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« on: September 13, 2016, 03:35:59 PM »
« Last Edit: September 04, 2019, 06:42:54 AM by Antti_Kiviniemi »

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2016, 04:08:53 PM »
No they will not cuz these admins are fucking USELESS, how much time i will have to fucking said it.

They dont fucking cares if knitters have been afk for a entire week and if now hes only playing dumb newbe scrub to take that #1 as hostage.



Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2016, 04:38:14 PM »
Gotta admit, it is kinda BS to get #1 and then not compete in the #1 spot

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2016, 04:57:30 PM »
Gotta admit, it is kinda BS to get #1 and then not compete in the #1 spot

The last pro player knitter fought was me and he was #1 cuz teaboy #1 have been demoted, so knitter #2 have became knitter #1 and teaboy became teaboy #10,  then knitter fought me cuz he knew i was rusty, but he still lose.

So i became #1 and knitter #4.

After i own him, he left for an entire week probably cry alone cuz i beat him.

He drop down as #4 like i said under ME as #1, shotgun #2, and antti #3.

I let one week of honor to adam without playing this account anymore, cuz it was the main goal.

Then i ask to have my #1 adam demote like a man cuz i want other peoples to have chance playing this rank.

Obviously blid and other was to busy for demoting me, a big 1 minute effort it's too much.

So i decide to demote myself and i choose Antti cuz i knew he was the only one in the top 5 to deserve to be #1.

He is active, he play on Anti-hack, he dont dodge nobody and peoples can said what they want but he is pretty good, in the top 5 he was the only one who has beat me at this time.

So yeah i decide to demote myself to antti cuz anyway i knew if someone will took my spot as normaly demote and it will be shotgun #2.. Another innactive player who dint even use anti hack.

So i had no interess to let this dumb fucker get #1 spot cuz first he dint beat me on the last six month, he dint even use anti hack, and hes not even playing since a month..

So why we will let this innactive dumb fucker get #1 if he even cant play.

Make no sens at all..

So shotgun#2 was not a great idea, and the #3 was ANTTI... who really deserve it..

So i give to antti, then blid appear like a super hero cuz a no name tell him i let antti beat me, then he decide to be someone for once, put his pants like a man, and he demote antti.... to let knitter who was still crying about his big lose against me..

GET HIS #1 BACK.... And now... he have been afk for a week without playing as #1, and just try to avoid the demotion by playing a couples games against tier 3 players...

Not even tier 3 LOLLLL...

So the ladder is still again stock, there nothing going on here, and admins try to tell uss everything is right.

fuck all of you bunch of nerds.

This is what he play as a #1 since the last month.

Knitterhemd (#1) defeated Max.x.Overkill (#22) on "Garden of War" at 18:54:27 on 09/12/2016.
Knitterhemd (#1) defeated UNF0RG1VEN (#40) on "Garden of War" at 13:54:45 on 09/12/2016.
Knitterhemd (#1) defeated UNF0RG1VEN (#40) on "Garden of War" at 13:43:59 on 09/12/2016.
Knitterhemd (#1) defeated ~Crip (#52) on "Plains of snow BNE" at 22:58:04 on 09/09/2016.
Knitterhemd (#1) defeated ~Crip (#52) on "Plains of snow BNE" at 22:37:32 on 09/09/2016.
Knitterhemd (#1) defeated LoBxsTer (#30145) on "Garden of War" at 23:07:53 on 09/08/2016.
Knitterhemd (#1) defeated LoBxsTer (#30145) on "Garden of War" at 22:55:54 on 09/08/2016.
4^Adam^ (#2 → #1) defeated Knitterhemd (#1 → #10) on "Garden of War" at 18:01:00 on 08/29/2016.
Knitterhemd (#5 → #3) defeated 4^Adam^ (#1) on "Garden of War" at 17:47:41 on 08/29/2016.
Knitterhemd (#10 → #5) defeated 4^Adam^ (#1) on "Garden of War" at 17:42:37 on 08/29/2016.
4^Adam^ (#4 → #2) defeated Knitterhemd (#1) on "Garden of War" at 17:23:19 on 08/29/2016.
4^Adam^ (#2) defeated Knitterhemd (#1) on "Garden of War" at 17:16:21 on 08/29/2016.
4^Adam^ (#2) defeated Knitterhemd (#1) on "Garden of War" at 17:00:57 on 08/29/2016.

This dude look to build is carrer on demotion, master player my ass brotha!
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 05:04:35 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2016, 05:33:41 PM »
Also, if i dint do nothing with antti...

Then i will be demote, and shotgun will be demote after me, like blid finnally did, so who will be #1 after shotgun and me? Antti? So it was pretty right to give it to antti since it will be the same result as double demote on me and shotgun.

