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« on: November 27, 2019, 10:10:25 AM »
« Last Edit: April 03, 2022, 03:43:57 PM by LiveFreeorDie »

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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2019, 05:29:27 AM »
Quote from: BabyShark

Most people know XuRnT as the guy who streamed, hosted games and tournaments, and who helped build the RU community.

We gamed together a fair bit as we both liked land and water map variety and were in a similar skill group. He seemed like a pretty nice guy, pretty mellow. Never saw him go at people the way a lot of players did, but seemed to stay calm even when others were losing it. He'd invite me on Discord to come game and we'd play together with many of the same people who now play on USA regularly.

He recognized me as a Warcraft 2-loving and trustworthy individual and added me as a manager of his Youtube channel so I could add content, which I did. The videos I made got many views and likes and received a positive response from his audience in the comments.

We never had a problem before Swift. We got along just great, same as I did with most people on the server.

I also had a pretty high trust level towards XuRnT based on what I'd seen personally. I knew he had a criminal record, but I think sometimes people learn from their mistakes and change for the better. I endeavor to let people show me who they are and not let the opinions of other people or the past paint who they are today.

XuRnT did a lot for the server RU and for my favorite game in the world. Whatever happened later, or what relationships change or die, one can't change the facts of history. XuRnT was someone I once respected for all he did for the game, for how he treated people in general including me, and for his willingness to play anything.

Unlike many who dodged, XuRnT started a 1s series with me. So whatever else, he had more guts than a lot of RU players like Tora, Harrywangs, Dugs, van, and Jordan who tried to push me out of games since I was "too newb" yet were afraid to 1s me, after Swift effectively succeeded in turning the entire RU server against me.

When Swift and Joe started trashing me on voice chat on XuRnT's stream, XuRnT stood up for me. You said something like you've never had a problem with me, that I'm a nice, easygoing player. You tried, XuRnT. That means something. When it comes to politics, truth doesn't matter, clearly.

XuRnT, you and I also weren't really friends, just co-gamers of the same it's understandable that you went along with the smear campaign. It wasn't your idea. Political pressure from some of the best players that you always wanted to be accepted by and game with eventually won over, and you followed Swift's instruction to block me off from your Youtube channel without saying anything, no warning, no reason, just sudden block. Maybe he just put fears in your head, warning you about what people with access *could* do, without bluntly saying "block BabyShark". You didn't even give me a chance to get my content. I consented to share it with you, not give it to you. You effectively stole all my content. Is it the biggest deal in the world? Not really. But the principle of the thing is that before you removed me, you should have offered to let me take my content with me.

I had no idea when you invited me to let you use my videos for your channel, that you would eventually steal them. There are a few of them I'd like to have back for learning purposes and posterity and nostalgia and so on. Will I survive without them? Of course. But I'd done absolutely nothing to warrant what you did.

I hadn't, nor would I ever have done anything to abuse power to hurt your channel. That's not who I am.

I know Swift spent a lot of time with you in Discord voice chat mid 2018 before I left RU Discord. He probably eventually convinced you that the things he said about me were true. You were one of his pawns. He manipulated you to advance his agenda against me. I'd hate to think you would go along with a persecution campaign of lies and slander and bullying against someone you knew was innocent of the accusations being put forward.

When the War2USA server was starting up, I convinced Tupac you were worth salvaging, that you were worth trusting, that you were not the bad guy he thought you were, and we invited you to our voice chat to talk about the server's future. You chose toxic RU. Don't you wish now you joined War2USA? Where we have fun nights of gaming on assorted maps regularly with full games and no toxic garbage and no drama?

When you associate with people who enjoy destroying other people, who lie about other people, who bully other people, who do anything, no matter how cruel, to hold on to their power, it will eventually come back to you.

The story could have been so different for you.

Instead of joining War2USA, where people could escape the power abuse and toxicity of RU, you decided to attack War2USA instead.

Swift messaged me on RU server that War2USA was going to fail, that he was going to put $5000 into making sure it fails, and that he certainly wasn't going to join.

Not long after, you messaged me to accuse Tupac of attacking RU server before the attack happened. I did not say anything to Tupac at that time because you asked me not to. Then RU was attacked and the server was down, and people were very angry, as they were supposed to be, according to what I confidently assume was Swift's plan to malign the new server. After the attack happened and Tupac had been accused (before the attack happened), I did talk to Tupac about it since it seemed fair to him to know who was trying to have him maligned by attacking RU. It could have been other people besides Swift, sure, maybe. I know it wasn't Tupac. Swift had a motive, he made the threat about how much he was going to put into shutting down the new newb-friendly, non-toxic server, so it's very logical to assume it was the work of Swift, possibly with help from someone more tech savvy.

