Author Topic: 12/2 vs s9 koorb insight  (Read 1323 times)

Offline WillTheRealKoorbStandUp

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12/2 vs s9 koorb insight
« on: September 18, 2020, 10:24:20 AM »
this tactic won me 95% of games when this match up randomy occurred
it takes decent mirco but its pretty unstoppable if executed correctly
i start 12 or 2 vs s9/9 dual

rax first then smith as normal

4th peon would then go straight to 11, if i was 12 it wuldnt even scout 2 i wuld sent straight to 11, 3 gruntz would scout 2 then return peon if hot.
this build had slightly later peon scout that doesn't slow down early grunt production but still get peon scout timing advantage to when wall in or dual is still vunable

click top inside 11 peon gets stuck in trees means he walled in 11
peons have +1 vision range over most buildings cept towers I  think

so scout his front using more mirco attention, so he doesn't see peon and know he is scouted

11 clear so scout down 9, using tree trick see 9 blocked so see him without seeing using +1 sight range advantage, see standard s9/9 dual wall in

i build a cannon tower out of view above 9 top right corner of view
they cant even see tower untill he gets a cat or tower, it will be a surprise then all of his sudden huge pressure on his front door

i immediately send 2 more peons and grunts and target his rax above 9 all in on the rax
start chopin in so he has to wall and waste res but fake it and change direction and also so peon isnt slowed by carrying wood as u want him to rep

when his cat done dodge the shots and when he shoots cannon rep with 3 peons then move back
hit rax inbetween his shots, its easy timing,you got like 2 or 3 seconds between shots  to issue move commands plenty of time if you dont panic . move Grunts back, when his cat bout to fire, playing cat and mouse, he is more under pressure, to get an effective shot off then for you to engage because the cannon killing his repairing peons, he has no time to wait to shoot as rax generally around 100 hp or less,

 have your peons a few steps back from tower to avoid splash and being in range of being shot, wait for him to target cannon, rep cannon with 3 peons and move peons back and repeat, it works with 2 peons, the reason i have 3 peons is so if one of them dies i can still rep tower and the speed of 3 reping is too quick for the cats shooting timing and send anutha peon reinforcement. mirco'd correctly and url to yourl easily never lose tower, keep on target weak rax, obv grunt reinforcement if he gets lucky or extremely skilld cat shot off..

mean while he will be losing peons to the cannon and pulling off his line, have no wood

break rax, he has no res to rewall / cat can't escape because was needed at front lines till rax dies  and its gg.
even if he rewalls 9 some how, which is hard becsuse no wood, if he saves s9 only itll b lust to hall

with the peon having vision range over most building i think why people accuse 95% of the time funny enough

this even beats fake s9/9 chop out rush generally and i had it down so well that i didn't even need to try hard to

i also remember beating swift shotgun and viruz with this when they did standard s9/9 dual

if he not 9 i scout down still with peon bk of 6 if then 4/5. i wuldnt even send a grunt scout id group 4 grunts then attack immediately to 4/5 or 6 after  id often catch his scout grunt with my 4 and could hit with timing attack esp if he sent out 2 grunts, i move grunts thru middle vs 6 and he wuld have 2 or 3 grunts vs 4 attack outa no wea also u an keep peon alive n tower 4/5 or sometimes run grunts inside quickly and wall them in, peon scous 4/5 few seconds b4 u arrive with 4 grunts

this was my standard 12/2 play, it was based on being adaptive to change to what they doing but extremly aggressive and strong vs duals, quick tower and grunt and not being slowed on production or economy
what you guys think?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 11:21:56 AM by WillTheRealKoorbStandUp »

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Re: 12/2 vs s9 koorb insight
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2020, 11:30:33 AM »
that's a pretty strong approach.  ive actually had cases where i break in and they re-wall etc and manage to beat me because i neglect my home base too much so it does take some skill and isnt autowin but it works