But instead blid use his big balls for once demote antti and tell him whos care you can get back top 5 in a day.

So my question is? Who cares if we do a massive demotion on useless players who goes innactive for a week or clearly dodge high rate player when.... WHOS CARES, THEY CAN GET BACK IN TOP 5 IN NOT EVEN A DAY??

Now let me ask you this another question...

What is making more sens, making massive demotion on peoples who clearly need it, like peoples who goes afk for a entire week, and free those spot for the active players, then let those innactive player get quick back on top 5 when they came back because they are able to do that.

Or let those innactive players where they are and let stock the ENTIRE LADDER FOR A WEEK AND WEEKS???

I mean A SERVER, is way much more important then a innactive player who will cry cuz he get demote after a week, nobody fucking cares if SHOTGUN, OR KNITTER, OR MR BOB CRY because he get demote, people want the chance to climb in the ladder, and they fucking cant when those cheap ass player goes afk for week and finally play dumb shitty player.

ALL THOSE fucking admins kills this game since day fucking 1, and you guys are too fucking blind to see it, they are fucking useless, lazy, they have no fucking brain to think right, there promotion suck, always have suck, everything they fucking do suck.

If it was not of mousetopher and me we will still have a fucking forum where nobody can subscribe.

You are all fucking ridiculous to keep standin those fucking stupid admins.

Seriously fuck all of you.

Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2016, 12:20:13 AM »
Do you really want antti to get #1 by demoting players ahead of him? What happened to actually playing a bo3 or bo5 to see who actually deserves it. You are bascially playing an numbers game to get #1 instead of earning it. If shotgun, swift, Szwaiger, player, braviet, 00steve, 00joe, or startale were in the #1 I guarantee you wouldn't make any threads or even challenge them cause they are all way above you.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 12:22:10 AM by BenJamin »

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2016, 12:22:17 AM »
Do you really want antti to get #1 by demoting players ahead of him? What happened to actually playing a bo3 or bo5 to see who actually deserves it. You are bascially playing an numbers game to get #1 instead of earning it. If shotgun, swift, Szwaiger, player, braviet, 00steve, 00joe, or startale were in the #1 i guarantee you wouldnt make any threads or even challenge them cause they are way above you.

Loll dude antti did everything he do for playing knitter, knitter is just avoiding antti, antti even make an official challenge on the forum and nothing happen..

Knitter have been afk 10 days, and when we made a thread about him 4 days ago and ask for a demotion cuz he was not playing, he start to play for avoiding the demotion against tier 3 player.

This dude totally deserve a demotion if he dont play antti tomorow .

And by the way, shotgun is not even using anti hack, i dont even think swift have already been top 5 of his entire carrer since he dont even play without joe jordan and lux, this guy probably dont even know how to do a pure 1v1 whithout getting type since he cant hack anymore, this dude get caught of hacks the first week anti hack get out and they said it was a false declaration LOLOLOL... Player is good but nothing to scare someone playing him, joe is probably at the same point of swift, getting type by everyone of his stupid gay group, startale is a disconnect player and cheater who watch other stream..

The only players in this group you said who deserve respect is Braviet, Player and 00STEVE, but even there, nobody really fucking know whos this guy is, is that a man? is a that a girl?? he is rich?? poor?? is that a share account??? We only know its the suppose boyfriend of babypeons, but alot think babypeon and 00STEVE is the same person.

Wich make sens since we have never seem them playing togheter.

But anyway, nobody is scare to play against a #1, because even if you lose, you want your chance dude??? There only one person who can be scare of playing someone, and its the actual #1, scare of losing is rank... But there the probleme, a rank is suppose to be beat and make new records and attrac peoples, we dont fucking cares if you scare, you have to fucking play, and if you dont, you have be be demote, thats how it fucking work, thats how we find the real #1, not by going afk for entire weeks and playng tier 3 payer to avoid demotion... If someone in the top 5 ask for a 1s, you have no fucking choice and you have to did it, if you cant the same fucking day he ask you because you had suppose thing to do, then make a RENDEZ-VOUS like we said in french. And thats exactly what antti did...

Anyway nobody fucking scare me, i play fucking everyone, any fucking time you want, and im still fucking top 5, always, all the fucking ways dude.

WHY?? cuz i actually dont scare and i dont need nobody to play a game.

I do my tang fucking alone and thats all, all these guys cant be fucking top 5 because they cant even play a single game against each other.

YEAH RIGHT they all look good, with ther great stats and there nice records playing against tier 3 players most of the time.


FUCK YES DUDE, i do that 125 dual every fucking YEARS against EVERY FUCKING player of the server dude!!!!

