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Warcraft II => Mods & Development => Topic started by: Available on December 31, 2024, 08:08:17 AM

Title: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Available on December 31, 2024, 08:08:17 AM
Latest version "pack" download link (https://forum.war2.ru/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7331.0;attach=4730)

Latest version "exe file only" download link (https://forum.war2.ru/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7331.0;attach=4731) (in case you have necessary files from common pack already)

* Note #0: The main goal of this mod is convenience for ordinary Viewers and Creators/Editors.
It's not pretend to be good for deep-modders digging unit specs or w/e (at least for now, maybe later)

* Note #1: No testers participated, so there may be some bugs, i hope not too much of them / not critical.

* Note #2: Mostly, but not always things/functions may behave more like Standard Editor while CAPS mode in ON.
(so,if are unlucky with some stuff - try switch CAPS and check again)

I will try briefly, but completely describe the essence of the changes.
How much will my memory/time/spelling allows. Sorry, tons of text, no spoilers)

significant(imo) changes are marked as "[]", average "[]", others "[~]" or not marked at all)


[] Window Title now contains *'s indicates NotSaved status.

[] Added option to change program behavior on some actions with NotSaved status:
You can select from: Standard (Ask everytime), Ask on program exit only,
or completely DISABLE annoying "not saved" msgboxes, so most people using editor to view/temp.change maps will be happy with it.

[] Window Title now contains full path to the file (switch CAPS ON to remove path from window title).
(also useful while you edit files with same filenames but different locations)

Added option for file selection for Open/Save dialogs type:
[] "Old type" dialog now RESIZEABLE

[] Now you can use 'New type' dialog, with Sidebar Places etc
 (File selection dialogs forced to be Old in CAPS mode: different dialog types may be useful because may target different locations)

[] Added option for mini Dialogs positions
 Default - always centered
 Near mouse position - 'click to close' (very useful on Gold Mine values change or w/e)
 Use CAPS to ignore option - force dialogs be centered (except File selection and About)

--------------------------- Сommon behavior changes

[] On startup Program will place MiniMap window 'external-attached' to right of the main window (if there are enough space).
CAPS mode = minimap placed internally, standard way, but a bit further from the scrollbar.

[] On startup Program will check data files in this order:
Path Near executable file,
Path Near executable file\support\tomes\tome.#,
And the latest - from registry key War2CD.
[] removed loading of unnecessary files, now it needs two files: tome.1 (standard) and tome.0 (new)
[] If some files not found program shows both path\needed_file and War2CD string content.

[] On startup Program will not show splash screen if started with file.

[~] On startup Program will not re-register for the PUD file in registry until you start program with "-r" parameter or with CAPS mode active.

[~] Disabled Autochange Unit names for menu from tome/tbl: fixed madmix like english editor + another lang. tome/tbl, fixed Menu hotkeys for units

[~] While pressed F1, program will try to find help file nearby: *.chm file, then *.hlp (for retro users)

--------------------------- Unsorted bugfixes and features

[] Bugfix: File now NOT disappears from Recent list if you just cancel it's loading.
[] Bugfix: Now "ask for save" appears BEFORE FileOpen dialog.
[] Bugfix: Now window title will NOT change until Newmap REALLY accepted.
Most of bugs because: flawed by 'oop'design. Even worse there are rare "file deletion on save" bug(still not fixed, mb later).

[] Fixed(~90%) of this bug: Brush white frame disappears in case you selected Brush by hotkey or just In-Out near map edge, so you need to mouse move to another cell to let it finally draw - also annoying.
 Now in situations like this it will be fine, or (worst cases) you need to move mouse 1 pixel - much easier than 32

[?] Program will not spoil Triggers... (Oh.. wait, Ed still not applied reliable indicator, but at least my part is ready months ago)
 (ALOW section etc still not saved, maybe later)
 Side effect: Walls in the Triggers area (Top part of the map) will not be placed/converted correct, so you need set up Walls BEFORE loading triggers into the map (or use standard editor for it then restore triggers). Also, maybe later there will be save/load for Triggers part, but for now it works this way.

Almost all dialogs changed/tweaked in a varying degree. Examples of minimal, but useful changes:
[] "not saved" MsgBox default button changed to Cancel (No accidental action).

[] in the Units/Upgrades Properties page step value changed to 4, so next page will keep "Pairs" of units seen @ 1/2 3/4 positions (Footman/Grunt) etc.

