Warcraft II Forum
Warcraft II => Server.War2.ru => Topic started by: mk15 on November 26, 2024, 02:36:58 PM
Hey everyone, this originally started as a lag problem when playing with a friend, but I've been able to reproduce when:
-Playing battle.net single player vs 1 computer on official Garden of War map
-TCP+UDP port range 6112-6119 open and forwarding to my local machine IP (verified using port tester: https://server.war2.ru/port_tester.php?port=6112)
-DMZ mode enabled
-Windows Firewall disabled
-Different battle.net server after installing registry patch
I cannot reproduce in
-Single player campaign mode
-When hosting an IPX game under multiplayer
The lag has my starting peasant take 2-3 seconds to respond to any command.
I am on the GoG version of the game. Any ideas why lag would only appear on battle.net, but without any other players connected?
You can adjust the latency via the in-game settings.
The lowest delay you can get by default (via the "low" setting) is 38 frames. LAN only got 12 frames in comparison
You can reduce the delay to 26 frames by installing the AutoWarLat plugin (https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/Warcraft-II-Plugins/releases)
Note: the plugin requires the plugin loader which doesn't work with the GOG version. But you can also install the widescreen patch instead https://www.moddb.com/games/age-of-empires/downloads/cnc-ddraw (https://www.moddb.com/games/age-of-empires/downloads/cnc-ddraw) (that one does work with the GOG version)
Here are also some old animated gifs I made to compare the delay of each setting: https://imgur.com/a/LF2fYuM (https://imgur.com/a/LF2fYuM)
Thanks fois, Im coming back to war2 after a few years, but Im pretty sure it was never this bad before? When i right-click somewhere, the green "X" is fully gone before my peasant starts to move.
I have used the low-latency before, it didn't make difference. I even watched a few youtube videos of war2 on battle.net to confirm not everyone has this problem.
Do you know why its so laggy when Im playing vs only a computer? Does network connection even matter at that point?
It has always been like that on battle.net. This is a local setting btw, in theory you can have a different latency than the other players (which is actually the case when one is using the original game and the others use the WarLat patch) and that's why it happens when playing against a computer too
There's a patch that removes the latency completely. However, it does make your game incompatible and you will only be able to play with those that have the same patch as well. I didn't release a done version of it yet, but lamb made some test builds and they're somewhere here on the forums
Thanks for the clarification fois! These gifs you made showing the relative delays was super helpful as well: