Warcraft II Forum
Warcraft II => Cartography & Custom Maps => Topic started by: pianolarva on September 07, 2024, 03:56:31 PM
Small size
Early buildings are already there. And an archer.
For 2 players; one human, one orc
Low/medium resources.
you can only build at certain places, to prevent rows of buildings and similar strategies.
different layout, just two mines.
jpg picture is more less is better
Now everyone's is small palace and empty
Make options on a green and dark background
Maximum palace and only a blacksmith and lumbermill
Maximum palace and many buildings up to dragons
It will turn out about 5 maps
and it will turn out like I did back in 2002
which I write about in my topics
Personally I itself my variant has work
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
http://forum.war2.ru/index.php?topic=5127.0 (http://forum.war2.ru/index.php?topic=5127.0)
Seychas u kazhdogo dvorez malyy i pusto
Sdelayte varianty na fone zelyonom i tyomnom
Maksimal’nyy dvorez i tol’ko kuzniza i lesopilka
Maksimal’nyy dvorez i mnogo postroek vplot’ do drakonov
Poluchitsya okolo 5 kart
i poluchitsya kak u menya v dalyokom 2002 godu
o chyom pischu v moih temah
Lichno ya sebe moy variant sdelal