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Offline shesycompany

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2018, 06:59:58 PM »
It so happens that the W2 player base is comprised largely of drug and alcohol addicted people who don't know how to interact normally with people.

Guilty but c'mon love playing with you.

:o leave the modelo chelado out of this..this stuff is the best..its prob because your one of the most well known girls...theres some other ones that play but not chat much..and u know van is gods gift to yall women
« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 07:04:54 PM by easycompany »

Offline Erenussocrates

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2018, 01:30:56 AM »
Like, I kind of agree that "text on the screen" is nothing to be taken seriously, but continuous harrassment kind of goes over to fucked-upness territory, isn't it now? It's bullying, there's a limit to everything.

I also know that Xurnt and Strata-G have been looking for new recruits, I think I've overheard their talk on Discord on how they wanted a guy over Youtube called Grubby to advertise the server so that there could be new people coming in. While they are trying hard doing this, I think what server trolls are doing in general is very counter-productive to that.

Because let's be real, nobody new is gonna stay here when they see bullcrap like that on chat. Who in their right mind would?

I have nothing against van or anybody else personally, I'm just talking logic here. I'm firm in my belief that adminstration in this server is being WAAAAY too lenient towards this kind of behaviour. Like, if half of this was going on in another server, those guys would be perma-banned immediately.
If you want new members even ever so slightly, this is no way to gain new members, not by keeping people like that around.

So, what do you think about all of this, mousey and Tora? What is the exact reason why you are being so lenient? If some new guy started being toxic tomorrow, would he be allowed to do so as well?

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2018, 02:33:12 AM »
TBH Babyshark acts like a spoilt child on the server. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2018, 05:22:59 AM »
So, what do you think about all of this, mousey and Tora? What is the exact reason why you are being so lenient? If some new guy started being toxic tomorrow, would he be allowed to do so as well?

I joined the server in 2015 and became and admin shortly thereafter. From the day I joined trash talking has been part of the culture of war2ru.
The average age of a war2 player is between 25-35, everyone on here is an adult. So it is left to the community to police themselves in regards to players trash talking them. As admins we only really get involved when players are suspected of hacking or taking things out of the game and into the real world.

The reason for why war2 doesn't have a huge following could be debated for days on end. The server is mainly for players who have played war2 pre RU. In other words it's a community built by veterans and casual war2 enthusiasts who are trying to entertain themselves. Most players aren't interested in teaching new players how to play or game with them for very long if they aren't progressing.   

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Offline Erenussocrates

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2018, 05:52:56 AM »

But yet it doesn't really work, does it? Average age of 25-35 doesn't mean much to me if the individual doesn't actually act their age. No matter whatever kind of community you are in, everyone has the right to expect atleast that bare minimum level of respect I think, it's part of being in a society. Trashtalking is fine between friends, but I don't necessarily see that could be welcome between strangers or people who don't want to be engaged in such a manner, or getting trolled/cyberbullied often (it sounds like that's what BabyShark didn't want from the start, which is completely normal).

I also don't agree with your perspective of "policing things that are outside of war2ru". An administrator's duty is to admin the server and it's related forums, and to keep those two ordered, not the stuff outside of it. And for people who carry the issue to the outside of that scope are to resolve things between themselves. This is the normal definition of administrating a community such as this.

I do know people who are passionate about warcraft 2 yet who do not play multiplayer, I think they could have had a chance to be integrated into a community like this, if only your approach about administration wasn't wrong, that's what I'm talking about. The newcomers don't necessarily need to be taught how to play the games by others, but the environment that you are currently enabling gives actual zero chance for this community to grow and thrive. I am not someone who is easily offended by stuff written by others, but when I look from a general perspective of what's acceptable in a society, when I join the war2combat server and take a short glance at the server chatbox, I'm assured that nobody who could have otherwise enjoyed playing MP would have stayed here, and for good reason. Not after seeing the rampant racial and homophobic slurs made by trolls X'D
The issue pushed by BabyShark is just one example.

All in all, your policy about the forums and server seems like it would enable trolls and people who were otherwise outlawed by other communities, and give them a place to thrive here. War2ru could literally become 4chan, I could foresee this.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 06:28:28 AM by Erenussocrates »

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2018, 05:57:13 AM »
@BabyShark are you serious about filing a police report against van?
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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2018, 06:02:59 AM »
It happens to me every day I log on the server Babyshark. I don’t let trash talk from someone on the internet bother me.

Are you serious yes or no?
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Offline Erenussocrates

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2018, 06:28:14 AM »
Btw, I've literally heard Xurnt complain about the lack of people on the server more than once, so if you have a "we dont want anybody" argument, it also has no point.

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2018, 06:28:33 AM »
I see your deliberately refusing to answer the question which leads me to believe you are serious.

Your taking this game and internet life way too seriously. This is a game it isn't real life. 
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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2018, 06:57:50 AM »
This does happen to us. All of us. Baby shark. We ignore it. Or give it right back. Because we are adults that learn sticks and stones may break our bones but words online will never hurt us

Offline Winchester

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2018, 07:06:50 AM »
but words online will never hurt us

Unless it's the magical facebook apparently. Despite it being online and all.  When did it not become online?

Offline Shotgun

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2018, 08:27:05 AM »
LOL yeah I'm the one who needs therapy

Because a child is spoiled when they don't want to be forced to listen to "you suck nigger dick" etc day in and day out for over a YEAR by some psychos.

