Warcraft II Forum

Warcraft II => Server.War2.ru => Topic started by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 06, 2015, 03:41:35 PM

Title: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 06, 2015, 03:41:35 PM
"There was a time when inventing new but feasible strategies was a far more important part of the game than pure execution could ever be. It was a time when new discoveries were still being made, and when we played on a speed that was probably even a slight tick slower than Even Faster. These were the wild wild west days of war2, when a man, like a cowboy, could step out and make his claim, when he could succeed or fail by his own grit and know-how."
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Thomas29 on October 06, 2015, 04:35:27 PM
Word I Hear Ya.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 06, 2015, 04:41:26 PM
Honestly playing on a slower speed because it "supposedly" takes more skill has always been one of the stupidest claims I've ever heard. Apart from lat not allowing grabbing peons properly you speed anything up its going to be harder not easier. IF you slow something down you have more time to react, more time to think, and more time to plan. In my opinion people play EF and slower speeds because they are better when stuff is slowed down not because it takes more skill at all. Speed anything up outside of Warcraft 2 up and see if it makes it easier, you'll find slowing things down makes it easier not the other way around. Other than that cool post new strategies and the old days of Warcraft were great I agree, I just don't agree with the crap EF and slower speed(though I realize there's lat issues now).
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on October 06, 2015, 07:13:13 PM
IF you slow something down you have more time to react, more time to think, and more time to plan.

and do your opponents.. hence more skill, more strategy.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 06, 2015, 07:36:11 PM
Yes more time, but does that equal more skill? Being able to make quick decisions and micro your units on the fastest speed, also to come up with those strategies in the same time you could on ef is what makes it harder. That's my point you could slow down any game, take Super Mario Brothers 3 on NES, it would just make it much easier to not get hit by enemies. Take any Call Of Duty game, it would just be silly as you could easily shoot the other people. Slowing it down by playing ef or slower makes it easier for many people because they have time to plan strategies and its easier to micro units, but there are people who could play he same strategies and execute their units the same on fastest.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Winchester on October 06, 2015, 07:46:12 PM
Honestly playing on a slower speed because it "supposedly" takes more skill has always been one of the stupidest claims I've ever heard. Apart from lat not allowing grabbing peons properly you speed anything up its going to be harder not easier. IF you slow something down you have more time to react, more time to think, and more time to plan. In my opinion people play EF and slower speeds because they are better when stuff is slowed down not because it takes more skill at all. Speed anything up outside of Warcraft 2 up and see if it makes it easier, you'll find slowing things down makes it easier not the other way around. Other than that cool post new strategies and the old days of Warcraft were great I agree, I just don't agree with the crap EF and slower speed(though I realize there's lat issues now).

Humans are alot stronger on slower speeds. The heal spell can barely be casted mid battle specially with lat on current speeds. + Easier for them to catch an incoming death knight with polymorph/Exorcism and even Slow + drag peons off mine.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 06, 2015, 07:49:34 PM
That's my point though it changes the game play so that more people are able to play well. Also not being able to grab peons I mentioned in my first post I said besides that being an issue now. It can also alter strategies like you're mentioning. With a limited community I can see how it would make for better games, but if there were top BNE players prevalent on the server would it be necessary to slow it down in order to make good games? Being able to control your units correctly, and execute strategies in less time seems like a no brainer that would take more skill to me. Note: Humans are usually better on sea build maps on any speed often from what I understand because of invisibility and polymorph and that lust is harder to pull off island to island.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 06, 2015, 08:39:06 PM
The faster game speed changes how you prioritize and makes things more macro-oriented.  That's not necessarily good.  Starcraft doesn't run at a "fastest" speed.  Neither does any other game.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: GaNzTheLegend on October 06, 2015, 08:43:18 PM
"There was a time when inventing new but feasible strategies was a far more important part of the game than pure execution could ever be. It was a time when new discoveries were still being made, and when we played on a speed that was probably even a slight tick slower than Even Faster. These were the wild wild west days of war2, when a man, like a cowboy, could step out and make his claim, when he could succeed or fail by his own grit and know-how."
It was a magical time. I wish I had a time machine so I could go back.

Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk

Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 06, 2015, 08:46:00 PM
Remember before there was shared vision, when you actually had to talk to your allies?
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 06, 2015, 08:50:42 PM
Warcraft 3 is played on fastest speed, Age Of Empires 2 is played on fastest generally. Besides Warcraft 2 and Starcraft there aren't many games where people choose to slow the game down, like I'm saying its known to make it easier. It can make it a better game because both people have more time to plan strategies and execute them, and it makes microing units easier. Still don't see your point, other than you have more time time to plan strategies.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 06, 2015, 08:55:02 PM
No Warcraft 3 does not play at the speed of fastest.  No game does.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 06, 2015, 09:20:38 PM
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/6246865293 (http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/6246865293)

http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/StarCraft_version_history (http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/StarCraft_version_history)
^"Patch 1.12

New Features

    Changed Speed from "Fast" to Fastest" for Ladder Games. "

Starcraft 1 and 2 ladder games are played on fastest. There are 100's of RTS games over the years, how can you make such a claim that every one is never played on fastest(there are many that are)? When I just provided links that 2 blizzard games are played on fastest lol.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: shesycompany on October 06, 2015, 09:37:42 PM
well if u got down to slowest..u could probably be very micro, probably be pretty fun pulling units engage back in fight and if you recorded and speed up ud look like a god.

slowest sounds fun.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 06, 2015, 09:41:05 PM
Starcraft 1 and 2 ladder games are played on fastest. There are 100's of RTS games over the years, how can you make such a claim that every one is never played on fastest(there are many that are)? When I just provided links that 2 blizzard games are played on fastest lol.
Whoa dude, have you ever even played these games?  They do not move at the speed fastest does.  They move at the speed EF does.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: shesycompany on October 06, 2015, 09:42:58 PM
war2 fastest is fastest of them all, i agree sc1 is more ef
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 06, 2015, 09:57:09 PM
You should download this file and play at  15x fastest speed.  It would be better because it's faster! http://war2.warcraft.org/files/warextraspeed.exe (http://war2.warcraft.org/files/warextraspeed.exe)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 06, 2015, 10:07:35 PM
Lol yes I have played Starcraft back in the day I own it and brood war somewhere. Starcraft 1 on fastest speed is not as slow as EF... There are many RTS games where slowing the speed down would be unheard of.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 06, 2015, 11:10:02 PM
even faster definitely takes more precision, skill, and understanding of the mechanics of the game.

there is a reason a good even faster player can compete on fastest maps in a very short amount of time.. the same cannot be said for a good fastest player trying to compete on even faster.

im sure there have been exceptions to this rule, but it is generally true. advanced even faster players understand this.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 06, 2015, 11:17:14 PM
Fastest players: it takes time and effort to get good. there is definitely a skill to it.


Even faster players: it takes much more time and effort to get good. It's an art.

Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 06, 2015, 11:37:11 PM
Lol yes I have played Starcraft back in the day I own it and brood war somewhere. Starcraft 1 on fastest speed is not as slow as EF... There are many RTS games where slowing the speed down would be unheard of.
Okay, then why don't they speed them all up?  Why aren't they faster than they are?  Why is there a speed they settle on if it's the faster is better?  there obviously has to be a point where they say, okay, that's fast enough, anything faster will hurt the game.

You're also being dishonest if you're going to claim Starcraft or any game runs anywhere near War2's fastest speed.  Blizzard never expected people to actually play at that speed.  Ladder games were locked in not at EF but actually one notch below, Faster.  i don't even care if people prefer fastest, it's not that bad, but you came into this thread to attack EF for some reason, and your points are all wrong and your argument is bad
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: {Lance} on October 07, 2015, 01:15:43 AM
The Blizzard RTS games were designed for precision, game mechanics, and detail.  You get none of that at blazing speeds,  this is why ALL of the games ladders are locked at a certain speed.  Example, War2 was locked at the Faster speed (one below EF).  The original version of War2 did NOT have the "fastest" setting.  It was not added until the Battle.net edition and it was meant to be for fun,  not for competitive play.  Competitive play requires time to think.  Heres another example.  How many chess tournies are run at 3 second rounds?  None that are designed to be competitive.  In order to have any kind of competition, you need to add time to the equation.  Anything else is just "for fun".  Sure you can play chess with a 3 second clock,  but really, how competitive is it going to be?  Not very thats for sure.

If you push War2 at blazing speeds (like fastest),  you more or less turn it into a fast action video game rather than a strategic RTS (Hence the name Real Time Strategy).  You can argue that F has "strategy" but you'd be missing the point because it's not the same animal.  It has far different "strategies" that focus more on Macro style play and praying that you're looking at the right place when something happens.  One thing that F has over EF is the element of surprise.  You can show up unexpectedly and destroy something that you would not have otherwise been able to accomplish on a slower speed.  Why did it happen?  Certainly not because you are any good, but simply because you got lucky and the other guy wasnt watching that part of the screen and didnt have "time" (theres that pesky time word again) to react to your move.  There is also a VERY noticeable DECLINE in unit control on fastest.  That is probably the biggest problem with the fastest speed besides the speed itself.

IMO the fastest speed excels at giving people the illusion that they actually know what they are doing when in actuality, they are clueless.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 07:49:14 AM
I didn't come here to "attack ef", just like your debate on PBall if it was Warcraft 2 or not, I thought that was equally ridiculous. Just like that, this isn't an attack on ef but something as I stated is my opinion, I wanted discussion about it. I am not alone in believing slowing RTS games down alters the game play but not because of skill, do a google search of game forums many people hold the same view. Also you are talking about speeding Warcraft 2 or games up with MODS beyond what is normal for the game. Playing on fastest which is included in the game is a totally different thing than modding something to speed it way up. Also to answer your question Blid why don't people speed games way up for skill and challenge? There are people who mod different games to make them hyper fast, then play and beat them as a challenge. Lance to say Blizzard included fastest in Bnet edition but never meant it for competitive play is kind of silly. It wasn't meant for ladder play but it was included in multiplayer and there is no where I know of where Blizzard said do not play multiplayer Fastest games competitively(as people did and still do anyway). Unit control not taking into account building is definitely harder on fastest and would take more skill. Look at early RTS games like Total Annihilation, Lords Of The Realm 2, Age Of Empires those games were played on fastest by most players. Also many people don't want to extend a game that might take a long time on fastest anyway. You can build the same buildings and create the same units on fastest you just have to be quicker reacting... I'm not bashing EF and I don't care what people play F or EF but to me more time for both players to plan just means you are given more of a chance and makes it easier to control units. It seems more a personal preference to play on EF rather than a thing that measures your skill in my opinion. It is for sure though that there other RTS games where players do not slow down the games.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 08:09:12 AM
Lance to say Blizzard included fastest in Bnet edition but never meant it for competitive play is kind of silly. It wasn't meant for ladder play but it was included in multiplayer and there is no where I know of where Blizzard said do not play multiplayer Fastest games competitively(as people did and still do anyway).
They have confirmed they put it in as a joke, lol.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 08:31:52 AM
Here is an old comparison from the battle.net days by a player who prefers ef, and talks about each speed(ef and f) and how they have separate player bases that don't agree with each other. I like his points, even though he admits he is an ef player and leans toward ef he still admits they are both different games with neither truly being better but preference. "I think what keeps the 2 communities apart is simple stubbornness. They each believe that the other game setting is an inferior style of play. I personally don't think that. I just believe they lead to 2 different styles of playing. Unfortunately people usually stick with what they grew up with, which is why the even faster crowd is much more guilty of this than the fastest crowd. " To me it's preference as well and I am no BNE pro but in most games setting the speed to the highest makes it harder. http://war2.warcraft.org/rants/fastest.shtml (http://war2.warcraft.org/rants/fastest.shtml)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 08:49:49 AM
Also Blid how do I get WarExtraSpeed to work? I've heard about this program in the past. I don't want to try it out because I think 15x the speed would make a better game, I just want to try it and see how crazy it will be lmao. I downloaded it but when I try to click activate on either button while playing single player or on Server RU it says "error writing to warcraft memory".(Also I have the original War 2 BNE CD but the CD is old and shitty and probably won't install, I am using War2Combat.) Any idea how to get it to work or why it's doing that?
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 09:52:50 AM
haven't used it in like 10+ years, all I can give you is the description from the site

War2 Extra Speed! - (20 kb)
Author: DjinnKahn
Alright you fastest players, it's time to learn why fastest actually does take less skill than slower speeds. This cool program let's change the speed of the game, up to 17x faster than the fastest speed setting. You do this by running War2, and then alt tabbing out, and running this program. You have to have the game speed set on either even slower, or slowest, depending on which option you pick. Then the game will play at the default of 13 times as fast, or the number you type in yourself. This program must be running by everyone in the game, in order for it to work. And your game MUST be hosted on even slower or slowest, depending on which option you are going to try. If you want to test it out, you can use this in single player too. Good luck beating 1 computer now you skill-less freaks :). Muhahahaha.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 10:50:23 AM
Yeah I don't think that program is compatible with War2Combat. Probably only works / worked with Warcraft BNE edition. Check out that old link I sent where an old player is talking about EF and F. A lot of that is how I look at it that much of EF or F is preference. I am not all knowing though and I admit you have more time to plan strategies in EF so most games are going to end up being better games. In my opinion though it's more preference but to me slowing almost any game down if anything would decrease the skill level other than more planning time. I am not a BNE player anymore and was never a very good BNE player even when I did though(12+ years ago), it's an interesting discussion though.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 10:58:41 AM
Like I said previously, the faster you make the game, the more it shifts your priorities from micro to macro tasks.  Like, if I'm going to dick around with a grunt running in and tapping individual choppers once each to fuck up someone's wood, I can do that on EF without missing too much in my own base.  On fastest, though, while I'm spending 15 seconds doing that, twice as much "time" has passed.  I'd be better off focusing on expanding, upgrading, etc.  This is super obvious with dragons - people actually use them on fastest, where as on EF they're too easy to pick off with death coil and a lusted dk or whatever, which makes them a waste of money.  Also people use CTs more on fastest because opponents can't micro around the cannonballs as easily and because the cost isn't as high as resources come in more quickly.  Oh, and the big reason being that if someone attacks your base on fastest, they can break through the wall more quickly and you have less time to respond with repairing etc. so the CT being an auto-attack helps a lot.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: {Lance} on October 07, 2015, 11:50:52 AM
Unit control not taking into account building is definitely harder on fastest and would take more skill.

