which you used to dispute." [3:55]

And (remember) when Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection): "O 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Did you say unto men: 'Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?' " He will say: "Glory be to You! It was not for me to say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would surely have known it. You know what is in my inner-self though I do not know what is in Yours, truly, You, only You, are the All-Knower of all that is hidden and unseen. [5:116]

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2018, 12:57:42 AM »

If you want to prove the superiority of Christianity (which you can't) then how about debating with facts from your religion instead of emotional appeals? That tactic that you used is what manipulative cult leaders use to brainwash the weak minded. You brought nothing from your Book (the WHOLE Book), but rather, youtube videos that prove nothing to anyone with a modicum of sincerity and knowledge and some personal annecdotes based on absolute ignorance of Islam. And, pretending to know does not equal knowledge, so either respond with facts from your Book that counter what I have said or, as your Book says, keep silent.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 01:12:31 AM by 3bdushakur »

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2018, 01:48:19 AM »
I didn't read this, but it is obvious that you did not read my post either. Anyway, it doesn't matter, whatever you posted was already exposed prior to your posting, which is how I know you didn't read. It seems like you have a copy and paste archive of generic arguments that you use when the opportunity arises.

Actually, I did read your post, and I didn't copy/paste anything in my post other than the YouTube links showing large numbers of Muslim men brutally beating and killing women in public while shouting how great Islam is. I will be copying and pasting in the future and have in the past and see no issue with it so long as it pertains to the topic and the source is referenced/credited.

Most of the West is in darkness about the reality of their own religion and you seem to be among those Christians that knows zero about their religion:

Most of the West are not Christians. A very small percentage of people in North America today go to church and read their Bibles regularly. The idea that all Westerners are Christians is completely inaccurate. The vast majority are not Christians. You can see the decline of religiosity in North America has been significant in the last century.

And of the low number of people attending a place of worship regularly, only a small fraction of those are worshipping the true God.

Quote (selected)

    Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. [1 Corinthians 14:34]

Is this not a law you are violating now? Not only this, but you are distorting what the Bible actually says.

Now you're just being silly. This is an internet forum, not a church. This verse is saying that God called men to be leaders of churches, the shepherds of His flock (pastors) and not women.

If you want to prove the superiority of Christianity (which you can't) then how about debating with facts from your religion instead of emotional appeals?

How do you define "superiority"? I would say truth is superior to a lie. A God that exists is superior to a God that doesn't. A God of love and mercy and compassion is superior to a God of hate and violence and abuse and oppression.

How does one know what's right and wrong, what's good and bad? By what God says. So if Allah is the true God, and Allah says beating and killing women is what pleases Him, then either beating and killing women is good and right, or Allah is either a liar or does not exist.

If Allah is a liar, nothing he says can be trusted.

If Allah does not exist, nothing he says has any meaning, and is simply the concoction of a man who wanted a means to control others.

Is Allah reliable? Is Allah trustworthy?

Are stars really missiles to hit devils with?

Surah As-Saaffat 6-10
Verily, We have decorated the nearest sky with an adornment, the stars, and (have made them) a security against every rebellious devil. They cannot listen to the Upper Realm and are hit from every side to be driven off, and for them there is a lasting punishment; However, if one snatches a little bit, he is pursued by a bright flame.

In volume 4 and chapter 3 of Sahih al-Bukhari
(About the) Stars, Abu Qatada mentioning Allah’s Statement: ‘And We have Adorned the nearest heaven with lamps,” (67:5) And said, “The creations of these stars is for three purposes, i.e. as decorations on the sky, as missiles to hit the devils, and as signs to guide travelers. So, if anybody tries to find a different interpretation, he is mistaken and just wastes his efforts, and troubles himself with what is beyond his limited knowledge.

Did someone really find the place where the sun sets into a pool of water?

Surah Al-Kahf verses 83-86
They ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say, “I shall now recite to you an account of him. Surely, We gave him power on earth and gave him means to (have) everything (he needs). So he followed a course, until when he reached the point of sunset, he found it setting into a miry spring, and found a people near it. We said, “O Dhul-Qarnain, either punish them or adopt good behavior with them.”

verses 89 and 90
Thereafter he followed a course, until when he reached the point of sunrise, he found it rising over a people for whom We did not make any shelter against it.