People were saying horrible stuff about me and Tupac, including asking for us to be banned from RU, and people were saying I should be killed. I had absolutely nothing to do with what happened to RU shortly after War2USA opened. Neither did Tupac. The notion that either of us would be so stupid as to defame our own server with malicious garbage like that after the amount of work and money and time we put into it is just silly. But Swift knew the rabid toddler crowd of RU doesn't think very deep and would enrage and bite the first thing that looked edible.

You chose to stay where you thought the power was, where the numbers were. You probably didn't believe War2USA had a future. Political pressure got to you. You caved. You joined in on the bandwagon to trample a human being simply because Swift said so. Did it ever occur to you to say no to Swift? That you don't have to obey him just because he is good at War2 and told you to?

You joined USA Discord to trash USA and spam false accusations, so you forced Tupac to ban you. I think you believed what you were saying but you were very wrong. We do have a posted Code of Conduct that forbids attacking the community's right to exist.

The part that happened later isn't my story. I don't know what happened in RU with you and Swift, but I absolutely believe they did something to you. You played W2 so long that you would know if something fishy went down. You weren't in the habit of complaining about things and just gamed peacefully for so long...same as me before DK was banned unjustly first once, then a second time. You definitely got some of the details wrong with what you were saying, but I think most people know something happened that shouldn't have happened.


The one big hole in your novel is Swift never had any control over me. I have always been my own man and said what I believe is the truth. That being said I can look at things and put pieces of a puzzle together that could help your entire story.

I removed you from my youtube for my own security reasons just like I've removed everyone else from it now.

Imagine this. We know now that 00Jordan has been hacking my computer and that him/blid share accounts. What if they were hacking my computer when I sent you the warning about Tupac, and indeed 00Jordan/Swift did the server attack as a frame job to make it look like it was Tupac and to turn us against each other. The attacks did stop happening after I pm'ed Tupac about his IRL name. You guys claim somebody called his employer and I know that it wasn't me. The attacks stopped happening right in time for the tournament that was about to happen as well. For me it looked pretty well like it was Tupac doing it.

However if it was Tupac it would seem likely that the attacks would have happened again since then. They just completely stopped. So what if Swift/Jordan/Blid the guys who have been hacking my computer also saw Tupac's IRL information and used it to call his employer.

We all see how Blid muted me for no reason when I beat Swift in a 1on1 match, and how all of a sudden it's ok for Blid to let Tk go on a ban rampage against my friend van when he would have never let that ban happen before especially without /ping. Blid has been fishy as hell through this whole situation with me, that I am just throwing this one out there. You can take it as you want but the chapter on XuRnT needs to be revised because there are some critical errors in your story.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2019, 05:42:57 AM by outlaw[z] »


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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2019, 05:57:33 AM »

Chapter 9: Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde






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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2019, 03:59:41 PM »
Claw, the notorious chicken farmer. You will likely be mentioned once in the story. Your mean posts and asking for tit pics were just boredom. You didn't implement a long term scheme to run me out of the community


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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2019, 12:33:57 AM »
Winchester - Many mean forum posts

Please. Calling you out on your insincerity is not mean. You harassed me for refusing to delete a post that didn't have anything to do with you.  Then started pretending like you cared about the threats to me by van to further your agenda against van. Pointing out your insincerity is not mean. You either care that he threatened me or you don't, make up your mind. Harassing me for being threatened by someone is a clear indication that you don't care. So don't pretend that you care. You have a problem with him, be my guest, but don't drag me into it after you harassed me and now want me to fight for you.  Now show me these mean posts to you that weren't stirred after your harassment that caused me to leave the War2 facebook and discord.  You have the forum pm of roughly when it all started, now show me these mean posts before those pms. That's right, you won't. You'll lie and avoid it again so you can avoid accepting responsibility that you acted worse then some of the people on your list of names. It's easier to just label me mean and a hater then to avoid accepting that you messed up badly. So if you need to lie about something as simple as that, what else are you lying about and going to lie about in your next chapters?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 12:39:52 AM by Winchester »

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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2019, 05:02:57 AM »
You endlessly attacked me to the point I left the war2 discord and facebook group for not deleting that post.  That's harassment/bullying. Do you want to explain to me how me making One post that isn't about you is ganging up on you, and bullying you now since I have no idea what harassment is?  By the way,  You do not speak for everyone on the forums. Speak for yourself. Not one person in even your friend circle who we have many mutual friends, said anything to me about it even after you harassed me endlessly to remove it. Our discord chats were also on voice for clarification, only Pm on discord i've got was to join your USA server im pretty sure, I delete my discord messages often if its nothing important. Most of our chats are on voice, many of times which I had to tell you i'm not removing it, im standing my ground on this, the post wasn't about you, so leave me be, and left the voice chat. When I would rejoin hours later, you would rejoin and reattempt this conversation like it never happened. Then giving me ridiculous statements which make no sense like how if don't delete  my post its proof that I'm a van supporter. Despite me literally telling you multiple times how the guy threatened me.

