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Messages - 8)MikulZ(8

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New date for the 2v2 Chop tournament will be February 26th at 3pm Eastern

Just before your post lol

32 / Re: Why doesn't everyone move to GOG?
« on: February 17, 2022, 12:10:28 PM »
For bara crying is more fun than fixing and playing the game.

Is there some rules regarding high resolution patch? Just to make sure there is no guessing when the tournament starts.

Tournaments & Leagues / Re: LVIV 2021
« on: December 28, 2021, 04:46:28 AM »
Wow nice!! Wish I could be there too  8)

After playing a ton of games, the patch doesn’t give anyone a material advantage.  It just looks nicer.
It does give an advantage on chop when hopping tho, you don't have to scroll to see your base and the spot you are hopping to, you see both at the same time. Makes hopping and controlling peons easier.

Overall I would say it gives advantage on small maps, not so much in big maps.

37 / Re: War2Rebalanced - We need your feedback!!!
« on: December 08, 2021, 11:57:36 AM »
If this is as simple to use as choose game mode in lobby, I don't think there is any need to vote or anything. Those who want to play it can play, nobody is forced to. Good job btw I for one would like to see humans playable in lategame too instead of just orcs  ^-^

38 / Re: Chop League 1x1 04.12 3pm est 9pm europe time
« on: December 05, 2021, 04:11:19 AM »
Thanks for hosting u8 and ggs everyone!!

39 / Re: Chop League 1x1 04.12 3pm est 9pm europe time
« on: November 26, 2021, 05:05:38 AM »
 :chuckisthemuscle: :critter:

Just fyi can't download full en version as it's blacklisted by avast. It works after disabling it but new players might get suspicious about downloading the game. Might want to fix that  ^-^

41 / Re: Abusing "obs" command in the game
« on: November 23, 2021, 02:28:31 PM »
my requests are critical to game play

can the neutral player be an enemy instead of ally?
Your buildings will continue to distract the enemy and help the ally this way.
(yes other situations are possible, but not very often / not so critical)

In any case "self-proclaimed obs" w/o confirmation of at least one enemy(or host) - is a raw solution.
BTW host still needs some more rights in his game.

What is the harm of self-proclaimed obs? I can't see any problem with that. Why make things more complicated than they need to be?

42 / Re: Abusing "obs" command in the game
« on: November 22, 2021, 10:00:00 AM »
now host cannot use at all
ony player themself can use /obs me
no need ally or someting
comps will give viz automatically
but u not get viz from players, so u will be able to see only your team, so enemy players from other team can give viz then if they want
and main thing, when you use /obs me = you surrendered (like as if u leave the game) so you will get defeat in stats at end of game (regardles who win)
only people who was obs from start (from lobby) will get auto viz from all players and should get draw or win at end of game

so this makes impossible to abuse for host
and players can be obs in middle of game if they want (but considered like surrender)

Sounds good now thanks!  ^-^

43 / Re: Actually updated again
« on: November 20, 2021, 02:12:30 AM »
Can't the /obs me just work automatically without everyone having to ally manually?

Did you tick the "random port" when choosing install options? You will need to tick that to play with 2 computers on the same network.

45 / Re: Chop League 1x1 11.09 3pm est 9pm europe time
« on: September 05, 2021, 07:25:43 AM »
i actually think no farms is one way to add complexity/diversity to an otherwise shit 1v1 chop map. i like the idea and would have played if i realized it was no farms.

You can still play in it it's next weekend!

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