
One day I had a hankering to play some War2 again, (almost done re-playing all the campaigns, only two maps left)! Upon discovering WarCraft II is still alive and kicking, I blew off some digital dust and decided to put together what I considered some of my best refined maps form about two decades ago, all complete with original dates from Dec. 2000 to June 2002. My earliest map seems to be dated at Dec. 1998, the same year we got our first computer.
I never felt like I was too big into the online gameplay, as comp-stomps and tower defense maps were probably my favorite. (Still hate air though!) I played under the names of AttackPeasant, Pa’dwells, MasterTerrain, and apparently an odd amalgamation of those 3 being xDoHx-AP.PD.MT.
Map-making was a bit of a creative outlet for me that I very much enjoyed. I loved the texture and design of the in-games maps and wanted to make maps that had that same feel. If I liked it enough, I’d re-purpose it. Apparently I strongly divided into two distinct map types:
- Strict symmetrical and patterned, in which there’s usually trees or mountains as a barrier, many probably best for a comp-stomp, but not all. Some fun, some outright strange.
- Rustically asymmetrical, in which I felt I had surpassed the in-game maps from a visual perspective, developing a characteristically unique way of fringing the trees.
Maps Included:Single-Player:Spoiler
Danath's Army:
Dead By Dawn:
Defiler's Plague (Co Op):
Holocaust (Co-Op):
Mission Impossible:
The Black Knight's Revenge (Mini):
The Black Knight's Revenge (multiple):
The Gold Rush:
The Midnight Attack:
The Netherlands:
The River:
The True Alamo:
Mission 01-04:
Objective 01-03:
Multi-Player Asymmetrical:Spoiler
Europe BNE:
Manic BNE:
Mini River Fork BNE:
One Way BNE:
Peasant BNE:
The Hunt BNE:
The Netherlands BNE:
Universal Map BNE:
Multi-Player Symmetrical and/or Patterned:Spoiler
Battle Field BNE:
Bubble BNE:
Castle 1 on 1:
Circle BNE:
Circle for Two BNE:
Defiler's Plague BNE:
Double Take BNE:
Ice BNE:
Land Squares BNE:
Long Isles BNE:
Mad House BNE:
Nazi BNE:
Quad BNE:
Same Start BNE:
Side by Side BNE:
Star BNE:
The Cramp BNE:
Multi-Player Scenario:The oddest ones out are the two Scenario maps, the “Mage-Death Knight War” being pretty much exclusively that. Your magic-enabled units mine gold, harvest lumber, and attack. In “War,” the tower is a gold depot, but could also be played as a single peasant start. Probably a most terrible map, but there for the LOLs!
Mage-Death Knight War:
Download links:Adam's 52 Pud Pack.zipAdam's 52 Pud Pack (With Mini-Maps).zipAdam's 52 Pud Pack (1024 JPG).zipArtistically, 20 years later, I look at maps like “Mysterious Dragon Isle” and “Skull Isle” and think... I might make just one more, and I have Queen Chrysalis in mind.

(Plus there’s one I apparently never populated with units to post later as well.)
Don’t shoot me, but as a fair disclaimer, to this day I’m still not exactly sure what makes a map a “Ladder” map, but still thought
Cel's Ladder Maps Pack looked pretty awesome! Looking forward to checking out
Return To The Storm as well! (If someone could explain a “Ladder” map, that’d be awesome. I think I know, but...)
I made maps pretty much for fun, so whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, perhaps a mixture of both, I figured there’s no point in them laying stagnant on my drive any longer, so enjoy, (and perhaps I’ll do the same myself once again)!