IMO the streams are more productive. Example from my stream chat tonight:
<neodoodle> ty for the link i have missed this game
* neodoodle ( has joined #twilight_zne
* gooseisgay ( has joined #twilight_zne
<neodoodle> been practicing my orc

<arby2121> double hall boys lol at five
<arby2121> he is in your base
<homesmac> ty
* temmy69 ( has joined #twilight_zne
<temmy69> didnt know someone still plays this

<kinggubbi> think you have viewer record today lance 19
* karl828 ( has left #twilight_zne
<arby2121> hey lance can you drink a red bull or something and play for a few more hours i have no plans this evening and i'm thinking of ordering a pizza
<arby2121> that was a close call i almost spit out my mountain dew
These are just from tonight. It's getting more popular by the day