Please, select all the options you agree with
- No moderation for both server & forum
3 (1.6%)
- Cheaters should be banned temporary
13 (7%)
- Cheaters should be banned up to permanently for repeated
14 (7.5%)
- Cheaters should not be banned
2 (1.1%)
- SS refusing should be banned temporary
13 (7%)
- SS refusing should be banned up to permanently for repeated
11 (5.9%)
- SS refusing should not be banned
2 (1.1%)
- Acts of religious, racial, sexual intolerance should cause banning
4 (2.1%)
- Acts of religious, racial, sexual intolerance should cause muting
7 (3.7%)
- Acts of religious, racial, sexual intolerance should cause nothing
8 (4.3%)
- Insulting should cause muting
6 (3.2%)
- Insulting should cause nothing
10 (5.3%)
- Offensive language should cause muting
6 (3.2%)
- Offensive language should cause nothing
10 (5.3%)
- Defaming and baseless accusations should cause muting
8 (4.3%)
- Defaming and baseless accusations should cause nothing
7 (3.7%)
- Using similar nicks/clantags and impersonating should cause muting
10 (5.3%)
- Using similar nicks/clantags and impersonating should cause nothing
9 (4.8%)
- Spam, obnoxious pictures, offtopic garbage should cause muting
10 (5.3%)
- Spam, obnoxious pictures, offtopic garbage should cause nothing
5 (2.7%)
- Porno links, pictures, videos onpage should cause muting
9 (4.8%)
- Porno links, pictures, videos onpage should cause nothing
5 (2.7%)
- Porno links behind mark 18+ should cause muting
3 (1.6%)
- Porno links behind mark 18+ should cause nothing
11 (5.9%)
- I don't care
1 (0.5%)
- This poll is not fair
- 0 (0%)
Total Members Voted: 22