Actually this is where many people get it all wrong.  You wouldnt notice the actual "difference" unless you spent significant amounts of time playing on slower speeds where the reaction time between click and actual performing of the action is noticable.  In War2 the "Fastest" speed actually REDUCES the response time between these two items.  You can make it much more noticable if you increase the "Latency" of the game to extra high.  In otherwords, units respond more SLOWLY the faster the game speed gets (this is why Blizzard chose Faster speed for competition, because thats about the point where the latency is near local response times).  The same thing will happen to any online game because network latency is only so fast.  It will never be as fast as playing the game locally.  The only place where this problem cannot be observed is when you are playing in single player mode.  There is no latency difference between the speed settings at that point.  But once you get online,  latency becomes a problem the faster the game speed goes.  This problem exists for ALL games.  Not just war2.

Skill has nothing to do with anything when there are physical barriers stopping you from performing an action when it should be performed.  So there you have it,  the actual technical reason supporting why blizzard opts to use slower speeds for competitive play.  It's not a "preference",  there is a real technical reasoning for doing it :)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 12:34:02 PM
Lol Lance explain to me how I can make precision movements in PBall which is always played on Fastest? I have clocked myself with the fastest unit a peon/peasant which in PBall has 9 range and requires you to click every unit you kill. I can kill 120-150 or so grunts in 60 seconds with a peasant. I'm not talking about strategy or game play mechanics now I'm talking total unit control since you brought it up. PBall you need to have extremely quick reactions clicking on their men and clicking on their men when setting traps or baiting with footmen in front. PBall is all about unit control, not the same as in GOW, but the reactions of the units is the same. NO ONE has EVER played PBall on EF and no one would because it makes it silly you can predict and see everything they are going to do and have plenty of time to react with fireballs or a counter. I can control my units just fine on fastest and so could any PBaller there is a difference in Lat from single to multi in fastest that's true but the units are still easily controlled if you know how.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 12:37:56 PM
I bet Pball would be better on EF than F, actually.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 12:41:40 PM
I have tried PBall on EF different times for a joke and it is virtually unplayable. Also most PBallers won't play games in lag because it ruins most of the skill of it. Rushes and quick ambushes and attacks are a big part of PBall and just reacting in a quick manner. When you slow that down with the speed or bad lag it just makes it very boring and far less skill involved. If you are going for a mage rush(rushing footmen ahead of a mage then fireballing) they are going to see as your rush slowly advances and can much easier place perfect fireballs and rip you apart. The same is true for any unit confrontation in a PBall game on slow speed everyone has so much time to click each others range. It ruins a lot of the offense of PBall because of slow it is all moving. It really just ruins the fun and strategy of it lol.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 12:47:13 PM
So the strategy in pball comes from not being able to react and strategize but instead the game speed moving so fast that you can't respond in time.  And if you could respond and counter then it wouldn't work.  Cool
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 12:52:02 PM
Not what I said at all. The unit control in PBall has to do with not being able to react yes. There are many factors to that though, being flanked on the side in a total surprise and not having much time to react. Being attacked in two places by two different waves of units. Sending in 1 wave of units and when they kill that one, ambushing with a 2nd group in a surprise. Putting a unit hidden in a side tunnel and popping out once a front scout notices and it still moving. Also besides them not having time to react most of the kills in PBall are from footmen baiting. By putting footmen in front of ranged units their AI will auto attack the footmen and you can target their range. The strategies of PBall are more complex than just unit control example:  flanking, playing defensive, attacking on multiple fronts, mage rushes, retreat to small areas. The game play is fast paced though and you kill by ambushing, baiting their range with footmen in front of your range, and being faster and smarter playing than your opponent.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 12:58:21 PM
All you have to do to end this discussion is ask someone who is extremely good at both fastest and even faster speeds and ask them which one takes more overall skill and understanding of the game. Joe, swift, and viruz are a few people who would be able to and have answered that question. They all agree EF takes more skill and knowledge of the game... I myself have played quite a few fastest games and if I start playing pretty much any fastest map back to back, it doesn't take too many games before I'm at least competiting or playing better than the people who play that speed/map regularly.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: {Lance} on October 07, 2015, 01:00:47 PM
Lol Lance explain to me how I can make precision movements in PBall which is always played on Fastest?

Simple.  It's just an illusion, you think you're doing things as fast as are possible and it makes you think that it's your skill, but it really isnt.  Just because the units move faster doesnt mean they are doing things as quickly/efficiently as they could be :)  It's a solid fact that network latency effects the game's latency.  That isnt debatable.  What is debatable is that you misconstrued this latency as some sort of skill.  Just because you can kill X amount of units in a hurry doesnt mean more units could have been killed at a slower speed.  The fact is that the ONLY speeds that are near local latency are the "faster" and below speeds.  EF isnt even at local speed but the difference between EF and F is FAAAAR greater than the difference between Faster and EF.  The difference between Faster and EF is almost not even noticeable (but to me it is,  to you it wouldnt be from the sounds of things).

See, the slower things are, the more strategy comes into play as you said yourself, no one would play PBall on a slower speed because it becomes to "predictable".  This simply translates to "It becomes to difficult" because it's at that point that actual skill would come into play.  The slower things are,  the better you have to be at the game itself in ALL aspects,  not just 1 or 2 like in PBall.

Here is an interesting scenerio.  Take someone like myself who has NEVER played a single PBall game and then pit them against you and set the speed at Fastest.  Who's likely to win?  You because you have the advantage of "time" having played it for so long.  Ok,  so now lets reverse it and take "time" away from you.  Let's play PBall on FAST or Slow.  This removes the time element and brings into play actual game skill.  I'd be willing to bet that I would fair FAR better on a slower speed and possibly even win simply because my skill with war2 itself is far greater.  Now try the same scenario with a PBall player and a real map like Pos or GOW.  No matter WHAT game speed you set it at,  they would get completely and utterly destroyed, it wouldnt even be close.  Why?  Because "time" isnt a skill.  It's time and nothing more.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 01:05:29 PM
Were not even playing the game at its peak precision on EF .. I remember doing the tests on voovly server and it was amazing the reaction time of the units. I didn't even realize how slow reaction time is on server.war.RU until I tried voobly server. Its a damn shame we can't have that type of reaction time on our server
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 01:07:30 PM
No it doesn't become to too easy. It becomes a luck fest. I could still beat anyone on an EF in a game of PBall, in fact I'll do it right now if anyone wants. There is no illusion to what I am explaining. Controlling units is very different person to person in PBall the top players can control their units at a very high level, whatever ceiling there would be for unit control they are going to be at the top of that. It is not that more strategy comes into play at all, it is like I said about EF it just makes the game different but for PBall definitely not in a good way. It makes it so any strategy that is realistic and usable just becomes a joke, so it is literally whoever is better at clicking really slow moving shit. PBall is more of an action game the speed plays into the strategies and game play. You don't slow down a first person shooter game and you don't slow down PBall lol. I would still be skilled EF PBall it would just be boring as hell, far more predictable, and there would be far less viable strategies available.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 01:08:30 PM
Also I agree with blid. P ball would be better on EF. Much more strategic and precise.

But in the end, most custom games are about as much war2 as a game of h.o.r.s.e. is to basketball
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: {Lance} on October 07, 2015, 01:10:25 PM
And therein lies the difference you view "time" as a skill where as most of us who have played war2 think that is utter non-sense :D
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 01:10:49 PM
It's actually not even a realistic question or statement PBall could be better on EF. PBall is boring and literally a shadow of itself on EF. Ask any PBaller if they have or would play EF they would take it as a joke. The speed is part of the game and affects the strategies. BNEs are totally different because they involve buildings. EF on both games affects game play, it does the opposite of BNE maps in PBall though. It creates less usable strategies vs more.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 01:11:14 PM
Careful smeagol .. sly made the same claim about a year ago. I took him up on his offer. He played a map called DK2 almost exclusively. I said let me download it, let me play for a day and we will do bo5. I learned the map in that day then beat him on his own map speed bo5
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: {Lance} on October 07, 2015, 01:11:25 PM
But in the end, most custom games are about as much war2 as a game of h.o.r.s.e. is to basketball

^---- What he said lol thats a cool analogy haha.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 01:16:14 PM
Lol Tk any realistic 1v1s in PBall would be done on fastest. Doesn't scare me at all though playing you on EF, if you wanted to beat me other than a novelty though you'd have to play me fastest but yes I'll play EF. Sly is literally one of the biggest jokes I've ever met on Warcraft 2. In the first year or 2 I knew him I was undefeated vs him in all PBalls. Also 45 Man, 80 Man, Team War 2, PBall X are far better maps than dk lol. He finally ended up with 5 wins total we played lots of games probably something like 100-5 lol. He is a cocky idiot as well who sucks dick at all Warcraft 2 maps and was a stupid bitch. I've beaten many PBallers 1v1 over the years all the top PBallers at one time or another: Murd0ck, Xcal(AKA: Fallen_Xcalibur), Cheaterhood, Real{hR}, Cs-Kirby, $Killa$Lancelot on and on. I have the best 1v1 record vs PBallers of anyone probably. I also have the best tournament record(in recent years) at 14-7 in 8-13 person tournaments with the next closest player being Xcal with 2 wins... lol bring it on =D .
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 01:27:49 PM
I don't play any more but I assure you any decent EF player will be as good or better than u on your map/speed after a good 15-20 games.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 01:33:10 PM
Any good EF player would destroy me on EF GOW or F GOW or any BNE with any speed I totally agree with that lmao. However no great EF player would beat me on PBalls. Even Swift or Viruz given a month to practice would not beat me consistently more than around say 33% total or a bit more record win percent in PBall(So I'm saying I'd win 2-1) overall prolly. In fact back in 2006-2008 the Mother of my kid used to be friends with Swift. I have played Swift in PBall and I used to beat him when we played. Just because someone is good in BNES on EF or F does not translate to PBall skill. I would get owned in BNES on any speed by good BNE players. They would get their hat, coat, and shoes taken by me in PBall even with time to practice. Haha.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 01:34:08 PM
I don't play any more but I assure you any decent EF player will be as good or better than u on your map/speed after a good 15-20 games.
I dunno about that.  Great players like Viruz or Swift could definitely beat any pballer with a little bit of practice, but random vets like me and you might not have the particular talent to beat a really good pballer.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 01:38:12 PM
Any YouTube videos of the maps ur talking about.. it'll be really easy to see how technical it is of someone decent recorded themselves playing it
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 01:38:55 PM
Wrong. I've played many BNE players over the years. Medivh plays PBall in between GOW games. I have a better win record vs him overall though. Also like I said Swift PBalled at one time and I beat him as well different times back in the day. Koorb, RIPE[Euro], and other good BNE players have also sometimes played PBall and they aren't that great. Viruz joined my game one time 45 Man PBall and he got literally raped by me he said he didn't like the map at all but he had never played. A lot of BNE players actually suck at PBall even if they practice up they are just good PBallers like the best of the normal PBallers. I welcome any PBaller Swift, Viruz, whoever to practice up and play me 1v1 in 45 Man or 80 Man PBall.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 01:41:12 PM
They just haven't played it as much as you have.  A truly top BNE player has all the skills needed to be great at pball.  If they have super fast reactions and good micro skill, which the best of the best do, then with practice they'd beat every single pball player out there.  We know this because they can already beat every BNE player out there.  And if someone (you?) were still able to beat them after they practiced, then you should probably go become a diamond league moba player or something.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 01:44:47 PM
You are right about the experience aspect of me being good. There is no one who understand PBall strategies as well me probably, I have also made over 100 finished variations of PBall maps, and played around 20,000 games of PBall since 2002. Also it's not just experience in the strategies and game play I am very fast reacting and moving. There are people that are on my level but I generally have a better record than any PBaller over the course of time and I win more series. Godly BNE players would definitely get into PBall easier but they have to learn everything and get experience. Also single player PBall games aren't very good at increasing your skill because the computer doesn't move except when attacked except mages. Anyone wants practice up in PBall I host pretty often or Flea does or Evil~Manowar.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 01:45:29 PM
Any YouTube videos of the maps ur talking about.. it'll be really easy to see how technical it is of someone decent recorded themselves playing it

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9iFWX0-UWg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9iFWX0-UWg)

Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 01:48:59 PM
Adam-W is a very good chop player who started PBalling about a year ago. We have played 1v1s for the last 6 months or so in a "record". I have lead him for the entire 6 months except when he got ahead for a bit in the middle for a week. Right now I'm like 38-37 vs him overall on the record. Before we started this record though I was about 5-2 vs him and beat him the finals of a tournament. That game you posted is a very good game where we both fought down to a few units. He is an example of a build(chop though) player practicing up and getting pretty damn good. I'm still above him though skill wise. That is the 45 Man tournament map in that video as well there is a normal version slightly bigger and a bit different(same units though).
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 01:52:08 PM
Gonna watch it after work. Bb in 3hrs
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 02:16:35 PM
Oh TK that was a question about the maps I play on Youtube? I didn't realize that, yeah the link below my posts is my Youtube channel louieo1988. I have around 25 PBall videos uploaded. I have 100s to over 1000 individual games recorded if I ever went through all the crap I have recorded lol. I mostly play 2v3s and 2v4s on teams because me and my pards like a challenge and we're good. I 1v1 for the competition and in tournaments and will play even team games with all good PBallers in the game. There is some tournaments on my Youtube, a lot of 2v3s, owning Sale39 and Archer in 1v2 2 diff videos(beat him 3-0 same teams but only recorded the last 2) haha. The one Blid posted is a good game though.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: {Lance} on October 07, 2015, 05:01:53 PM
Wow I think I just hurled watching that monstrosity of a video :)  That was nothing but a blind searchfest.  Who was red?  Dudes UC was horrid and OJ just stood around like a moron doing pretty much nothing until the end when it became searchfest 2.0 after the initial searchfest at the beginning.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 05:22:48 PM
Lol Lance you can troll all you want. You couldn't play near that level vs me or Adam or any good PBaller really. Luckfest blah blah we didn't fight down to 2 units each at the end by luck. My unit control is very good and I know how control PBall units. If my UC is so bad and that game is just a luck fest care for a 1v1 in that map or another PBall? Im available now let me know.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 05:22:58 PM
im sorry man but i watched like 10 different pball videos hoping i would see something different like "ok. that takes some skill"  .. but basically it's just you and sometimes someone else killing people with horrible unit control and just running around like a chicken with their head cut off.

