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Messages - dannyldd

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Congratulations to you, Mistral and anybody else to encourage and continue this so amazing project. I wish I had people to play with me previously in the beta phase. I'd definetely bring up more feedback  with all the options added up...

As an aside project, could it be possible another project-channel to modify the game units re-balance without any extra unit-buildings ? This way  we could play around with the units re-balanced to see way new options to play the game without altering the main one (as many people apparently want) and keeping up the war2mod creative project available as well.

This sort of thing used to exist in StarCraft 2 for a couple of years (while still was supported) where you could play a specific custom map to test next balance changes, so the map could be available a couple of weeks before the next patch came out.

Just my opinion / suggestions !

167 / Re: idea for the most skilled impressive game
« on: January 12, 2021, 07:54:06 AM »
in my opinion the game is rather playable just in faster speed, not the fastest or more than faster (which is the highest level speed allowed by the game). The game has a ton of latency already in multiplayer but at least with faster speed allows you to micro units around, at least. It's just madness for me on how I see people playing in daily basis with the fastest speed.

168 / Re: Warcraft 2 Twitch integration plugin+program
« on: January 12, 2021, 01:58:04 AM »
I didnt have to make it public,  it's common knowledge for all twitch users :D  Havent you ever wondered how pro streamers could answer chats AND play an intense battle at the SAME time?  They arent reading those comments lol,  they are being read to them via an IRC text2speech bot :)  I like having the voice output to the stream also since the chat isnt in the video itself.  Similar to how a lot of streamers will add a chat box somewhere on their stream.  The result was that as I was playing,  people watching the stream would hear it also.  Thus prompting some idiots to spam the damn thing heh.  I never bothered to put any effort into looking for a good IRC spam moderation bot.

IRC is one of the features that sets Twitch apart from the rest of the crowd and has made it so popular.  I dont know of a single twitch steamer that actually uses the Twitch chat UI,  they all use mIRC (except for the anonymous users/watchers).  IDK,  maybe that trend has changed since?  But I doubt it.  When I was streaming,  all I would do is just open up mIRC and that was all I had to do.  I could then interact with twitch users from within War2 using Full screen without the need for a 2nd monitor and without taking up any screen realestate within war2 itself.

Here are the docs that show you how to connect to a twitch channel via IRC:  And if you dig around you can find videos on how to do it also.  Many of the pro streamers will have a link to such a video somewhere in their profiles.

Any kind of chat content moderation on twitch is going to be done via an IRC bot.  Including spam.  So there really shouldnt be any need to do any wheel re-invention for cleaning up spam on Twitch.  So now you have all the information you need.  Go forth and findeth a good chat spam bot and maybe I'll stream some more again lol.  I just have no interest in spending the time to do that myself.

I haven't wondered the first question you made because I haven't seen many streams in my life. Maybe like 10-15 over time but any others have been seen quite shortly. Either way I just have seen they use a second monitor to read comments while playing but never ever read something like you say about a text to speech bot. That's probably from your experience only. I just have one monitor though.

Also what's your stream ? Would like to see your stuff around, that may be nice.
But additionally, if you have this "text2speech" bot then wouldn't be an option too for you or anybody to answer via in-game as well ? I mean if you don't have a microphone to answer, this helps in that case as well. So if in your case you just hear the comments via bot, then Mistral could make a different version to just allow player answering-only via in-game to twitch people.

Another point is, nobody can understand english properly just like me so a bot like this wouldn't be the best solution, so the speech bot may only be useful to people have good or native english talking.. I definetely encourage solutions like this just to expand even further the possibilities you have around the game.

I really appreciate your shared information by the way.

169 / Re: Warcraft 2 Twitch integration plugin+program
« on: January 11, 2021, 03:42:04 PM »
What was this needed for anyway?  If you've ever seen any of my War2 streams from the past 6yrs,  you'd notice that they all have this functionality and thats without modifying anything in war2.  It's just a simple mIRC chat bot that will read msgs and play them back with a voice (txt2speech) and I would just reply to messages using voice.  This was all very easy since IRC is the engine that twitch uses.  I stopped doing it though because idiots like Tupac would just come in and spam the channel with absurd shit and the bot would just keep talking until I disabled it with the hotkey.  If you find a workaround for that other than rate limiting msgs from based on some rules,  I'd like to hear what it is.

Did you ever make public this functionality that you just mentioned ?

170 / Re: AI fix plugin
« on: January 11, 2021, 03:35:19 PM »
Ok some new update.

2 peons repair.
fixed some small bugs.
fixed unstuck mechanism of stucked units (i think it can help to fix 30% more of stucked units problems)
fixed runes spell cast for AI, now more smart and not laggy.

Fantastic job and work as always commander. I really encourage to see your new plugins recently made.

171 / Re: Warcraft 2 Twitch integration plugin+program
« on: January 10, 2021, 10:41:02 AM »
looks fine, I will try but It cant be problem if viewers will spam XD

also If i write message will go to twtich? what about emotes?

I have tested it, just works perfectly. Emotes won't be sent because of course War2 engine doesn't allow to draw twitch icons, but if you type the correct icon-name from Warcraft 2, then it will be displayed on twitch. It's rather cool if you don't have microphone to be used. Cheats appear on twitch as well. Not sure if this works for multiplayer though.

