Author Topic: Invitation to play Rotonda's AIE mod for Custom maps, War2Remaster - My import  (Read 714 times)

Offline dannyldd

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Would you feel like Computers are too stupid or not such a challenge to fight against in Custom maps?

Would you like to check a hidden mod made by a community member since years ago and it' available on the installer from War2Combat ?

Here I give you easier access to that mod, being called as Rotonda's AIE mod for Custom maps.

This mod I checked very little but it's supposed to make computers way more of a Challenge for Custom maps. I bet it can be played with more people, but it's needed that all of them contain the same Rez\ai.bin file that is contained within this package, otherwise will cause to drop out from game.

This mod is available since several years on the installer from War2Combat (

I have not checked if all computers work properly, but at least the mod is packed up with an AI file that has customized difficulty for computers in all mod custom maps.

The mod contains 2 sub-folders, one for the custom AI difficulty and one for Custom maps for the mod. These maps can be created either from Single player Custom maps or LAN or online , but remember that for Multiplayer you all players need to be using the same AI file contained on this mod, because otherwise will cause game drop.