[] Changed error msgbox "...is now in an inappropriate location, do you want to delete" to ok/cancel, so you can just hold ESC for a while to skip all 'errors' fastest way. (mb later will be changed, but no priority)

[] Bugfix: Now changed single Gold/Oil stuff affects NotSaved status too.
[~] Bugfixes in Starting conditions and Map properties dialogs that pressing OK set NotSaved status even if NO any changes!
[~] Almost same for Player properties dialog, but with some specific conditions: if you CHANGE Controller for player with 0 units - it will affect NotSaved status, but really saved file data not be changed.

[~] Enhanced manual Heroes conversion: now it can change All heroes or BtDP only (legacy stuff)

[~] Changed most of "Error" messages, especially on Saving, etc

[] Added option to confirm multiple(>1) units removing.

[~] For Oil Platforms (in case no other unit types selected) "Delete" action will remove platforms (no confirmation) but Oil patches stays.

--------------------------- "Saving" features

[√√] Now saving is always done, regardless of errors/information,
 so you can save EMPTY map with terrain only as draft, no need to set up anything.
 You just will be informed about the potential map problems (like no Start Location, or w/e), but saving will be done.

[~] "Warning" about Exp.Heroes on saving changed to "Legacy information" and will be show once, until you clear options in the registry

[] Total limit for "real" Units on the map now set to 1600 - maximum for the game (not editor)
 (Start Locations not counts as real unit except it owned by Neutral)

[] Unit "per-player" limit removed at all, but you will be informed about it anyway while saving.
 Something like "Player # will not be able to make new units" or w/e.

[] Added special unit sort on saving feature that allows even 1599 to one owner - if you have some hero, and map with 1599 enemies)
 You can choose not to sort at your own risk, the word "sort" itself is a hint.
 But in most cases, when the program suggests sorting - it is really necessary, elseway not ALL placed units will appear in the game.

--------------------------- Terrain / New map features

[~] Filler Brush now contain regular tiles in the sequence

[] Added special feature for New map:
 you can start New map filled with Terain Brush you selected currently (except walls for now, maybe later will be added/enhanced)
 For example: The whole map initially contains Rocks/Wood/Water or w/e.
 Good result is: Forest + Dark Grass + Random... try any others.

[] Added two options to 'New file' Dialog: Map tileset - Random, Map size - Tiny (14x14)... Droid will be happy)

[~] Default Filename changed to "NewMap.pud"

[] New map resource values for Players set to Low (no more stupid 1000/1000/1000)

--------------------------- Resources dialog

[] Fixed bug with nonsense msgbox while Duplicate values, but some player(not even 1st) field is empty/incorrect.

[~] Tweaked pos, buttons, added limit hint, changed Edits alignment and styles(NUMBER_ONLY etc).

[√√] Added extra function to "Duplicate" button:
First press will Duplicate(if make sense)
Second and further will loop sequantially these res.values: 0, Low, Medium, High, max(65535), then again old values(Not duplicated) ...

--------------------------- Menus/ToolBar

[] Changed/tweaked menus for Tilesets. Added toolbar pictograms for Swamp.

[] Slightly changed order of some items for usability: spread [new/open] [save], etc

[~] Player 3 and 4 text changed to 'Teal' and 'Purple'

[] Unlocked ToolBar Size/Plain/Filler/Random items for all tiles: Size for Walls, Random for Water(useful with Winter), etc
 Brush autoswitch Behavior changed this way:
 Sizes / Light-Dark / Plain-Random Brushes will be reset to 1x1 + Light + Plain, once you change "Main" Brush like Water/Dirt/Grass/..
 this mostly prevent accidental Dark/5x5 stuff placement that may be a big problem because no Undo (
 In CAPS mode Size/Dark/Random will not be reset most cases except Changing Brush to Wall (Size for Walls will be reset to 1x1 anyway)

 If you press same Terrain Brush Twice - it will do forced reset dependent buttons to 1x1 + Light + Plain, ignoring CAPS status.