there is absolutely no reason a decent gow player (spb skill or up) couldn't learn this in a few hours and be just as good as anyone else in a day or two.

im literally not trying to be a dick here.. this pball stuff is just a horrible sub culture of war2 that requires very little skill to be good at... and based on how much you're winning i am convinced the vast majority of them are literally clueless about the mechanics of war2 and are more or less just bum rushing desperately hoping they get some kills, but don't really expect to learn and have no interest in studying the game to even get better at a silly game like this

i know im coming off as a dick, literally not trying to ... but even remotely suggesting maps like this take skill even remotely close to classic EF maps (gow especially) is so far from reality that it shows a huge lack of understanding about the game in it's entirety on your own part.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 05:25:40 PM
Comparing the skill of GOW and BNEs to PBall is 2 totally different skills. Because you see GOW skill you don't understand or classify PBall below the skill you consider GOW at. Tournament 1v1s between good PBallers are very skilled games, the chicken with it's head cut off you're talking about is 2v3s vs newbs. Lol I keep hearing first Swift and Viruz now you're throwing in newb players like spb. I've played top tier BNE players in PBall and easily beat them and I'm waiting for this BNE player to emerge who's going to beat me in a series of 45 Man.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 05:28:48 PM
im sorry man but i watched like 10 different pball videos hoping i would see something different like "ok. that takes some skill"  .. but basically it's just you and sometimes someone else killing people with horrible unit control and just running around like a chicken with their head cut off.

there is absolutely no reason a decent gow player (spb skill or up) couldn't learn this in a few hours and be just as good as anyone else in a day or two.

im literally not trying to be a dick here.. this pball stuff is just a horrible sub culture of war2 that requires very little skill to be good at... and based on how much you're winning i am convinced the vast majority of them are literally clueless about the mechanics of war2 and are more or less just bum rushing desperately hoping they get some kills, but don't really expect to learn and have no interest in studying the game to even get better at a silly game like this

i know im coming off as a dick, literally not trying to ... but even remotely suggesting maps like this take skill even remotely close to classic EF maps (gow especially) is so far from reality that it shows a huge lack of understanding about the game in it's entirety on your own part.
A funny thing from that video I posted is how the watchers were like "holy shit!" and "Whoaaa pball showdown!" and stuff and then the same watchers later in the video reveal they don't even know what the range of any of the units are, which seems like the most basic fundamental to know if you're gonna get into that map.

Now, watching the video, I didn't really see anything that looked that amazing, no insane micro or apm or anything like that, but I wouldn't be so quick to say anyone, including me or spb or whoever, could roll through Smeagol.  I think we could, with a bit of practice, almost immediately become competent pball players because, uh, yeah, but I wouldn't assume it's so easy to beat the very best guy.

Although to be fair, as far as "chicken with its head cut off," the opening of that video was pretty bad... Smeagol ran like 8 footmen down in what should have been suicide and Adam didn't even pull back his mage, allowing it to die.  Yikes
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 05:31:46 PM
Lol exactly Blid, TK and Lance act like I'm just some guy who came along and was like I'm the best PBaller. No I've been challenged and beaten many players in the past and won lots of tournaments. Crasher was commenting on the knight to mage range mage is 6 knight 5 which isn't not the most commonly known unit ranges because mages mostly fireball not lightning. He is a pretty good PBaller he just didn't realize a mage could lightning a knight. There are PBallers who have taken me out of tournaments and who I consider my peers, but if you guys think one of you will beat me with ease after practicing a few hours or weeks good luck.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 05:34:32 PM
I do think someone like Viruz could dominate you after a week of practice (micro god!).  I won't venture to say I could.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 05:36:13 PM
Viruz could very well become one of the best PBallers maybe if he was interested enough to want to learn it and play it. The time he joined my game and I played him was his first time I think it was a 2v2 and I rolled through him. I'm sure he or anyone could be at the top level of PBall playing(especially good BNE players or people with good micro like Viruz) and could beat me sometimes, I usually pull ahead in percents vs the top PBallers though.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 05:38:48 PM
id be willing to bet the only top tier bne players you ever beat in pball were simply players who were bored, didnt have any other games to play, so they hopped on a game that was available. i've been known to do exactly that quite a bit. I'll hop in on a game of archers, kotr, bhg, mini bhg, pball, chop or whatever customs are available at the time. the thing is, none of them probably ever play the maps for extended amounts of time because they're all very mindless in comparison with BNE or classic maps (with the exception of chop at least.. it takes some actual skill to be a top chop player imo).

Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 05:42:11 PM
TD Medivh is a PBaller he is very good made the finals of the only tournament he was in. He played PBall before he got into GOW as much on Legolas and became a friend. Swift at one time PBalled with the mother of my kid and I played with and beat him different times. Angel~Fire is a pretty good GOW player he plays PBall regularly between and is a friend. Van has been in 3 tournaments but isn't very good at PBall. Player plays PBall sometimes between GOW's and I've beaten him in every 1v1 I've played him in and a few 1v2s. Also there were BNE players that used to play PBall back in the day that were pretty good at it like Yamon who I beat pretty bad last time we played a few years back, but he doesn't play Pball anymore. There are many BNE players over the years that were PBallers too or played it between games.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 05:47:39 PM
i cannot believe you're saying this blid. this is literally one of the most mindless customs there is.

im convinced any decent gow ef player (spb or above) could play this map for a day (against other "decent" pball players). and go pretty much 50/50 with smeagol or anyone else the next day regardless of how many games were played

when i was playing DK2 that day i was playing people who were supposed to be the "best" at dk2. they were beating me at first but literally within a dozen or so games there was wasnt much of a difference between me and them at all.

I learned a map i never played before, that others believed they perfected in like 12 games

idgaf who you are.. if you've never played gow/ef (shit.. even if you have played a few here and there) it's going to take you at least a couple thousand games to even be competition for the "good" people who play it regularly.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 05:50:01 PM
DK and 1 Alleria are as mindless as you can get when it comes to PBall. Maps like 45 Man, 80 Man, PBall X are different units besides just 1 ranged unit. Mages. knights, peons and other units make the gameplay MUCH different than a 1 ranged unit PBall. Also maps like PBall X have a barracks for unit creation. You literally have absolutely no idea what you are talking about keep making this claim that now you or anyone could play PBall for an amount of time most currently you claim a day and beat me 50/50. It's utter nonsense but you can keep saying it as long as nobody steps up lol.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 05:50:11 PM
none of the people you mentioned (as far as i know) play pball regularly or take it seriously .. im convinced all of them (with the exception of van because van isn't even good at gow) would be just as good as you if they played it with any sort of real regularity and had a real interest in it.. instead of "ok gow is boring so i'll play customs for a couple hours" or "ok there's no gow games so i'll play customs till one comes up"
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 05:52:36 PM
Let me refer you to this "DK and 1 Alleria are as mindless as you can get when it comes to PBall. Maps like 45 Man, 80 Man, PBall X are different units besides just 1 ranged unit. Mages. knights, peons and other units make the gameplay MUCH different than a 1 ranged unit PBall. Also maps like PBall X have a barracks for unit creation. You literally have absolutely no idea what you are talking about keep making this claim that now you or anyone could play PBall for an amount of time most currently you claim a day and beat me 50/50. It's utter nonsense but you can keep saying it as long as nobody steps up lol."

Also Medivh does play PBall regularly and definitely so does Angel~Fire. You really think no one over the years has challenged me and beat me easily or just crushed me a series?(No they haven't and 50-50 is a big stretch) Like somehow now because you mention that good BNE players would beat me they will? Prove it practice your day or log on now. Or provide your champion. Lmao
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 05:53:32 PM
dude.. what you're claiming is just insane. im sorry, but any skilled player who reads any of this and watches the videos of the games we're talking about is going to come to the exact same conclusion.

you like pball. that's fine... but it does not require anywhere near the skill or understanding of the game to be good at as it does to be good at the classic maps.. or even many other customs i've seen.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 05:55:43 PM
I'm not "claiming" anything. I have been in 21 PBall tournaments in the last year. They were all at least 8 people so 3+ rounds. Of those tournaments I was in the finals 15 times and won 14 of them, a record of 14-7 with only 1 finals loss. I'm not "claiming" to be good at PBall, ask other PBallers who they consider the best PBaller or if I am good. I am not making up records or series I have beat top PBallers in, and there is strategy and skill to PBall whether you want to repeat your blinded mantra for the next day in this debate or not.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 05:56:56 PM
id be willing to bet the only top tier bne players you ever beat in pball were simply players who were bored, didnt have any other games to play, so they hopped on a game that was available. i've been known to do exactly that quite a bit. I'll hop in on a game of archers, kotr, bhg, mini bhg, pball, chop or whatever customs are available at the time. the thing is, none of them probably ever play the maps for extended amounts of time because they're all very mindless in comparison with BNE or classic maps (with the exception of chop at least.. it takes some actual skill to be a top chop player imo).
why do you assume that every decent BNE player has the same apm/micro control/finger speed/reaction time as the very best pball player?
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 05:57:05 PM
ive played 45 man and 80 man. it's p ball man. i've played tons of customs that i dont even care to know the name of. you don't even understand what you're saying. you don't even realize how inaccurate your claim is

i wish you would play gow/ef for like 6 months, beat someone like spb, slick, adam, gleip, angel fire, or krauser (all active decent gow players from what i see) in a bo5 and then tell me that pball takes anywhere near the skill as a classic/ef map.

it wont happen. i'd literally bet a couple grand on it
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 06:00:02 PM
Now you're turning your argument to GOW takes more skill than PBall. A second ago it was that PBall takes no skill and that a player who plays GOW could easily defeat the best PBaller. GOW takes its own skill which is definitely a more complex skill because you control many different things at once buildings, creating units, so on. GOW and PBall are apples and oranges though, just because one game takes more complex skill doesn't mean a different game doesn't also take a skill. It also doesn't mean that GOW players will be good at PBall the same way PBall players won't be good at GOW without altering how they play for both. Honestly your argument is getting weaker, I'm just going to call your claims of beating me 50-50 a dodge at this point and I'll be waiting for anyone else who wants a shot.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 06:00:44 PM
you like pball. that's fine... but it does not require anywhere near the skill or understanding of the game to be good at as it does to be good at the classic maps.. or even many other customs i've seen.
like, i totally agree with this.  pball is easy to learn and not as complex or interesting or fun or good as gow.  it's not even the same game as far as im concerned, as ive said before.  however, my war2observe apm is like 150.  despite pball being ez shit for newbs, that doesnt mean id be the best ever at pball just becuase ive learned gow.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 06:02:44 PM
id be willing to bet the only top tier bne players you ever beat in pball were simply players who were bored, didnt have any other games to play, so they hopped on a game that was available. i've been known to do exactly that quite a bit. I'll hop in on a game of archers, kotr, bhg, mini bhg, pball, chop or whatever customs are available at the time. the thing is, none of them probably ever play the maps for extended amounts of time because they're all very mindless in comparison with BNE or classic maps (with the exception of chop at least.. it takes some actual skill to be a top chop player imo).
why do you assume that every decent BNE player has the same apm/micro control/finger speed/reaction time as the very best pball player?

because they wouldnt be decent at gow/ef if they didn't have decent all of those things... so if they're at least decent at it when they're playing a map like gow/ef and there are a million different things to worry about (scouting, managing resources, unit control, adapting to opponents strategy, expanding, and all of the other shit that goes into 1 game of gow/ef) i guarantee they'll make up for it when their brain tells them "hey forget all of that other shit in gow/ef.. you don't gotta watch ur resources.. u dont gotta worry about building placement.. u dont gotta worry about expanding... just worry about these 3 or 4 things right now instead"
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 06:18:13 PM
Like the title of this post let make take you back. There was a time ah 2002 when 60 Man PBall emerged and it began being hosted all day. Shortly after 2 Alleria was made and 60 Man and 2 Alleria were hosted all day. 420 PBall and 80 Man soon followed maps with mages and 420 with buildings and upgrades. At this time 2002-2004 PBall games were hosted all day and new maps were being made all the time many very random. This is where all the classic old school PBall maps come from though. At the time there were 1000's of PBallers and PBall was hosted all day, played as much or more than BNEs at the time. 2004-2006 there was still an active PBall community until by 2009 was mostly just me and my friends. I came to RU and PBall came with me and all the PBallers that made the switch around that time too.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Player on October 07, 2015, 07:27:16 PM
Wtf server is down?
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 07:49:45 PM
TK & Lance here is my most recent upload, just uploaded it. Feel free to leave your meaningless opinion on why I could be beaten by a good BNE player, then none will step up, nor yourselves =D . It's a game from a while back between Me and Xcal both very top level PBallers vs 3 in a 2v3. $Killa$Lancelot and Crash3r are on the away team and are both good PBallers in their own right too. The third guy is decent not great but he is an extra 45 units. Let me know more of the ways I could be owned... Still waiting. =D
http://youtu.be/4aKpWTrXXWw (http://youtu.be/4aKpWTrXXWw)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 07:56:49 PM
Also don't get me wrong TK I don't dislike you. I just find your claims about the skill level of PBall ridiculous, but I really don't have to go over that it's been beat to death by everyone on all sides at this point. All the times I've talked to you or played with you on the server you seem like a cool guy. PBall is my shit though, you guys enjoy BNE, I enjoy PBall and I am very good at it and have lots of experience.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 08:10:04 PM
$Killa$Lancelot and Crash3r are on the away team and are both good PBallers in their own right too.
Disagree lol.  I've never even played the map, yet while watching this vid, I found Killa to suck balls.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 08:13:59 PM
Haha yeah he was on the one of the two top 30 60 Man PBall players list around 20 from back on East. He is very good when he is playing at his top performance, but he drinks a lot and the drunker he gets the more sloppy plays he makes and such. He tends to rush a bit too hard and just play more sloppy the drunker he gets haha. I don't drink nearly as much as him but if I am drunk I play much worse as well but its on him for drinking all the time while playing lol.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: {Lance} on October 07, 2015, 08:20:49 PM
2v3 thats it?  You should check out some of the highlights I have saved on my twitch stream.  There are a couple 4v1's,  lots of 2v1's, and a sprinkled 3v1 here and there.  The maps are mostly of the built in maps (the ones blizzard made of course) and there is 1 custom game in which I amused myself by trying some retarded map called Archer Friends or some bullshit,  it was a 2v1.  Most of them I won,  the only games I lost were on GoW.  Go figure since thats the map I like best.  So ya, there are lots of noobs to go around.  A 2v3 in pball isnt that impressive considering the player skill pool ;)

I'll amuse myself in a few minutes here and try some pball maps.  But uhhhhhh I dont even know which maps to look for nor how to tell if they are even legit.  2 maps with the same name are possible and you wouldnt know the difference.  It's not like a blizzard map where you can tell it's a fake map.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 08:24:24 PM
watched the video smeagol. orange was very bad..  and even you made newb mistakes.

