Warcraft II Forum

Warcraft II => Strategy & Replays => Topic started by: pianolarva on March 30, 2023, 12:44:24 PM

Title: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on March 30, 2023, 12:44:24 PM
I think it's OP as everyone says. Is there no solution? Are orcs just better in mid-game until mages get to play? Does any pro use humans?

I find them almost useless even with upgrades.

Rebalanced mode:
I'm guessing the community isn't interested in balancing the game, in making every unit, spell and upgrade useful.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Mistral on March 30, 2023, 01:27:11 PM
yes lust op but some super ultra pro players (like u8) play hoomans and win vs orcs using some non mainstream strats

yes archers is pitifully weak but they have some good uses like not alowing peon repair choke point building with shooting from behind or protect base

Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on March 30, 2023, 04:15:59 PM
I'd like to see that.

Yes, archers work on some ocassions
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on April 12, 2023, 05:38:19 PM
bloodlust breaks the game. Any other spell is just weaker in comparison. Humans straight up cannot fight bloodlust. Another orc has no other thing that other bloodlust spam to fight against it.

About 2 and 3, there's an actual solution.

I'm a little war2 modder and I have talked to some community members but I tend to find that people are way too conservative to ever make a change for the better in game.

Archers/Rangers/Trolls/Berserkers are not necessarily bad, but bloodlust/death&decay/Blizzard are way too strong. The natural counter to these units may be fireball/death coils or Flame shield. But again, the first 3 mentioned spells are way too overpowered.

in 3) I have a little re-balance game within one of my most recent war2 public free mods, called as Road of Heroes
All my mods in: https://gamebanana.com/members/submissions/mods/1738346
Road of Heroes in: https://gamebanana.com/mods/433454

Basically, here I have managed to apply some re-balance changes to units like Rangers which get an attack speed boost with Rangers upgrade, same as berserkers but not as fast as Rangers.  Healing is also 4mana/1HP instead of 6mana/1HP to be more balanced against bloodlust and actually reward your APM for healing or Rangers micro usage. Archers + trolls also have a little boost to their base game attack speed.

Other stuff have been added up already like boosted skeletons on their skills, which makes Exorcism automatically more useful.
Gryphon Raiders + Dragons have faster attack speed.

Other planned stuff is to allow ground attack damage to apply into Gryphons or ground armor upgrades to Dragons. But also reducing range of D&D/Blizzard nor mana cost.

Still, if you're interested on more of this, you can check out my mod. Almost all the mods though are intended for Single player campaigns or custom maps.

I have came to play on other real time strategy games and overall, people are way too stubborn / conservative to ever apply a re-balance game patch for the better in any game... And I dont mean about waiting of like 2 months from testings to add like +2 damage to Grunts but actual re-balance patches that can attempt to change several other features of game to deliver whole new set of strategies.

Either way, if it's about to re-balance changes, I think the best method is this one used in League of legends where developers tend to release a new re-balance patch each 2-3 weeks to several of their in-game champions. This translated to War2, would be like applying a patch one time a month that may change about 5% of the game balance.

Fair enough to mention that, even if it's not likeable to be applied on main servers, there may still be worth to have a secondary server to allow testing up those new incoming re-balance patches... But again, this is up to community which overall seems way too conservative about it.

Hopefully this helps you out.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on May 17, 2024, 09:32:02 PM
What are the things you can modify? I may spend time on a balanced mode.

I'm looking at changing walls and making every spell/unit useful to start with.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on May 18, 2024, 05:31:11 AM
What are the things you can modify? I may spend time on a balanced mode.

I'm looking at changing walls and making every spell/unit useful to start with.

on this mod, Road of heroes i've tweaked some stuff already:

Archers + trolls have a bit higher attack speed than base game, since these units level 1-3 do little to nothing.

Rangers + berserkers get attack speed boost once they get their upgrade. Ranger > berserker attack speeds. Rangers are now a bit more of a counter to bloodlusted ogres.

