Author Topic: Ripe's Ban moved...Why?  (Read 11106 times)

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Ripe's Ban moved...Why?
« on: November 09, 2017, 08:13:56 AM »
The way I'm being treated is wrong.

That this thread was moved to flame wars is wrong. For what reason was it moved?

It's wrong that some people are banned and some are not for the same offences.

It's wrong that you pretend to have policy against racial, religious, sex hate, yet comments that demean me, my race, religion, or sex are fine.

Tora's comments about any woman's breasts are wrong and disgusting, and the continual insults and death wishes go one way, and for some reason because I'm the target, it's allowed.

The forums are a picture of the actual political climate in the world.

Hatred, slander, and death wishes against Christians are fine. Reporting facts about Muslims is un-fine and constitutes "racism". This is wrong.

I believe all races of people are created and loved by the same God, and I have Christians in my church community who were once Muslims who fled Muslim countries where their lives as Christians were in danger, who have been sponsored to enter Canada by our churches and provided by this community of Christians with homes and furniture and food to help them get settled here. This has nothing at all to do with race.

I take up issue with abuse and oppression of girls and women and violence against non-Muslims for being non-Muslims, no matter what the color or appearance of the person doing it.

Telling the truth about Islam with videos showing actual Muslims' behavior is somehow "prejudice, bigotry, racism" while the Muslims' chants and signs and rapes and killings are ignored.

You are concerned that some Muslim might "feel" hurt by the truth?

Yet you seem completely unconcerned about the suffering and feelings of little girls who are forced to become "wives" while they are little children, and about the women who have acid thrown in their face because they don't want to be forced to marry against their will or run from an abusive situation.

You have zero concern for my feelings. I am actually a person with feelings, and find Tora's comments that constitute illegal sexual harassment repulsive.

Making comments about my female body parts is sexual harassment and discrimination, and could cost him his job in the real world.

The anonymity of the internet emboldens him to say anything he wants without fear of repercussion.

It's still wrong. And this is one of the "leaders" in the community since apparently he un-resigned the same day as he resigned.

So if you have a policy against sex discrimination and harassment, Tora has broken it.

It looks like the vague policy is really a joke, enabling you to ban at will anyone whose views you don't like, while allowing death wishes and hate speech against anyone you don't feel deserves human rights or respect.

I do not respond in kind to the people who continually hate and insult me. I am actually the one who is facing prejudice, bigotry, insults, death wishes, and you tolerate and allow it all.

Your forum rules are not a universal policy to evenly "protect" all people. It is clearly politically motivated. If you agree with my views, you can mock, insult, based on gender, race, religion. If you disagree with my views, you can't even just tell the truth.

"I won't watch the videos because it's too annoying."

You are not actually in Sweden, France, Germany witnessing what's going on there. The fact that you refuse to watch the evidence people from these countries present, while pretending to be on the side of truth and reason, is absurd.

That you see the images of Muslims holding signs reading things like "Slay all who insult Islam" and still continue to claim that this is all invented and not real proves that you are the one who is not on board with reality.

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Re: Ripe's Ban moved...Why?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2017, 08:56:30 AM »
self-explanatory... the entire thread had become nothing but violations of the two rules below.  thats what the flame forum is for

Religious, racial, or sexual intolerance
Posts containing religious, racial, or sexual intolerance, unless posted in the Flames subforum, will result in a warning and such posts will be sent to the flame forum.  Frequent offenses can result in warnings or bans.

Insults and offensive language
Insults and flames in the regular forums will typically be overlooked, especially in posts that contain additional content.  However, disruptive flame wars or empty content flames can result in warnings or bans, especially when moderators are forced to send a portion of a thread to the Flame forum.

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Re: Ripe's Ban moved...Why?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2017, 09:10:08 AM »
claws learned if he wants to make threads about how black people are all compelled by their race to be violent, he should do it in the flame forum
same deal for you if you want to make threads about how muslims are all compelled by their religion to be rapists

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Re: Ripe's Ban moved...Why?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2017, 11:00:19 AM »
TOLERANCE, the grandest of all virtues?

If you truly believe in TOLERANCE, then can you also at the same time, believe in INTOLERANCE?

Can a person who believes in TOLERANCE, tolerate the INTOLERANT?

At what point does it all become a meaningless show of words?

You think you believe in tolerance of religion.

Yet there is a religion in the world that calls for the beheading of Christians, my religion.

Should we tolerate an intolerant religion?

You can't have universal tolerance of all views, including the views of those who call to kill truly tolerant people.

At some point, you actually have to stand up for something as right and wrong.

For example, oppressing women is wrong. Therefore, a system, culture, or religion that oppresses women is wrong. Period.

You can't claim to be both for women's rights and for Islam.

You can't claim to be both for freedom and liberty and for Islam.

You can't claim to be both for gay rights and Islam, because Islam also calls for death to homosexuals.

It's written in the Qu'ran to kill the infidels:

Look at what the Qu'ran actually says.

Listen to the testimonies of people who have actually been in countries where Islam rules.

Because I stand for freedom, peace, and human rights, I cannot tolerate a religion and culture that does not.

This is nothing to do with race, as you can see that a woman who WAS A MUSLIM, is called a "racist" after she started telling the truth about Islam:

Woman Leaves Islam, After READING the Quran for Herself - YouTube

What is rape, blid?

Rape is unconsensual sex, so sex against the victim's will.

In Islamic culture, women are forced to marry men against their will. They did not consent to the marriage. Therefore the sex that is forced on them is, by definition, rape.

