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I did a fresh install of War2Combat and tried it again, works fine there too

This resolution fix is a great improvement that needed to be done a long time ago so thanks for taking it on. 

I noticed that this patch seems to have messed with the AI some. When I play a custom scenario against an AI, it builds a town hall and two farms and then gets stuck. It did the same thing in a multiplayer LAN game as well. Any idea why?

Hm, that's strange, it does work fine for me. What kind of game installation do you have? GOG? War2Combat? CD-Install?

Using the high res on the max resolution possible, everything is well except for the edges, when i scroll to move it will freeze on the edge of the screen.. Im using dual monitors. I have the ddraw file from the post in my war2 dir. any fix for this?

Found the bug and fixed it, updated the download in the first post. Don't use the other ddraw file anymore, I included the fix now in the main download as well

I just released a new test version, check the first post for the download link.

The build from yesterday had a bug that could crash the game sometimes, please re-download!

Looks great in the pictures.

I tried the instructions to install it and end result is that starting Warcraft flashes the screen and will not start the app. I get a popup in Windows that says Start Warcraft II before you click OK.

Uninstalled everything, reinstalled, didn't work. Created new user account. Didn't work.

The only thing at all I use that computer for is Warcraft.So I would love to press the "reset whole computer" button. But for some reason they don't make that button.

Make sure you start the game from the new Warcraft_II_HD.exe that's included in .zip, don't use the old shortcut/loader!

Fixed chat in game - nice  :ok_hand:

When I plugged in second monitor, game keeps crashing. I can only play when there is only 1 screen or screens are duplicated

Hmm yeah... i can reproduce it, but I don't have a good solution for it yet. You can try the ddraw file I attached, It doesn't change to 640x480 when you join the lobby, that means the lobby is small but at least it doesn't crash. Will try to find a better solution for it soon!

Edit: ddraw file is now included in the main download

I just released a new test version, check the first post for the download link.

Rewrote the game's drawing functions to improve the performance - Patch now requires a CPU with SSE2 support (Pentium 4 and newer)
All message boxes are now centered
All resolutions can now be chosen from a single .exe file, open Warcraft_II_HD.ini in notepad to change your resolution
Added a new resolution "1280x704"
Added updated UI textures made by Alukret (1280x704)
Lambchops updated his lc.dll and lobby_map plugin to work with the patch  - Check the first post for the download link
Added support for InSight - Check the first post for the download link

I just released a new test version, check the first post for the download link.

Fixed a bug with the chat not drawing/refreshing properly

54 / Re: Updated just now
« on: November 18, 2021, 04:46:36 PM »
bad idea... i had quite a few games in the past where van refused to leave the game when he lost and wasted everyones time lol

Hey, I played around with your patch and it seems to be doing wonders!
However, I tried to load .glslp shaders (which are basically a file pointing to several .glsl shaders, rendered in passes) and the config tool didn't seem to be able to find them.
Do you plan to add support for .glslp files in the future? I think it would really help with finding shaders that don't screw up the dithering in the fog of war and building shadows.
Anyway, cheers!  :critter:

Hi, glad to hear you like the patch!

multi-pass shaders are currently not supported hence why you can only use the .glsl files directly. I'm planning to add support for .glslp files later, but it will take quite some effort so it'll probably take some time to get it done.

I wrote a script to filter out all unsupported shaders and put the supported ones into a package, you can find it here:

To enable high quality upscaling you'll have to open Warcraft_II_HD_Config and choose the following settings:

Any option to decrease the quality even more? Looks like to heavy for me. I did some changes and is a little bit better, but perhaps you know a better solution.

Does it work better with this dd-hd.ini file here?

Note: this is not perfect yet, it runs the lobby in a window but it's using direct3d which should be faster

I just released a new test version, check the first post for the download link.

Can now be tested on the main .ru server as well
Fixed some more issues with the GOG version
Streaming/Recording is now possible via OBS game capture
The lobby is now running in fullscreen with presentation "Fullscreen" and "Fullscreen Upscaled" and the old mode where it switches to windowed is still possible via "Borderless"
Most plugins are supported now. Some lambchops plugins like the lobby map are not working yet, but they will be functional very soon (He's working on it)
Some more UI fixes: The Allies/Messages buttons are now aligned and the chat messages are aligned properly now too
Added updated textures for 960x544 and 832x480 made by Alukret

Does someone here know how to edit the war2 "bmp" format (it's not a real bmp!) and also is good at graphic editing stuff?

Would be nice to have the in-game UI updated to get rid of the black spots. I made the patch load the files directly from the folder, we could either use super big version that fits into any resolution or we can have a separate file for each resolution (e.g. "h_btm.bmp_960x544")

Example for editing the graphics:

960x544 adds 320 width:
the width of x_btm.bmp and x_top.bmp need to be changed from 448 to 768

960x544 adds 64 height:
the height of x_rgt.bmp needs to be changed from 480 to 544.
the height of x_lft2.bmp needs to be changed from 144 to 208. 

Yeah it might not be the best solution, I'm not sure yet if i keep it like this or not. But even if I would change the resolution during runtime (which is not even possible right now) then it wouldn't work either, they would just get mad because they can't play in their chosen resolution.

Then again, as Player said, it doesn't really matter too much because almost no one would use this feature.

I'm still working on updates currently, got the lobby running in fullscreen now, added "Game Capture" support for OBS to make recording/streaming easier with the OpenGL renderer that's used in the patch and fixed some more issues with the GOG version. Will release a version with support for the main server soon, still waiting for Mistral to fix his OBS and other features and lambchops is also working on support for his plugins with the widescreen patch.

Is that good enough @Harrywangs ?

You host a game and just add "no-hd" into the game name and they can't join

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