Dugs would win.

I concede that Dugs is a better player (at least better at GOW that he plays exclusively)...or at least I used to be sure about that.
But his reluctance to play me every time I asked even many months ago struck me as odd. Players who are *actually* in a position to say I'm too newb to be worth the effort, like Sepi and Swift, have not only never dodged, but have actually often invited me to 1s. Lux has never dodged either, and it is literally like an arm wrestle against a man to vs some of the actual top players. You feel it when you're overpowered by a far greater force.
I think Dugs is better at GOW than I am. But I don't think he is in the same position as the above mentioned players to say I'm too newb to be a good game. I also think he has no confidence to leave GOW or to risk doing a fight with me because he couldn't handle being made fun of by other people *if* he lost some games, which he clearly thinks is a possibility, or he would jump for the $100, not just for the money, but to rescue his pride and shut me up.
The reason I made the original offer was because I wanted to experience his very unique and enjoyable, ghost-like playstyle that is heavily reliant on human magic and he kept dodging my 1s invites. And claimed I wasn't gonna be a good enough game as grounds.
My friendliness level towards Dugs has diminished after he banned my friend for no good reason after allowing "niggers should be hanged" persons to spam people for years, and called for me to be banned as well for no reason other than unfounded false accusations without evidence or because I challenged him to 1s or because I called him out for admin power abuse or because of my personal views, who knows. He then said there's no such thing as shit talk gone too far.
And my prodding him to play me is about as gentle as it gets around ru.
But I can feel him squirming. I smell his fear. I know how annoyed he is. "JUST SHUT UP! GO AWAY! IT'S A NEWB! IT'S A GIRL!"
But after you've proclaimed there's no such thing as shit talk gone too far, how exactly do you tell someone challenging you to stop embarrassing you and no you don't want to risk losing to a newb?
And if I am not a good enough game for him, I'd like him to show me.
I give proper skill respect where I've beheld the proof.
I think I've gotten better since 2017.
http://ladder.war2.ru/games.php?player1=babyshark&player2=dugs%5Banz%5D&Search=SearchLet's take it to some other maps too, besides the one you play 24/7.