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Messages - van

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General Discussion / Re: Info wars shut down good or bad?
« on: August 08, 2018, 05:35:10 PM »
He was also a member of the NRA.  Typical dipshit pasting meme's he saw off facebook.

General Discussion / Re: Info wars shut down good or bad?
« on: August 08, 2018, 05:33:36 PM »
Learn your quotes idiot Reagan NEVER said that.

"I do not believe in taking away the right of the citizen for sporting, for hunting and so forth, or for home defense,” he said. “But I do believe that an AK-47, a machine gun, is not a sporting weapon or needed for defense of a home."   Reagan

General Discussion / Re: nba 2017-2018
« on: August 08, 2018, 12:25:44 PM »
NBA is a joke who gives a shit.

General Discussion / Re: Info wars shut down good or bad?
« on: August 08, 2018, 12:22:04 PM »
Reagan was a republican you dumb fuck

185 / Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« on: August 07, 2018, 07:08:40 PM »
I guess it is time to say good bye!  Just uninstalled warcraft 2!  Best of luck with the server

186 / Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« on: August 07, 2018, 06:44:29 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

187 / Re: Congratulations to Lone for Ladder #1
« on: August 07, 2018, 12:29:58 PM »
After watching the series between Lone and SG last night ,  Shotgun is the true #1,  but big props to Lone for finally putting a different name at #1.

188 / Re: Congratulations to Lone for Ladder #1
« on: August 07, 2018, 12:29:00 PM »
Everyone knows Braviet and SPB- are the stepping stones of the ladder.

189 / Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« on: August 07, 2018, 12:27:07 PM »
Seeing how I never messaged her in the first place thats no problem.  I feel like Leeroy finally broke her under FeverTree and she took that shit out on me too LOL. 

190 / Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« on: August 07, 2018, 12:17:37 PM »
LMFAO I am not FeverTree you dumb newbie

191 / Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« on: August 06, 2018, 08:45:16 PM »
Jordan has stalked multiple war2 players friends (girls) profiles and been called out for his creepy ass comments etc.    Only shit I ever did was make fun of Swifts fake business page with only war2 players liking/commenting on it.    SOOOOO like anyone that really comments on this forum... most of you are the one with issues not the other way around.

192 / Re: Online Psychos Continue to Harass and Spam
« on: August 06, 2018, 07:23:52 PM »
Laughing right now seriously, so lets get this straight.....   I have never continuously messaged this person we call BS,  definitely think she needs some therapy.... as to my shit talking.... everyone gets it evenly.... anyone that is rational knows I am a good person and shit talk words that aggrivate people like lone said but I am not personally attacking anyone unless they talk about my wife or kid which has happened hundreds of times and i move on with it like any other person...   But I don't think that messaging someone's relative is ok what soever and really shows how messed up your are in the head if you have the audacity to embarass yourself like that making fake accuations... if it was a real thing I might be on your side but I have no clue who the fuck you are other than your mediocre skillset name.  Maybe games with you 10 times in history of my war2ru... So i have no clue what your ranting is coming from.  You have squelched me anytime what I have said offended you in the chat ROOM NOT PRIVATE MESSAGES SO LETS GET THIS PERFECTLY STRAIGHT I HAVE NEVER CONTINUOUSLY MESSAGED YOU FOR A YEAR STRAIGHT SO LETS ALL GET THIS PERFECTLY STRAIGHT PEOPLE THIS RIGHT HERE IS PSYCHO TALK.   I get along with alot of people and most of the time I only shit talk people who have continuously done the same to me in the past seeing how we mostly all know each other if were logged under certain names (cant tell who smurfs are when we shit talk).   We're all adults learn how to deal with it or dont log on thats my opinion I have been playing this game since I was a kid and there were people who had vulgar language that was normal war2 community talk thats where we all learned it from really were not these vile humans that you see us as.   The message to my wife was very psycho imo... Yes I am guilty of trolling people in the server but go ahead and ask the community which elite player has given alot of their times to help keep them in games so they can learn.  I have made alot of decent players that would of got booted and maybe ran from the game, and got them good enough to compete and talk to them on a personal level.  I have never really interacted much with babyshark in the history of war2ru, she smack talks my ranting ignores me and thats about all I have ever interacted with her.    So this whole thing is really starting to piss me off , swore I was never going to use this forum but the WOE POOR LITTLE ME fabricated story needs to stop.  As of her shit with leeroyjenkins i can honestly agree (coming from van) that guy is a pile of human shit.  Have a good day fuckers

Hes online right now, this is getting to be a joked, Maciek and U8 need to be looked into as well since CLAW (polish player) blatantly flaunts that he has hacks that aren't detected by your AH, and they all buddy buddy... polish fucking CHOP players could barely keep up year two ago, now all sudden they are good?  fuckin kiddin me

Sepi watched the game and he was there the whole time he saw them say that "oh it must of been ally chat" during the game.... well the game is still going on so why didnt he take a screen shot after they said "oh we didnt see it".  After they said that they knew I wanted a screen shot so why didnt they take one?   The game was still in session.   

I asked them several times in the games that he better post SS and thats why he insta resumed 3 times in a row, so there was no time to pause for SS.  I asked for SS Sepi saw it and so did they, that was their response in the game was "oh you must of asked ally chat" well the game was STILL GOING ON, so why couldnt he take a screen shot once we were conversing and they knew i wanted a SS after the 3 "insta resumes".. why else would a player instantly resume without asking if we needed a pause, when the very FIRST thing i asked before pausing was TEABOY SS.  So with asking that he knew to resume immediately everytime i asked for SS, until i was out of pauses.   This is not the first time I have asked Teaboy for a SS and never got one, hence the reason why i made a fucking forum account just to make this complaint.  I expect him to be banned for atleast two weeks for not producing SS when hes already been caught for blatantly hacking and your anti hack doesnt even fucking work cause KLAW (POLISH PLAYER HMMMMM) has hacks out there that I have been told they can get around your AH bullshit.  So I am serious about the polish players not only Teaboy but Maciek and u8 looked into as well.

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