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Topics - dellam

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
31 / Catch up
« on: October 22, 2015, 09:20:25 PM »
Anyone in Perth or Melbourne want to catchup ?

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32 / Screen shot
« on: October 16, 2015, 06:49:25 PM »
How do I take a ss
Every time I take it , it comes up blank
Running win 8
I take the ss but it comes up with background and that's it .
I press print screen button and it saves it as a .pcx.  Does this sound right ?

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33 / Claw took my nick again
« on: October 01, 2015, 08:23:58 AM »
Claw hacked in and got my nick flange
Now he has both Dellam and flange

Can u force that piece of shit to give back the flange nick . He has changed the password on it


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34 / Can't connect
« on: October 01, 2015, 05:24:51 AM »
Hi, I can't connect it just keeps coming up saying checking versions

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35 / Dellam does not hack
« on: September 12, 2015, 09:00:14 PM »

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36 / This
« on: September 11, 2015, 10:46:24 AM »

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37 / YouTube
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:23:16 PM »
The video got over 6k hits so far .
Make any new people feel welcome please .
Or help 2 new people verse each other .
The hits on YouTube will pickup on Monday morning office time which is when most people active ( checking emails etc etc at work)

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Since I posted this I did get a lot of negative replies . But sadly not one person has helped yet . Several have offered but not one actually helped

I posted this 2 weeks ago , we needed 120 in the first month to get the 10,000 target . I understand we had server issues and it was actually lucky we didn't start initially .

Guys lets actually make this happen. Please reply if you can help with on of the below tasks or if you would like to brain storm a new idea to add to the list below.

Don't reply with your "hater " comments . If your one of the people who don't want the server to grow , then just don't respond please.
can anyone do any one of the following tasks we need to assign one task to each person.

1. Facebook , create a Facebook page . Not as a person but not as a page  . I will help it go out. I just need someone to Controll it . I can advise on the type of things to put in it if needed. (Who ever has access to this can they please contact me )

2. A YouTube video promoting the game I can help these videos get hits, I can guarantee 70,000. Not a video of a game u played but one promoting the game and server.
Please ensure
1. Promote game
2. Direct to website
3. Advertise u verse real people
4. That it's free to download

3. A help desk in the website where people download the game . Very simply live help box where experienced people can help newbs . Someone will need to Controll / install it and create some type of roster. ( this has been brainstormed in server with both positive and negative feedback ). I feel the best way to do it would just give the option to be a "operator" of the live help to everyone . Encourage all players to have the help desk open when in Warcraft . Eventually the people U help login will be helping others .

4. No rejecting people for games rule. There is No use in the new guys coming and not being able to get games. Or create a channel solely for new people.
This again was brainstormed but again nothing was finalised

5. Create a real tournament ladder ( similar to that of cases ladder) ie an active ladder where you move up 1/2 the way for beating some1. Or if your 100 and you beat 50 u move to 75. If you 20 and you beat 1, you move to 10. If you lose you move down one spot

6. Offer incentives if people bring a friend or friends to the server. Will encourage current people and also new people to bring their friends and post on their Facebook page. ( help growth, I don't know what incentive , new logo next to name??? Unsure  please brainstorm )

To hit a target of 10,000 new members in 12 months . We need to get 120 new members in the first month, then grow exponentially at 50% per month for 12 months . The first point would be to get the 120 new members and then we can go from there


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39 / Not a hacker
« on: July 19, 2015, 07:28:38 PM »
Can I get 1 thing straight
I am not a hacker and I have never hacked before

People start the rumor and it has unfortunately stuck .

Yes I hosted some rigged maps where humans were stronger than orcs . Or I start with 5 dragon nests etc

But I never ever ever hacked ever
Yet these rumours have stuck because there are not enough players , it is the same old players .

Then I play games with people like media 1v1 and have fun several times . No hacking no rigged maps just fun games . Then others start the rumor and he starts banning me

This slander has to stop . I understand some people are trying to make the server die and don't want any new players thus they are starting the rumours to try get rid of me as I am the one helping the server

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40 / Tupac
« on: July 17, 2015, 11:03:38 PM »

I never made  video edit bit will make it cool $! I give it. Shot....

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41 / Helping the game ( again)
« on: July 17, 2015, 09:26:42 PM »
Since my initial post offering to help the game no one has done anything at all . And things have got a lot worse

How would making a new server get more new players? I do not seem the logic behind that.

The idea being I can direct people to the game , I do have marketing / business skills . U guys can argue it all you want but I do .

Now it's no use me getting new players to the game if they can't login

They can get a game on their phone in 30sec and play it online instantly. The average person is not going to fuck around for much more than a minute before they don't bother playing it online.

Somebody in an earlier post said that the downloads of the game are actually a lot higher than those going online. Showing that not many people who download it manage to get online.

A help desk (live chat) on the home page would help a lot and a mentioned it before in my list of ways to help . But everyone seems blind/ or they are trying to make server die. U don't realise how sad u will be when that happens

My target of 10,000 in 1 year is not unrealistic

No one has done anything since my initial post offering to help the server . Replying to this post with hey dellam if u want help the server just fuck off ..... Doesn't help the server . It just shows your stupidity and unwillingness to accept help .

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42 / Can't login anyway
« on: July 16, 2015, 06:28:19 AM »

I can't login how could the new person possibly login?

Fix this

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43 / Encouraging new players
« on: July 14, 2015, 05:36:17 AM »
I can't promote this place until the new players can get a game. I wouldn't waste my time or resources

Procedures need to be put in place first before we can fill the server

I sent in three new players today as a test . None of which could get a game. one of the players played a game versing a computer and the other two left the server.
One of the people that banned them was -cell-

We need to fix the attitude of the existing players to enable new players to come and play. Or create a place for the new players to join , as it is no use me bringing the new players here and promoting the server if they cannot get a game as they will simply leave. If they don't get a game in first few minutes they won't hang around

Remember to hit our 10,000 person target I need to bring 120 people in the first month to the server

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44 / To fix server
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:26:36 PM »
can anyone do any one of the following tasks we need to assign one task to each person.

1. Facebook , create a Facebook page . Not as a person but not as a page  . I will help it go out. I just need someone to Controll it . I can advise on the type of things to put in it if needed.

2. A YouTube video promoting the game I can help these videos get hits, I can guarantee 70,000. Not a video of a game u played but one promoting the game and server.

3. A help desk in the website where people download the game . Very simply live help box where experienced people can help newbs . Someone will need to Controll / install it and create some type of roster.

4. No rejecting people for games rule. There is No use in the new guys coming and not being able to get games. Or create a channel solely for new people.

5. Create a real tournament ladder ( similar to that of cases ladder)

6. Offer incentives if people bring a friend or friends to the server. Will encourage current people and also new people to bring their friends and post on their Facebook page.

To hit a target of 10,000 new members in 12 months . We need to get 120 new members in the first month, then grow exponentially at 50% per month for 12 months . The first point would be to get the 120 new members and then we can go from there

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45 / Purchasing Server
« on: July 12, 2015, 09:31:55 AM »
Hi Il

Yes I am seriously interested in purchasing the server
Can you please contact me privately regarding this.

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