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Help & Support => Website & Forum Discussion => Topic started by: iL on December 05, 2014, 03:32:04 PM

Title: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: iL on December 05, 2014, 03:32:04 PM
At the desire of forum members in several topics.
I didn't plan to provide any kind of censorship, but people spoke against racism, insulting and several more things and some of them dislike that.

So, i thought about some kind of democracy here.
Let's poll for anything you want to see or not to see on the forum.

There's a lot of people with absolutely different opinions about everything, but we have to apply something.
Let's poll for what you think and we will apply the forum rules according to majority opinion.

You can select any optinos you agree with.
Result will be counted as more or less than half of total voted persons (except contradicted or senseless option sets).
You can also change your mind when you wish according with your current sight.

Any comments, offers and ideas are welcomed.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: EviL~Ryu on December 05, 2014, 03:37:19 PM
No Slander. EQ is famous for that....makes false accusations without proof. Pos canadian.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: Nox on December 05, 2014, 03:41:52 PM
Sing with me spammer!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtVCaIYH9Xc#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtVCaIYH9Xc#ws)
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: EviL~Ryu on December 05, 2014, 03:46:12 PM
Show me proof.

If not you can.....


Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: EviL~Ryu on December 05, 2014, 03:53:43 PM
Show me proof.

If not you can.....


Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

Im not gonna show proof i dont care retard, your still a loser who play custom since 1968.

All the spammed in the world not gonna change what your really are, loser.

What I thought.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: Nox on December 05, 2014, 03:54:55 PM
Show me proof.

If not you can.....


Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

Im not gonna show proof i dont care retard, your still a loser who play custom since 1968.

All the spammed in the world not gonna change what your really are, loser.

What I thought.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

There nothing to proof when you can use proxy and vpn to do all the bullshit you want and you know it.

Only proof i got is yourself.

We both know it, go fuck yourself.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: EviL~Ryu on December 05, 2014, 04:00:00 PM
Lol shut up already u sad prick. Always same blah blah blah out of the asshole you call a mouth. You ain't got shit proof so don't slander my name. Do humanity a favor and put a cock in it and shut the fuck up.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: I hate naggers on December 05, 2014, 05:53:57 PM
At the desire of forum members in several topics.
I didn't plan to provide any kind of censorship, but people spoke against racism, insulting and several more things and some of them dislike that.

So, i thought about some kind of democracy here.
Let's poll for anything you want to see or not to see on the forum.

There's a lot of people with absolutely different opinions about everything, but we have to apply something.
Let's poll for what you think and we will apply the forum rules according to majority opinion.

You can select any optinos you agree with.
Result will be counted as more or less than half of total voted persons (except contradicted or senseless option sets).
You can also change your mind when you wish according with your current sight.

Any comments, offers and ideas are welcomed.

I voted for absolute freedom of speech as long as it's legal and NSFW links are properly signed 18+ and tagged (for example surrounded by spoiler tags, so only visible when clicked)

HOWEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, I am all for unification. This is the official forum of server.war2.ru, so the rules MUST MATCH. You cant have people throw shit at one another with no consequences and then punish people with bans when they extend it to chat lobby, makes no sense.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: GaNzTheLegend on December 05, 2014, 06:35:57 PM
Freedom of speech worked fine on the old forums, don't see any reason to change it.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: iL on December 05, 2014, 06:42:45 PM
I voted for absolute freedom of speech as long as it's legal and NSFW links are properly signed 18+ and tagged (for example surrounded by spoiler tags, so only visible when clicked)
accepted as a reguest to change the poll. To split porn to 2 questions:
1. porn as you with
2. porn as a safe link behind 18+ tag
HOWEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, I am all for unification. This is the official forum of server.war2.ru, so the rules MUST MATCH. You cant have people throw shit at one another with no consequences and then punish people with bans when they extend it to chat lobby, makes no sense.
Agree for unification for near future, it could be possible it this poll will be effective.
But you offer for total freedom, to let people throw shit anywhere with no punishment to each other, right?
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: iL on December 05, 2014, 06:50:05 PM
Freedom of speech worked fine on the old forums, don't see any reason to change it.
Was it?
Kith-Kanin was actually banning people for racism when he was logging in occult and not blocked occult emails.
Yes I remember Kith banning either $paCe, Claw or Terror kahn for calling him a nigger jew one time on the forums and said that he doesn't care that if you insult him, just don't be racist about it.
Being called a nigger is definetely a HUGE deal in the US as being called jew or sand nigger or whatever. It was being banned in occult when kith was active. It should continue to be so.
Calling someone a retard, asshole, newb, whatever was not dealt with on occult. So, if you really want to have an occult experience with minimum moderation, racism is what you should ban and porn links. It was pretty liberal though besides the 2 issues I mentioned.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: Nox on December 05, 2014, 06:53:03 PM
You know what, nobody gonna have to ban me because im borred of this game, this game is a pathetic joke with retard admins.

Im just losing my time here.

I just buy a 6 month membership on wow, maybe im gonna came back if i see this 2.02 client get close and have new admins.

Have fun guys.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on December 05, 2014, 07:02:35 PM
voted against porn/racism
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: Winchester on December 05, 2014, 09:37:44 PM
You know what, nobody gonna have to ban me because im borred of this game, this game is a pathetic joke with retard admins.

Im just losing my time here.

I just buy a 6 month membership on wow, maybe im gonna came back if i see this 2.02 client get close and have new admins.

Have fun guys.

Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: I hate naggers on December 06, 2014, 05:22:01 AM
I voted for absolute freedom of speech as long as it's legal and NSFW links are properly signed 18+ and tagged (for example surrounded by spoiler tags, so only visible when clicked)
accepted as a reguest to change the poll. To split porn to 2 questions:
1. porn as you with
2. porn as a safe link behind 18+ tag
yep, absolutely, marked 18+ and tagged with
, you don't want to view it, you simply don't. Lol.

The other thing are large, obnoxious pictures, offtopic garbage (hi smurfking) and links leading to uncloseable stuff or viruses - i'd mod that too, but it's not an issue of pure 'freedom' i suppose, freedom is only one of the factors
HOWEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, I am all for unification. This is the official forum of server.war2.ru, so the rules MUST MATCH. You cant have people throw shit at one another with no consequences and then punish people with bans when they extend it to chat lobby, makes no sense.
Agree for unification for near future, it could be possible it this poll will be effective.
But you offer for total freedom, to let people throw shit anywhere with no punishment to each other, right?
Well, at this point unification is more important to me than w/e the policy's gonna be. I know I am probably way more liberal than the next person, which is why the amount of 'absolute freedom' votes is suprising to me. That's my opinion but i'm not trying to enforce it, i'll adapt to whatever admins or the community want.

Oh, btw, seeing how blid is acting here, i really think he's mad and being a drama queen that he's no longer in power. It's suprising, but the only logical conclusion
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: iL on December 06, 2014, 07:20:21 AM
yep, absolutely, marked 18+ and tagged with
, you don't want to view it, you simply don't. Lol.
i see, porno should be splitted in 2 parts as you say: porno inside message and 18+-protected link to porno.

The other thing are large, obnoxious pictures, offtopic garbage (hi smurfking) and links leading to uncloseable stuff or viruses - i'd mod that too, but it's not an issue of pure 'freedom' i suppose, freedom is only one of the factors
Accept, should be added to poll.

Well, at this point unification is more important to me than w/e the policy's gonna be.
Here's another problem: people playing on the server are quite different than people writing on the forum. But who cares? People has been announced about the forum, so w/e? Ok, let me think about that.
I know I am probably way more liberal than the next person, which is why the amount of 'absolute freedom' votes is suprising to me.
That effect could be reached by wrong formulation.
Interesting thing is i could use different words with the same sence while posting the poll, and they'd vote absolutely different.

But i don't care anymore. People have to make choice themselves. Let them insult themselves, call niggers or what they want if that makes them happy.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: I hate naggers on December 06, 2014, 07:39:11 AM
But i don't care anymore. People have to make choice themselves. Let them insult themselves, call niggers or what they want if that makes them happy.
that sounds reasonable, you dumb nigger!

haha j/k, no offense. Idk man, i just stated my opinion, you can't please everyone so just do what you and other admins think is best for the community. Unification is important for that very reason - to avoid confusion and having two different set of rules for the two parts of the same war2.ru project. And I willingly admit that Im far away on the 'freedom' spectrum and what *I* think is right wouldnt be right for *everyone* - the average joe.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: EviL~Ryu on December 06, 2014, 01:24:52 PM
Just stop the slander.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: mousEtopher on December 07, 2014, 12:47:58 PM

You know what, nobody gonna have to ban me because im borred of this game, this game is a pathetic joke with retard admins.

Im just losing my time here.

I just buy a 6 month membership on wow, maybe im gonna came back if i see this 2.02 client get close and have new admins.

Have fun guys.

More important than censoring certain words or trying to force people to be peaceful and respectful at all times (impossible), the goal should be to prevent disruptions that interfere with people's ability to use the server and play wc2. That's the whole point, right? We're all standing on ceremony in the name of impartially and nonintervention while EQ runs rampant, and the result is that he became a huge ongoing disruption to the community -- harassing players on the server, inciting arguments, making literally dozens of semi-coherent posts of nothing but pointless insults on the forum, blatantly spamming the forum in the first place ffs, wasting bandwidth, wasting admin's time, wasting EVERYone's time. Obviously intervention was needed, and I think the fact that it went on for so long is a failing of our administration. Banning is a extreme solution and should be used wisely, but sitting back and doing nothing can be just as detrimental.

We might just have to accept that preventing insults, racism, etc is beyond our power, at least on the server, and that admins should stay out of personal arguments so long they aren't disruptive to the server in general.  (Players have the squelch command at their disposal in such situations.) An exception to that might be if someone singles out one player and deliberately seeks to ruin their gaming experience on an ongoing basis.

The forum should be more heavily moderated simply because we DO have the power to control it, and allowing unchecked flaming on a forum is just asking for trouble. This isn't the place for people to rant on and on about why they think of each other's mothers and religions and race, such posts contribute nothing and should be deleted on sight IMO.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: GaNzTheLegend on December 07, 2014, 01:12:56 PM
I think a fair compromise would be to let people say what they want in the general discussion eg) flaming, racism, insults, etc but keep it out of the other forums.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: tk[as] on December 07, 2014, 01:47:02 PM
damn mousey ... your ICQ is newb.

my ICQ is/was 10121774    8)
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: GaNzTheLegend on December 07, 2014, 01:55:18 PM
people still use that? I think I stopped using that back in 2000.
Title: Re: Forum: freedom vs censorship
Post by: SmurfKinG on December 07, 2014, 11:01:17 PM
thing is blid sees/judges literally 90% of the threads as racist.

u ask me why, cuz hes a racist prick himself.