Added new main menu items for fast access: Peasant/Peon, X (Start Locations), Gold Mine, Select tool, MiniMap

[] Player numbers in the menu bar that same time indicates the Current player

[] Units - most units in ONE place, good to use with mouse, but hotkeys can be used too
[~] Buildings - same as units
[~] Properties - for faster hotkey dialogs calls / mouse select MiniMap On, Properties -> Dialogs: Races, Resources,... etc

[] Unlocked/Added Special units (Paladin/OM, Ranger/Berserker, Attack Peasant/Peon, Eye of Kilrogg)

[] All units now accessible By-Hotkey from Tool menu (guaranteed) or from Units/Builings menus (but hotkeys may differ)

Tool Menu
[] Basic/Advanced buildings madmix splitted and rearranged.
[] Splitted/Rearranged sections for Heroes / Extra units (Paladin, Eye...)

[] Unlocked all AIs in the Player properties dialog.
No option to hide it as in puddraft, but shows more accessible items(14) on the combobox list opening.

[√√] Added button for quick Switching Current player's Race (Note that the Current doesn't always mean Selected)
* By default Walls conversion is disabled, but you can hold Shift or switch CAPS to allow it.

[] Added compatible selected units conversion. (https://forum.war2.ru/index.php?topic=7331#msg103194)

--------------------------- StatusBar

StatusBar text mostly(still not always, need more work) contain last useful information, like:
[] Total units counter, Selected units counter and some more info.
[] Changed/Total info for Gold Mines etc.

[~] Added more spaces to some StatusBar texts for better readability. Added better descriptions to StatusBar Hints.

--------------------------- Hotkeys additions

[~] Obvious standard menu hotkeys + Alt+U for Units menu, Alt+B for Buildings, etc...
[] Alt+X   Start Location
[] Alt+`   Peasant/Peon

[~] Alt+Ctrl+S   Save As..

[√√√] ESC   Switch to Select Tool and Deselect currently selected units
[~] Alt+S   same as ESC, also in most cases the same action can be done by RMB

[] Alt+G   Gold Mine
[~] Alt+H   Oil Patch
[~] Alt+C   Critter

[] Alt+Q   Grass
[] Alt+W   Wood

[√√] F4, Alt+M   Toggle MiniMap

[] Alt+D   Map properties Dialog (Tileset+Description) - fast change tileset for view purposes.

[] Alt+Ctrl+Shift+O   Change options (one by one)
* Options that you change will not be saved in case you exit Editor with CAPS mode ON.

[] Ctrl+R   Switch Current player's Race.

--------------------------- Map Scroll changes

[~] NumPad works for scroll independent of NumLock status (Num5 = scroll Down)

[] Home/End/PgUp/PgDn   Scroll the map diagonally. (same for NumPad 7/1/9/3 or Alt+Arrows)

[] W/S/A/D - Vert/Horz, Q/E/ Z/X - Diagonal scrolling.

[] Default scroll value changed to 1 cell (CAPS will return it to 2 at once as original)

[] Same way Ctrl+Arrows move screen HALF size to corresponding direction (CAPS = fullpage)

--------------------------- MiniMap

[√√√] Fixed nasty Bug 'minimap EAT-focus': menu hotkeys (Alt+F, Alt+T, etc) won't work after you clicked on MiniMap at least once.
 Now menu hotkeys will work properly (except you clicked not to the map itself but to the title of the Minimap window to move it or take screenshot by Alt+PrintScreen)

[] Fixed minimap WhiteFrame that was drawn over units at map edges, critical for right/bottom edges.

[~] micro feature: hold MMB(Mouse Wheel) then press Esc (or do something to redraw MiniMap) -> Movable Units will be drawn as 1 pixel on MiniMap until next redraw.

[] Changed minimap colors:

Yellow   now more usable because means GOLD, except similar Player 8 color

Gray   Critters and most Neutrals, except special

Cyan   Neutral specials like Portal, Rune, Circle and "Rescuable NPCs"

Magenta   "Enemy NPCs" (NPCs will be described later)

* CAPS will return yellow for all neutrals, but not affect NPCs

[] Changed resource containers Size on Minimap: standard 3x3 - less than 40k, 4x4 = 40k..65k, 5x5 = 67500+ (CAPS will disable it)

--------------------------- Gold/Oil change features

[√√√] Resource value scrollbar now using nonlinear positioning to make it easier to set/change reasonable(relatively low) values. (CAPS will disable it)
+ Resource value scrollbar double sized vertically, so extra aiming not needed anymore)
+ Page Step value for Gold changed to 10000, for Oil to 7500
Big OK button, no useless stuff, Added hint that inform about CAPS change page Step value to original 25000