Healing from 6mana/1hp to 4mana/1hp. It really feels more fair now compared to how much damage bloodlust can deal.

I can change the mana cost for all spells now. I dont know if its possible to change the range for casting each one of the spells, though.

I was planning to increase Death & decay + Blizzard mana cost from 25 to something like 75 or 80, so it stops to allow spamming that spell non stop. And so then instantly the other area of effect spells like whirlwinds, fireballs, death coils & flame shields become stronger.

Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 01, 2024, 12:25:04 PM
Alright, I'm going to balance this game. What I'll do is upload a modified GOWClassic pud so that anyone interested can download it and play it with the "use map settings" option on the War2Mod channel.

Main changes:

- Walling will be done with actual walls. Walls will have reduced building time, higher cost. I may not be able to achieve this, so I think buildings will have lower hp instead.
- Modifications to make every unit/spell/upgrade useful (biggest changes are about rangers, bloodlust, healing, blizzard, and skeletons. The rest are smaller adjustments)

Detailed info (I will be updating this):

Buildings (except walls and towers) will have around 40% their hp.
Waiting for mana to reach 200 was a bit much. I still mantain both sides having mana/cost cheap spells.
I'd need to see some games for further balance. Especially about how walls, towers and archers play out.

You can download the map now. It's Great White North.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Mistral on June 01, 2024, 04:11:23 PM
unit walls hp do NOT affect tileset walls hp AT ALL
tileset walls always have 40 hp
and unit walls always will be changed into tilesets after completion, you cannot change it
so unit wall hp only in effect while wall is in build progres, which is very fast and if you say you make it even faster then walls hp itself is not affect almost anything

on the other hand tileset walls have very big resist, they are hardcoded to receive only 25% damage from any source even from mages and spells who have only piercing attack they still get 1/4 of dmg
BUT they always will get AT LEAST 1 hp, there is even some fun bug exists, if you set some unit stats for 0-0 attack, so he basically cannot do any damage to anything at all, this units will STILL be able to break walls very slowly though, with 1 hp per hit
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 01, 2024, 05:54:08 PM
thanks for the info, and for killing the project.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 01, 2024, 10:19:42 PM
There may be a way to edit game files and change this but I don't know how to. So that leads me to the final option:

Decrease hp, armor, damage values of everything until they are something like 35% of what they are now. Numbers would be somewhat similar. Cons: upgrades would be more powerful so they would cost more. Pros: spells would get interesting. Whirlwind would really do damage, flame shield too, and do you know what spell would actually be very good? HEALING. 150 mana would cure more than half a paladin.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Mistral on June 02, 2024, 07:44:08 AM
maybe you insead try to use triggers editor?
there is way more stuff you can do with it
like changing upgrades power and spells costs
you can make map that can be played in triggers game mode

check this link for triggers editor prog: https://forum.war2.ru/index.php?topic=6242.0
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 02, 2024, 01:53:56 PM
I'll take a look, didn't know about it. How is it not pinned on the forums? It looks great.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 02, 2024, 07:57:44 PM
I'm voting for you for the hall of fame, this is too good. What's everyone doing not using this mode? I especially like that you can have demons, the ogre mode, and autoheal, and I think I also saw a random map generator!

There's one important thing I need to modify. The ranger upgrade. It sets the hp to 50. I tried adding a trigger but it didn't help.

Btw I'll edit unit stats on the editor because I couldn't find how to.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on June 02, 2024, 08:11:00 PM
I'm voting for you for the hall of fame, this is too good. What's everyone doing not using this mode? I especially like that you can have demons, the ogre mode, and autoheal.

There's one important thing I need to modify. The ranger upgrade. It sets the hp to 50. I tried adding a trigger but it didn't help.

Btw I'll edit unit stats on the editor because I couldn't find how to.

I haven't used triggers tool but I use Code instead. Plugins. Both creations by Mistral.

I have made a couple of mods already which use Code, aka: custom objectives, custom spells and way more stuff.

Here are all my mods:

The mods "Road of Heroes" + Legacy of Dalaran Enhanced are the current ones where I apply mana cost changes, faster attack speed for archer/troll/berserker/rangers, repairable catapults, way smarter AI, higher difficulty and way more.

This triggers tool exists since like early 2021 but haven't heard of anybody else who may have released an official campaign or custom maps with custom modding features, thanks to this program OR with code-plugins.

Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 02, 2024, 08:42:11 PM
You mentioned all about your mod, but you never mentioned triggers! I'm surprised there's so much you can change.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on June 02, 2024, 09:13:41 PM
You mentioned all about your mod, but you never mentioned triggers! I'm surprised there's so much you can change.

Isn't that what I refered to ? Triggers are the custom objectives... or custom mana cost for spells, or other fancy stuff that is available in Triggers Tool. Yet, using code-plugins allow to do more stuff than Triggers Tool.
This program allows to be more friendly for user to set these features for war2 modding.

Like just said above, the program exists since like early 2021, but haven't got almost any feedback about it... or my mods... or the ones from Ed.

If you're willing to see this stuff and way more, you can join both the Twitch or Youtube streams to see more of these features in real time when I'm testing them all.

https://twitch.tv/dannyldd (https://twitch.tv/dannyldd)
http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfcxs8KSkOiehS9GK9rSAKg (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfcxs8KSkOiehS9GK9rSAKg)

just in case want to see more of the potential from these new generation modding features for Warcraft 2. All thanks to Ed gorod (or Mistral).
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 03, 2024, 11:10:15 PM
Mentioning the tool would have helped. It's serving it's purpose.
I just want to have a balanced game, that's all for now.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 04, 2024, 01:27:32 PM
Somehow when I test the map, stats change and are all over the place, icons are switched too.
Whenever I load a map from the classic and ladder folders on the editor, stats are messed up. I'll have Holy Vision costing 1500.

It happened again. I saved to pud, and to file. And stats are again changed to weird values.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 05, 2024, 10:07:02 AM
Should I reinstall?
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Mistral on June 05, 2024, 04:33:27 PM
if you edit map after usage of triggers editor then original map editor will sometimes erase triggers
so you must first edit map terrain, units, stats etc etc
and only then apply triggers
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 05, 2024, 06:14:35 PM
I did do that. But,

Everything's a mess now. I downloaded maps from the ftp thing. And when I load them with the original editor, stats are already messed up. And even after seeing that, I used default data and I did what you said, and it still shows the holy vision icon when I research blizzard.

I just chose another map that wasn't corrupted, hope it works.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on June 06, 2024, 07:19:05 PM
Map is up, you can play the mode now.

Moved it https://forum.war2.ru/index.php?topic=7143.msg101917#new
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on July 07, 2024, 07:39:04 PM
@dannyldd I re-read your post. You were right about the changes you made. Archers and dragons need higher fire rate, and blizz needs less range. I also came across players that say that the game is balanced.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on July 08, 2024, 03:33:50 PM
@dannyldd I re-read your post. You were right about the changes you made. Archers and dragons need higher fire rate, and blizz needs less range. I also came across players that say that the game is balanced.

archers just need a slight attack speed boost and they could frankly be a good counter to bloodlust with mage slow, for example. It takes actual skill to execute but it would be worthy.

Also, if Death & decay / blizzard cost increases aside of range, all the other area of effect spells will immediatelly turn useful, like death coils / whirlwinds / fire shield.