All those guys are fucking trash... You ask them 1v1 when they are alone and they are like no no im going to watch tv soon...

And when the whole fucking group is there, they are like LETS GO NEWB COM ON GO GO JOIN U/U, AS/DF...


Even the european players, knitter, swagier, all those shitty player cant even play a single 1on1 against someone else then themself, always playing in ther shitty european group and abuse the ladder like shitty dumb fuckers..

Fucking jokes players.

American 00 players are stacking team and playing against trash, and then they rape newbs on grudge time and talk about records.

European players are playing against each others and abuse the ladder, like nobody else.

When are we gonna see those trash 00 playing against those european trash??

Oh no they are not, i dont even know if they are playing the same game.

Fucking stupid ladder...

There only 3 real soldiers in this ladder since the 2 last years.


« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 01:08:12 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2016, 12:51:55 AM »
i play fucking everyone, any fucking time you want,

Yet you dodged smurf kings challenge for a fun series when you held #3 ladder rank, he wasn't even a high enough rank to take your spot from you even if he won every game in the series, and you still dodged him like crazy lol
Fucking jokes players.

Said from the biggest joke in all of war2

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2016, 12:55:36 AM »
Lol Equinox raging hard . How many keyboards have you been through today!!!!
Just chill .

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2016, 01:36:13 AM »
Even the european players, knitter, swagier, all those shitty player cant even play a single 1on1 against someone else then themself, always playing in ther shitty european group and abuse the ladder like shitty dumb fuckers..

Szwagier was very active when he played and played anyone and beat everyone.  Probably the worst former #1 to possibly say shit against.  Just in 2016:

Games between u8t3io3p and alf-attack

Current 1v1 Record: 126 - 45
Games between u8t3io3p and Knitterhemd

Current 1v1 Record: 25 - 9
Games between u8t3io3p and braviet

Current 1v1 Record: 204 - 147
Games between u8t3io3p and SPB-

Current 1v1 Record: 20 - 0
Games between u8t3io3p and Antti_Kiviniemi

Current 1v1 Record: 14 - 2
Games between u8t3io3p and Medivh

Current 1v1 Record: 39 - 25
Games between u8t3io3p and -PaperBoy-X-

Current 1v1 Record: 4 - 2
Games between u8t3io3p and IAmBadman

Current 1v1 Record: 9 - 1
Games between u8t3io3p and Shotgun

Current 1v1 Record: 6 - 5
Games between u8t3io3p and BHC-JesK

Current 1v1 Record: 16 - 10
Games between u8t3io3p and 00Kyle

Current 1v1 Record: 13 - 20
Games between u8t3io3p and 00Champion

Current 1v1 Record: 3 - 0
Games between u8t3io3p and StarTale

Current 1v1 Record: 10 - 4
Games between u8t3io3p and TD ViRuZ

Current 1v1 Record: 22 - 13
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 01:38:24 AM by Sentinel1 »

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2016, 02:44:09 AM »
Even the european players, knitter, swagier, all those shitty player cant even play a single 1on1 against someone else then themself, always playing in ther shitty european group and abuse the ladder like shitty dumb fuckers..

Szwagier was very active when he played and played anyone and beat everyone.  Probably the worst former #1 to possibly say shit against.  Just in 2016:

Games between u8t3io3p and alf-attack

Current 1v1 Record: 126 - 45
Games between u8t3io3p and Knitterhemd

Current 1v1 Record: 25 - 9
Games between u8t3io3p and braviet

Current 1v1 Record: 204 - 147
Games between u8t3io3p and SPB-

Current 1v1 Record: 20 - 0
Games between u8t3io3p and Antti_Kiviniemi

Current 1v1 Record: 14 - 2
Games between u8t3io3p and Medivh

Current 1v1 Record: 39 - 25
Games between u8t3io3p and -PaperBoy-X-

Current 1v1 Record: 4 - 2
Games between u8t3io3p and IAmBadman

Current 1v1 Record: 9 - 1
Games between u8t3io3p and Shotgun

Current 1v1 Record: 6 - 5
Games between u8t3io3p and BHC-JesK

Current 1v1 Record: 16 - 10
Games between u8t3io3p and 00Kyle

Current 1v1 Record: 13 - 20
Games between u8t3io3p and 00Champion

Current 1v1 Record: 3 - 0
Games between u8t3io3p and StarTale

Current 1v1 Record: 10 - 4
Games between u8t3io3p and TD ViRuZ

Current 1v1 Record: 22 - 13

Lol in those 10 players thats the only one you get?? swagier??

Ok then lets make the total.

