Author Topic: 4.6 is amazing it seems  (Read 3486 times)

Offline Warbux

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4.6 is amazing it seems
« on: January 26, 2020, 01:46:29 PM »
im dling now to test but i noticed when i came to the site the RU version had a new pic of the lobby an im like hmm mine is not like  that i currently play 4.5 which has some of the new things but not alll but i translated the page an read up on it an i love the new implements ... im dling now to test it out.. btw who made 4.6?

Offline Warbux

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Re: 4.6 is amazing it seems
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2020, 01:59:28 PM »
with all the new changes i sware.... if we added a checkbox in the game menu where u can either ... make it so knights have auto heal or ... make it so they have a less build time maybe 10 seconds or something jus to even out wit lust... nothing to big but something small .. we could release this game as a reforge an get new players on here.. we can even update the gfx give it new buildings w.e man why not give it a shot? worse case if some 1 actually does care to sue for a 1995 game we jus stop promoting it an leave wit w.e new players we got ...

an if it optional for the changes like i said a check box that means our core players can still play the original way they always been playing

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Re: 4.6 is amazing it seems
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2020, 03:11:30 PM »
Auto heal would be cool
war2 > war3

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Re: 4.6 is amazing it seems
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2020, 03:16:46 PM »
im dling now to test it out.. btw who made 4.6?
You can dl english version also, it has all the same updates implemented. All these updates inmplemented to each of the 7 languages. Several dialogs have been included differently for all the 7 languages.
All these menu dialogs, interface improvements, additional types of games, new iron man - have been made by lesnik.
He didn't want to keep any references to himself in readme or installer.

Several utilities by fois have been updated by fois.

Several improvements to windows compatibility have been offered by both fois and lesnik.

I made nothing myself, just got ready-to-use archive from lesnik and applied it into combat. I turned to my real life and spent at no more than 3 evenings to build everything of this togehter into version 4.6.
And the total work from lesnik have been huge!
I'd say, looks like 3-4 month of daily work on everything of that.

we can even update the gfx give it new buildings w.e man why not give it a shot?
Good idea, i forgot about that as i was very busy in last months, but new buildings are in plans for future.

if we added a checkbox in the game menu where u can either ... make it so knights have auto heal or ... make it so they have a less build time maybe 10 seconds or something jus to even out wit lust...
Something that changes a gameplay and making the game incompatible with the original game is technically very difficult, as we need to care of syncronization. People with different versions will not be able to play with each other. Maybe we can add some kind of additiolan version checks to make different clients switch to the same modes, but i don't see an easy solution for that.
Maybe if somebody like fois or labmchops (i don't see anybody else who can do something like that) will make some additional code, we could do that, then we can test that carefully and implement for next versions, but i'd say it's a difficult and not a high priority task for now...
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