Raise of the dead need something like cost 40mana/cast and a bit stronger stats for skeletons
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on July 08, 2024, 06:43:35 PM
Sure, but another advantage of BL is that you already have ogres ready to cast it.
You haven't seen my modifications, I did that to skels.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 09, 2024, 12:00:35 PM
@dannyldd Runes gameplay after min1430. 200mana seems fine.
302 Moved (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WMskWHo9vQ#)
www.youtube.com/ (http://www.youtube.com/) watch?v=4WMskWHo9vQ there
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on August 09, 2024, 01:24:17 PM
the vast majority of players dont use runes because of how simply strong bloodlust is in comparison. If its damage is reduced to 2x only (instead of being between x1.5 to like x4) and 80 mana, it could get a chance to see Runes way more often. But if "you" or some other specific player have used Runes in 1 out of 10,000 games, it doesn't mean Runes are meta or actually strong now.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 09, 2024, 02:13:22 PM
Also, aren't the armor upgrades inconsistent? The first upgrade will help a footman against arrows, but not the second one, and neither will help the knight. Correcting it would make archers even weaker.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on August 09, 2024, 03:20:10 PM
Also, aren't the armor upgrades inconsistent? The first upgrade will help a footman against arrows, but not the second one, and neither will help the knight. Correcting it would make archers even weaker.

not really sure. At least level 2 footman with armor is definetely weaker than level 3. Same I percieve if footman is level 5 vs guard towers. But not likely making much difference with level 3 armor vs bloodlust
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 10, 2024, 10:25:56 AM
@dannyldd I re-read your post. You were right about the changes you made. Archers and dragons need higher fire rate, and blizz needs less range. I also came across players that say that the game is balanced.

archers just need a slight attack speed boost and they could frankly be a good counter to bloodlust with mage slow, for example. It takes actual skill to execute but it would be worthy.

Also, if Death & decay / blizzard cost increases aside of range, all the other area of effect spells with immediatelly turn useful, like death coils / whirlwinds / fire shield.

Raise of the dead need something like cost 40mana/cast and a bit stronger stats for skeletons

The problem I see with archers isn't only attack speed its the cost you need to tech into them you have to get like 4 upgrades or 5 to make them decent and research all upgrades in the same building and don't forget the need to tech up meanwhile ogre magi just get needs 2 upgrades and boom ultra damage dealing I doubt armor is effective when you dealing 3x the damage  but no no everything is fine lets keep the balance as it is not like many people have discussed the issues with bloodlust for so long like damn it blizzard it doesn't take immense skill to update this game does it???
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 10, 2024, 01:19:30 PM
I see you've catched up. It is what it is. However, there are people that still care about the game.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 10, 2024, 02:37:15 PM
There definitely is a dedicated fan base otherwise this site won't be a thing :D , but no I don't think "it is what it is" there is the tools to change the game to bring a new interesting balance I mean the MP looks like a back and forth BLoodlust spam with some DKs thrown into the mix and some catapults I don't think its good for a game to have such one sided match ups the community can do something about this it will be a breath of fresh air something to incite curiosity into people to make them  try out new strategies it sounds far fetched as people will most likely stick to what they know never leaving the comfort zone but We can try to rebalance the game even if it won't mean much in the end at least we tried to bring something new.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 10, 2024, 03:10:43 PM
There's not much more than what Danny posted afaik. That's all there is. If you can come up with something better go ahead. I have the feeling that the playerbase will keep ordering the same flavor.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 10, 2024, 08:55:45 PM
There's not much more than what Danny posted afaik. That's all there is. If you can come up with something better go ahead. I have the feeling that the playerbase will keep ordering the same flavor.

Didn't danny change textures graphics add new units voice lines and such? Yeah I mean simply changing the balance of the game while keeping everything else the same was that attempted before? I think it would make for an interesting experiment to shake the meta a little the meta reminds me of red alert 2 meta ra2 being one of the most famous RTS games out there kind of feels like lacking in MP as the meta revolves mainly around the same units for the allies its the prism tanks for the most part the soviets well rhinos and apocalypse tanks while everything else is akin to accessories does it make for a fun gameplay yeah does it get boring fast? Heck yeah I think wc2 suffers the same issue the game revolves around a set of units that are the only way to acquire a reliable amount of wins with AKA ogre magi honestly wc2 should be renamed from "tides of darkness" to  "tides of bloodlust"
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 10, 2024, 09:28:38 PM
I think so. And I don't know. I'm not suprised the same happens at other games.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 11, 2024, 12:54:50 PM
I think so. And I don't know. I'm not suprised the same happens at other games.
Huh that's correct some games tend to shift the focus of the meta from time to time or even the meta itself changes like age of empires 2 where the devs are continuously attempting to make infantry be meta although the way they do it is debatable same for wc3  the meta for the undead is shifting from crypt fiends (undead ranged unit) to ghouls (undead basic melee unit) the thing is players will always keep poking the game until they find the perfect strategy or tactics and the poor devs have to work with that somehow XD as someone said there is no perfect balance but the best we can do is make every unit useable now in wc2 case its making every unit unique in a way that slightly differs from its counterpart and is more suitable towards the faction theme/identity I would like to hear people thoughts on this.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 11, 2024, 01:29:08 PM
I like that.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 11, 2024, 01:31:27 PM
I like that.

