I believe there are only a handful of people that regularly donate for tournaments. I am willing to send money to an admin's paypal at his or her discretion for upcoming tournaments or other necessities such as server maintenance and/or upgrades. This can be thrown into the money pool for any given tournaments at their discretion. So please, message me if this concerns you! I don't need accolades or congratulations, I just want to give back to this [horrible - hehe] community and all that it has done for me over the many years since I have been apart of this game and server. I can donate today.
I'd prefer to donate money to also include an archers 1s or 2s tournament as well if we can fit that into the 2018-2019 schedule. Message me what you feel is appropriate with paypal information. Thanks ahead of time! I am willing to make multiple donations over time. I am about to be super busy in the months of June - August and will likely not be able to participate in the tournaments for some time. This will not stop me from being slightly generous.

I am also willing to do $5 games of archer friends versus any friendly competitor. Only I will pay, I do not need money if I win.
I have the ability to say no if I don't have the time to play (I will eventually say yes), but no one is omitted unless on a smurf name.
The person I play against may have to host unless we lat trick.
The person I play against does NOT pay if they lose.
I pay if I lose, not win.
I will play any given person up to a maximum of 10 losses ($50 USD max per person).
Person must have paypal in order to be paid out.
Things that will disqualify payouts:
A glitch (like infinite life archer)
Intentional lumber rape.
Utilizing weird strategies that include but are not limited to magic rush and peon rush
Please be diligent about taking screen shots of victory screen. If you cry wolf without proof saying I didn't pay I am going to be upset about damaged reputation.
Other notes: I would extend this offer to other maps but I don't excel at them for now. I'm probably a tier 1-2 player at archers. I'm definitely not the best and recognize that. This offer extends to December 31st, 2018 and I will likely renew it if there is some interest. I'm doing this because I want to increase competition throughout the community, hone my rusty skills and because a large portion of the community can't afford ramen noodles.
Feel free to message me here or on facebook at
https://www.facebook.com/cameron.addison.90 to play me. I am not on W2 as often as I'd like.
So far:MaStA{hR} 3 vs Thumb$ 0
MaStA{hR} 2 vs FaT~Albert 0
MaStA{hR} 1 vs Igognito(z) 0
MaStA{hR} 1 vs Lambchops 0
MaStA{hR} 3 vs ACTION (Deadly) 4 - Paid $10.00 USD