[] Gold/Oil default value on placement changed to 40000/12500, but if you like old 15000/5000 just hold Alt while placing (see next info for Alternative res value)

[] Alternative res value using while Alt pressed on Gold/Oil placement
 By default it is 15000/5000 for Gold/Oil as original editor values.
 It can be changed by:

--------------------------- LMB "pick" feature

[] Hold Ctrl +Click on unit = to "pick" it into Brush
 it will also change Current player to picked # ( for Players 1-8 )
 it will also change Current Alternative Res value (for using with Alt+Placement) if picked unit is corresponding Resource container

--------------------------- another Placement stuff

[] Hold Alt while placing unit
To place movable unit as "active"
To use alternative resource value for resource containers. (see above)

[] Hold Shift to place units initially in selected state (may be useful for temporary units to remove all of them at once later)

[] Gold and Oil stuffs can be RE-placed over themselves. (similar way as original Platforms can be placed over Oil patches)
[~] StatusBar contains resources amount of hovered Gold/Oils in case Brush = corresponding Gold/Oil stuff.
Hold Alt before [re]placement to use Alternate res amount, Hold Shift to let the [re]placed thing be Selected,
Hold Ctrl to just change platform owner or set platform over patch, but not change res Amount of patch itself.

[~] Unit counter in StatusBar will contain "!" near 1600 units.
[~] You can place multiple Start Locations while hold Alt. It may be useful for special "one(not really) peon" mode.
(latest placed SL will be used as real "camera start position" in the game)

--------------------------- RMB behavior and features

Current Brush = Select.
You click RMB on the Unit -> standard RMB Dialog (Gold/Oil/Active)

Current Brush = Unit.
[] You click RMB on the another Unit -> this unit will be deleted

Current Brush = any.
[] You click RMB on the Terrain
If something selected -> all units will be deselected (Brush stay same)
If nothing selected -> Brush will be changed to Select (Same effect as ESC)

--------------------------- LMB Selection features

.Enhanced Standard De/Selection: allowed to do more precise selection in some cases, 'pixel' for Click detection increased

[] Fixes for 'multiple units at one cell':
Now single click will select Top unit only, Not both.
In case you need to select Both units: do not exactly pixel Click, but slight Drag-selection in this cell.

Add/Remove Top/Bottom unit with Shift to/from selection:
[~]for top unit (placed ABOVE another unit) just normal Shift +Click,
[]for bottom unit (placed UNDER another unit) hold Shift+Ctrl before Click.

[] Alt +Click on Unit = Select all units this Type and same Value(Amount) as clicked of this Owner.
(* this will Deselect all other units except new group, * First click on already selected unit will just deselect all)
Example: Select this way all Gold mines @ players Main spots (if known all same value) and change to another value, then change Exp.Gold mines same way.

[] Alt+Ctrl +Click on Unit = Select all units this Type of this Owner
(this will add/toggle selection to current)

[] Alt+Ctrl+Shift +Click on Unit = Select ALL units of this Owner (see next for Swap players)
(this will add/toggle selection to current)

--------------------------- Owner Change for Selected units

[] Runestones initially placed as Neutral now.

* Main thing about Owner change: you need to select units of SINGLE owner (Not multiple) to be able to convert them special ways.
 Just test how it works by selecting different owners, etc. The more owners you selected - the less you can change.
 Info about selected owners displays in the StatusBar. If no owner info described in the StatusBar - it means the seleted units owned by Neutral.

[] Set owner to Neutral or back: Select units then press same # of owner again. (for more complex actions see NPCs part)
 Critters/Runestones changed easier, but not in group with different owners.
 You can even change Gold Mine owner to player but it needs to be single selected item for action like that.
 (Anyway Oil patch and Circle of Power can not be changed from Neutral)

[√√] Special owner change features:
 Select ALL units of some player(no other owners in selection) then press Alt+# of Player you want to Swap with selected.
 This way you can even change all players by selection only ONE player)

* Note that Start Locations won't change in CAPS mode, so will cause block some conversions.

--------------------------- NPCs

* Main thing about 'NPC' - they don't take the place of normal (1-8) players, so you can make map for 8 players and Rescue/Enemy NPCs.