:54 you let your knight die to footmen. had plenty of time to pull it back
:56 orange led his cat down the path with absolutely no footies clearing the path.
1:12 orange leaving mage completely unprotected.. no footies clearing path again
1:16 black leaving archer completely exposed
1:23 orange running down the path with almost no lead between his footies and his archers/knight
1:25 you ran peon up with no footies leading it .. died with no resistance
1:36 you got trigger happy with your mage and plowed all of your footmen

we're not even 2 minutes into the game and there are already multiple errors on everyone's part. basic errors that continue throughout the game. horrible U.C. and poor decision making.

im sorry but i stand by my statement.. if any decent gow ef player had the desire to learn this map and play it on a regular basis you and all other "good" pball players would be humbled very quickly.

the thing is no decent players would ever spend lots of time learning/playing this map.. there is literally no reason. it's like going backwards. sure they're fun to play from time to time just to break the monotony, but to take it seriously when you are aware of and understand the complexity and challenge of other maps/speeds are? .. not likely.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: {Lance} on October 07, 2015, 08:24:50 PM
Well, scrap that idea I guess.  Server is currently not responding :/  I'll give it another 10-15 mins before I wander off to play hearthstone lol.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 08:27:43 PM
watched the video smeagol. orange was very bad..  and even you made newb mistakes.

:54 you let your knight die to footmen. had plenty of time to pull it back
:56 orange led his cat down the path with absolutely no footies clearing the path.
1:12 orange leaving mage completely unprotected.. no footies clearing path again
1:16 black leaving archer completely exposed
1:23 orange running down the path with almost no lead between his footies and his archers/knight
1:25 you ran peon up with no footies leading it .. died with no resistance
1:36 you got trigger happy with your mage and plowed all of your footmen

we're not even 2 minutes into the game and there are already multiple errors on everyone's part. basic errors that continue throughout the game. horrible U.C. and poor decision making.

im sorry but i stand by my statement.. if any decent gow ef player had the desire to learn this map and play it on a regular basis you and all other "good" pball players would be humbled very quickly.

the thing is no decent players would ever spend lots of time learning/playing this map.. there is literally no reason. it's like going backwards. sure they're fun to play from time to time just to break the monotony, but to take it seriously when you are aware of and understand the complexity and challenge of other maps/speeds are? .. not likely.
i like when orange attacks with the skelly and then just stands the skelly there in the middle of the path not moving at all until it gets fireballed.  like come on
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Winchester on October 07, 2015, 08:28:15 PM
You should check out some of the highlights I have saved on my twitch stream.  There are a couple 4v1's,  lots of 2v1's, and a sprinkled 3v1 here and there.

My favorite game with you is still the one where Equinox unallied you when you were at middle at town hall still and he was at 11 with lust and still lost lmao. I love how you play mid.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 08:33:10 PM
exactly blid... these are all mistakes that they're allowed to get away with because the people they're playing are bad too.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: {Lance} on October 07, 2015, 08:34:07 PM
My favorite game with you is still the one where Equinonx unallied you when you were at middle at town hall still and he was at 11 with lust and still lost lmao. I love how you play mid.

Haha yea that was an epic fail on his part lol. He tried to be a jackass and then it backfired lmao.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 08:41:44 PM
My best records in PBall 2v3s were 25-5 with Cs-Kirby and 23-7 with Killa_Yaky. That is no easy feat at all especially in those days when PBall was still played more and there were more regular players. In more recent years I've gone 10-0 different times with QUICK{hR} and Xcal but we lose some after that, winning 2v3s in PBall isn't easy. I also win 2v4s with good partners and 2v3s. I have won two 1v3 ever and those were amazing because of the fact you don't get any more units in PBall that isn't PBall build. I've won many many 1v2s also probably 55-75% somewhere.

As for the PBall maps, I created a map pack of the PBalls and Rpgs I've made for my Facebook PBall group. It has also has the old PBalls in a folder called PBall. There are a few folders and they are all identified in simple terms. Strife PBall(45Man) in Smeagol's PBalls is probably the most commonly played and one of the most skilled PBalls around right now. 80 Man PBall 3v3 will be in the folder PBalls it is the older by a bit map that 45 Man draws some inspiration from. PBall X 1.0 is a map with a rax a lot of people play and 420 PBall also they are old school East PBalls. Note: It won't let me upload the entire map pack, but these are 4 most import of the 8 or so folders.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 08:42:50 PM
exactly blid... these are all mistakes that they're allowed to get away with because the people they're playing are bad too.
but most of the weak play was orange.  and it's easier to spot mistakes watching a replay than it is to avoid making mistakes playing.  basically, do i think i could beat orange my first time ever playing that map?  heh maybe.  still think id need a lot of practice to compete with someone who doesnt play terrible
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 08:44:04 PM
if people who truly understood the mechanics of war2 started playing pball primarily, regularly, and took it seriously... you would see the game slow down a lot. games would last much longer and game play would be much more surgical. no top level pball players would be making these mistakes we see now.. at least not with any sort of regularity. if they happened, it would be a situation where the person who made the mistake knew he just lost the game and would leave before it ended (much like when 2 gow/ef players have a tower war and one of them built 1 extra tower and has 1 less peon... they know they lost, see no point in delaying the inevitable, and leave the game)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 08:46:05 PM
Your points are meaningless and are obviously the rantings of someone who has never played PBall. 54 my knight got killed because I had focus on saving my mage which is by far the best unit peon being next you also get 3 knights only 2 mages. You also fail to mention I follow it by a quick lightning with mage then a fireball on a ballista. My peon ran down "unprotected" because he was charging with a lot of range the peon is the fastest unit and I dropped 2 of his 3 range that were charging. The other mistakes they are not me and PBall is not a game of 100% perfection, mistakes are made every game and how much range and good units you kill, your kills at the end, and a victory is what really matters. I had near 70 kills and so did Xcal, I have had 3x my units in kills in PBall games before which is very high, but 2x my is normal ownage.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 07, 2015, 08:48:21 PM
As for the PBall maps, I created a map pack of the PBalls and Rpgs I've made for my Facebook PBall group. It has also has the old PBalls in a folder called PBall. There are a few folders and they are all identified in simple terms. Strife PBall(45Man) in Smeagol's PBalls is probably the most commonly played and one of the most skilled PBalls around right now.
Uhhh why are there so many of the same thing

Strife PBall(45 Man)
Strife PBall2(45 Man PBall)
Strife PBall3(45 Man PBall)
Strife PBall4(45 Man PBall)
Strife PBall5(45 Man PBall)
Strife PBall(45 Man) 4v4
Strife PBall(45 Man) 2v6
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 07, 2015, 08:50:38 PM

Wtf server is down?

Apparently it is. [emoji37]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 08:51:25 PM
Blid Haha that's true, the main one that is played 90% of the time is Strife PBall(45 Man) 4v4. The others are sequels and spin offs just for fun. Also these: Strife PBall(45 Man), Strife PBall(45 Man) 2v6 are just ones made to do different team games. Strife PBall 2 and 5 have never really played just kept by me forever. Strife 3 is a bigger version of  Strife PBall(45 Man) 4v4 the original and mainly played one. 45 Man It's all the same shit with different but similar terrain but the same units, Strife PBall(45 Man) is the original and main one. Also Tournament 1v1x4 PBall! is a tournament version of the original Strife where four 1v1s happen at once separated by water.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 08:57:48 PM
TK you talk about "surgical play" I am the best there is when it comes to fighting large numbers with small amounts of PBall units. I have dozens of maps I made that I call Small vs Large where one team gets a small group of units say 11 and the other 148. Also me and QUICK{hR} will kill all but 5 men each in 45 Man PBall and 1v2 vs someone with all 45. I am extremely fast when micro clicking units with a peasant and very accurate with a fireball under pressure. I also know how to defend narrow tunnels extremely well. Example:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWch07YOxuQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWch07YOxuQ)
Also 1v1s are a very different game than team games in PBall, you will see more games that are slowed down due to fighting it out with skilled players in 1v1s, but more time in team games because of sheer number of units. I end games quickly that is my play style, that's not to say I don't have games that take a while vs good players.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 09:04:52 PM
Here is a screen shot of one of the 1v3s I won. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10206668152079715&set=oa.886021994797727&type=3&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10206668152079715&set=oa.886021994797727&type=3&theater)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: GaNzTheLegend on October 07, 2015, 09:28:14 PM
No offence, but bragging about pball to a bne player is like a tic tac toe player bragging to a chess player about a game he played.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 09:29:16 PM
maybe ill get my old war2 laptop running again and we'll play some pball some time...
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 07, 2015, 09:38:08 PM
No offense but comparing the skill of any 2 games with totally different mechanics is mostly opinion. They both take their own unique brand of skill GOW a more complex type of skill because of more things to do, but PBall with it's own skill. I can say COD takes more skill than Battlefield but to different people that wouldn't mean shit and they each have their own mechanics. Also this started as a discussion about EF I would have never "bragged" if PBalls skill level and 1v1ing BNE players didn't come up. Also I look forward to it TK.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 07, 2015, 09:48:25 PM

No offence, but bragging about pball to a bne player is like a tic tac toe player bragging to a chess player about a game he played.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 07, 2015, 10:07:44 PM
yeah.. back to the EF vs F. i'm an EF player but have played quite a bit of F. i personally feel like ef is much more technical and "surgical". The speed of F sacrifices a lot of the technical play imo.

I think it takes more skill to play technical than it does fast. once you get to late game in EF you're maxed out on APM any way, even at the slower speed.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 08, 2015, 02:00:10 AM
Every single player who talks about the day when war2 skills relied more upon innovation and creativity was also bad back during these times as well.

every single one of them.

just saying
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 08, 2015, 02:18:17 AM
p.s. smeagol - pball takes an obnoxious amount of consistent attentiveness, and knee jerk reactions to do well at it. these two requirements are even more necessary than they are in maps like gow. I can get away with spacing out and reacting a millisecond late to almost any interaction in gow, and make up for it with consistency.

 i'm sure you've beaten me some times at it, i've never attempted to learn it. i'm also confident you can beat 95% of gowers at it, even though gowers overall are 10 million times better than pballers by default, they still just suck at war2.

however, if i applied myself for one day to just practice pb then i'd beat you consistently on the second
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 06:55:30 AM
This is actually some of the most sense a GOW player has spoken on this post(also funny it comes from one of the very top GOW players) ---> "p.s. smeagol - pball takes an obnoxious amount of consistent attentiveness, and knee jerk reactions to do well at it. these two requirements are even more necessary than they are in maps like gow. I can get away with spacing out and reacting a millisecond late to almost any interaction in gow, and make up for it with consistency.

 i'm sure you've beaten me some times at it, i've never attempted to learn it. i'm also confident you can beat 95% of gowers at it, even though gowers overall are 10 million times better than pballers by default, they still just suck at war2."

