Never said she didn't have it.
Babyshark called me out to play a 1v1 series in the General section
Tora, I have a great idea. 
Let's do a 1v1 assorted map series 7 games, each of us picks 3 ladder legit maps (including Mr. Bean and Zones which are now valid) and GOW can be the 7th, no map repeats.
Loser isn't allowed to post on forum for the entire month of July.
You in?
I said okay. But let's play for a different bet. A cash bet.
Also let’s change the bet to a cash bet. Let’s say $250 each? Xurnt can hold onto it and stream the games.
That thread is a classic troll thread nothing in it is to be taken seriously. Babyshark then made a serious thread here in the server section and laid out these terms.
1. We both stream nonstop
2. Mousey said she can be on hand to confirm IDs
3. Am I correct in thinking you mean we each give $250 (USD right?) to XuRnT and then winner gets $500?
4. Has XuRnT agreed to participate in the manner you described?
5. This could be fun.
6. So far you're much braver than Harrywangs, van, and Jordan4385 who fear me. I'm 10-0 vs each of em in my mind.
7. Saturday June 30, 2018 11 am?
8. We should have the maps and playing order set in advance. All maps are different, no repeats.
She asked me if "she was right is thinking that the winner would receive $500." She was not. That was not what I was thinking at all. I then laid out my own terms on how this 1v1 series would be played if it happened.
She is requesting to play against me so I think it's fair for me to lay out the terms, you disagree?
Here are my terms,
We play bo7 KOTH on standard High/EF settings with the 1st map being Garden of war classic. From there loser picks any blizzard made map no (mutton), until someone gets 4 wins.
We both paypal @XuRnT $250 making a total of $500, however whoever wins only collects their original $250. Xurnt gets to keep $250 to use for a future tournament.
I play war2 on an old thinkpad which cant stream, so streaming is out on my end.
Also the day and time is to be changed to 04/01/2018 at 12pm Eastern time.
I'm not really interested in going back and forth on such a petty issue. But it does look like the $250 was the thing holding her back from playing this series. She made multiple immature posts on the issue after initially saying that she didn't want half the winnings to go toward a future Xurnt tournament.
That's not really how a cash bet works. The way it works is winner takes all.
What would motivate me to put in $250 that I may lose with no possibility to win anything lol?
Winner takes $500 and then if you win, you have the option to donate wherever you like.
Are you withdrawing your bold $250 bet offer with proceeds going to winner?
If I win, you give me $10000000000000000, if you win, you give me $1000000000000000000.
Do you accept?