 Yes btw I think u have seen it my post about rebalance what do you think of the proposed changes? I didn't get much feedback aside from "muh you made orcs stronger"
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 11, 2024, 03:19:57 PM
Feedback from experienced players would be more valuable. I think it's fine, they are not massive changes, it's solid, but the interesting part is what you do with humans. No need to go into numbers. As of now, you haven't said much about balance as a whole. I don't see it either, humans are going to improve how?
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 11, 2024, 06:35:40 PM
Feedback from experienced players would be more valuable. I think it's fine, they are not massive changes, it's solid, but the interesting part is what you do with humans. No need to go into numbers. As of now, you haven't said much about balance as a whole. I don't see it either, humans are going to improve how?
Yeah humans are a bit more tricky orcs are just brute strength but humans would be a lot more diverse it would need some thinking and figuring out some stuff and yes I definitely would want insight from long time pro players it is useful although something to keep in mind is that professional players are a minority and their views may not necessarily align with the rest of the more casual community.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on August 11, 2024, 08:35:28 PM
i think rangers + mage slow and fireballs are a good counter to ogres, as long as blizzard/D&D is nerfed to have range 5 and mana cost to like 75

problem with the strongest spells is that they are so powerful in comparison to anything else.

there're way more area of effect attacks/spells that could help out against bloodlust, without necessarily removing the insane damage that bloodlust does.

One of the other problems is that present in multiplayer, its the fact people tend to play on the fastest speed in war2, which makes impossible to micro with spells and units like rangers. Including the overall big latency. To anybody outside of russia or USA.

Skeletons definetely deserve something like 60 HP, more attack speed, a bit of armor and more damage, like on my mods. If skeletons are present in play, you will automatically see exorcism being used way more.

Flame shield is the other so undervalued and non used spell in game, which i think could be way more fun to see in action, if blizzard/D&D is nerfed in range and mana cost.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 11, 2024, 09:10:09 PM
So you just threw half an idea out there expecting feedback.

Combos as counters? Mages spending all their mana for that? Just nerf the spells. Sure, inviz can help you. To disappear.
Micro can be a pain anyway.
Flame shield: idk it could be good, it could be the worst.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 12, 2024, 08:09:14 AM
i think rangers + mage slow and fireballs are a good counter to ogres, as long as blizzard/D&D is nerfed to have range 5 and mana cost to like 75

problem with the strongest spells is that they are so powerful in comparison to anything else.

there're way more area of effect attacks/spells that could help out against bloodlust, without necessarily removing the insane damage that bloodlust does.

One of the other problems is that present in multiplayer, its the fact people tend to play on the fastest speed in war2, which makes impossible to micro with spells and units like rangers. Including the overall big latency. To anybody outside of russia or USA.

Skeletons definetely deserve something like 60 HP, more attack speed, a bit of armor and more damage, like on my mods. If skeletons are present in play, you will automatically see exorcism being used way more.