PBall is not the same skill set as GOW it takes a completely different type of playing and reaction / strategy. Everyone on this post who argues against PBall taking skill or that they could beat top PBallers without ever playing it are biased in the game they play and go on what they think not experience of playing PBall. Also Swift I do not doubt that if you put your mind to it(doubt a day practice though) you could become good at PBall. I imagine if you got experienced and learned PBall you and I could have many very good games. I still think I'd pull ahead overall early and over time, but you could be a rival like Murd0ck was or Adam-w is now.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 07:27:47 AM
its too bad you don't know swift very well. if you did, you could have predicted he would have said exactly that:

Smeagol you're good at pball (now that he said that you have to agree with pretty much everything he says from here on out)
pball takes an obnoxious amount of skill (reinforcing the idea that you have to agree with him.. and setting himself up for what he's about to say next)
Everyone else sucks at war2 and none of them would beat you at pball ( now he's building himself and you up so you keep agreeing with him, and because he just likes building himself up)

and then the part we've all been waiting forrr...........

i could learn the map in a day and dominate you consistently (but nobody else could.. just me. everyone look at me)

you bought the shit hook line and sinker

maybe swift does believe the shit he just said (i highly doubt it) .. if swift really believes the obnoxious skill part about moving 4-6 different types of units around a map and using each unit in the most effective manner takes obnoxious skill that only he is capable of mastering he's a bigger idiot than i thought
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 07:31:35 AM
I know Swift better than you realize, I've known him since at least 2006. What he says is not untrue PBall is quicker reactions and a different strategy and yes I would destroy 95% of GOW players in it. Also Swift is going to think he'll be good because he GOWs extremely well, he'd be good but not as good as he claims probably we'd have to see. I think this song is fitting here is my response to anyone who says they can beat me 1v1 in PBall I welcome a challenge =D . "That crazy ass PBall G is back in the house the notorious PBall G SME.  Dropping fireballs on your ass bitch, niggas in top shape get dealt with real quick, so if you wanna take a trip to a PBall game let a nigga like Smeagol know. Protected by niggas with dicks, AKs, and 187 skills, so if its the muscle you testing we can handle in a 1v1 nigga fuck debating online. ;D ." Haha.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p7VKgA6-Uk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p7VKgA6-Uk)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 07:32:41 AM
im gonna set my laptop up this weekend. we will play p ball one day. i will be a stronger pball player than you the next day.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 07:36:20 AM
PBallers up Newbs down. Can't wait for this, you're going to get run over the first few games. You may be able to hold me to make a decent game after some time. You will not beat me with any consistency lmao. 14-7 tournament wins, 60-10 in individual games in those tournaments or so, and people that understand PBall far better and have far more experience than you I win more than I lose vs 1v1, good luck with that.
Let me refer you to this again: :P
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p7VKgA6-Uk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p7VKgA6-Uk)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 08:02:15 AM
I will beat you with consistency. Its a basis map with basic concepts. The reason you are the "best" is because all of your competition seems to be weak. After playing me you will improve
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 08:09:02 AM
Wrong again, your claims mean nothing as they won't come true. Whatever skill there is to PBall you will soon learn that you aren't close to the level I am in it.
"In the clearing stands a PBaller and a fighter by his trade, and he carries the reminders of every fireball that laid him down or cut him until he cried out in his anger and his shame. I am leaving I am leaving, but the fighter still remains." ;)
I look forward to this weekend, your view of PBall and beating me in it is totally distorted, but it will be fun I seriously can't wait to 1v1 you in 45 Man, 80 Man, and old school PBalls lmao.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 09:12:19 AM
"The BNE players came from all over to see the PBallers get spanked by the GOW players hand. The GOW players were gay they came to see their Gow playing boys whip old Smeagol. As TK said would you rather have Smeagol's PB Trophy icon or the sword of SME. Then for the first time the GOW players heard that awful HILE yell. The fields of Strife PBall became a ruby red and many a GOW and BNE player lay in the grasses dead. A fight locked in the chest of time too horrible to tell for the BNE players on Strife that day it became a plains of hell. Don't count your chicks before they're hatched or your work until it's done. Remember yes remember long the battle for PBall."

Ah these song lyric alterations are cracking me up but the morals hold true for comparison haha. :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI7vBQRuTYg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI7vBQRuTYg)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 08, 2015, 12:31:50 PM
tk - i didn't set anything up, i was just giving him credit saying although pball requires a very limited and obnoxious skill set that he would still beat most people, and then stating an undeniable fact that i would smash him, probably 5-0 in a bo9, after 1 days worth of practice. p.s. stop shitting on me all the time tk

smeagol - pball doesn't have very much strategy at all, although it has a little. basically it's just about consistent attentiveness and knee jerk reactions and nothing more. it's an oddly simple map that lacks 99.8% of skills needed in war2 and can't be compared to non-gimmick maps. gow easily requires more than 1,000 times the skill. no exaggeration there. and you have yet to prove that you could even become average at a map that encompasses nearly all skills in the game. you could be amazing at dribbling a bball and it doesn't mean shit

gow & similar maps = chess
arena/friends & similar maps = checkers
pball = tic tac toe
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 12:59:09 PM
If I can't shit on u then who
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 01:03:33 PM
Ridiculous claims with no facts to back them up seem the norm here. You are both biased by playing GOW and the overall attitude of the server. You wouldn't own me in a best of 3 let alone a best of 9 Swift. You would get raped off easily because you aren't anything compared to me in PBall. You actually sound like a joke just as much as these others who make claims of beating people but dodge, get real. I didn't become 14-7 in tournaments and lead in a majority of series vs good PBallers by some 1% skill margin. Delusions and claims that have no backing are nice they just don't mean shit especially when no one steps up to even attempt to prove their ridiculous claims.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 01:07:05 PM
Also chess is a pure logic game that involves thinking moves ahead and is all mental. Chess has nothing to do with physical reactions or speed is far more logical than any game you will find on Warcraft. Duplicate bridge the card game is a similar logic based game judged by how each pair bids on and plays the cards, everyone plays the same cards in turns, it is a logic game like chess. Tic Tac Toe is a totally 50 50 game and just requires you to understand the rules. For me to be able to keep a 90% record+ when doing even games(1v1s and 2v2s) like I did on Smeagol- on east(2000-180 after 2 years) and 100-1 on Smeagol on RU is not even close to tic tac toe it's a bad troll job by you. I do more uneven games because my skill is far above the average person in PBall so my record is more even. Make more claims with no basis in fact then dodge and troll on =D .
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 01:15:59 PM
Its a basic game man. The skills required to be good at it are very limited. That's just the way it is. If you enjoy it that's fine.. not to bash you, but you don't even realize how much more technical the map would get if it were played on EF... which it would.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 01:18:44 PM
If you took the time to get good @ a classic EF map you would realize the parallels between it and chess. I've heard many great players compare the two and I myself see how they compare in many ways
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 01:19:29 PM
All games are actually simple, you use a controller in Warcraft 2's case a mouse and keyboard and play other people. You guys are now getting so delusional you are comparing GOW to chess which has prodigies and people that are far smarter and more skilled than Swift or Virus lmao. Comparing skill video game to video game is actually some of the nerdiest shit I've seen especially with the passion you guys put into it. Video games take skill, I've showed how its obvious the percents and records show I am very good at what I do and it takes skill. Why don't you guys go challenge a chess grand master in chess? You would get beaten so quickly it would be hilarious kind of the same way a 1v1 will go in PBall between TK or Swift and me.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 01:25:34 PM
War2 is actually more complex than chess. So many more variables. If I spent as much time playing chess in the last 17 years as I have war2, I feel confident I would be top 100 in the world at chess... assuming all other war2 players didn't do the same thing, but even if they did I'm sure I'd still be top 3-400
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 01:31:09 PM
You fail to understand the reason you win so much is because your competition is extremely weak. I can go kick a bunch of 2nd graders ass in a game of h.o.r.s.e but I'm not going to pretend like someone in the NBA can't beat me at my own game of horse
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 01:33:36 PM
I think me and green plastic had that exact same conversation when we played a few games of chess together "dude if we were playing chess this whole time instead of War2 we would be one of the best in the world"
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 08, 2015, 01:46:38 PM
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 08, 2015, 01:49:00 PM
I think me and green plastic had that exact same conversation when we played a few games of chess together "dude if we were playing chess this whole time instead of War2 we would be one of the best in the world"

War2 is actually more complex than chess. So many more variables. If I spent as much time playing chess in the last 17 years as I have war2, I feel confident I would be top 100 in the world at chess... assuming all other war2 players didn't do the same thing, but even if they did I'm sure I'd still be top 3-400

Lmfao. Unbelievably retarded.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 01:52:23 PM
A good person to ask would be frostbitten aka Christopher P. He was a decent war2 player and rated like 1900 in chess
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 02:02:39 PM
You're right FuckBoi that statement is beyond retarded! LMFAO!!! He actually believes a real time strategy game takes more skill than a 100's of year old pure logic and reading the future game. Here's the difference between mine and your arguement TK, I state real records, real tournament wins, real facts about the history of PBall. You then make claims that so and so could do this and PBall is this, mine are facts yours are just bullshit and conjecture. Where you've now gotten this idea the PBall player skill pool is weak I have no idea it's not based in fact. QUICK{hR} and Xcal are both extremely good PBallers that are very near my level. In PBalls hayday in the early 2000s there were dozens of PBall clans and 100's of very good PBallers. There are still dozens of PBallers still many of them top level PBallers. QUICK{hR}, Xcal, Cs-Kirby, Murd0ck, Proof-Dealer, HiRoller{hR}(AKA: Cheaterhood) Real{hR}. You have something stuck in your head so you're going to continue your worn out argument that your game is the only game that takes skill. Just because GOW takes skill does not mean other Warcraft 2 maps do not. Personally I play videos games and PBall for fun and to relax. The competition that comes with it is just a bonus and is fun. It is a hobby not some magical skill that I must force on others that my game takes the most and only skill. I know what I have accomplished and I have nothing to prove anyway. I certainly won't lose any sleep over some BNE players claiming they are superior in something they know little about.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 02:43:44 PM
U guys realize chess has a finite amount of possible moves, right? .. many of which get repeated over and over. War2 possibilities are literally infinite
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 02:50:21 PM
Warcraft strategies are reused by people. You can much more easily teach someone to become a good Warcraft 2 player than teach them to be a grand master in chess. Chess skill comes from logic and understanding of what moves will be made. It also involves the psychology of understanding how your opponent plays. Warcraft 2 BNEs while definitely having a huge amount of strategies the best ones are reused and it can be taught to pretty much anyone who puts their mind to it and dedicates time to it. Also Warcraft 2 involves physical movement, reflexes, and reactions chess is a purely intelligence, logic, and psychological game. Being good at any Warcraft 2 map does not take near the intelligence or skill involved in being a top level chess player.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 08, 2015, 03:04:30 PM
U guys realize chess has a finite amount of possible moves, right? .. many of which get repeated over and over. War2 possibilities are literally infinite

Oh Lord lol.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 08, 2015, 03:04:54 PM
I mean, I feel obligated to mention here that Smeagol was comparing pball to chess just like a day or two ago, but right now he's right.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on October 08, 2015, 03:06:37 PM
whoa War2 is really more advanced than I thought, thanks tk[as]! infinite possibilities *stares into space with a goofy grin*
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 03:08:24 PM
I didn't bring up the comparison. Crash3r mentioned he thought of PBall as chess. I said I've heard many PBallers say that but that I don't agree with it. I only agree with it in the way that each unit has it's own function. Other than that the logic and intelligence is a far different thing in chess. Chess takes dedication and logic to get good at. Anyone could set their mind to get good at PBall or BNEs and I'm sure they would with help and time. Chess is just a totally different type of skill to me. Chess Grand Masters and tournament winners make lots of money from what they do and most of them have dedicated their lives or much of their time to it.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 04:51:06 PM
i guess im not seeing how chess requires above average intelligence to be good at long term. sure initially intelligence dictates how fast you pick it up but if you play a couple hours a day, nearly every day, for years on end (just like the good war2 players have done at some point in their life)..at some point i have to believe the vast majority of the moves become instinctual and almost reflexive.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 04:55:49 PM
A person wouldn't necessarily have to be super intelligent to be great at chess. Someone who is would be able to learn it and understand how it is played as they gain experience much more easily though, chess for sure requires understanding of logic whether you're intelligent or not. Some people no matter how they try to learn will not be able to get good at chess, it's just one of those things. Warcraft 2 with help from good players or studying up and practicing someone could reasonably get good much easier. Also finding a top level player to teach you Warcraft 2 GOW would be much easier than getting a champion chess player to tutor you in the game, have your cash ready. Chess is a very prestigious game and people that are at the top of it didn't learn it over night they are very skilled.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 08, 2015, 05:06:05 PM
i guess im not seeing how chess requires above average intelligence to be good at long term. sure initially intelligence dictates how fast you pick it up but if you play a couple hours a day, nearly every day, for years on end (just like the good war2 players have done at some point in their life)..at some point i have to believe the vast majority of the moves become instinctual and almost reflexive.
Nah dude that's not how chess really works.  I mean, yeah, to a certain level, but not enough to become elite.  That takes serious analytical intelligence.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 05:31:09 PM
i guess im not seeing how chess requires above average intelligence to be good at long term. sure initially intelligence dictates how fast you pick it up but if you play a couple hours a day, nearly every day, for years on end (just like the good war2 players have done at some point in their life)..at some point i have to believe the vast majority of the moves become instinctual and almost reflexive.
Nah dude that's not how chess really works.  I mean, yeah, to a certain level, but not enough to become elite.  That takes serious analytical intelligence.

yeah no. i think one could become "good" just being mildly intelligent and playing obsessively like one does towards war2... over time patterns emerge and moves become almost more or less reflexive.... but chess is not as stimulating to the brain (for most people) as war2 is so there aren't many people who play hours on end every day for years on end
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 05:46:51 PM
"There are over 9 million different possible positions after three moves each. There are over 288 billion different possible positions after four moves each. The number of distinct 40-move games is far greater than the number of electrons in the observable universe." Your argument that "patterns will emerge" is totally wrong. You will become far more used to playing strategies in chess once you are good enough, but besides that there are literally almost infinite moves in chess it is just as much about knowing what your opponent is going to do. Blid is completely correct in saying "Nah dude that's not how chess really works.  I mean, yeah, to a certain level, but not enough to become elite.  That takes serious analytical intelligence." Elite chess players make big money for the tournaments they win and chess is considered to be among the very top games of mental logic and skill.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 05:51:38 PM
very interesting discussion if anyone wants to take the time to read it.. 10,000 conscious hours of practice seems to be the general rule of thumb to become a Grand Master @ chess (ive played way more than 10,000 hours of war2 and am still not a top tier player)

but any way.. here's the discussion actual chess players are having and they're providing different links if anyone is actually interested in their thoughts on the matter:

http://www.chess.com/forum/view/general/becoming-a-grand-master (http://www.chess.com/forum/view/general/becoming-a-grand-master)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 05:56:40 PM
I really don't need to. I understand that becoming a grand master in chess is extremely prestigious and difficult to do. Becoming a champion tournament winner in chess will make you rich or well off. Also my Father is a grand master in the game bridge. It is the first card game recognized by The Guiness Book Of World Records for being mostly all skill. It is also a logic game but with bidding and cards instead of Chess. The reason a card game like Duplicate Bridge is able to be logical and judged by skill is because Duplicate means each pair(bridge is played with a partner) plays the same boards(random hands) of cards as the other pairs and gets points on how they bid and took the tricks. It is a cool but very difficult game as well. My Dad won the 5 state championship of bridge 5 times back in the 60s and 70s. He also won the Iowa state championship of bridge 10 years in a row and qualified for the Nationals twice. You receive master points for placing in bridge which accumulate over a lifetime and rich people will pay you to play with them if you become a grand master or accumulate enough points / prove yourself. Bridge is dying out though in that it's mostly people over 50 now, but it is a very cool skill based game as well.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 06:27:34 PM
we need frostbitten  to come here

http://www.chess.com/members/view/ChristoferP (http://www.chess.com/members/view/ChristoferP)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 06:36:13 PM
alf-attack and messiah are decent players as well i believe
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 08, 2015, 07:16:32 PM
smeagol - I wasn't trying to really compare gow/war2 to chess and pball to tic tac toe, it was just an expression.

