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Messages - Swift

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91 / Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« on: March 07, 2018, 03:46:34 PM »
That's clearly from a different thread. Nice try.

Also, you're a huge narcissist to think everything is about you. I wasn't responding to you, nor laughing at you. I still find that comment of Sentinels to be very funny. 

92 / Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« on: March 07, 2018, 02:47:48 PM »
I introduced myself into this thread because you brought me up in a negative manner, as you always do. I let you know that you're dumb for thinking I'm "jason767" and you overreacted, as you always do. I'm maintaining that you're a very bad person whom is a compulsive and pathological liar. I have no interest nor any potential gain in trying to reason with an insane person who is hellbent on fabricating slanderous fables and pulling people into her toxic presence.

Identify these "lies".

I'm not toxic. You are.

Find me one person I've attacked randomly and not defensively.

You showed up to laugh at me before jason showed up, and if tk thinks it's you, why shouldn't I think so since you two have a long history together.

I'm not putting the time into combating a habitual liar who will just build on top of her lies if someone argues with her fancy imagination. Also, I did not show up in your thread prior to you bringing me up. You should stick to what you do best, which is inventing lies that aren't immediately disprovable unlike the one you just put forth.

93 / Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« on: March 07, 2018, 02:29:04 PM »
I introduced myself into this thread because you brought me up in a negative manner, as you always do. I let you know that you're dumb for thinking I'm "jason767" and you overreacted, as you always do. I'm maintaining that you're a very bad person whom is a compulsive and pathological liar. I have no interest nor any potential gain in trying to reason with an insane person who is hellbent on fabricating slanderous fables and pulling people into her toxic presence.

94 / Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« on: March 07, 2018, 01:41:42 PM »
You are insane, pathological and slanderous. Just leave my name out of your posts entirely and witness how quickly you never see me mention you on either platform.

95 / Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« on: March 07, 2018, 10:20:10 AM »
If you put as much effort into valueable activities as you put into showcasing what a combination of the rarest mental disorders makes someone look like, you could be the savior of humanity...

I love mcdernerds

96 / Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« on: March 07, 2018, 01:30:56 AM »
Once they've been roasting long enough, they all look the same.

It's easy to get them mixed up, so I don't blame you for your mistake.

97 / Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« on: March 06, 2018, 11:00:57 PM »

                                                               ^^                                                 ^^
                                   KYLE                                         JORDAN

There were times I felt that eternal hell was too harsh of a punishment for anyone.

Then you came along.

I'd never come across a demon in human form before.

It is too cruel of a punishment for any person.

98 / Re: Why Tora Tolerates Bullies
« on: March 06, 2018, 09:18:02 PM »
Jason676 is swift. Hi swift. How are you feeling today friend

Do I need a restraining order?

You would be dumb enough to believe tk’s nearly two month old comment.

99 / Re: babyshark banned from server for 2 weeks
« on: March 05, 2018, 01:57:18 PM »

Can we get a “jessu” section in the forum.

Also, make it a private section with only the aforementioned allowed to see it.

101 / Re: Yamon thinks hes better than Van
« on: February 13, 2018, 01:35:28 PM »
Quote from: BabyShark
This brings back memories of assorted other haters.

"You're misrepresenting my views you liar!"

"Ok, what are your views?"

"I won't say but you're misrepresenting them!!!"

Swift: "You're so evil! You're so awful!"

BS: "What did I do?"

Swift: "You're so evil! "You're so awful!"

BS: "?"

Swift: "You're just SOOOO EVIL! (Not that I believe in the existence of evil - but you're definitely it!)"

Sorry Kyle, but standing up to badly behaved people who think they are God is not evil. It's every man's duty.

If you're really this angry over video game jokes, YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING THE SAME TO OTHERS.

I have no problem being specific. For starters, you keep pushing this slanderous lie that I tell you or other people to kill themselves. No, BabyShark I absolutely don't do that and I would never do that. It's very wrong of you to push that, and many other false narratives, and it makes you a bad person for doing so.

102 / Re: Yamon thinks hes better than Van
« on: February 13, 2018, 01:10:59 PM »
You're so dramatic. Your posts are slanderous, untrue and pathological. Also, a great way to continue to avoid confronting your misdeeds while further stacking more on to the list.

103 / Re: Yamon thinks hes better than Van
« on: February 13, 2018, 12:38:23 PM »
That's not true. However if playing some type of historical grievance game between you and I is a way for you to protect your ego and not own up to your present mistake/bad deed then so be it. Continue on with your apparent 'I need a friend for self-validation' routine with "lamby", and other self-deception methods, as a way to avoid an honest internal dialogue with yourself.

104 / Re: Yamon thinks hes better than Van
« on: February 13, 2018, 12:18:26 PM »
I was gonna say something here, but there are way too many people who have no sense of humor unless they are stepping on someone else's throat. *cough Swift the big mean bully*

Lamby I'll PM you my joke - it's pretty hilarious! ;)

It's not stepping on your throat for calling you out for making fun of a vulnerable population.

105 / Re: Yamon thinks hes better than Van
« on: February 12, 2018, 05:33:07 PM »
Pre-marital sex causes a lot of damage. Children grow up without their fathers, diseases are spread, relationships break down. The effects on society are widespread.

Pre-marital sex isn't the cause of the issues you listed. Protection/Safe Sex prevents the vast majority of unwanted pregnancies and STD's, and all of the issues you listed take place in marriages as well and a whole host of others.

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