This was the first post on forums I had that had any sort of interaction with you after you harassed me. I'll add your post beforehand for context. I didn't attack you, nothing, but boy were you straight away  ready to label me as "Anti-babyshark toxic" for saying something as simple as I bet 2 people don't speak about you. There are way better things to talk about. Btw in one of these screenshots, "thats not what america stands for" is a huge LOL considering how you're trying to censor me and demanding I delete my posts for you then labelling me as toxic when I don't do what you say. Isn't freedom of speech a big thing over there? Did that magically change when you started posting?

You even later tried to deny that you said this when a simple search for "Anti-Babyshark" leads you straight to it lol.

So in your speech of what a hater is, which by the way, you meet that criteria whenever on these forums for the past year,  you mentioned truth matters, why are you incapable of telling the truth then about what you did to me?

It's clear you're still shitty at me for refusing your demands and so you lumped me in with people out to get you, no, I ain't out to get you, you're being paranoid.  I've been really patient with you and avoided insulting you like I used to insult Equinox, or how i currently insult lambchops, hoping that you'd grow up a bit, get over your paranoid delusions about me hating you, and just own up to your part in this conflict. Because at one point, you were better then most of the others. But that's long changed. You're just another one of the liars doing your own brainwashing now. You couldn't even write on your usa post that we just had a falling out to a disagreement that both parties were at fault for. Nope, just "his reallllly mean posts!" Which again, prove how what I am saying is mean to you, alot of my posts to you involve pointing the insincerity in what you say because of first hand experience talking to you multiple times, the lies you tell, and telling you to stop mentioning me in your posts about van or the toxicity of the server (mentioning the threats against me word for word without saying my name so its obvious who you're talking about)

I even showed you how to block out names to help you post your evidence, but you still haven't done it.

And I told you if the forum pms I sent you weren't enough for you, you can go post them yourself public, you have my permission. So whats the problem? You're not posting it either? You have the screenshots and pms already?

Now that I understand you were getting harassed by van too, I don't not care. I'm not sure what you expect me to do about it...I'm not a RU admin.

I've told you plenty of times what i want you to do, stop mentioning me or what he said to me in your posts about him or the 'toxicity' of the server. You absolutely did not care then after me telling you repeatedly in a voice chat and in a forum pm, because it wasn't about you. After literally being told in voice a story of how someone just threatened to slash my throat. You not even a minute later make the subject about you and how I should delete my post or i'm supporting the guy who just threatened me. I didn't need to send you a screenshot of vans threats by the way in order for you to believe it?  Yet you can't believe me when I tell you that you bothered me  into leaving a discord and facebook group? Didn't I tell you in those forums pms you would know when I have a problem with you when you asked me if I had one with you? You clearly didn't want to ask again on pms to sort it out when there was an actual problem this time, why is that? Because you knew exactly why and you wanted to avoid it.

You did go around posting something mean or negative after many of my forum posts. You even said that I make van look like a good guy.

This was in 2019 after you harasssed me in late 2018. Again, find me these mean posts about you  prior to our forums pms. If I "hate" you for no reason like you've claimed before, that shouldn't be hard to find, right?

Also, you contacted the mans family. I hate van,, but you contacted his family, that's messed up.  That is not information  he gave to you, and you went out of your way to get that information to contact his family. When I bring this up to you, you bring up tupacs employer being called up to avoid the topic, tupacs always been good to me so I consider him a friend and i sympathize but that does not make what you did any better. You crossed a line. Had van been doing illegal activities that was putting his family in danger, then I would understand the need to contact them. But he wasn't. You absolutely made him look like the good guy coming out of this. That is painful to say.  I have said to you that is painful to say. This is all after you were telling me Im a van supporter for refusing to delete a post for you. So you were saying that shit about me long before I defended him on this particular issue.  Tupac doxing dellam wasn't right either but at least he knows that and can own up to that and his past actions. You can't own up to your past actions and you choose to avoid it or lie altogether.


« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 05:14:11 AM by Winchester »

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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2019, 06:31:47 AM »
I gave myself a week ban from W2 to support another player that was harassed to stand against admin apathy. I wanted to play W2 during that time, but I didn't, because I did care about what was happening to another person. I stood up for another person who got unjustly banned, more than once. Had I not advocated for DK a few years ago, probably none of this would have happened. There would probably still be one server. And it would still be a corrupt pile of toxicity. But DK didn't deserve to get banned and I wasn't okay with it. I stood up for Cel, when I had no clue who he was. He got banned from a game and I left the game I wanted to play after telling them they were jerks for banning Cel (GOW with Joe/Ogremage) to host a game for some random unknown newb I'd never heard of. This was when they still wanted me in game with them. I spent an hour editing Qanon/Warbux Warleague manual to help another person I didn't even know. So don't tell me I don't care about other people.

This would mean something still if you didn't recently condone lambchops for trying to frame me and unjustly try getting me banned.  You don't need to like me to know that what he did was wrong and that I should not be banned for something I didn't do. But because I don't wanna delete a post for you i deserved to be banned for hacking when I didn't do it. Right? You can't feign ignorance on this. You came into that thread and start talking about swift. You knew what was going on. You probably encouraged it. You wanted an admin to unjustly ban me because I wouldn't delete a post for you a year ago.  You are a leader for another server condoning that sort of behavior if its towards people you don't like. That says alot.

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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2019, 10:43:18 AM »
A real number 1 at least is not afraid to play me

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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2019, 12:20:05 PM »
I was not in the best state of mind. I was acting like a dog who'd been poked and hit with sticks for too long by a crowd and just snapping at everyone around. I misunderstood your intention with Britney Spears comment. I thought you were making fun of me. If I said something that hurt your feelings at that time, I'm sorry. I really don't remember ever saying anything mean to you back then.

That'll do. Thanks.

2. What facebook group? I have never interacted with you on facebook and generally hate facebook anyway. I have no interest in facebook groups, W2 or otherwise.

I left the war2 facebook group after the discord stuff just to be safe. You didn't interact with me on FB, but I figured it was a matter of time after I had left the discord. 

Why do van's feelings matter and mine don't? If someone punches you in the face repeatedly, are you just gonna sit there or run away?

You bringing up vans threats towards me to further your agenda with him and the RU server after how you acted out on me upon telling you this info was a slap in the face. A Babysharks feelings matter and winchesters doesn't at the time, and then using my story to push something if you will which then became more complicated then it should of been.  You've apologized for that now and explained that you snapped at everyone around,  great, i'll avoid responding to your posts that you don't want me to respond to now. I don't want to be friends again after that, but i'll keep out of your way from here on.

4. I never pushed for you to be banned from anywhere. That's nonsense.

5. Lambchops is his own individual. He does not ask me for permission before he posts. I have no idea who Dellam is or whether you are or aren't Dellam. I'm not interested in that.

Dellam is a hacker that is supposed to be  permanently banned for map, build and spellhacking constantly. Lambchops was trying to convince everyone I was him so I would be permanently banned. So trying to frame me for hacking in other words, considering how long you played on ru im surprised you dont know who he is, but i'll let you have that one, my apologies for 4 & 5 if that's the case.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 12:28:55 PM by Winchester »


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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2019, 12:37:52 PM »
frame me for hacking in other words


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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2019, 01:19:25 PM »
I never believed lambchops that you hacked in that game claw. Pretty sure i brought up whatever zelya used to show that he was hacking and you weren't as well as Droids insight replay in my posts to him.

I rarely play with you but in games i have played with you on chop i've never had any reason to suspect you of hacking. I know alot of people say you like to make hacks, so If i did call  you a haxor, it would probs be for that, tho i think you're good enough to not need it based on your warvids and youtube vids i seen.


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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2019, 01:21:14 PM »
I never believed lambchops that you hacked in that game claw. Pretty sure i brought up whatever zelya used to show that he was hacking and you weren't as well as Droids insight replay in my posts to him.

I rarely play with you but in games i have played with you on chop i've never had any reason to suspect you of hacking. I know alot of people say you like to make hacks, so If i did call  you a haxor, it would probs be for that, tho i think you're good enough to not need it based on your warvids and youtube vids i seen.




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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2019, 04:55:43 PM »
Reading through this thread and dealing with Babyshark and the rest of this community the past few years. I realize some people really have taken the internet and the people they interact with on it to be the same as people in the real world.
It’s unfortunate and sad but true.
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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2019, 05:34:18 PM »
People playing a game are just that. People

No mam. People you play on the internet aren’t really your friends or real people.
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Re: What actually happened between Swift & BabyShark Part 1
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2019, 06:15:12 PM »
Look at the smiling little kids in this video.

This is so much better than fighting. Everyone getting along and happy.

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