in other news, I would like to ignore the fact that smeagol is insanely naïve and only decent at a special Olympics division of war2 (pball), and move on to something far more interesting....

tk - chess is insanely complicated, and it's telling about you that you don't see this. the learning curve is immense, and it's a perfect game to expose one's analytical/reasoning limitations. i think you're trolling though and i like it.

lets turn this into a troll thread guys
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 07:51:09 PM
Swift you are in the special Olympics division of expressing yourself. You make a list with 3 games then assign them a game without using it in a metaphor then once someone calls you on it you claim you didn't say it. You can change what you want something to mean after the fact that doesn't change the fact writing and expressing yourself is black and white moron. You are a moronic narcissist Swift you aren't a millionaire, I'm not going to say you aren't good at GOW because you are. You try to sound important and act like you know about any variety of things but you're really just some dumb ass who happens to be good at GOW. Thinking playing a different type of video game makes you great and other who play different ones are inferior puts you in the retarded narcissist hall of fame in my books.     
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 08, 2015, 07:53:33 PM
you're making an argument for pball = everyone can now permanently laugh at you
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 07:55:55 PM
The discussion was about EF I didn't turn the discussion to PBall. People can laugh at me for what video game I play could care less. At least they aren't laughing at me because I am a self inflated piece of shit who really knows far less than he thinks. Oh Swift you are amazing you can build cities on a video game from 1995 and are better than the other 200 people who play let me worship you. Get a life loser, it's a video game meant to played for fun and any map takes a certain skill, glad we have retards like you who think they can pick out exactly how much each one takes.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 08, 2015, 08:13:47 PM
smeagol - I wasn't trying to really compare gow/war2 to chess and pball to tic tac toe, it was just an expression.

in other news, I would like to ignore the fact that smeagol is insanely naïve and only decent at a special Olympics division of war2 (pball), and move on to something far more interesting....

tk - chess is insanely complicated, and it's telling about you that you don't see this. the learning curve is immense, and it's a perfect game to expose one's analytical/reasoning limitations. i think you're trolling though and i like it.

lets turn this into a troll thread guys
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 08, 2015, 08:14:21 PM
War2 is actually more complex than chess. So many more variables. If I spent as much time playing chess in the last 17 years as I have war2, I feel confident I would be top 100 in the world at chess... assuming all other war2 players didn't do the same thing, but even if they did I'm sure I'd still be top 3-400
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 08, 2015, 08:26:46 PM
The discussion was about EF I didn't turn the discussion to PBall. People can laugh at me for what video game I play could care less. At least they aren't laughing at me because I am a self inflated piece of shit who really knows far less than he thinks. Oh Swift you are amazing you can build cities on a video game from 1995 and are better than the other 200 people who play let me worship you. Get a life loser, it's a video game meant to played for fun and any map takes a certain skill, glad we have retards like you who think they can pick out exactly how much each one takes.

pball "players" are just dumber than average human beings who couldn't compete on maps like gow
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tk[as] on October 08, 2015, 08:32:39 PM
i dunno about dumber (possibly) but they definitely aren't seeking a real mental challenge. it's more of a game of leisure.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 09:00:52 PM
Honestly I've grown bored with this conversation as most of the replies from the GOW players have dissolved more and more into just trolling and retarded shit for real. I was starting to just mess around posting altered song lyrics then it turned to chess discussion. TK has proven he is mentally functioning at about the same level as a 12 year old for believing a video game takes more skill than chess. Swift showed he is a troll who loves himself and drama by coming back and starting it back up with the beat to death PBall crying. A persons preference of video games has nothing to do with their intelligence TK. Attacking 2 guys and getting put on probation with a large suspended sentence says a lot about your character though TK and your morals and personality. Swift you're really not even worth my time you are just a retarded lying troll. Shouldn't you be cleaning the toliets of the CEO you work for? Also don't forget the nightly blowjob Swift. I really think it's time you tried to get a job cleaning toilets at a gay club. Maybe then you can work your way up to male stripper and finally achieve your dream Swift.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 08, 2015, 09:08:55 PM
I told you were wasting your time lol [emoji23]

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Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 08, 2015, 09:24:17 PM
i dunno about dumber (possibly) but they definitely aren't seeking a real mental challenge. it's more of a game of leisure.

so you agree that there is an argument for pballers having low iq
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 08, 2015, 09:27:13 PM
Honestly I've grown bored with this conversation as most of the replies from the GOW players have dissolved more and more into just trolling and retarded shit for real. I was starting to just mess around posting altered song lyrics then it turned to chess discussion. TK has proven he is mentally functioning at about the same level as a 12 year old for believing a video game takes more skill than chess. Swift showed he is a troll who loves himself and drama by coming back and starting it back up with the beat to death PBall crying. A persons preference of video games has nothing to do with their intelligence TK. Attacking 2 guys and getting put on probation with a large suspended sentence says a lot about your character though TK and your morals and personality. Swift you're really not even worth my time you are just a retarded lying troll. Shouldn't you be cleaning the toliets of the CEO you work for? Also don't forget the nightly blowjob Swift. I really think it's time you tried to get a job cleaning toilets at a gay club. Maybe then you can work your way up to male stripper and finally achieve your dream Swift.

your retorts to my stellar points are entirely ad hominem. this is something that dumb people resort to, and in consequence you have further strengthened my own argument that pball players are dumber than average by providing me with a clear cut example in yourself
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 09:27:54 PM
Oh Swift glad to see you got those toilets clean, did you make sure they were spotless? I've heard from your boss's buddies you come highly recommended in the blowjob department. I'm not into that flaming butt sex blowing dudes for cash shit but hey I'm not going to judge. I agree with the view that a narcissist will inflate their self worth and cause drama without ever truly admitting to themselves they have a problem. I dont think any video game would be associated with a lower IQ but maybe we need a study of what exactly made you retarded.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 08, 2015, 09:28:58 PM

i dunno about dumber (possibly) but they definitely aren't seeking a real mental challenge. it's more of a game of leisure.

so you agree that there is an argument for pballers having low iq

I think the better argument is why are pballers arguing with hard headed Garden of Whores as yourself.

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Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 08, 2015, 09:34:03 PM
Hahhaa now Swift is analyzing someone insulting him because they got sick of receiving insults from him. Swift you are a fool I'll just put it that way. You mean nothing to me and I am no longer even interested in continuing this debate. A video game is a video game especially map to map within a game, each will take skill some different skills. Smeagol is using non standard debate tactics when he's calling me names. Oh jeez cry bud, the fact this post had dissolved into trolling and insults against me long before I retorted back is a fact, analyze that narcissist. All hail swift the homosexual CEO's assistant who's greatest achievement in life is being good at a game from 1995.

Yeah Ryu this convo has been silly for some time now. I just kept responding because why not I was already involved. Everyone believes what they want and no one is going to change their view. I still offer the same challenge they are still going to dodge. I don't know if I've seen anyone defend such trivial shit about video games so vehemently its pretty pathetic. =D
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: ~ToRa~ on October 08, 2015, 10:41:22 PM
Ill tell you guys what how bout we have a tourny with pballers vs bne players and see who wins
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 01:29:21 AM
I don't get why you're bringing up random insults about real life. It's already been established that outside of war2 i'm the shit. so that discussion is over. besides, you don't see me bringing up real life stuff about you. i'm above that. i could easily respond that u date fat girls, and ur ugly war2 gf myspace stalked me so she could take my picture and put it all over her background on her myspace page. nor do i bring up that she also showed me a picture of ur ugly and fat pizza face. i'm taking the high road though and sticking to the matter at hand, and whats at hand is the fact that u blow at war2 - thats all im saying. 
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 01:31:34 AM
k actually im just kiddin smeagol, and i want to be nice to you. not enough to delete my previous post before you see it, that shits funny (and true)... however lets call it truce and be buds
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 02:09:32 AM
You ever post that $2000?

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Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 07:33:15 AM
Swift got owned real bad in the other subforum so now hes trying to swing his dick around over here lol. Fuck off faggot.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 10:35:40 AM
i dominated you and outted you for what you are while simultaneously providing undeniable proof that i am the shit
Title: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 10:45:21 AM
i dominated you and outted you for what you are while simultaneously providing undeniable proof that i am the shit

I love how swift is pretending to be all badass for this circus of a community [emoji23], are you really that wretched bro?

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Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 10:45:33 AM
i take no pride in the place i am within my life and i am not going around thinking i am better off than others with less than me or smething

honestly none of this shit is a bragging point that we should be talking about. money, women, material, meaningless.

I Like you tk. Let's do something fun. You pick a $ amount that you don't think I have available liquid right now, I'll go to the  bank right now and withdrawal that much and take a picture of it right in front of one of your posts and send it to you or post here. I really personally just want to see how you react

i don't make great efforts to get anyone to know anything about me. i'm just saying if it'll make you shut up (and feel dumb), and give me a pseudo win over you, then i am willing to prove otherwise but you'd need to let me know what amount would truly make you feel like you're an idiot and not smart and like you're 0-1. everyone has $2700, that wont do it

now you proceed to make excuses as to why others are successful and not you, to make yourself feel better and you use me as an example. my parents don't help me at all, and my privilege although hugely prevalent to worldy standards, being that I am a white male american, i still have no more opportunity or privilege than others in that same catagory, such as you. i am not exceptionally smart, i didn't get a free ride through college, i didn't meet the right people who helped me to become successful, but i did go flat broke once three years ago, and i have been homeless twice already at 26, and started my first business off of a very small amount of $

if you compare me just to those who its fair to compare me to, you'll see the only thing i had that made me excel is sickening motivation and work ethic. tomorrow, i'll get up at 4 am and begin reviewing documents in order to buy out another company, you'll wake up at 8 and fuck ur fat gf and proceed to play video games or some shit.

The same results i received on war2 are those that are the norm for me in real life, because i have relentless focus and determination in everything i do.

anyway, obviously i am not going to post $2,700... only poor people who think thats not a small amount of money and are broke working for someone else, making them rich, would do that. i won't consider any challenge under 10k. there you have it. give me a specific amount that meets the minimum, and put some pennies on it idc

You still don't get it. I don't think you really understand what the corporate ladder is about. It's about conflict management. Now you know. Now. You. Know.

You get paid more the higher up the ladder you go, but they're hiring you and promoting you for your ability to manage conflict in things like.... stress, responsibility, low IQ individuals (middle/poor class people), large projects, etc. Now you see what I am doing. I'm practicing my ability to manage conflict with low income individuals like yourself, like CEO's do with their employees.  and don't use your puppet master analogy here.

you posted a nude body shot of your girl, and of course mine isn't a slut like yours so i won't do that but i'll get as close as i can to matching it. asked her if i could post this pic on a small community gamer forum. shes a solid 8 1/2

i take no pride in the place i am within my life and i am not going around thinking i am better off than others with less than me or smething

honestly none of this shit is a bragging point that we should be talking about. money, women, material, meaningless.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 10:50:27 AM

You ever post that $2000?

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So I'll take that as a no?

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Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 11:12:30 AM
I didn't see you post any money
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: {Lance} on October 09, 2015, 11:14:19 AM
We're tossin around free cash now?  My dog could use a new Jag and he's always pestering me but I cant be bothered with such pettyness.  Kick him some cash so he leaves me alone for a few seconds.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 11:16:04 AM
GN - I provided sound evidence that you twist arguments and appeal towards assumed probabilities as if they're facts. you had the opportunity to reply to my last post in that thread, just when things were getting real, and you avoided it.
Title: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 11:19:19 AM
I didn't see you post any money

I wasn't directly asked to.

Come on mr. Bigbadswift, this shouldn't be a problem for a OG like yourself.

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Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 11:23:57 AM
you are really behind the times

anyway i got to go back to being a CEO so i'll just leave this here ... gn - things swiftly changed for you when i posted the $/girl. you realized u were dealing with the real deal. you accepted that because i am richer and able to pull a higher tier of women than you that i am unequivocally smarter and superior and consequently you resorted to dodging me by quoting some of my very best posts and effectively jumping on my bandwagon

i love you smeagol<3
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 11:27:40 AM

you are really behind the times

i love you smeagol<3

Naw, I just been ignoring the stupidity that has been spewing out of your mouth for the past few days.

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Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 11:28:57 AM

anyway i got to go back to being a CEO ....


Playing CEO today [emoji32], didn't think grown adults still played dressed up.

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Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 11:36:36 AM
Let me provide you with some material so that you can stop being a lazy average do no good person. this will get you on track towards being great like me, successful and a better person too

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNCMx-5hrtU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNCMx-5hrtU)
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 11:52:09 AM

Let me provide you with some material so that you can stop being a lazy average do no good person. this will get you on track towards being great like me, successful and a better person too

[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNCMx-5hrtU[/url] ([url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNCMx-5hrtU[/url])

Again with this...[emoji23]

You really must be that much of a loser in life.