If you think that kind of behavior is decent and normal human behavior, to harass someone who squelches you regularly and never responds to you, daily with vulgar and rude messages for over a YEAR, you need to get some therapy. But then again, everyone already knows you need it.

Obviously, no one else on the server is targetted as much as I am for hate spam, on account of me being the only active female player on the game. I have been dealing with potty mouthed, temper tantrum throwing, rude buttheads like you and many other sad clowns that never grew up for half of my life on W2.

Just because there is a large number of scummy people who think it's okay to send dirty messages or group bully someone just because they have the anonymity and perceived safety of being far away behind a computer screen, doesn't mean it's not cowardly, sick, and evil behavior.

Every other app and gaming site has a BLOCK feature so persistent abusers and harassers can't continue for months and months and months to message you every time you log in.

If this had happened to you, or to Swift, I 100% guarantee Tora would follow your first order to get rid of the "annoyance" after MUCH less time than this.

I don't want anything extraordinary. I just want to be able to play a game I like with people I like and have losers with mental issues leave me alone (van and Leeroyjenkins). I don't want anything exceptional here.

This isn't "trash talking". This is players I never talk to or play with targetting me for private messages every time I log on. Squelch is undone every time I reconnect. If there were a permanent squelch option or block feature like every other app has, this problem could be dealt with very easily. Since there is no permanent squelch/block feature, I would ask that the people in charge use their common sense and realize that long-term one way harassment of a particular player isn't okay and penalize the problem users so they stop the behavior. The single solitary reason for not banning these people would be if an admin enjoys watching a user get harassed because they enjoy watching human suffering.

Think of how annoyed you would be after ONE DAY of someone filling up your game screen with messages while you're trying to play. Then think of it going on for TWO DAYS. THREE DAYS. FOUR DAYS. Relentless, day after day. Now you're fuming. You would have exploded LOOOONG ago.

Yeah, this has been going on for well over a year now, And I have just used /squelch and /dnd all this time, but it isn't enough.

I shouldn't have to put up with endless harassment from psychos because people who have power to stop it think it's okay. It isn't.

I'm also not the only person who feels the way I do. There are many who agree with my view that harassment is NOT okay, who don't want to put themselves out there to get attacked by the rabid mob of losers who want to start talking about my boobs.

Just because W2 carries a large number of juvenile, substance addicted, unemployed, mentally ill, divorced, single, lonely, horny, aggressive and rude people doesn't make sick and abusive behavior right or okay.

Offline jordan4385

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #27 on: August 06, 2018, 10:55:05 AM »
sounds like babyshark is describing herself as a war2 player

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #28 on: August 06, 2018, 10:59:36 AM »
My standard has basically been that if a simple squelch solves the problem, then it's under your control and it's not something the admins need to take up.  If a simple squelch doesn't do the trick because the other party is too persistent, that's when it really rises to harassment and we need to step in. 

In this case, it sounds like babyshark is saying that /squelch is working except that you have to keep doing it over and over.  I know sometimes to join games or to host strongly you have to reconnect first, so that in fact one gaming session could entail half a dozen reconnects and half a dozen times you need to /squelch these people.  Everyday, for a year.

If asking someone to /squelch every single time is too burdensome, then we ought to side with the victim and not the abuser, and ban van until he stops his abusive behavior.  I guess the question is, how hard is it exactly to squelch over and over?  I'm not sure.
 Also, is there any way to make it easier?  Can @iL get the server to remember your squelched users?  Can @Lambchops or another user write a script that auto-squelches a list of people every time you log on?

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Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« Reply #29 on: August 06, 2018, 11:12:08 AM »
So, what do you think about all of this, mousey and Tora? What is the exact reason why you are being so lenient? If some new guy started being toxic tomorrow, would he be allowed to do so as well?
tora's answer is pretty accurate eren:

The server is mainly for players who have played war2 pre RU. In other words it's a community built by veterans and casual war2 enthusiasts who are trying to entertain themselves. Most players aren't interested in teaching new players how to play or game with them for very long if they aren't progressing. 
there aren't many community-oriented initiative-takers here, most people just want to log on & play a few games with the people they've been gaming with for 10+ years and then log off. new people can play here if they want to but most people don't have much of a vested interested in accommodating or nurturing them.

also, when iL set up this new forum a few years ago he also implemented a new rule policy to try to cut back on the toxic environment

this would be a nightmare to try to enforce. even if most people didn't flagrantly rebel against it, our ipbans are easy to get around & there're no easy-to-use settings to control new registrations/permissions etc like discord & other modern software has. trying to enforce this rules policy would be a full time job. i don't have time for that, any volunteer here who does? we tried for like a minute back then and then gave up. as an admin i don't enforce "my ideal vision of what the server would be like in a perfect world", i enforce the rules the community in general including other admins agree on.

Every other app and gaming site has a BLOCK feature so persistent abusers and harassers can't continue for months and months and months to message you every time you log in.
this feature hasn't been deliberately omitted though, it's just a shortcoming of the outdated pvpgn technology. the server isn't subject to ongoing development, it's just made available here as-in for people to use if they want to. no one has to use it if they don't want to. no one has been promised that it will be a courteous & respectful gaming environment if they do.