[√√] Added NPCs two types:
 Enemy-NPC, like Guards or w/e, not needs to be killed for victory.
  Not need triggers. Just N.P.C. Note that they CAN capture and own Rescuable units ;)
 Player 11 = Enemy-NPC-Human
 Player 12 = Enemy-NPC-Orc

 Rescuable-NPC = same as Rescue(Passive)
 Player 13 = Rescuable-NPC-Human
 Player 14 = Rescuable-NPC-Orc

How to change owner to these NPCs:

. Select unit/group (!important: all selected must be owned by single player)
. Hold Shift for Enemy
. Hold Ctrl for Rescuable
. Hold Alt if you need Orc race
. CLICK Menu Item of selected Player Number
If you do all right Status bar text will change to 'Player 11/12 NPC' or 'Player 13/14 Rescuable', depends of keys you pressed.

...to be continued in next msg, because of size limit
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Available on December 31, 2024, 08:08:27 AM
--------------------------- Specials stuff

[~] On Map Load all units turned to the Southeast
[~] On Placement all units turned to the Southwest, so you can see recently placed units.
(CAPS ON will make it both random)

[~] Just for fun (or scene setup): you can rotate single unit by clicking him multiple times.

[] Added "special way to enable animation" not in 256 colors mode only. Animation table and functions fixed, Circle animation added for all tilesets. Spoiled "system palette" for Swamp Cirlce/DP/Rune bugfixed (in case animation is ON, at least for a second).

(https://forum.war2.ru/Themes/war2/images/post/favorite2.gif) By default Christmas Tree and the Goblinarium have cozy warm "HappyNewYear" animation, but you can switch to standard RGB using CAPS.

(https://forum.war2.ru/Themes/war2/images/post/favorite2.gif) I wish everyone happiness and peace and hope that the next year will be better.

Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Szwagier on December 31, 2024, 02:28:53 PM
I suggest add diffrent AI from ai.bin like in war2xd
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on December 31, 2024, 05:36:51 PM
That was a lot.......but pretty cool stuff so does this all apply to campaign maps? Btw how good is creating triggers? Is it as flexible as wc3 one?
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: dannyldd on December 31, 2024, 06:30:52 PM
Hi. Looking good to have the intentions to make something like this but, biggest  question is: Why ?

it seems like a mod from the very basic War2 map editor. The icon graphics seem like the ones I used to see from War2 DOS map editor like in 2003.

then again, why do you bother ?

There's a much more versatile map editor rather than base one that even includes plugins.

Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Mistral on January 01, 2025, 08:12:12 AM
ha ha nice one
very big work

i will add corresponding changes to triggers editor and war2mod a bit later
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Available on January 02, 2025, 08:56:39 AM
That was a lot.......but pretty cool stuff so does this all apply to campaign maps? Btw how good is creating triggers? Is it as flexible as wc3 one?

Not sure i unrestood you properly. But you can deal with triggers using Ed prog: https://forum.war2.ru/index.php?topic=6242.0

Hi. Looking good to have the intentions to make something like this but, biggest  question is: Why ?
it seems like a mod from the very basic War2 map editor. The icon graphics seem like the ones I used to see from War2 DOS map editor like in 2003.
then again, why do you bother ?
There's a much more versatile map editor rather than base one that even includes plugins.

Hmm.. Danny, you probably misunderstood something.
There is no graphics modding or w/e, ToolBar BMPs still 16 color compatible.
I used "pictogram" word that means it still very bad as the picture.
Just tweaked a little, it clearly seen on Swamp/Wasteland that looks more like real tiles. You can run both standard and mod then compare.

It's also not pretend to be good for deep-modders digging unit specs or w/e.
The main goal is convenience for ordinary Viewers and Creators/Editors.

Later I'll make screenshots of valuable changes in first post, because most users really can't read text these times.

...You talking about PudDraft, but somewhat fear to name it.
I tried to make puddraft better, added nice pictures like mushroom for swamp, changed many dialog/menu things. Some stuff done really good... But there are dead-end. I just found that i can't fix puddraft-specific bugs/inconveniences, too complicated, in my hands puddraft have no future.
Then i turn to standard Editor, do some dig and see perspectives. Even with all obfuscated/trash inside it still more readable for me than puddraft. Or maybe thanks to this trash inside ;) i can add fixes or new functions easier.
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Available on January 02, 2025, 08:58:05 AM
I suggest add diffrent AI from ai.bin like in war2xd

Unlocked all. No options as in puddraft, but shows more accessible items(14) on the combobox list opening.