172 / Re: AI fix plugin
« on: January 10, 2021, 10:39:36 AM »
I don't understand, what's the problem if AI cannot build as a player ? That doesn't work as an argument that cannon towers are useless. The thing is making AI smarter and specially, a choice for content creator to choose if AI build cannon towers or not. The rule is 50scout-50cannons so what's the problem still ? You can either way set the amount of towers to be built, and if you dont want to build cannon towers, you can pre-place them so there won't be any further being built.

It's just working well in my opinion with the new plugin.

173 / Re: AI fix plugin
« on: January 10, 2021, 10:37:09 AM »
Hmm why canon bad? Player can build canon why AI not allowed?)

Hmm maybe 2 peons to rep can be better.

Ships patroling like griffons now so maybe sometimes can swim to player.

Sappers maybe can but i will think how fix this

About block themselves maybe can be. But in all tests nothing happened.

Mages now run to attak with main army (and sappers too) this allows to make AI put them in transport and go to your base. Before mages was usseles in water maps with attak. Only for defense maybe but cannot attak at all cause cannot get to your island to cast spells.

The reason why I suggested you 1 peon in the first place, is because from Starcraft you can see only 1 Terran SCV (worker) to just repair a building. As the AI, you don't need more to repair because if you're attacking that building then you most probably can destroy if, if not more enemies come after you. With 2 you're just delaying oponnent's economy, which means more workers to be built from script. Also, it's not being considered the fact if there's only one farm from the other extreme of map then AI will be wasting 2 workers to be sent there only to repair (if ever can).

1 is perfect as it is, in my opinion.

174 / Re: AI fix plugin
« on: January 09, 2021, 06:21:24 AM »
I didn't really thought you would like to release this wonderful plugin made by YOU, my friend...

All credits go to @Mistral for doing all of this possible. I'm just a little stupid tester who never thought any of this could have ever been implemented to Warcraft2, Battle net edition. He's the absolute genius to bring us all new possibilities to the game.

If you can, I really encourage to support him with any money donation.

In the other hand if you like my gameplays on single player guys, please join my little stream community in to keep up motivated.

Hey guys, just forgot to mention but earlier this month (December) was published the last campaign which is the Alliance one from Beyond the dark portal in
Were changed some little things in maps Human08,10 from Tides of Darkness.
I tried to upload the files here but they seem a bit heavier than the max files allowed. Link below to download it.

Feel free to test this little mod if you're a veteran in RTS-games/warcraft 2.

At this point the project seems to be completed.

176 / Re: Two-Headed Ogre Mode // Archon mode !!!
« on: December 28, 2020, 06:30:21 PM »
and you not need to ask when you see something triggers functions i created if they can be used in custom campanigns.
all triggers of course can be used. Actually what you see in War2Mod is just like 40% of all functions. They are what is working in online.
Because its harder to make it work in online cause of probability of desync and disconnects.
In singleplayer there is way more functional possibilities for this.

p.s. but exactly this 2 player controls 1 trigger is not meant for singleplayer at all obviously)))

I have seen so many new features that were added by you my friend, I'm really looking for your release time. This is sort of revolutionary for Warcraft 2 in 2020. These tools always should have been released by Blizzard Entertainment YEARS AGO. Still, I think you deserve so much credit once they could be released. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

177 / Re: Two-Headed Ogre Mode // Archon mode !!!
« on: December 28, 2020, 04:08:26 PM »
Just wondering, is this Ogre-mode available to be set for custom maps like campaign maps ? That would be super cool to be honest. Would appreciate an opinion about this.

By now just for being a mod seems quite funny to see in warcraft 2, aside of Starcraft.

178 / Re: War2 - Multiplayer campaign released
« on: December 28, 2020, 01:56:03 PM »
oh and WHERE do you tested it?
You shoud go to our war2 BACKUP server  (name in list is "if server is down")
then you should go to War2Mod channel and host this maps and play there.
WTF lol this is online campanign and not working in single. only on server.

Sorry friend. You're right, it will read ai.bin from the patch.mpq I just had a mess with the scripts and also those maps have different scripts being set.

I was testing it on the main server, but then joined the war2mod server and still didn't work the triggers. When I joined the war2mod channel then I got the trigger " you haven't beaten previous missions"... but I guess the turalyon-hero death triggers should work as expected...

I have one more question: Is there some way for regular user to set the briefing text/voices for each map manually ? Since on multiplayer you will just load the map but it seems like iL managed to set briefings into the map somehow. If this is not possible for regular user, will be this available with your triggers tool my friend?

Thanks again

179 / Re: War2 - Multiplayer campaign released
« on: December 28, 2020, 12:10:13 PM »
OK!!! looks great my friend, thanks for that info... Just one little additional thing:

I have just tested up XHuman3 (beyond the dark portal).And I saw that I got killed Turalyon in around 8 minutes but still didn't recieve any defeat window.

So from my experience trying alone the co-op. It seems like hero-death triggers may not work properly. Unless it's a problem from my side, can actually anybody take a look if hero-deaths are actually working  ? Thank you a lot.

180 / Re: War2 - Multiplayer campaign released
« on: December 28, 2020, 11:10:49 AM »
By the way, on the video doesn't show missions with active AIs so I'd like to know, which AI scripts are being used on these maps? Are the base game AI scripts being used for such ?  If so, there's some way to set specific scripts for the maps ?

Would appreciate the help. Thanks again

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