In Sunan Abu Dawud (3991)
Abu Dharr said: I was sitting behind the Apostle of Allah who was riding a donkey while the sun was setting. He asked: Do you know where this sets? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water.

Is a baby's gender really determined later than conception?

Sahih Muslim 6397
Anas ibn Malik reported directly from Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) that he said: Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, has appointed an angel as the caretaker of the womb, and he would say: My Lord, it is now a drop of semen; my Lord, it is now a clot of blood; my Lord, it has now become a lump of flesh, and when Allah decides to give it a final shape, the angel says: My Lord, would it be male or female or would be be an evil or a good person? What about his livelihood and his age? And it is all written as he is in the womb of his mother.

Are Muhammad's instructions for health and hygiene scientifically sound?

Sahih Al-Bukhari 537: “Narrated Abu Huraira: The prophet said “If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease.””

Sunan Abu Dawud 67: “I heard that the people asked the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him): Water is brought for you from the well of Buda’ah. It is a well in which dead dogs, menstrual cloths and excrement of people are thrown. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) replied: Verily water is pure and is not defiled by anything.”

Sunan Ibn Majah 520: “It was narrated that Jabir bin Abdullah said: “We came to a pond in which there was the carcass of a donkey, so we refrained from using the water until the Messenger of Allah came to us and said: ‘Water is not made impure by anything.’ Then we drank from it and gave it to our animals to drink, and we carried some with us.””

The teachings of Muhammad are man-made, not from a divine being who is trustworthy and knowledgeable.

(Material taken from

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2018, 01:57:59 AM »

Superiority is define by the Qur'an and that is Islam.

As for the rest of your rant, go and tell that to the people who are closer to the original teachings of Jesus. And tell them that Allah is not God. This confusion is due to being illiterate of language that you are far removed from.

And you have yet to bring any substantial argument, rather baseless opinions with little understanding of Ahadeeth literature. You are not a scholar nor do you comprehend the context of the Ahadeeth or the complexity of the Arabic language to know what to use as a response.

Taking an English interpretation without knowledge, at face value is ignorance. The difference when I do it, is that I know my sources and the context and can find corroborating proof to support it, you do not.

Instead, you try to appeal on emotional level, which requires little intellect.

Unfortunately, you are asking the wrong questions, and to the wrong person.

All these "if such and such" type questions are baseless and are a failed attempt at inducing doubts. Perhaps if I was not prepared to respond with a bit of knowledge, or had little understanding of my religion, that attempt may have work as I'm sure it does with a lot of ignorant Muslims you have communicated with as is apparent from the way you structure your "argument".

If you have read what I posted originally, you would have known that whatever you bring has already been foretold. So I am not surprised that you did exactly what I said someone in your disposition would do. And that is only because Allah Knows all things, and the Qur'an has refuted your arguments before they ever existed. If what you say is true, then these things would have been in the accusations made by the enemies of Allah in the times of the Prophet. His own family would have accused him of what the people of today say, but, since this is not the case, especially since they accused him of everything under the sun during his life, it is safe to say that you and those who come with similar arguments are clueless as to the reality of Islam.

Again, if you read what I posted originally, you knew that your argument has been dismantled ina concise and simple manner, so what was the purpose of posting all of this jibberish?

Did you assume I was one of those Muslims that was going to reiterate with something other than Islam, like politics and trying to rationalize whatever the content of those videos (which still prove nothing), in some way, shape or form?

I suggest a different approach.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 02:08:14 AM by 3bdushakur »

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2018, 02:04:12 AM »
But I do know that gender is determined at conception, that the sun does not set into a murky pool of water, that carcasses and dead meat are breeding grounds for bacteria that can make people very sick, and no one has any evidence that suggests that stars are missiles to attack devils with.

Offline 3bdushakur

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2018, 02:11:39 AM »
But I do know that gender is determined at conception, that the sun does not set into a murky pool of water, that carcasses and dead meat are breeding grounds for bacteria that can make people very sick, and no one has any evidence that suggests that stars are missiles to attack devils with.

These are not argument or proof of anything, nor are they rebuttles.

