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Messages - GreenPlastic

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31 / Strategy 101 Show
« on: January 17, 2017, 12:54:49 PM »
Hey guys! 

We are excited to bring you some cool news going forward.  Who is we you might ask...  Well Startale and I have decided to partner up and do a bi-weekly strategy show aimed at helping our current players improve.  There have been many videos aimed at the newer players on our server but there aren't very many helpful ones for players trying to take their game to the next level.  This is where our show will be focusing most of our attention.

We've been kicking around ideas on what topics to cover and our first topic, which will span several videos, will be nib wars.  The plan here is to cover individual nib wars instead of giving general information.  We'll do a 12/2 series, 11/9, s9/9, 6/8(s9), and 4/5.  Each video will take on a life of its own and it will be way more specific than anything you've seen prior.  We will be viewing each nib war from the perspective of only 1 player at a time to prevent confusion.  It will be an awesome way to focus in on the ideas to be thinking about and what strategy to be employing.

Alright!  So what we'd love from you guys is to chime in here on this thread with things you would like to see covered in our nib wars series.

We also have a CONTEST to announce.  We want you to use your creative genius to help us come up with a catchy title!  Whoever comes up with the best idea(whether we use it or not), will get a free video analysis of their gameplay.  You send us a warvid of you playing war2 and we'll do a strategy breakdown of the video tailored specifically to you! 

2017 is going to be a great year for players looking to take that next step and we're very excited to have you on this journey with us!

32 / Re: Who would win a 2v2 swift/00joe or yamon/lone
« on: January 16, 2017, 01:20:44 AM »
Startale and I just 2-1'd them with both logging off after.  In Yamon's words "no one can beat me and lone."  Thanks for the 2v2 shoutout tk lol.

33 / Re: How to kill 12/2 from 6 in a 1v1 on garden of war ef
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:58:43 PM »
I'm looking at it from the point of view of the newer player and how many times they'd be willing to play something they can't win at.  They are more likely to learn the map and how to get better if they get a win here and there.  I'm sure there are other ways to unbalance maps but this one just happened to fall into the sweet spot of being a blizzard original and having survived over time.

34 / Re: Message to the world of warcraft 2
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:55:55 PM »
I find it weird that over and over the people who want to change things, always act like they need admin power or support to get projects started.  Running tournaments can be done with no admin support.  Recruiting players can be done with no admin support.  Streaming games can be done without admin support.  Most of the complaints come from people who are not willing to do things without a pat on the back or some kind of return in status on the server.  Once you prove yourself, those things do eventually come to fruition as evidenced by the Mouse and Tora support that has come over the past year or 2.  They put their head down and just worked.  They were shit on by a lot of the community because they didn't always do things the way certain players wanted it but no one stepped up to do it differently.  Over time they've both figured out what works the best for the limited community we have and have tried to work with us to help.

We have so many things on .ru now that we didnt have when it came out.  We have an AH and a status page that allows us to know what kind of player we're playing with and what games are actually running.  Before this, when you logged on it was guesswork as to if there were actual games going.  Knowing there are 5 games doesn't show what map is being played.  That has been rectified.  Before I log on, I check the status page to see if people I enjoy gaming are on.  If they aren't, I save time and go do something else.

We also have a friends list that goes 100 deep.  That is pretty epic unless they are all on at the same time and your screen gets flooded lol.

We have tournaments run by a person who puts his own free time and money into running.  This can't be applauded enough imo.  A lot of us can't be bothered to give our free time to help others on the server, but imagine asking others to give their free time AND money.  We are not entitled to any of this.

We have a ladder and an ELO system, that while not perfect, is definitely a step or 2 above what blizzard ever provided.  While there are arguments over the small details, we have a way of tracking how we've done vs other individuals and it provides a historical way to track these things.  You can't just say you 50-0'd someone because now there is a way to actually check that stat.

We've got instruction pages set up for port forwarding, for how to stream, for how to troubleshoot color discrepancies.  There is also a number of people who give their time to help people figure out their problems.  People you wouldn't even expect to be friendly in this sort of way are actually very helpful.  I can't tell you how many times I've been on in between games and seen someone like PB helping a noob troubleshoot their portforwarding or screen size.

This forum is not a direct reflection on how people feel about the server.  Most times this is just where the people with the loudest voices go but when you are actually on the server, people are playing games and having fun and not worrying about all these things that are made to be huge issues.  We love to play war2 and we will continue to do so.

Thank you to all the people who continually put in the hard work and have given us a place to play this old ass game.  For those of you who want to make things better, get off your ass and just do it.  We'll appreciate your hardwork too.  We might even send you a whisper or 2 thanking you for your efforts.

35 / Re: How to kill 12/2 from 6 in a 1v1 on garden of war ef
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:34:22 PM »
I don't think that people defend it as being perfect in the sense that it is actually balanced.  It is a great map because of the unbalanced gameplay imo.  If you play a map with no built in imbalances, generally the better player is going to win and the strategy starts to become symmetrical across the map.  Think gow bne/f for example.  Every spot can be dualed and every spot can rush.  There aren't very many weaknesses early game for any base.  In old ef, sometimes skill can be hidden based on spots and their inherent weaknesses.  We already have people who refuse to play people better than they are on w2.  Imagine how much less they'd play if it was 100% clear who was better.  Old/ef allows that information to be a bit muddy.  Take this tk vs yamon challenge for example.  Because of the map, it is not likely that one will sweep the other and there is a general difference in opinion who is better.  If they both play at the top of their current skill level, yamon should be a heavy favorite to win this.  That doesn't mean that he will win every game though.  Going like 10-5 in the series will only serve to leave the loser hope that he is almost equal in skill and allow the debate to continue. 

There also is nothing better than winning from 6/8 vs any other spot.  So victories from those spots feel like they count for more even though after a few days no one will care because they'll only look at the overall record which doesn't account for any of that.  All that to say, a slight unbalancing such as old/ef keeps players coming back to play it just like blackjack keeps people coming back in Vegas.  People just know that if things break their way, they'll win.

Also wanted to add that Startale and I will be co casting in the future.  I felt that it brought a really great dynamic to the games having 2 opinions and some technical input as well.

The whole commentary came about because one of lux's irl friends was going to watch the stream.  Figured he'd have more of an idea of whats going on if I share my limited knowledge on water than having no clue what he's watching at all.  There were some casts of a few garden of war games after that I enjoyed talking about.  Had a few people that enjoyed it so it may be something I continue to do from time to time.  I'd like to promise the lame jokes won't continue but I'd be lying.  I really enjoy telling horrible jokes for my own amusement knowing how they'll be taken.  Anyway, thanks for the input.

38 / Re: I've been playing HORRIBLY last couple weeks.
« on: September 08, 2016, 12:38:32 AM »
har har har

here's the 2nd game after removing it vs antti ... played a lot better. (its long)

time to play 00joe and put him in his place

00Joe (#7) defeated tk[high] (#228) on "Garden of War" at 17:00:40 on 12/26/2015.
00Joe (#43) defeated tk[high] (#13388) on "Garden of War" at 20:07:48 on 11/25/2015.
00Joe (#13 → #11) defeated tk[AS] (#9) on "Garden of War" at 21:18:21 on 11/26/2015.
tk[AS] (#9) defeated 00Joe (#13) on "Garden of War" at 20:55:26 on 11/26/2015.
00Joe (#17 → #13) defeated tk[AS] (#9) on "Garden of War" at 20:34:37 on 11/26/2015.
00Joe (#26 → #17) defeated tk[AS] (#9) on "Garden of War" at 20:16:10 on 11/26/2015.
00Joe (#44 → #26) defeated tk[AS] (#9) on "Garden of War" at 20:06:10 on 11/26/2015.

MaximumCarnage (#981 → #509) defeated tk[AS] (#37) on "Garden of War" at 03:08:39 on 09/07/2016.
MaximumCarnage (#1926 → #981) defeated tk[AS] (#37) on "Garden of War" at 02:46:37 on 09/07/2016.
MaximumCarnage (#3815 → #1926) defeated tk[AS] (#37) on "Garden of War" at 02:30:02 on 09/07/2016.

My aka was known to him in these 3 games yesterday.