Flame shield is the other so undervalued and non used spell in game, which i think could be way more fun to see in action, if blizzard/D&D is nerfed in range and mana cost.
  Death and decay and blizzard may indeed need some rework and rebalance  , I stated before that teching into rangers is quite a task and I doubt someone would consider starting ranger spam until they get +2 dmg  rangers also share the same building with paladins which u would need to protect the other units so the humans are put in this difficult situation where they have to get multiple barracks and train a multitude of units and pay a huge amount of resources to upgrade them while orc is just "bloodlust go brrrrrr" with some DKs as such its better to simply nerf bloodlust while I get that it would take some of the awesomeness the spell has x1.5 will be a middle ground I believe , interesting stuff about skeletons they are awful not worth the effort  ,  and flame shield is really a cool spell  it could force the enemy to micro their units carefully isolating that unit from the rest  problem is its double edged sword I think the lightning shield from wc3 has way more impact due to how the game plays like in wc2 it more or less spammy game but in 3 forcing the enemy to relocate a unit could make it easier to kill and secure a tactical victory for the player.

On the topic of speed it really do seem to play a role personally I can't stand the stupidity of units running around like some sort of racing car and the running animations are way too goofy on fastest speed a possible solution would be to rework the start of the game instead of starting with a single worker u start with a townhall instead as I heard that the reason fastest speed is played is due to the very slow start of the game.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 12, 2024, 08:14:41 AM
So you just threw half an idea out there expecting feedback.

No I didn't say I need feedback for humans now the human rebalance still needs a couple days of cooking before its ready there is also space to mess around with building time and buildings costs such changes may push certain factions to a certain playstyle
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 12, 2024, 09:57:31 AM
I don't see the point then.
You can play with costs to make a faction release less amount of powerful units. But you've seen how outnumbering the enemy matters.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 12, 2024, 06:01:58 PM
I don't see the point then.
You can play with costs to make a faction release less amount of powerful units. But you've seen how outnumbering the enemy matters.

Hmm what exactly you don't see the change of building costs or the rebalancing with building cost change considered? Now it will create a lot of interesting strats if u make a certain building have cheaper cost to allow a certain faction the acess of a vital unit a bit earlier for example reducing the wood cost fpr orc barracks by 150 wood and buildtime by 5-10 seconds  will allow orcs to go for strategies like double barracks grunt spam or something of that sort a personally I think orcs  should have andistinct aggressive playstyle while humans more defensive and methodical in their approach 
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 12, 2024, 06:47:13 PM
@dannyldd I tested my mode just to see if it worked... computer beat me. Twice. Just balancing makes it much stronger. Did that happen to you?
Does your new AI use all the spells? Or avoids towers a bit more?
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on August 12, 2024, 06:57:52 PM
@dannyldd I tested my mode just to see if it worked... computer beat me. Twice. Just balancing makes it much stronger. Did that happen to you?
Does your new AI use all the spells? Or avoids towers a bit more?

i'm not sure about what you asked.

What mod did you play ? Re-balanced mode in multiplayer - lobby ?

Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 12, 2024, 07:25:36 PM
I played my wall mode but against the computer.
You've worked on AI on your mods. Have you managed to make it half smart?
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on August 12, 2024, 07:33:22 PM
I played my wall mode but against the computer.
You've worked on AI on your mods. Have you managed to make it half smart?

What is your "Wall mode" ?

What do you mean about "half smarter" ?

If you mean about doing better than base game, the new modding features allow computers now to do this stuff:


They can even destroy walls now, even on single player. And player can build walls in single as well.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 12, 2024, 07:36:52 PM
@Pandaprewmaster325 I'll play it if you manage to do it.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 12, 2024, 07:52:33 PM
Like does it still do stuff like sending lonely ballistas, or long mine journeys?
I'm reading, those are quite good changes.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on August 12, 2024, 08:06:26 PM
Like does it still do stuff like sending lonely ballistas, or long mine journeys?
I'm reading, those are quite good changes.

What do you mean about Long mine journeys ?

1) Now i can set in mods to make computer to keep gaining gold from their main gold mine forever, pretty much.

2) The changes you see in that post I sent you are from AI_FIX_PLUGIN. Those are features that legit change base game AI behavior. Making them effective in several ways that Blizzard never addressed.