First of all, aside from the Sahih Muslim Hadeeth, how do we know the hadeeth you decided to post, without knowledge of Principle of Hadeeth, are authentic, or weak or even fabricated? Do you know if they are? What is the explanation of these hadith in the Arabic context, from a reputable Scholar of the Sunnah? As a matter of fact, who translated the Arabic of the hadeeth into English, and did they translate accurately?

You don't know.

So your argument, is still null and void until you can bring corroborating evidence from the Ulema regarding the hadeeth you decided to use, because you clearly do not know how this works.

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2018, 02:18:44 AM »
But I do know that gender is determined at conception, that the sun does not set into a murky pool of water, that carcasses and dead meat are breeding grounds for bacteria that can make people very sick, and no one has any evidence that suggests that stars are missiles to attack devils with.

Conception is defined as
the action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived.

Meaning when the egg is fertilized.

The gender of the child becomes known, according to
Most pregnant women find out their baby's sex (if they choose to know) during their mid-pregnancy ultrasound, usually between 16 and 20 weeks. However, the technician may not be able to tell for sure if she can't get a clear view of the baby's genitals.

Clearly, what you think you know is wrong.

No one has evidence that the stars are missles to attack the shayateen except for Allah (in the Qur'an), Who teaches men about that which they do not know through revelation.

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2018, 02:21:49 AM »

As for the other ahadeeth, we still need to know their reality, and we need a proper explanation for them from the Scholars of Islam, not you. In Arabic and translated by a trustworthy source.

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Re: The Superiority of Islam
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2018, 10:39:10 AM »
This is entertaining! lol

No one has evidence that the stars are missles to attack the shayateen except for Allah (in the Qur'an), Who teaches men about that which they do not know through revelation.

This is golden!!! I had no idea that Mohammed had stated such a thing!

The beauty of the dark ages... Destroy all knowledge and convince people about everything...

By the way only Arab Christians (such as Egyptians) use Allah to refer to God
Allah is not a name it literally means The God.

The name of god in the aforementioned religions originates from Jewish and if u want to get an idea about it you can start from here (

It is also very funny to know how we have believers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam thinking that the believe a different god :-D

These three religions believe to the same god... Which refer it as the One True God...

Now, lets return to the topic: The superiority of Islam...
In my limited knowledge about religions (haven't read the Quran, I have read the old Testimony and I was forced to more or less read the new Testimony).
I have studied several survey articles that discuss several different religions. (Including Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, different factions of Christianity, Islam, old religions)
I have a quite extensive historical knowledge.
And I have lived in a rather multi-religious environment and societies.

So first my personal opinion without facts and full of bias: The SUPERIOR religion of them all is the LACK OF RELIGION...

A bit of facts: The biggest crimes in history where made in the name of GOD. Religion takes out the worst of people. More or less what :critter: do to :peon:
The rise of religions (Christianity, Islam) in the ancient world meant the collapse of civilization the lost of knowledge and the return of human life standard to the equivalent of an APE.

If I would change something historically, it would be the appearance of the prophets... Just send a terminator:

Terminator Vs Jesus HD The Greatest Action Story Ever Told Mad Tv 1996 - YouTube

Millions of people would not have died, we would be 400-500 years technologically more advanced. And most probably we would be much more peaceful...

Is it the fault of the prophets? Of course not... But give a weapon that controls the masses and that is what happens.

Now to some more hard core evidence:

To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true. --Aristotle

With this simple sentence, Aristotle proved all religions to be false! Not a single one survived :-D (Perhaps Buddhism is the only one that might not be falsified)

Explanation: Buddhism, is not a religion it is a philosophy for the Metaphysical. Buddha does not refer to any God or superior being, only says that we should search for inner enlightenment.
While, I have not read all of the Buddhist texts, it is possible that the state nothing that is false, thus Buddhism is not falsified.

Being not falsified does not necessarily make something true. It could simply be unproven...
Then I would need to explain u the incompleteness theorem... But that is too complicated for simpletons that believe stuff like:

No one has evidence that the stars are missles to attack the shayateen except for Allah (in the Qur'an), Who teaches men about that which they do not know through revelation.

Or that believe that the Earth is flat, we haven't went to the moon, etc...

