
Who do you think would win a series between Tora and BabyShark?


Author Topic: ~Tora~ v BabyShark  (Read 25368 times)

Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2018, 03:14:38 AM »
Whats so wrong with donating money to the server? Your clearly struggling financially. How irresponsible of you to try and wager money you don’t have on a video game.
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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2018, 03:21:01 AM »
Are we done here? if so I think i'll host a tournament with the $250 I was planning for this wager.
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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2018, 03:30:28 AM »
I think its better if winne take 250 + maybe half 125, with 125 user is obliged tom make Tour

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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2018, 03:40:58 AM »
I think its better if winne take 250 + maybe half 125, with 125 user is obliged tom make Tour
If you read Babyshark’s posts she is making a big deal about the $250 wager which indicates it’s a lot of money for her. Which means it’s probably not a good thing to wager with.
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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2018, 03:57:19 AM »
I am comfortable playing your original offer.

We both give $250 to XuRnT, winner takes all.

You were very bold with your initial offer, and I'm still game for it. It looks like you're flaking out on me.

I can arrange to be available Saturday June 30th or Sunday July 1st but I won't be home until the afternoon that day.

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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2018, 03:59:47 AM »
I am comfortable playing your original offer.

We both give $250 to XuRnT, winner takes all.

You were very bold with your initial offer, and I'm still game for it. It looks like you're flaking out on me.

I can arrange to be available Saturday June 30th or Sunday July 1st but I won't be home until the afternoon that day.

You were the one that requested this match up. Don't try to spin it like I asked for it.

If you don't like my terms log on one morning and ask me to 1v1 you. I said I would.
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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2018, 04:12:01 AM »
Tora, I have a great idea. :)

Let's do a 1v1 assorted map series 7 games, each of us picks 3 ladder legit maps (including Mr. Bean and Zones which are now valid) and GOW can be the 7th, no map repeats.

Loser isn't allowed to post on forum for the entire month of July.

You in?

^^ill play u if u want. Mind you I only play in the mornings now.
Monday 10am ok?

I'm not available weekday daytimes at 10 am, but I could do 6 am Monday or this Saturday at 7 am EDT? I have tennis at 9 am but could get a good chunk of them done by then hopefully. Other than that I can do a later evening.

I’m going to Boston this weekend so maybe next weekend? I don’t play video games after 12-1pm usually. Occasionally I do log on late at night but it’s not my preferred time of gaming.

Also let’s change the bet to a cash bet. Let’s say $250 each? Xurnt can hold onto it and stream the games.

Definitely sounded like you asked for a $250 cash bet involved. It's a fun idea. Let's do it.

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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2018, 04:18:36 AM »

?..$250 is nothing.
Why u acting like it’s a big deal.

$250 is a lot of money to me. WC2 isn't a card game where you can buy your way out of a bluff.... or is it?

The original challenge was for one or the other of you to keep your big flappy traps shut for a while, which seems like far more appropriate stakes than something you say is "nothing".

How am i doing with my pro trolling? ;)
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2018, 05:55:56 AM »
BabyShark was getting really good at 1vs1 last time we played. I bet Tora has too. Would be fun to watch.. Especially if @Cel shows up for the party.

@Nedro would be cool but I'm not the one who can make that happen.

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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2018, 09:29:01 AM »
That would be a fun match up!
Especially, on a map variety.
Tora statistically speaking has better chances to win the GoW match, but on other maps the story will be different!

I also feel that it is unfair to put money and have no reward back. But I also think that the winner donating part of the money makes sense.
Thus I suggest a that 80% of the amount goes to winner 20% to the server. (The amount you can agree upon)
I wouldn't wage 250$ on a game even if I knew I would win...
I would 50$ (or 50€) that would be my top limit.

So with 50$ it would be 80$ for the winner 20$ for the server! fair enough I think ;-)

Tora, at least use warvid to record the game so that later we can make a commentary from your pov if we want.

I'm rusty as I haven't played for a some time now and certainly not seriously, but if you want to organize mid level 1v1 challenges I would be game :-D

Rules KOTH, bo7, we start with GoW EF High, each players suggest 5 different than GoW maps and settings for each to form a GoW EF High + 10map/setting pool
If two suggested maps are the same then both players have to choose another map :-D

I would wage 10$ for each challenge with 80% to the winner 20% to the server.
If we do 8 challenges that would be a total of 32$ to the server.

That could be an interesting challenge tournament that would actually collect money for the server without hurting our pockets severely!

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2018, 10:00:20 AM »
Tora statistically speaking has better chances to win the GoW match

Where do you get this?