3) You Wall mode most likely seem to just be tweaking unit/building stats, right ? In my mods, its not only about tweaking statistics from A,B,C unit but to actually change behavior from units, like bringing faster attack speed to skeletons/archers/trolls/gryphons/dragons... Including AI_fix_plugin which allows stuff that NEVER WAS SEEN in base game, like computers using Runes - raise of the dead - invisibility - goblin sappers/demo squads and way more...

4) The idea about re-balancing the game is also being capable to tweak hidden stuff like mana costs, attack speeds, upgrades and modifying them or adding new ones... Just to give an idea.

I will take a look some other time to check your Wall mode.

Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 12, 2024, 08:16:58 PM
@Pandaprewmaster325 I'll play it if you manage to do it.
You mean my rebalance mod? Oh yeah sure I have it in the back of my mind just need to get somethings done may take 4-5 months to get working on the mod as I said in my rebalance thread there is no basis for the mod as data just these words on this funny little site but yes im intending to turn this into a real thing and many stuff will be finalized by actual proper testing as I currently only can play the dark saga port on my ps1 emulator on phone (its damn awful) so stay tuned for it in 2025
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 12, 2024, 08:39:51 PM
Yes. You may find testers here, who knows. Ha, sorry.


Those peons that go a long distance to find gold after the first mine has been depleted, but never return home.
Good. If all those glaring problems are out, I'm interested.

Yes, I just tweaked numbers. I know.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: dannyldd on August 12, 2024, 08:58:48 PM
Yes. You may find testers here, who knows. Ha, sorry.


Those peons that go a long distance to find gold after the first mine has been depleted, but never return home.
Good. If all those glaring problems are out, I'm interested.

Yes, I just tweaked numbers. I know.

In case you want to see these AI improvements, you can check some of my mods that already have ai_fix_plugin functional... alongside other re-balance stuff:

all my mods: https://gamebanana.com/members/submissions/mods/1738346
recent mod, trolls revolution. Normal & hard difficulties. It has ai fix plugin and re-balance for heal nor archers: https://gamebanana.com/mods/530395

Road of heroes. One of my first mods with AI enhancements, aside of difficulty:
https://gamebanana.com/mods/433454 -> 3 difficulties. Hard, normal and friendly for now. You can see computers now playing with their full catalog of spells. Including invisibility, raise of the dead, runes, sappers, many more stuff:

Legacy of Dalaran, another mod with new plot and ai fix plugin as well:
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: pianolarva on August 12, 2024, 09:27:27 PM
Not a fan of the visuals, but I may try it, as long as it's balanced too.
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 13, 2024, 05:16:55 AM
Yes. You may find testers here, who knows. Ha, sorry.


Those peons that go a long distance to find gold after the first mine has been depleted, but never return home.
Good. If all those glaring problems are out, I'm interested.

Yes, I just tweaked numbers. I know.

If ww3 doesn't start in the few coming months and we don't end up in a nuclear apocalypse well I will be glad to have ya as a play tester
Title: Re: Balance
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on August 18, 2024, 06:13:28 PM
Ok so I think I figured why skeletons are horribly bad  so here is my theory:

When blizzard were figuring out the balance of the game they realized that death knights could give unholy armor now you could say "but they are simply too low dmg so they will be ignored" but here is the thing once u cast bloodlust on skeletons they ramp up that damage now you might ask but who is that smart enough to waste mana and a lot of it on such crappy strategy? I think its blizzard in 95 think about it bloodlust would make the enemy focus down the skeletons but since they have unholy armor its not going to work its quite a costly strategy in terms of resources and micro but since it is also believed that blizzard intended the game to be played on normal speed so they thought it would be fine I may be wrong maybe its just blizzard seen that skeletons getting armor and attack upgrades benefits in wc1 was way too strong for skeletons in wc2 this proposes a new idea of buffing skeletons giving them armor and attack upgrades.

(I may be late to the party but late better than never)