I'm not saying it's 100%. Maybe occasionally in some places, women are given some say, some choice, about whom they marry. But it is common knowledge and the testimony of people who actually have been to these countries and have been immersed in the Islamic religion and culture that women are lower class citizens with no human rights whatsoever. It is the norm for them to be forced into marriage at young ages, often to much older men who may already have several wives.

Women are not allowed to drive or even go get medical treatment when they are sick without the permission of a man in Islamic countries.

The Islamic religion teaches that women are less than men.

It says the testimony of a woman is half that of a man, because women are mentally and spiritually deficient:

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri

The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said, "Yes." He said, "This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind."
Sahih Bukhari 3:48:826

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:

Once Allah's Apostle went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) o 'Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Apostle ?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion."
Sahih Bukhari 1:6:301

(Taken from

Quran (4:11) - (Inheritance) "The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females" (see also verse 4:176). In Islam, sexism is mathematically established.

Quran (2:282) - (Court testimony) "And call to witness, from among your men, two witnesses. And if two men be not found then a man and two women." Muslim apologists offer creative explanations to explain why Allah felt that a man's testimony in court should be valued twice as highly as a woman's, but studies consistently show that women are actually less likely to tell lies than men, meaning that they make more reliable witnesses.

Quran (2:228) - "and the men are a degree above them [women]"

Quran (5:6) - "And if ye are unclean, purify yourselves. And if ye are sick or on a journey, or one of you cometh from the closet, or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it" Men are to rub dirt on their hands, if there is no water to purify them, following casual contact with a woman (such as shaking hands).

Quran (24:31) - Women are to lower their gaze around men, so they do not look them in the eye. (To be fair, men are told to do the same thing in the prior verse).

Quran (2:223) - "Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will..." A man has dominion over his wives' bodies as he does his land. This verse is overtly sexual. There is some dispute as to whether it is referring to the practice of anal intercourse. If this is what Muhammad meant, then it would appear to contradict what he said in Muslim (8:3365).

Quran (4:3) - (Wife-to-husband ratio) "Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four" Inequality by numbers.

Quran (53:27) - "Those who believe not in the Hereafter, name the angels with female names." Angels are sublime beings, and would therefore be male.

Quran (4:24) and Quran (33:50) - A man is permitted to take women as sex slaves outside of marriage. Note that the verse distinguishes wives from captives (those whom they right hand possesses).

(Taken from

So WHY are liberal, feminist women are embracing Islam??

Well, clearly SOME women are mentally deficient. (As are some men, as can be seen frequently in this forum.)

They can't connect the dots to realize that they will LOSE all their rights, freedoms, and status if Islam reigns.

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Re: Ripe's Ban moved...Why?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2017, 11:55:41 AM »
so babyshark is in one thread rambling on about how islam mistreats women while in another thread crying that women have too many freedoms like the freedom to choose to abort a fetus or not. you can't make this shit up  ;D ;D ;D

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Re: Ripe's Ban moved...Why?
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2017, 05:14:31 PM »
Both starvation and obesity are bad.

There is such a thing as balance.

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Re: Ripe's Ban moved...Why?
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2017, 03:25:25 PM »
i do agree that babyshark or anyone has the right to start a serious thread and respectfully discuss any subject they want, if other people come in & derail it with a bunch of garbage that should be split away & the original thread retained. i encourage all forum mods to do that in the future! i can do that for your original thread bs if you want to pursue further discussion.

You think you believe in tolerance of religion.

Yet there is a religion in the world that calls for the beheading of Christians, my religion.

Should we tolerate an intolerant religion?

i'm of the opinion that most religions including christianity have been co-opted to some extent over time as vehicles for facilitating various forms of oppression & i argue against accepting them (or any ideology) wholesale without the application of rationality. it's entirely possible to keep the good & throw out the bad. 100% of christians don't worship or practice in the same way and neither do 100% of muslims, the problem is in generalizing billions of people based on the highly publicized negative actions of some indeterminate radicalized minority. (radicalization is itself not ununderstandable either given the massive hardship these human beings have suffered as a result of war & being uprooted from their homes and ways of life & getting shunted from country to country like cattle, though violence is of course the incorrect choice.) it's the exact same reaction to perceived persecution that Ripe expressed, and e.g. saying that 100% of Finns plan to go on murderous rampages based on what Ripe says/does would be the same logic.

widespread practice of oppressive islamic fundamentalism in some countries is a very bad result of the people who support that interpretation getting into power & pushing that agenda, but to write off islam altogether seems a lot like e.g. throwing out christianity because at one point in time it was used as a justification for crusades & witchhunts. we can clearly see a great example in Afghanistan of how political revolution led to massive improvements in equality & education & humans rights across the board: focusing exclusively on the bad & outright denying the existence of any peaceful practicing muslims is just mindless reactionary us-vs-them factionalism, it's simplistic and never the right stance and will never solve anything

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Re: Ripe's Ban moved...Why?
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2017, 04:29:11 PM »
i do agree that babyshark or anyone has the right to start a serious thread

unfortunately she doesn't seem capable of doing that.

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Re: Ripe's Ban moved...Why?
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2018, 01:42:39 PM »
Subliminal messages can be a bich to society... this world so kurrupt that we the massive are deceive to different type of society norms... if you are not you are ridicule + scrutinize. how do one unwash it's brain.... un tell a lie vision... mas education.. porfavor... . bbyshark you should write a book or something i think you enjoy writing and have a passion for it. hey why was 6 scared of 7? cause 7 ate 9...  welpped im out.. i was "just kidding" peace out
 ;) :P :-X :critter:
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i can be a bit oxymoron at times help me with english.. i am a hs drop out and and english is not my first language so gyeh..