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Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 09, 2015, 11:54:17 AM
Lol Swift you are proving yet again everything is about you to yourself moron. My "fat" girlfriend, that would be the Mother of my kid you're talking about my EX GF. She never "stalked" you, but yes she did put your picture along with like 20 other including 2 of mine on her myspace cover photo. Lmao god you're stupid somehow your picture in a collage of 20 is putting your picture on her myspace and stalking you. You aren't shit real life you're so pathetic in real life you have to make up retarded shit online to make yourself seem cool. Why am I bringing up "real" life stuff? You continue to insult me over shit that is totally false and just made up shit, get used to it little bitch. You aren't shit and you don't know shit about me, I however know you think far too much of yourself and aren't shit but a fuckin retard.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 11:59:57 AM
actually the collage you speak of was just a mass rotation of just one pic of me and one pic of jessu. she was ready to dump you if jessu would have her
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 09, 2015, 12:02:07 PM
Honestly your trolling doesn't mean shit, this is a sad troll job actually. The collage was all Warcraft 2 people and me lmao. It was Jessu, OneSlickCat, Heather(forget her aka) and her husband, there was literally like 10-12 people god you're stupid. You are not shit and you live no where near us. Also you're a homosexual so I'm not sure what your point is. I swear it's like your posts get more retarded as time goes by on this forum.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 12:05:38 PM
no it was certainly just jessu and I, you must be thinking of a different one

that girl would have dated a beetle

see, two can play this game. <3 u smeagol, lets be buds
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 09, 2015, 12:09:05 PM
Like I really give a fuck your opinions? Also you're moving into total bullshit at least there was a collage with Warcraft 2 players that's true. She likes art making pictures of people has nothing to do with sex, sorry to break it to you narcissist.  Haha you're speaking about people you only ever met on a video game. Also you're talking about a girl I dated for 4 years and have been broken up with 4 years. Really couldn't care less. Anyway how about you, you found the right guy yet? It's funny everyone knows you're a lying troll about real life and that you must be a pretty sad person to have to make up such shit. LOL good job grasping at straws from 9 years ago :) .
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 12:12:51 PM
ok i have no comeback. i'm owned. you got me on that one...i concede
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: ~ToRa~ on October 09, 2015, 12:15:20 PM
Why people care so much about money I will never understand......
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 09, 2015, 12:15:49 PM
Oh god if only your last reply wasn't a troll. I find it funny you came on this thread with a halfway reasonable attitude, then I agreed with some of the stuff you said. The conversation turned to something totally different for hours then you come back beating a dead horse and insulting. Way to thrive on drama and make a problem from nothing. Anyway I've got shit to do for a bit.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 12:19:35 PM
you can't start out being absurd, got to bait and switch

p.s. his name is mark, and i HAVE met him
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 12:36:22 PM
GN - I provided sound evidence that you twist arguments and appeal towards assumed probabilities as if they're facts. you had the opportunity to reply to my last post in that thread, just when things were getting real, and you avoided it.

You got owned and that post made you stop posting for days twice in a row lol.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 12:37:11 PM
you are really behind the times

anyway i got to go back to being a CEO so i'll just leave this here ... gn - things swiftly changed for you when i posted the $/girl. you realized u were dealing with the real deal. you accepted that because i am richer and able to pull a higher tier of women than you that i am unequivocally smarter and superior and consequently you resorted to dodging me by quoting some of my very best posts and effectively jumping on my bandwagon

Lol you made this post.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on October 09, 2015, 12:41:53 PM
Why people care so much about money I will never understand......

capitalism is a cancerous ideology that makes people think wealth=superiority.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: GaNzTheLegend on October 09, 2015, 01:11:47 PM
Why people care so much about money I will never understand......

capitalism is a cancerous ideology that makes people think wealth=superiority.

they would be right tho, because in a capitalist society wealth=superiority
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 01:12:54 PM

ok i have no comeback. i'm owned. you got me on that one...i concede

Thought this already happened in the other money thread [emoji54]

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Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 01:12:59 PM
GN - I provided sound evidence that you twist arguments and appeal towards assumed probabilities as if they're facts. you had the opportunity to reply to my last post in that thread, just when things were getting real, and you avoided it.

You got owned and that post made you stop posting for days twice in a row lol.

i had out of town meetings with my COO, CFO, CMO, etc. Sorry that I am successful and have a life and can't be on all day every day to reply to your nonsense... i'm out there doing great person deeds while u sit on here waiting for me to pwn u with my replies 24/7. you'll have to be patient
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 01:13:35 PM
Why people care so much about money I will never understand......

capitalism is a cancerous ideology that makes people think wealth=superiority.

they would be right tho, because in a capitalist society wealth=superiority

such a sad world we live in
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 09, 2015, 01:16:06 PM
You have met him his name is Mark? Congratulations Swift! I know searching for the right guy has been a long and hard road for you, I really hope this one works out. He knows about the bjs to your CEO boss right? I'm sure he doesn't care with the freaky anal shit you'll provide to the dude. I have to say a good man for you is a step up Swift, no more of those bears that love you and leave you, or love you then just use you. Use this mark guy you've met as a new starting point in your life. Congratulations on the new boyfriend Swift, hoping this is finally the one for you!
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 01:17:33 PM

Why people care so much about money I will never understand......

capitalism is a cancerous ideology that makes people think wealth=superiority.

Your just angry at the idea of capitalism because you aren't prosperous and sure it is, survival of the fittest. Sorry you ain't gonna be wealthy by sitting on your ass and ranting on forums about how it is a broken system.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 01:18:34 PM

Why people care so much about money I will never understand......

capitalism is a cancerous ideology that makes people think wealth=superiority.

Your just angry at the idea of capitalism because you aren't prosperous and sure it is, survival of the fittest. Sorry you ain't gonna be wealthy by sitting on your ass and ranting on forums about how it is a broken system.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

we think a lot a like
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 09, 2015, 01:23:57 PM
Awwww Swift just noticed you said you love me. As long as this doesn't interfere with your new bf Mark how can I stay mad at you? I'm straight, but I know you can't help your self absorbed narcissism it's just a trait of your personality. I also know you're a huge troll so responding back to you with the same shit is just good practice when speaking to you. How about we go back to talking 1 or 2 times a year on the server? Lmao.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 01:27:36 PM
you have fetishes like cutting people's legs off and locking them locked in your basement
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 01:28:30 PM
you also like the idea of stabbing someone in the body with a meat hook and hanging them to your ceiling fan

but... hey... you were just in a dark place at that time in your life so its ok
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 09, 2015, 01:30:31 PM
LMFAO!!! You're referring to my old joke about hanging people from the ceiling with a meat hook huh? Yeah that's classic you're right. What Swift speaks is somewhat based in fact when I used to get tired of trolls or retarded people on Battle.net around 2006 I'd tell them an extremely gory way I was going to murder them or torture them. The most common was the meat hook in the ass through the front of the stomach and hung from the ceiling. Hahahaha it was done for the shock of it and to get a response, and to joke with about with my friends, glad you remember Swift. =D !!!
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 01:32:34 PM

Why people care so much about money I will never understand......

capitalism is a cancerous ideology that makes people think wealth=superiority.

Your just angry at the idea of capitalism because you aren't prosperous and sure it is, survival of the fittest. Sorry you ain't gonna be wealthy by sitting on your ass and ranting on forums about how it is a broken system.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

we think a lot a like


Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 01:35:05 PM
smeagol - you were serious

i brought it up to you a few years later, and you give me this spiel about how you were just in a dark place in your life and going through a lot etc etc and that you changed. of course, now that we are on the forums, do please save face about your SPD
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 09, 2015, 01:38:37 PM
It was always a joke. I'm not saying I didn't use it in real arguments with people, it was for shock value. If you knew me on the server now I still joke with my better War 2 friends about bashing their heads into walls and shit. Fantasies are something you want to do, this was a tool of shocking people out of arguing or getting a response. The physical jokes I make with my friends now are like a cartoon just meant for humor.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 01:49:26 PM
GN - I provided sound evidence that you twist arguments and appeal towards assumed probabilities as if they're facts. you had the opportunity to reply to my last post in that thread, just when things were getting real, and you avoided it.

You got owned and that post made you stop posting for days twice in a row lol.

i had out of town meetings with my COO, CFO, CMO, etc. Sorry that I am successful and have a life and can't be on all day every day to reply to your nonsense... i'm out there doing great person deeds while u sit on here waiting for me to pwn u with my replies 24/7. you'll have to be patient

You got owned so hard by me you had to stop posting, twice. Now you're making up lame excuses that nobody believes. Stop owning yourself retard.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 01:50:26 PM

Why people care so much about money I will never understand......

capitalism is a cancerous ideology that makes people think wealth=superiority.

Your just angry at the idea of capitalism because you aren't prosperous and sure it is, survival of the fittest. Sorry you ain't gonna be wealthy by sitting on your ass and ranting on forums about how it is a broken system.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

You're the only person on this forum more retarded than swift, though to your credit you seem to have less self esteem problems.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on October 09, 2015, 02:03:31 PM
LMFAO!!! You're referring to my old joke about hanging people from the ceiling with a meat hook huh?
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 09, 2015, 02:10:12 PM
=D Blid. The meat hook thing is a very old joke or shock thing. I've had people mention it to me many times over the years. Basically anyone who would start shit with me or I'd argue with I'd just be like, "I'm going to take a meat hook put it in your asshole. Stab it through your intestines in the front, and hang you from the ceiling with a chain." Most people were so shocked they'd drop the argument or be like WTF and get all scared or offended. I did it to many many people back in the day along with other tortures but by far the most common was the meat hook. That shits classic, I used to be a huge troll and asshole to people who wanted to argue with me haha.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 02:18:12 PM
GN - I provided sound evidence that you twist arguments and appeal towards assumed probabilities as if they're facts. you had the opportunity to reply to my last post in that thread, just when things were getting real, and you avoided it.

You got owned and that post made you stop posting for days twice in a row lol.

i had out of town meetings with my COO, CFO, CMO, etc. Sorry that I am successful and have a life and can't be on all day every day to reply to your nonsense... i'm out there doing great person deeds while u sit on here waiting for me to pwn u with my replies 24/7. you'll have to be patient

You got owned so hard by me you had to stop posting, twice. Now you're making up lame excuses that nobody believes. Stop owning yourself retard.

everything goes over your head, i am officially 3-0 vs you
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 02:19:05 PM
=D Blid. The meat hook thing is a very old joke or shock thing. I've had people mention it to me many times over the years. Basically anyone who would start shit with me or I'd argue with I'd just be like, "I'm going to take a meat hook put it in your asshole. Stab it through your intestines in the front, and hang you from the ceiling with a chain." Most people were so shocked they'd drop the argument or be like WTF and get all scared or offended. I did it to many many people back in the day along with other tortures but by far the most common was the meat hook. That shits classic, I used to be a huge troll and asshole to people who wanted to argue with me haha.

no, you are just insanely sensitive and sadistic. /fact
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 02:19:27 PM
i take no pride in the place i am within my life and i am not going around thinking i am better off than others with less than me or smething

honestly none of this shit is a bragging point that we should be talking about. money, women, material, meaningless.

I Like you tk. Let's do something fun. You pick a $ amount that you don't think I have available liquid right now, I'll go to the  bank right now and withdrawal that much and take a picture of it right in front of one of your posts and send it to you or post here. I really personally just want to see how you react

i don't make great efforts to get anyone to know anything about me. i'm just saying if it'll make you shut up (and feel dumb), and give me a pseudo win over you, then i am willing to prove otherwise but you'd need to let me know what amount would truly make you feel like you're an idiot and not smart and like you're 0-1. everyone has $2700, that wont do it

now you proceed to make excuses as to why others are successful and not you, to make yourself feel better and you use me as an example. my parents don't help me at all, and my privilege although hugely prevalent to worldy standards, being that I am a white male american, i still have no more opportunity or privilege than others in that same catagory, such as you. i am not exceptionally smart, i didn't get a free ride through college, i didn't meet the right people who helped me to become successful, but i did go flat broke once three years ago, and i have been homeless twice already at 26, and started my first business off of a very small amount of $

if you compare me just to those who its fair to compare me to, you'll see the only thing i had that made me excel is sickening motivation and work ethic. tomorrow, i'll get up at 4 am and begin reviewing documents in order to buy out another company, you'll wake up at 8 and fuck ur fat gf and proceed to play video games or some shit.

The same results i received on war2 are those that are the norm for me in real life, because i have relentless focus and determination in everything i do.

anyway, obviously i am not going to post $2,700... only poor people who think thats not a small amount of money and are broke working for someone else, making them rich, would do that. i won't consider any challenge under 10k. there you have it. give me a specific amount that meets the minimum, and put some pennies on it idc

You still don't get it. I don't think you really understand what the corporate ladder is about. It's about conflict management. Now you know. Now. You. Know.

You get paid more the higher up the ladder you go, but they're hiring you and promoting you for your ability to manage conflict in things like.... stress, responsibility, low IQ individuals (middle/poor class people), large projects, etc. Now you see what I am doing. I'm practicing my ability to manage conflict with low income individuals like yourself, like CEO's do with their employees.  and don't use your puppet master analogy here.

you posted a nude body shot of your girl, and of course mine isn't a slut like yours so i won't do that but i'll get as close as i can to matching it. asked her if i could post this pic on a small community gamer forum. shes a solid 8 1/2

i take no pride in the place i am within my life and i am not going around thinking i am better off than others with less than me or smething

honestly none of this shit is a bragging point that we should be talking about. money, women, material, meaningless.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 02:22:37 PM
thanks for posting that shit and proving the same lmao

 it's also funny that you think people are consistently on here day in and day out like you are, and if they aren't then they must have a reason other than just the fact that they have a life unlike you. i'll go many days absent, then come on one day with nothing better to do and just troll.

lol i had you going back and forth quoting mass shit left and right, and also twisting arguments, it was good times.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 02:23:09 PM
thanks for posting that shit and proving the same lmao

 it's also funny that you think people are consistently on here day in and day out like you are, and if they aren't then they must have a reason other than just the fact that they have a life unlike you. i'll go many days absent, then come on one day with nothing better to do and just troll.

lol i had you going back and forth quoting mass shit left and right, and also twisting arguments, it was good times.


i take no pride in the place i am within my life and i am not going around thinking i am better off than others with less than me or smething

honestly none of this shit is a bragging point that we should be talking about. money, women, material, meaningless.

