Author Topic: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days  (Read 8999 times)

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DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« on: September 24, 2018, 07:33:26 AM »

Why was this ban unjust?

1. There is no rule against talking about other servers.

2. DeathKnight~ was given no warning about the sudden invention of such a rule.

3. No one was told about this ban. It was done on a whim in secret.

4. No one has taken responsibility for this action.

5. Strata-G was also promoting the new server and did not receive a 13 day ban for it.

Offline tk[as]

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2018, 07:38:08 AM »
Thoughts and prayers

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2018, 07:42:48 AM »
This is just a game it's not real life.
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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2018, 09:58:21 AM »
Deathknight wasn't "banned for 13 days," the account was simply locked from what i understand and unlocked when brought to our attention.  It wasn't me/tora/mouse who did it, we were talking in the admin forum and were pretty confused!  It might have been dugs just trying to stop the msgs being sent to everyone, without letting us know he did it.  We don't like spam but dont mind advertising your server.

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« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 10:01:16 AM by Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) »

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2018, 10:52:29 AM »
1. There is no rule against talking about other servers.

its pretty self explanatory really.

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2018, 02:49:06 PM »
mousey asked if I did it, and to be honest, I can't remember.  Maybe.  I remember recently locking two accounts with obscene names, nothing to do with spamming. If it was locked by me then yeah,  it would have to have been due to unrelenting spam.

BS you're taking this "corruption" stance to absurd levels.  We all play here for free, on a server other people pay for. They invest their own time moderating,  creating software and websites,  and host popular tournaments and don't request a cent doing so. You have to remember we are all adults now,  with careers and families.  We don't owe you anything so stop acting so entitled.

Why are you so ruthless to these people that go out of their way to make sure people have a place to kick back and play a '90s computer game?

Offline Shotgun

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2018, 03:14:55 PM »
mousey asked if I did it, and to be honest, I can't remember.  Maybe.  I remember recently locking two accounts with obscene names, nothing to do with spamming. If it was locked by me then yeah,  it would have to have been due to unrelenting spam.

BS you're taking this "corruption" stance to absurd levels.  We all play here for free, on a server other people pay for. They invest their own time moderating,  creating software and websites,  and host popular tournaments and don't request a cent doing so. You have to remember we are all adults now,  with careers and families.  We don't owe you anything so stop acting so entitled.

Why are you so ruthless to these people that go out of their way to make sure people have a place to kick back and play a '90s computer game?

Offline woofy

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2018, 07:31:15 PM »

Offline woofy

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2018, 07:35:31 PM »
I cant reply to discord BS but just saw your message. It appears it was me.  It wouldn't have been due to advertising but spamming. There was a period of a few days a couple of weeks ago where some folks were joining game lobbiesand spamming then leaving, spamming main channel, spamming whispers, /on join spams and I guess I must've locked the annoying account. Probably thought it was a bot. Apologies to Deathknight for not giving a warning pre-lock.

But yeah, dont spam.

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2018, 09:18:38 AM »
the way you disingenuously inflate these accusations really destroys your credibility bs. a locked account isn't a ban, calling it a ban is pure sensationalism, so why do it? the only reason i can see is defamation, which is right in line with your established MO of resorting to unethical tactics in order to get your way at all costs. of course other people do that too, it's just the stance of flagrant moral superiority you adopt that makes it such a hard pill to swallow.

so what is even the purpose of these endless criticisms & call-outs? who are you preaching towards at this point? there's obviously nobody at ru you're going to win over. if you're aiming to recruit players then the time would be more productively spent advertising & posting elsewhere to raise awareness and bring in new people, rather than continuing to hammer this hysterical vendetta you have against ru & its players for not being "nice people". i honestly hope you dont end up harming tupac's server in some way with your relentless fanaticism, because i believe a server for new players has a lot of potential.

you're welcome, btw, for once again being the only person to give enough of a damn to go out of my way to help you & your friends.

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2018, 03:57:42 PM »
i read the first couple sentences of that and you're wrong: a locked account isn't a ban because the user can just try another account they own, or make a new account, and log right onto the server.  we may lock a name if it is impersonating a person or clan and we're asked to lock the name, or if we think the account in question is a bot that's spamming, cases in which we want the person to be able to continue using the server but want to shut down that specific account at least temporarily if not full-time.  a ban is where we ban the ip or ip range which prevents them from logging in at all.

so it's not the same but maybe you just didn't know. 

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2018, 07:52:21 PM »
i read the first couple sentences of that and you're wrong: a locked account isn't a ban because the user can just try another account they own, or make a new account, and log right onto the server.  we may lock a name if it is impersonating a person or clan and we're asked to lock the name, or if we think the account in question is a bot that's spamming, cases in which we want the person to be able to continue using the server but want to shut down that specific account at least temporarily if not full-time.  a ban is where we ban the ip or ip range which prevents them from logging in at all.

so it's not the same but maybe you just didn't know. 
So that being said why wasn't he given a warning? I've discussed with my team about proper ways promoting and affiliation.

I didn't see strat-g have his account locked when he was spamming his bot calling my software a trojan with no proof. Nothing actually happend to him.

Offline Shotgun

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2018, 08:10:53 PM »
i read the first couple sentences of that and you're wrong: a locked account isn't a ban because the user can just try another account they own, or make a new account, and log right onto the server.  we may lock a name if it is impersonating a person or clan and we're asked to lock the name, or if we think the account in question is a bot that's spamming, cases in which we want the person to be able to continue using the server but want to shut down that specific account at least temporarily if not full-time.  a ban is where we ban the ip or ip range which prevents them from logging in at all.

so it's not the same but maybe you just didn't know. 
So that being said why wasn't he given a warning? I've discussed with my team about proper ways promoting and affiliation.

I didn't see strat-g have his account locked when he was spamming his bot calling my software a trojan with no proof. Nothing actually happend to him.

If you don't know not to spam on video games in 2018 you don't deserve a warning.

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2018, 08:12:36 PM »
Blid didnt lock the acc, I did. I always give warnings (ask Van). That period of a few days of spamming the new server was predominantly bot spam, so I guess I assumed DK was a bot and just locked the acc. Strange because i think I may have played 1 or two games with him. Whatever the case, it was my mistake for not giving a warning and I've apologised, I'm not going to grovel though. Dont spam = accounts not locked. Really simple stuff.

Having said that, hope the new server brings an influx of new players for me to cast my icicles upon.

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Re: DeathKnight~ unjustly banned at RU server for 13 days
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2018, 08:31:49 PM »
strata is the best pud maker i have ever seen..get home from work everyone pissed and yall didnt think of letting easy drink his beer so he could join  >:( but really jesu running off even my old doom buddies ..thx for messaging but why hiss hiss im gone fishing people bbl
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 08:36:36 PM by easycompany »