Author Topic: For those who are trying to become better  (Read 5329 times)

Offline Oragorn

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For those who are trying to become better
« on: December 12, 2024, 03:14:30 AM »
Continuing the topic:
Unfortunately, I was not allowed to speak and the topic was closed. But I will still answer here. :salty:

“i want you to tell me if you know what it is, and cearly you dont know, because you tell me to ask iL”

- I know what it is because I partly work with it myself, our mods and campaigns are proof of that. I "like" this trait of people - to lie when they don't know something.

“dont make me believe there mystake with something so easy to create as a library for an anti hack.”

- Antihack can work differently on different operating systems. For example, when developing our campaigns, we always take into account (and test the game) different hardware of players. As well as when developing War2Combat! Also, this is the last time I tell you about this.

“You want to have secrets, i can deal with it, but i cant deal with the fact that i have spent 20 years of my life on this server and finally knowing that some peoples can edit the mpq, data file, sources code whatever you want to call it.”

- MPQ-files are not source code.
MPQ-files are, so to speak, "ready-made" files for playing classic Warcraft 2.
Source code is the code with which ready-made files for Warcraft 2 are created, and which are added to the MPQ-archive.

“You try to tell me the mpq is not relate to any important files of the game, but to modify the game, you must reverse engineering something and extract his source code, this game have been code somewhere, you just cant do magic and telling me your creating updates from no where, this is not how it work.”

- There is no source code, I'll say it for the last time, but we can find and extract some dependencies from it, and change them as we need. That's how the plugins were born, which Mistral already mentioned here. And this hasn't been news for several years. Thanks to these capabilities, we were able to create different game modes, still testing, as well as breakthrough campaigns. You don't need to know this, because you are not involved in this.

“And maybe a one third of your russian community was in that clan, i will not even be surprise, probably you have been in that clan if your here since long time ago, but you will clearly not say it, if its the case...”

- A third of the players are Russian-speaking community?? "A strong statement - I will not check it, of course." (c)
I came to the server in 2013. And I was not a member of any world clan, although there were invitations. At that time, it was more interesting for us to create a clan of Russian-speaking players, although in the end it did not work out.

“Do i regret what i said in this kind of form, yes i do, because i was so mad that i was just trying to say whatever i can to get what i want, and what that server truly deserve, a good environement  to play where hacking is not a question and we can feel safe and have confidence between each other..”

- The only thing that matters is that we are trying to make this server better. We are doing this to the best of our ability.

“ive never said these words because i hate russian peoples, if i said those things its only because i cant find any other way to bring what we need on that server.”

- Sometimes it is very useful to "filter" your speech and not to say outright stupidity. Perhaps then the attitude towards you will be different.
If you do not know how to convey information to people other than insults - perhaps you should read books on how to do it.

8 )
“To be honnest the russian speaking was a probleme years ago, i think in general its way much better now, but its true that in the past, it was a big issue because the entire channel could be full of russian speaking and it was a bit herritating for others…”

- It's "better" now because after the events of 2022, many people stopped playing. Of course, there are more Russian-speaking guys who know English better.

"I dont remember when, but some weeks ago, someone was saying that russians are all bad players, who did came to russian players defense? Me. Even danydll ask me if i taught russians player was good, and i tell him russians have get way much better in the last years, and they are definitly not bad at all, naming spb, ragner, armilitar, extasey, vity, hurt etc."

- Amazing. Just "amazing". Who are you to judge someone, who has become better and who has become worse? The last thing we need is an assessment from you. In my opinion, and I have been watching our community for a very long time - it has not changed conceptually in any way, and on the contrary, it has managed to preserve all the positive qualities that it has always had. If you do not know this - that is your problem. But stop talking about something you have no idea about.

P.s. By "our community" I mean its Russian-speaking part (which was discussed in that thread).
« Last Edit: December 12, 2024, 03:19:12 AM by Oragorn »

Offline RagneR

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Re: For those who are trying to become better
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2024, 04:00:02 AM »
go 1s Oragorn

Offline Oragorn

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Re: For those who are trying to become better
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2024, 04:34:56 AM »
go 1s Oragorn
To start playing matches with you, I first need to defeat Armilitar :)