Author Topic: WarCraft II 1.33 War2cmds  (Read 4177 times)

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  • Death Knight
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WarCraft II 1.33 War2cmds
« on: July 08, 2016, 04:19:56 AM »
      Warcraft II Commands giver by VTM

Installation:   -Unzip archive to Your Warcraft II directory ,
       for example C:\WAR2
      -Insure , there is an exefile identical to
       WAR2.EXE version 1.33 which You want to patch.
      -Make a backup copy of it and run War2cmds .
       The program will guide You through the process.
       After running it see WAR2CMDS.LOG for details .

Purpose:   -One day I had a crazy idea to train sheep in
       the farm . So I took WarHack and tried to do
       it . But every time I clicked on farm , there
       was no command offset to change . First I
       thought it is a fault of WarHack , but then
       I started to study an after a month I'm here.
       I can add the farm commands and make it to
       train sheep and the same with all previously
       command unable units like critter or runestone.

Note:      -You can ask write me for details on my e-mail
       adrress .
      -This patch works only vith version 1.33 !!!