Now, as it is clear for me that Religion it self is inferior and that we should abolish it... Let me try to choose a Superior religion among the ones that I have some knowledge for...

I will define superiority based one three (3) different categories:
1) Creation of the world (best story)
2) Promotion of ethics (love, hate, equality)
3) Enlightenment for Believer/Society (Self development, freedom, evolution)

For (1)
Christianity, Islam, Judaism would score the same... The have the same story more or less.
Hinduism is very rich in stories, I barely know a few of them... But I do believe is richer than the other religions. (Probably they should earn the highest score here).
Buddhism gets its stories from real peoples lives and makes an allegory out of them.
Ohh and let me mention the best of them all: There exists 1 religion (has some small variations) that has the most AMAZING stories among them all.
The stories are based in Cosmogony and describe Astronomical events. The more Historians study them, the more the have to turn to science to understand them. Or in other words, the need to read Physics and just name entities of events in Physics or other sciences fields and the get the stories!

Quoting Wikipedia:
Extrapolation of the expansion of the universe backwards in time using general relativity yields an infinite density and temperature at a finite time in the past.[14] This singularity indicates that general relativity is not an adequate description of the laws of physics in this regime. Models based on general relativity alone can not extrapolate toward the singularity beyond the end of the Planck epoch.

This primordial singularity is itself sometimes called "the Big Bang",[15] but the term can also refer to a more generic early hot, dense phase[16][notes 1] of the universe. In either case, "the Big Bang" as an event is also colloquially referred to as the "birth" of our universe since it represents the point in history where the universe can be verified to have entered into a regime where the laws of physics as we understand them (specifically general relativity and the standard model of particle physics) work.

And the myth:
In the beginning was an emptiness called Chaos - the yawning gap. Then Earth -or Gaia- sprang, without parents, into being. Her broad bosom provided a sturdy seat for the gods to come. And suddenly there appeared Eros, the fairest of immortals. At his touch bodies melt; he destroys will and reason, not only for humans but even for gods. In the beginning, then, were these all-powerful three.

Chaos is the infinite emptiness, Gaia is the singularity, Eros is the infinite density and temperature...

Wow the Big Bang theory from 4000BC????~WTF...

For (2)
Islam would score very low on this category...
Christianity is somewhere in the middle.
Judaism scores well within Hebrews (The chosen people) and bad for the others...
Buddhism is very high on this being the only religion that has not even raised weapons towards their enemies... (Wait for it there is even better)
Brahma based Hinduism would score pretty well
Kali based Hinduism would score pretty bad
lol the beauty of Hinduism, it super contains almost all other religions.

Wait, is love and pacifism the nature of Man??? If it was then the highest score would be on Buddhism...
But the reality lies elsewhere... One religion, accepted man as is! And deified all its characteristics. Man has love, care, peace, wisdom but also has hatred, sexual distortion, war, foolishness, inside him. Rejecting/oppressing all that is not healthy... Wait is this psychology??? Oh you guessed what religion I'm referring too?

(3) Well here, almost all prevailing religions mess up...
For Christianism you need to check Hermits. And yes all religions have their equivalent.
Only Buddhism is actively promoting believer and society enlightenment. All others care more about believers following the rules... (Well taxes pay the bills).

The "Old Religion" did promoted society enlightenment and some individual one. But truthfully we miss some of the details for me to be able to score it.
One thing I can say for sure, is that it was a religion of equality and love much more than what some religions claim.
Some indications for that: 12 gods (6 male, 6 female) Still it was a patriarch based religion with Zeus being the Father and leader of all. An element that was also reflected to the society.

Intellectual the wisest the Goddess of knowledge was Athena! A female god that was borne by the head of Zeus.
Balance always was represented in female figures, while strength in male ones.

Now about love, it is enough to mention that one of the three primordial gods is Love it self (Eros).
But further than that, it is much more important to mention that as a religion it accepted love in all forms: Love for oneself, for family, for the same gender, for animals, for items, for arts for everything. While the Judaism based religions only accept love for God and human and not for anything else.

Oh damn, I revealed the mystery religion :-P

Lets now see the flames of truth spread!
Holy inquisition and Jihad entering in our discussions :-D

You holy slayers, butchers of Science and Enlightenment bring it on :-D