@IgognitoI decided to pursue your comments about all religion being nonsense or bad over here. I should get your actual quote up here so I'm not misquoting or anything. Sec.
Now, as it is clear for me that Religion it self is inferior and that we should abolish it...
So, Igog, in the absence of an intelligent mind creating this universe and everything in it with all its beauty, order, and design, how do you logically explain the existence of the universe?
How can something come from nothing? How can something be caused without a cause?
The universe, or nature, includes EVERYTHING that is, atoms to galaxies, bacteria to blue whales, humanity, time, space, matter, laws of motion, laws of physics, laws of science, every ordered thing, everything that exists.
It is outside of logic to say that
everything in existence was made by something within existence, like energy or forces or Brownian motion or radiation of electricity, all of which are created things within creation.
The only logical conclusion to the existence of everything is that this everything was created by something or caused by something
outside of the everything, or something outside of nature, or something
The amount of information, the degree of design in even the tiniest living things, also logically shows that this intricate design and vast amounts of ordered information was produced by an intelligent mind.
All meaningful information and order and design have always been produced by an intelligent mind. Nothing with complex design and meaningful information was ever observed in the history of the world to be produced randomly or without an intelligent mind.
This is evidence that an intelligent mind (far superior to the most intelligent human minds) is behind everything in creation.
It is illogical to say that something came from nothing, or that the impossible event of something coming from nothing could be uncaused by anything, or to say that the highly ordered, complex design we can observe all around us in the universe on both a large scale with planetary motion and galaxies and stars and on a microscopic scale with bacteria all the way down to atoms and even smaller particles that are being discovered after each new "tiniest" one. When I was in school, the smallest unit they told us had been found was called a quark. Apparently there are supposedly many things smaller that have been found of which I know nothing. And then on the scale of our size, humans, animals, plants, with their designs so complex that humans barely scrape the surface, the handiwork of a brilliant engineer without equal is plain and clear to anyone who is not hardened against it, willfully blinding themselves to the truth.
When neuroscientists talk about the human brain, they all admit how little is known about how the human brain works.
This reminds me when I asked my older brother, who's a super smart engineer, "What's the smallest particle known to man?"
He said immediately, "Your brain."

What are big brothers for lol.
Besides something from nothing, which is already an insurmountable problem for atheists, there is another grave problem with the godless position.
Without an authority, without a lawgiver, there is, nor CAN there be, any true morality of any kind. There is no such thing as right and wrong, nor CAN there be, as without a lawgiver, there is no grounds for it. If humans are a random accident (which is impossible and absurd to believe considering the jaw-dropping head-to-toe), there is absolutely no way for anything to be wrong or right.
So even your assertions that there is such a thing as
better and
worse religions from the standpoint of an atheist, kills your atheist worldview. You are slamming your own worldview by bringing forward the notion that there is such a thing as better or worse, as good or bad, since your worldview cannot account for such fanciful nonsensical concepts.