Later i plan to move all four standard AIs to beginning of list and put copy of them at end of list for better accessibility.
Also this func need rework, because original function extremely shitty-slow, can even visually slow down(on 255 AIs at least) showing this dialog, even with decent comp.

a bit later
What about we have more AIs, up to 255?
May it be useful? For example: Standard+Expansion AIs stays normal and no one touch them to avoid standard AI incompatibilities, but let modders use higher AI codes?
Yes, it will be incompatible with origingal game, but maybe some patch/plugin to fix it... idk. It mostly can be useful for you and U8 maybe.
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: dannyldd on January 02, 2025, 09:29:50 AM
Hi. Looking good to have the intentions to make something like this but, biggest  question is: Why ?
it seems like a mod from the very basic War2 map editor. The icon graphics seem like the ones I used to see from War2 DOS map editor like in 2003.
then again, why do you bother ?
There's a much more versatile map editor rather than base one that even includes plugins.

Hmm.. Danny, you probably misunderstood something.
There is no graphics modding or w/e, ToolBar BMPs still 16 color compatible.
I used "pictogram" word that means it still very bad as the picture.
Just tweaked a little, it clearly seen on Swamp/Wasteland that looks more like real tiles. You can run both standard and mod then compare.

It's also not pretend to be good for deep-modders digging unit specs or w/e.
The main goal is convenience for ordinary Viewers and Creators/Editors.

Later I'll make screenshots of valuable changes in first post, because most users really can't read text these times.

...You talking about PudDraft, but somewhat fear to name it.
I tried to make puddraft better, added nice pictures like mushroom for swamp, changed many dialog/menu things. Some stuff done really good... But there are dead-end. I just found that i can't fix puddraft-specific bugs/inconveniences, too complicated, in my hands puddraft have no future.
Then i turn to standard Editor, do some dig and see perspectives. Even with all obfuscated/trash inside it still more readable for me than puddraft. Or maybe thanks to this trash inside ;) i can add fixes or new functions easier.

Thanks. It makes sense to be clarified.

I said the previous reply because, it would make way more sense to make even further work from the already best map editor, PUDDraft. Not from a very basic functional modding War2 map editor. In case Puddraft cannot be modified, at least some QoL enhancements to basic map editor would help to an extent.

What do you mean about "adding mushrooms for swamp" ? Do you mean the icon for Trees on Orc Swamp ?

The thing is that Puddraft can even handle some fancy plugins that are very useful the moment you want to make a custom map. But even better, adding some sort of hidden features like replacing units around the map with certain conditions or unused units.

There're definetely things you can find out there that simply wont be possible to do in the most basic war2 map editor.

For example, it even has a feature to change Tiles behavior or placing specific tiles around the map.

It would be a long list to remember/see all the actual QoL features that PUDDraft has additionally included.
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: dannyldd on January 02, 2025, 09:31:23 AM
I suggest add diffrent AI from ai.bin like in war2xd

Unlocked all. No options as in puddraft, but shows more accessible items(14) on the combobox list opening.

Later i plan to move all four standard AIs to beginning of list and put copy of them at end of list for better accessibility.
Also this func need rework, because original function extremely shitty-slow, can even visually slow down(on 255 AIs at least) showing this dialog, even with decent comp.

a bit later
What about we have more AIs, up to 255?
May it be useful? For example: Standard+Expansion AIs stays normal and no one touch them to avoid standard AI incompatibilities, but let modders use higher AI codes?
Yes, it will be incompatible with origingal game, but maybe some patch/plugin to fix it... idk. It mostly can be useful for you and U8 maybe.

What do you mean about 255 ? The original ai.bin has 86 ai scripts if remember correctly. This can be fixed up with Plugins and code, from Ed. So he basically allowed with code to use ai.bin per MISSION, but still need to use plugins for such.
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Available on January 03, 2025, 06:56:16 AM
Thanks. It makes sense to be clarified...

What do you mean about "adding mushrooms for swamp" ? Do you mean the icon for Trees on Orc Swamp ?
Sure yes. What other meaning can you come up with? Change game graphics res? No sense.