I Like you tk. Let's do something fun. You pick a $ amount that you don't think I have available liquid right now, I'll go to the  bank right now and withdrawal that much and take a picture of it right in front of one of your posts and send it to you or post here. I really personally just want to see how you react

i don't make great efforts to get anyone to know anything about me. i'm just saying if it'll make you shut up (and feel dumb), and give me a pseudo win over you, then i am willing to prove otherwise but you'd need to let me know what amount would truly make you feel like you're an idiot and not smart and like you're 0-1. everyone has $2700, that wont do it

now you proceed to make excuses as to why others are successful and not you, to make yourself feel better and you use me as an example. my parents don't help me at all, and my privilege although hugely prevalent to worldy standards, being that I am a white male american, i still have no more opportunity or privilege than others in that same catagory, such as you. i am not exceptionally smart, i didn't get a free ride through college, i didn't meet the right people who helped me to become successful, but i did go flat broke once three years ago, and i have been homeless twice already at 26, and started my first business off of a very small amount of $

if you compare me just to those who its fair to compare me to, you'll see the only thing i had that made me excel is sickening motivation and work ethic. tomorrow, i'll get up at 4 am and begin reviewing documents in order to buy out another company, you'll wake up at 8 and fuck ur fat gf and proceed to play video games or some shit.

The same results i received on war2 are those that are the norm for me in real life, because i have relentless focus and determination in everything i do.

anyway, obviously i am not going to post $2,700... only poor people who think thats not a small amount of money and are broke working for someone else, making them rich, would do that. i won't consider any challenge under 10k. there you have it. give me a specific amount that meets the minimum, and put some pennies on it idc

You still don't get it. I don't think you really understand what the corporate ladder is about. It's about conflict management. Now you know. Now. You. Know.

You get paid more the higher up the ladder you go, but they're hiring you and promoting you for your ability to manage conflict in things like.... stress, responsibility, low IQ individuals (middle/poor class people), large projects, etc. Now you see what I am doing. I'm practicing my ability to manage conflict with low income individuals like yourself, like CEO's do with their employees.  and don't use your puppet master analogy here.

you posted a nude body shot of your girl, and of course mine isn't a slut like yours so i won't do that but i'll get as close as i can to matching it. asked her if i could post this pic on a small community gamer forum. shes a solid 8 1/2

i take no pride in the place i am within my life and i am not going around thinking i am better off than others with less than me or smething

honestly none of this shit is a bragging point that we should be talking about. money, women, material, meaningless.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 02:23:37 PM
Person everyone hates: Heh, it's all just trolling, actually
Title: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 02:36:04 PM

Why people care so much about money I will never understand......

capitalism is a cancerous ideology that makes people think wealth=superiority.

Your just angry at the idea of capitalism because you aren't prosperous and sure it is, survival of the fittest. Sorry you ain't gonna be wealthy by sitting on your ass and ranting on forums about how it is a broken system.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

You're the only person on this forum more retarded than swift, though to your credit you seem to have less self esteem problems.


I ain't retarded, I just reply stupid to stupid individuals as yourself and comrade dumbass.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 03:26:14 PM

Why people care so much about money I will never understand......

capitalism is a cancerous ideology that makes people think wealth=superiority.

Your just angry at the idea of capitalism because you aren't prosperous and sure it is, survival of the fittest. Sorry you ain't gonna be wealthy by sitting on your ass and ranting on forums about how it is a broken system.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

You're the only person on this forum more retarded than swift, though to your credit you seem to have less self esteem problems.

jesus christ, at least you give me that much.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 03:29:14 PM
Person everyone hates: Heh, it's all just trolling, actually

wrong again, feel free to create a poll. plenty of non swift haters out there. also, lol @ you being concerned about favor on a forum.

it's apparent you're just intimidated by alpha males like myself, and that is why you're acting this way. albeit i must admit your posture is unusual
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 03:30:47 PM
i take no pride in the place i am within my life and i am not going around thinking i am better off than others with less than me or smething

honestly none of this shit is a bragging point that we should be talking about. money, women, material, meaningless.

I Like you tk. Let's do something fun. You pick a $ amount that you don't think I have available liquid right now, I'll go to the  bank right now and withdrawal that much and take a picture of it right in front of one of your posts and send it to you or post here. I really personally just want to see how you react

i don't make great efforts to get anyone to know anything about me. i'm just saying if it'll make you shut up (and feel dumb), and give me a pseudo win over you, then i am willing to prove otherwise but you'd need to let me know what amount would truly make you feel like you're an idiot and not smart and like you're 0-1. everyone has $2700, that wont do it

now you proceed to make excuses as to why others are successful and not you, to make yourself feel better and you use me as an example. my parents don't help me at all, and my privilege although hugely prevalent to worldy standards, being that I am a white male american, i still have no more opportunity or privilege than others in that same catagory, such as you. i am not exceptionally smart, i didn't get a free ride through college, i didn't meet the right people who helped me to become successful, but i did go flat broke once three years ago, and i have been homeless twice already at 26, and started my first business off of a very small amount of $

if you compare me just to those who its fair to compare me to, you'll see the only thing i had that made me excel is sickening motivation and work ethic. tomorrow, i'll get up at 4 am and begin reviewing documents in order to buy out another company, you'll wake up at 8 and fuck ur fat gf and proceed to play video games or some shit.

The same results i received on war2 are those that are the norm for me in real life, because i have relentless focus and determination in everything i do.

anyway, obviously i am not going to post $2,700... only poor people who think thats not a small amount of money and are broke working for someone else, making them rich, would do that. i won't consider any challenge under 10k. there you have it. give me a specific amount that meets the minimum, and put some pennies on it idc

You still don't get it. I don't think you really understand what the corporate ladder is about. It's about conflict management. Now you know. Now. You. Know.

You get paid more the higher up the ladder you go, but they're hiring you and promoting you for your ability to manage conflict in things like.... stress, responsibility, low IQ individuals (middle/poor class people), large projects, etc. Now you see what I am doing. I'm practicing my ability to manage conflict with low income individuals like yourself, like CEO's do with their employees.  and don't use your puppet master analogy here.

you posted a nude body shot of your girl, and of course mine isn't a slut like yours so i won't do that but i'll get as close as i can to matching it. asked her if i could post this pic on a small community gamer forum. shes a solid 8 1/2

i take no pride in the place i am within my life and i am not going around thinking i am better off than others with less than me or smething

honestly none of this shit is a bragging point that we should be talking about. money, women, material, meaningless.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: Swift on October 09, 2015, 03:31:29 PM
thanks for posting that shit and proving the same lmao

 it's also funny that you think people are consistently on here day in and day out like you are, and if they aren't then they must have a reason other than just the fact that they have a life unlike you. i'll go many days absent, then come on one day with nothing better to do and just troll.

lol i had you going back and forth quoting mass shit left and right, and also twisting arguments, it was good times.


i take no pride in the place i am within my life and i am not going around thinking i am better off than others with less than me or smething

honestly none of this shit is a bragging point that we should be talking about. money, women, material, meaningless.

I Like you tk. Let's do something fun. You pick a $ amount that you don't think I have available liquid right now, I'll go to the  bank right now and withdrawal that much and take a picture of it right in front of one of your posts and send it to you or post here. I really personally just want to see how you react

i don't make great efforts to get anyone to know anything about me. i'm just saying if it'll make you shut up (and feel dumb), and give me a pseudo win over you, then i am willing to prove otherwise but you'd need to let me know what amount would truly make you feel like you're an idiot and not smart and like you're 0-1. everyone has $2700, that wont do it

now you proceed to make excuses as to why others are successful and not you, to make yourself feel better and you use me as an example. my parents don't help me at all, and my privilege although hugely prevalent to worldy standards, being that I am a white male american, i still have no more opportunity or privilege than others in that same catagory, such as you. i am not exceptionally smart, i didn't get a free ride through college, i didn't meet the right people who helped me to become successful, but i did go flat broke once three years ago, and i have been homeless twice already at 26, and started my first business off of a very small amount of $

if you compare me just to those who its fair to compare me to, you'll see the only thing i had that made me excel is sickening motivation and work ethic. tomorrow, i'll get up at 4 am and begin reviewing documents in order to buy out another company, you'll wake up at 8 and fuck ur fat gf and proceed to play video games or some shit.

The same results i received on war2 are those that are the norm for me in real life, because i have relentless focus and determination in everything i do.

anyway, obviously i am not going to post $2,700... only poor people who think thats not a small amount of money and are broke working for someone else, making them rich, would do that. i won't consider any challenge under 10k. there you have it. give me a specific amount that meets the minimum, and put some pennies on it idc

You still don't get it. I don't think you really understand what the corporate ladder is about. It's about conflict management. Now you know. Now. You. Know.

You get paid more the higher up the ladder you go, but they're hiring you and promoting you for your ability to manage conflict in things like.... stress, responsibility, low IQ individuals (middle/poor class people), large projects, etc. Now you see what I am doing. I'm practicing my ability to manage conflict with low income individuals like yourself, like CEO's do with their employees.  and don't use your puppet master analogy here.

you posted a nude body shot of your girl, and of course mine isn't a slut like yours so i won't do that but i'll get as close as i can to matching it. asked her if i could post this pic on a small community gamer forum. shes a solid 8 1/2

i take no pride in the place i am within my life and i am not going around thinking i am better off than others with less than me or smething

honestly none of this shit is a bragging point that we should be talking about. money, women, material, meaningless.

Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 03:32:59 PM
That post owned Swift so hard he retired from General Discussion and tried to flex over here because he thought I wouldn't read it, lol.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 03:35:12 PM

That post owned Swift so hard he retired from General Discussion and tried to flex over here because he thought I wouldn't read it, lol.


He thinks people actually care for what he says [emoji23]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 03:36:03 PM

That post owned Swift so hard he retired from General Discussion and tried to flex over here because he thought I wouldn't read it, lol.


He thinks people actually care for what he says [emoji23]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

They obviously do because they, including you, can't stop reading and replying to my epic posts.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on October 09, 2015, 06:14:14 PM

they would be right tho, because in a capitalist society wealth=superiority

superior how? there's no genetic advantages, wealthy people aren't smarter or stronger than the average person.
they never acquired their wealth because of a superior trait they have over the rest of the population. pure luck and privilege.
so what the fuck are you talking about?
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 06:22:02 PM
I read that as meaning that within the bounds of a capitalist society wealth confers power and thus social superiority, which would be a correct statement. I could be wrong, however.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on October 09, 2015, 06:27:49 PM
they aren't superior as a person but they are afforded a superior position in society because of the inordinate amount of power we give to money in a capitalist society,true.
Title: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 06:30:56 PM

they would be right tho, because in a capitalist society wealth=superiority

superior how? there's no genetic advantages, wealthy people aren't smarter or stronger than the average person.
they never acquired their wealth because of a superior trait they have over the rest of the population. pure luck and privilege.
so what the fuck are you talking about?

Bull fucking shit....

Lmfao, of course they are smarter and more clever than the average person. It's one skill that can be used in attaining wealth and power you dumbass. Who needs be physically stronger if your rich you can just hire muscle.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on October 09, 2015, 06:40:35 PM
wealth was never acquired using brains. exploitation and violence were the only ways. from then on it was the inheritance of capital and the knowledge of how to use that violent exploitation being passed down from generations.

the smartest people who lived weren't the wealthiest.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 07:00:26 PM

they would be right tho, because in a capitalist society wealth=superiority

superior how? there's no genetic advantages, wealthy people aren't smarter or stronger than the average person.
they never acquired their wealth because of a superior trait they have over the rest of the population. pure luck and privilege.
so what the fuck are you talking about?

Bull fucking shit....

Lmfao, of course they are smarter and more clever than the average person. It's one skill that can be used in attaining wealth and power you dumbass. Who needs be physically stronger if your rich you can just hire muscle.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

You are actually stupid enough to believe this.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: EviL~Ryu on October 09, 2015, 07:05:55 PM

they would be right tho, because in a capitalist society wealth=superiority

superior how? there's no genetic advantages, wealthy people aren't smarter or stronger than the average person.
they never acquired their wealth because of a superior trait they have over the rest of the population. pure luck and privilege.
so what the fuck are you talking about?

Bull fucking shit....

Lmfao, of course they are smarter and more clever than the average person. It's one skill that can be used in attaining wealth and power you dumbass. Who needs be physically stronger if your rich you can just hire muscle.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

You are actually stupid enough to believe this.

Your retarded enough not to realize it.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on October 09, 2015, 07:12:10 PM
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on October 09, 2015, 09:51:07 PM
liberals can't believe the wealthiest of our society aren't supermen, self-made giants with an iq of 200.. and the possibility that their vast wealth is largely undeserved can't compute in their liberal shit brains.
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: shesycompany on October 10, 2015, 02:20:36 AM
should this be in general?
Title: Re: There was a time...
Post by: xXxSmeagolxXx on October 10, 2015, 02:52:33 AM
Not really all the stuff up to the end was Warcraft 2 related. It was one of the most pointless arguments ever as no one was convincing anyone of anything but Warcraft 2 related lol. Also the end plays into the beginning stuff in a way. I feel like I lost some brain cells contributing to this thread as long as I did but I digress. At least I feel no need to debate with any of the people on this forum anymore because it's just pure trolling for the most part lol. Hahaha.