Some playstyle do sinergize better than others, though it is no secret that combining and synchronizing your attacks with your teamates and communicating will improve your chances of winning by a lot.
Voice chat usually works better for that and there is always a balance to find between too much and not enough communication.
Still if we look at some of the past tournaments teams that have a great sinergy and good communication do tend to perform better, sometimes they dont need a lot of communication to be good, but for some players it actually makes them a lot better.
Some players are pretty good at this already.
If I had to pick two players that do it right from the top of my head that I played with I would say that as far as I am concerned Kurtz or Swift are good at that in their own way. They will usually keep it straight and simple they will tell you what kind of playstyle they want to go for and ask you politely if you can play in that or another way so that you as a team have a great synergy.
During game time it can be helpful that they notice you if something important happens that you can do something about and that they might not on their own just yet.
Like if you went for a fast tech strategy and he went for a rush and he sees something like submarines, telling you he saw subs might just save the day for him and you guys as a team as it would be much easier to get one or two fliers out for you than him if you already have keep and not him.
Then again, all information can be useful or not, playing a lot with a person will improve both their skills concerning communication and yours

Though it can be true that too much information and bad communication can be counter productive I tend to believe good communication is a strong advantage overall.

^Also good communication makes awesome games to watch.