...But even better, adding some sort of hidden features like replacing units around the map with certain conditions or unused units.
There're definetely things you can find out there that simply wont be possible to do in the most basic war2 map editor.
For example, it even has a feature to change Tiles behavior or placing specific tiles around the map.
It would be a long list to remember/see all the actual QoL features that PUDDraft has additionally included.
You looks like Captain Obvious repeatedly enumerating puddraft features, that never used by regular map creator even after i clearly says that this mod for viewers/creators, not diggers.
So i repeat - this mod for ordinary users to let they can VIEW/MAKE maps with more convenience.
Please not spam this topic with common talks.

If you really (not just because good to be) need some features (not like plugins/war2unt, etc...)
- just make list of them with a brief description and post here. I'll see what i can do.

Replacing/specific terrain - NO, at least for this time.
Replacing units looks easy, maybe later it will be added.

What do you mean about 255 ? The original ai.bin has 86 ai scripts if remember correctly. This can be fixed up with Plugins and code, from Ed. So he basically allowed with code to use ai.bin per MISSION, but still need to use plugins for such.

I mean let original AI# scripts stay untouched, and make higher AI numbers available to modders.
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: dannyldd on January 03, 2025, 08:25:39 AM
My point overall with PUDDraft was about the fact, if there was an intention to expand even further the modding capabilities from War2 map editor, it should have been to be addressed since the last update that PUDDraft got.

Why ? because War2 default map editor is incredibly basic in comparison.

I mention this comparison because, it's the same that Blizzard did with their GOG version fork that was plain simple and almost the same as BattleNet Edition that worked for over 20 years, instead of including all the fan-made quality of features that were made by War2Combat - fans.

Making 2 or more forks with different content, besides one contains so many more features than the other, and so then the NEW fork containing new features that the most of features, its a bit dumb in my opinion.

But if you think this is going to be an addition, to add more features to the basic map editor, then go ahead. The intentions are very welcomed.
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Available on January 04, 2025, 08:52:48 AM
Making 2 or more forks...
Feel free to make any "fork" you need, but stop the spam finally.

Moreover, there is no connection between the that you quote and what you wrote.
I corrected your previous Double-Post/Overquoting, now this one will have to (the last try).

Immediately, after your first post, i gave you a complete answer, i also wrote that everyone around knows the Puddraft.
Next post i just asked you to stop spam this topic, but you continue. The only thing you succeeded is to annoy me.

No need to repeat the same thing for the 4th time, because...
...its a bit dumb in my opinion

...then go ahead. The intentions are very welcomed.

Thanks for the permission. I don't remember asking you.
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Available on January 06, 2025, 08:20:55 AM

+ Added button for quick Switching Current player's Race  (Hotkey: Ctrl+R)
   * Note that the Current doesn't always mean Selected
   * By default Walls conversion is disabled (for Player properties dialog too), but you can hold Shift or switch CAPS to allow it.

  Fixed my error caused visual bug in the toolbar, cleanup for nearby code sections.

+ Added compatible selected units conversion.
   1. Select units you want to convert from (you can select any groups of units, but only compatible ones will be converted)
   2. Hold Shift
   3. Select menu brush to convert to

   Compatibility groups:
   Land movable units (including Critters)
   Air movable units
   Water movable units
   Normal buildings 2x2 (Farms, Towers, Runestone)
   Normal buildings 3x3
   Normal buildings 4x4 (THs, Dark Portal)
   Coastal buildings
   * Items excluded from conversion anyway: Resource containers, Circle of Power, Start Locations

Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: fois on January 09, 2025, 11:39:33 PM
I already told il about this back when he was showing me that modified editor, but i'll post here again:

Your modified editor doesn't work with security features enabled (ASLR)


Original editor (current version from Combat 5.0) works fine:

Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Pandaprewmaster325 on January 10, 2025, 07:37:55 AM
Who is IL?

Oh and is this editor like any good? Or just stick to the original editor
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Available on January 10, 2025, 10:11:49 AM
Who is IL?
The main admin.

Oh and is this editor like any good? Or just stick to the original editor
Looks like (TLDR) too hard for you to read first post, even first notes?

Ok, i'll repeat for you personally: it's original Editor mod.
The main goal of this mod is convenience for ordinary Viewers and Creators/Editors.
Title: Re: Warcraft II Map Editor Mod
Post by: Available on January 10, 2025, 10:16:40 AM

  [dirty?] Fix for ASLR.