European player: Alf attack, knitterhemd, antti, medivh, badman, jesk : Total games = 321

American player: Paper boy, kyle, champion, startale, viruz : total games = 81

World players: Braviet, SPB, Shotgun: total games = 382 ( More then 350 against braviet ).

So actually if we get braviet out of this,  swagier have play european players 321x against american and the rest of world for 112x.

And now we lucky cuz you dint put the most games played against 2 other europeans, mean gemini aka teaboy and dj boss.

If we add those 2 guys we can add another 300 games for europeans players.

So where are you going with your 112 games in the last 3 years? can you told me that?

And by the way most of this shitty games are on shitty maps nobody cares.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 02:49:00 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2016, 02:52:59 AM »
his almost got as much 1v1 wins just against those good players as you have 1v1 wins against everybody on the entire server eq lol

"dont hate son" 

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2016, 03:01:49 AM »
Lol in those 10 players thats the only one you get?? swagier??

Ok then lets make the total.

European player: Alf attack, knitterhemd, antti, medivh, badman, jesk : Total games = 321

American player: Paper boy, kyle, champion, startale, viruz : total games = 81

World players: Braviet, SPB, Shotgun: total games = 382 ( More then 350 against braviet ).

So actually if we get braviet out of this,  swagier have play european players 321x against american and the rest of world for 112x.

And now we lucky cuz you dint put the most games played against 2 other europeans, mean gemini aka teaboy and dj boss.

If we add those 2 guys we can add another 300 games for europeans players.

So where are you going with your 112 games in the last 3 years? can you told me that?

And by the way most of this shitty games are on shitty maps nobody cares.

First of all, who cares if they are European?  Every one of those euro players I listed is better than you.

And obviously hes going to play them way more because of the time difference between them and us.  They aren't going to play at 6am, just as you dont. 

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2016, 03:57:54 AM »
Lol in those 10 players thats the only one you get?? swagier??

Ok then lets make the total.

European player: Alf attack, knitterhemd, antti, medivh, badman, jesk : Total games = 321

American player: Paper boy, kyle, champion, startale, viruz : total games = 81

World players: Braviet, SPB, Shotgun: total games = 382 ( More then 350 against braviet ).

So actually if we get braviet out of this,  swagier have play european players 321x against american and the rest of world for 112x.

And now we lucky cuz you dint put the most games played against 2 other europeans, mean gemini aka teaboy and dj boss.

If we add those 2 guys we can add another 300 games for europeans players.

So where are you going with your 112 games in the last 3 years? can you told me that?

And by the way most of this shitty games are on shitty maps nobody cares.

First of all, who cares if they are European?  Every one of those euro players I listed is better than you.

And obviously hes going to play them way more because of the time difference between them and us.  They aren't going to play at 6am, just as you dont.

Because european players have always abuse every ladder since 2000 on europe server, nothing new here.

Second i beat ALF ATTACK anytime you want, Knitter? I beat this guy anytime too, just proof it last week beating him 4-2... Jesk is probably the best in this guys i just name, but still, your last series was 2-2 and he left like a coward cuz obviously the 2 last games was a carnage on him.

Antti is better right now but have never been, so obviously im pretty sure antti beat ALF, JESK AND KNITTER ANYTIME RIGHT NOW...

Medivh and i have always been pretty tight since the last 2 years, he probably own by a couples games but actually its probably something like 25-20 for him.

And iambadman we dont have really play togheter, hes maybe better or not, who know.

So actually there only one guys in that list who i admit can beat me right now and its antti, hes clearly and clearly the best player in this list right now, no doubt about it.
I played against knitter, jesk, alf and antti this month and there no question about it.

Antti beat those guys 3 fingers in the nose.

Finally i dont see what the probleme is with time zone, with 351 games against braviet i dont think time zone is a probleme.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 04:03:17 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2016, 05:08:12 AM »
oh my holy Equinox....
I do play everyone anytime , i dont fear anyone because i play this game for fun. Your just out of your mind your a retard. Last time we tryed to play you wanted to ban all watcher because you said they are tipping me.
So i rather play some 2v2.

Sorry when i have to break the news for you. But you are bad i could beat you anytime. The main thing is i dont play much 1v1 games. I have over 10k games played, but only a hand full 1v1. People who actually know me , know that im alot better than you are and ever will be. Let me play a couple 1v1 and i dominate you just as easy as Startale did.

And for Antti, your a retard! Its not my fault if your not online when iam. I was online and asked everyone for 1v1.
Your a good player, but we went 4:4 when i havent played in a long time. So i know your not a big deal.
You keep saving ( i got ss's) startale,lux, player,sg... arent on your level ur way ahead of them. Any of those players rapes you.

And to repeat ill play whenever im online. However i like good 2v2 more than a stupid 1v1 with a silly.