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Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: orc edition
« Last post by Pandaprewmaster325 on September 03, 2024, 06:16:01 AM »
I just realized catapults do actually deal splash damage lol but its little damage compared to the targeted unit as such the only thing to do would be to increase the damage done to units effected by splash damage its said that catapults deal 25% of their damage to units caught ub in the area of effect so an increase by 10%-20% would be enough to make the catapult have a unique function compared to the ballista I do hope this isn't also hardcoded.
General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« Last post by Pandaprewmaster325 on September 03, 2024, 06:05:10 AM »
Alright people so since this seems to be the right place to discuss russia invasion of ukraine....what do you think of the Ukrainian invasion of kursk oblast ?
Mods & Development / Changing Colors
« Last post by Schmuder on September 02, 2024, 09:43:07 PM »
Good day everyone,

Im new in this forum and hope I post this in the right section. I stumbled upon some Warcraft 2 MP Streams and it ignited a flame to bust out Warcraft II and play the campaign again
This questions might sound a little dumb, but is it possible to change the color from the normal blue (alliance) to something else? I tried to extract the campaign files with MPQEditor, opened the first campaign from the humans and just tried to switch it from blue to yellow. When I put the file back in and started it, it crashed :D
I dont know if its maybe hardcoded.
Just dont want to always look at blue(alliance) or red (orc) :D
Helps, Tips, Suggestions, everything is appreciated!
Thanks for keeping one of my favorite childhood games alive in so many facettes!
Hope you all got a nice day

Kind regards,

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« Last post by Pandaprewmaster325 on September 02, 2024, 04:29:24 PM »
Goddamn I missed the daily dose of wc2 mixed with my favorite conspiracy theorists! The warcraft community is one heck of a group of conspiracy theorists.
Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: orc edition
« Last post by Pandaprewmaster325 on September 02, 2024, 04:52:44 AM »
Ok so another buff to the skeletons would be a slightly faster attack  it won't be huge just a little boost the sooner they attack the better without necessarily changing their damage
Mods & Development / Re: Wall Balance mode (multiplayer)
« Last post by Pandaprewmaster325 on September 01, 2024, 09:53:19 AM »
You are so knowledgeable about this game. AOE makes sense, less clicking, but maybe was troublesome to implement.
Yes, I meant BL lower than x2. I'm using it.
No perhaps they realized healing was too strong if aoe? Or maybe the healing value was so abysmal to be aoe?
Mods & Development / Re: Wall Balance mode (multiplayer)
« Last post by pianolarva on August 31, 2024, 08:13:05 PM »
You are so knowledgeable about this game. AOE makes sense, less clicking, but maybe was troublesome to implement.
Yes, I meant BL lower than x2. I'm using it.
Mods & Development / Re: Wall Balance mode (multiplayer)
« Last post by Mistral on August 31, 2024, 07:09:15 PM »
autoheal cost is actually depends on greater heal spell cost, you can change it with triggers.
greater heal is default not finished spell by blizzard, autoheal actually works on its code.
and cost of 5 is also actually default set by blizzard.
in original it wasnt auto though, but it seems like it was AOE heal, but there is not orig code for that, they do not maked it to the end, dunno why.

there is also trigger that can fix blood onto honest x2 instead of x1.5-x3, its switch place of armor calculation
Mods & Development / Re: Wall Balance mode (multiplayer)
« Last post by pianolarva on August 31, 2024, 05:43:33 PM »
@Pandaprewmaster325 They are basically 120hp.

@Mistral My wishlist for the trig editor. I see it as a tool for balancing, not for creating new games.
- rework/improvements on berserker upgrades.
- can fire rate of units change?
- bloodlust fixed at lower values.
- autoheal is fixed at 5manaxhp. Lower?
- spell ranges
Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: human edition
« Last post by Pandaprewmaster325 on August 31, 2024, 09:37:27 AM »
did you saw triggers game mode?
there is also triggers editor prog
there is trigger that fix blood, makes exactly x2, just changes place of armor calc
you can set trigger in map and host in in triggers game mode

No sadly Im not playing on pc  these months using only my phone having installed a ps1 emulator and gone through couple ps1 games wc2 came to mind having never tried it before but played its various remakes in wc3 I was like hey this is my chance to try out OG wc2 so I got the dark saga port there is no way to edit the game data as its ps1 data  what I'm trying to say is there is no way for me to use map editor trigger editor whatever items the pc version has  which is why I again and again stated in the posts that there is no current version of the mod being made until then I can only speculate and theorize about what to change but  that's a glimmer of hope knowing BL against armor can be fixed.
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