I looked up ladder record on all his akas I can recall and our record on GOW is

Tora 2
BabyShark 3

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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2018, 10:52:48 AM »
Tora, I have a great idea. :)

Let's do a 1v1 assorted map series 7 games, each of us picks 3 ladder legit maps (including Mr. Bean and Zones which are now valid) and GOW can be the 7th, no map repeats.

Loser isn't allowed to post on forum for the entire month of July.

You in?

^^ill play u if u want. Mind you I only play in the mornings now.
Monday 10am ok?

I'm not available weekday daytimes at 10 am, but I could do 6 am Monday or this Saturday at 7 am EDT? I have tennis at 9 am but could get a good chunk of them done by then hopefully. Other than that I can do a later evening.

I’m going to Boston this weekend so maybe next weekend? I don’t play video games after 12-1pm usually. Occasionally I do log on late at night but it’s not my preferred time of gaming.

Also let’s change the bet to a cash bet. Let’s say $250 each? Xurnt can hold onto it and stream the games.

Definitely sounded like you asked for a $250 cash bet involved. It's a fun idea. Let's do it.

The General section of the forum I mainly troll in.

You brought up the 1v1 series and made a thread here in the main section. I have no interest in winning any money from you. And I care even less about proving who is better at war2.

If we do this it would be for the purpose of promoting the server.
$250 is not a lot for me personally. If it’s too much for you I don’t have an issue with lowering the wager to something more manageable for you personally.
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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2018, 12:36:10 PM »
Tora are you some kind of internet retard? BS isn't complaining about the money but it seems that you have a big problem with it.
She's telling you that she’s fine with the amount of money, I know it’s not a problem for her to pay that.

You keep saying that she doesn’t have the money. I’m pretty sure she does.

BS can definitely win against you and maybe that’s the reason why you’re scared of her and trying to flake out.

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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #28 on: June 22, 2018, 12:57:55 PM »
Never said she didn't have it.

Babyshark called me out to play a 1v1 series in the General section

Tora, I have a great idea. :)

Let's do a 1v1 assorted map series 7 games, each of us picks 3 ladder legit maps (including Mr. Bean and Zones which are now valid) and GOW can be the 7th, no map repeats.

Loser isn't allowed to post on forum for the entire month of July.

You in?

I said okay. But let's play for a different bet. A cash bet.

Also let’s change the bet to a cash bet. Let’s say $250 each? Xurnt can hold onto it and stream the games.

That thread is a classic troll thread nothing in it is to be taken seriously. Babyshark then made a serious thread here in the server section and laid out these terms.
1. We both stream nonstop
2. Mousey said she can be on hand to confirm IDs
3. Am I correct in thinking you mean we each give $250 (USD right?) to XuRnT and then winner gets $500?
4. Has XuRnT agreed to participate in the manner you described?
5. This could be fun.
6. So far you're much braver than Harrywangs, van, and Jordan4385 who fear me. I'm 10-0 vs each of em in my mind.
7. Saturday June 30, 2018 11 am?
8. We should have the maps and playing order set in advance. All maps are different, no repeats.

She asked me if "she was right is thinking that the winner would receive $500." She was not. That was not what I was thinking at all. I then laid out my own terms on how this 1v1 series would be played if it happened.
She is requesting to play against me so I think it's fair for me to lay out the terms, you disagree?

Here are my terms,

We play bo7 KOTH on standard High/EF settings with the 1st map being Garden of war classic. From there loser picks any blizzard made map no (mutton), until someone gets 4 wins.
 We both paypal @XuRnT $250 making a total of $500, however whoever wins only collects their original $250. Xurnt gets to keep $250 to use for a future tournament.

I play war2 on an old thinkpad which cant stream, so streaming is out on my end.
Also the day and time is to be changed to 04/01/2018 at 12pm Eastern time.

I'm not really interested in going back and forth on such a petty issue. But it does look like the $250 was the thing holding her back from playing this series. She made multiple immature posts on the issue after initially saying that she didn't want half the winnings to go toward a future Xurnt tournament.

That's not really how a cash bet works. The way it works is winner takes all.

What would motivate me to put in $250 that I may lose with no possibility to win anything lol?

Winner takes $500 and then if you win, you have the option to donate wherever you like.

Are you withdrawing your bold $250 bet offer with proceeds going to winner?

If I win, you give me $10000000000000000, if you win, you give me $1000000000000000000.

Do you accept?

« Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 01:22:17 PM by ~ToRa~ »
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Re: ~Tora~ v BabyShark
« Reply #29 on: June 22, 2018, 01:01:27 PM »
I don't have any issue's just playing against her for nothing. Sounds like this whole money thing has become a big issue.

Tell you what @BabyShark we play a 1v1 series if I win I donate $250 to Xurnt for a future tournament. If you win you don't post on the forum for the month of July. Deal?
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