Author Topic: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre  (Read 15279 times)

Offline Winchester

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2019, 11:43:02 AM »
You actually accused me of ganging up on you and bullying you for saying that in the pms. Bullying is a repeated effort. i made one post not related to you which strengthened your case against van. You knew who I am and why I posted that. That is not  me bullying you. You have seen how I post on here to know if I have a problem with someone. But you still acted out on me.

Some of the forum pms I have one of our USA friends akas who when I last spoke to them prefered that it wasn't public, I haven't played in quite a while so im not up to date if everyone knows its them or not, or if they play on ru at all or not, so out of respect to that person i'll just pm you all the forums I got which aren't many. Most of the stuff happened on discord and in game lobby that caused the real issue between me/you. Forum stuff was trivial in comparison. I'll pm you  the forum stuff tomorrow and you can decide if you want to post them here or not or just keep the rest of our discussion in pms now that you're choosing to address it.

Offline Ring62

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Re: I've been really hurt by evil words from Macdre
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2019, 02:46:13 PM »
Lol funny people ,,,, If they play 10 games OUTSIDE the garden  Babyshark will win 9-1 prolly vs harrywangs..