GreenPlastic (#38) defeated tk[AS] (#65) on "Garden of War" at 05:07:32 on 05/15/2013.
GreenPlastic (#38) defeated tk[AS] (#65) on "Garden of War" at 04:41:59 on 05/15/2013.
GreenPlastic (#38) defeated tk[AS] (#65) on "Garden of War" at 04:34:08 on 05/15/2013.
GreenPlastic (#24) defeated tk[AS] (#25) on "Garden of War" at 23:35:34 on 07/15/2012.
GreenPlastic (#24) defeated tk[AS] (#25) on "Garden of War" at 23:29:53 on 07/15/2012.
GreenPlastic (#24) defeated tk[AS] (#25) on "Garden of War" at 23:20:27 on 07/15/2012.
tk[AS] (#27 → #25) defeated GreenPlastic (#24) on "Garden of War" at 23:13:29 on 07/15/2012.
GreenPlastic (#24) defeated tk[AS] (#27) on "Garden of War" at 23:03:04 on 07/15/2012.
GreenPlastic (#24) defeated tk[AS] (#27) on "Garden of War" at 22:53:25 on 07/15/2012.
tk[AS] (#30 → #27) defeated GreenPlastic (#24) on "Garden of War" at 22:37:59 on 07/15/2012.
GreenPlastic (#17) defeated tk[AS] (#18) on "Garden of War" at 05:21:41 on 07/10/2012.
GreenPlastic (#17) defeated tk[AS] (#18) on "Garden of War" at 05:09:02 on 07/10/2012.
GreenPlastic (#18 → #17) defeated tk[AS] (#17 → #18) on "Garden of War" at 04:58:44 on 07/10/2012.
tk[AS] (#18 → #17) defeated GreenPlastic (#17 → #18) on "Garden of War" at 04:48:10 on 07/10/2012.
GreenPlastic (#18 → #17) defeated tk[AS] (#17 → #18) on "Garden of War" at 04:35:48 on 07/10/2012.
GreenPlastic (#19 → #18) defeated tk[AS] (#17) on "Garden of War" at 19:53:51 on 07/08/2012.
GreenPlastic (#22 → #19) defeated tk[AS] (#17) on "Garden of War" at 19:47:33 on 07/08/2012.
GreenPlastic (#27 → #22) defeated tk[AS] (#17) on "Garden of War" at 19:32:35 on 07/08/2012.

Back in the day when tk was "better than me." 24-4.  Please put me in my place.

39 / Re: Discuss
« on: July 28, 2016, 09:13:04 PM »
It's pretty ridiculous that so many players consider spb a bad player. He's always in the top 5 in ladder and even reached #1 once. I bet there's less than 10 active players  with an winning record vs. him.

There are at least 16 of them since 5/1/2016.  What do I win?

40 / Re: Twitching
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:04:28 PM »
I'll try and stream at least once a week.

The truth about swift is pretty easy..

The dude never do 1v1 without joe and jordan as watcher... if joe and jordan are afk he will just talk on channell all day long untill they came..

Then when joe and jordan are there he will accepte 1v1..

The truth is, this is way much more easy to get tip by jordan and joe instead to hack and get caught.

but if he start lose even with the tip, then he will start to map hack your ass.

Because that dude just cant accepte peoples beat him.

Swift is a pure lie from the start.

And you have these retards admins who push him everywhere as the best player ever.

What a fucking stupid shame.

Equinox you are retarded lol.  You keep trying to rope me into this by insinuating I tip.  Anyone who knows me knows I'm completely against any type of foul play.  I've banned watchers or killed them if they even rep me a little.  Just because you are somehow mad at me months later because I beat you easily doesn't mean you need to keep trying to drag me into this.  Don't forget that the 1s we played, I let no one watch because you were paranoid about it.

Anyway, I'm glad that I occupy space in your everyday thought.  Rest assured that I don't fault you for your personality defects.  GGs

42 / Caught again for 50th time. Admins?
« on: December 26, 2015, 11:48:02 PM »
This r()sh guy also goes by ^!nfected.  He's been busted by the antihack numerous times in all its iterations.  Why has nothing been done?  How many times will we have to point these things out?

43 / Merry Christmas from the 00Family
« on: December 25, 2015, 08:46:18 PM »
Hope you all have a wonderful day and may your War2 be Merry!


00Joe  00Kyle  00Sean(Logan)  00Steve  00Ryan 00Tony

44 / Re: just curious..
« on: December 21, 2015, 10:49:02 PM »
C~loc is not a hacker.  He's actually pretty damn clueless about what or where to go in 80% of his games lol

45 / Re: just curious..
« on: December 20, 2015, 04:00:45 AM »
00Logan = g3mini
~$liCk~ = Pleya
Angel~fire = no idea
x-DW-x)Reaper( = no idea
Teaboy = 00Joe
00Kyle = badfingaz
u8t3io3p = esn

Don't try to tie me to your hacker name gemini.  teaboy is gemini is still a ss denier.

logan is lux
slick is c~loc
reaper also lux
teaboy @ hacker
kyle is swift

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