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Re: Doxing attempt by Startale
« Reply #75 on: October 11, 2016, 02:52:09 PM »
war2 > war3

Offline Swift

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Re: Doxing attempt by Startale
« Reply #76 on: October 11, 2016, 03:13:47 PM »
Create a poll, master Archers.pud champion Claw
swift vs viruz archers friends showmatch. The winner will get the bo7 chance vs claw to become the Archers champion

 I don't know that I would ever be able to overcome the advantages given to you by your Macro's.
The official Legend©®™ of Warcraft II.

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Re: Doxing attempt by Startale
« Reply #77 on: October 11, 2016, 03:14:41 PM »
Create a poll, master Archers.pud champion Claw
swift vs viruz archers friends showmatch. The winner will get the bo7 chance vs claw to become the Archers champion

 I don't know that I would ever be able to overcome the advantages given to you by your Macro's.

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: Doxing attempt by Startale
« Reply #78 on: October 11, 2016, 08:00:09 PM »
Create a poll, master Archers.pud champion Claw
swift vs viruz archers friends showmatch. The winner will get the bo7 chance vs claw to become the Archers champion

 I don't know that I would ever be able to overcome the advantages given to you by your Macro's.

nice excuses!

Offline Paper_Boy

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Re: Doxing attempt by Startale
« Reply #79 on: October 18, 2016, 06:59:43 AM »
I think Blid is a good admin, takes a special kind of patience to deal with all the wining and wack jobs. Nothing wrong with taking a cautious approach, especially considering the amount of nut jobs this game has attracted through out the years. When you grow up with people, you retain a certain level of immaturity and familiarity. Many people started this in High school or early college and I never took the immaturity to heart, it was kind of funny and endearing on some level. Even trolling someone like ghostnuke back in the day, he managed to crack me up and I never had actual malice in my heart for anyone in this community, even when I was called all sorts of childish things. YO MAMMA - Sepi, I think you’re a cool dood who probably has some issues, I mean who doesn’t? The thing is this community has had people that suffered serious mental break downs where they researched someones family, address , profession and frankly took things to a very creepy level. Hell Jayhawkerz 1/2 heartedly stalked Nalzyman’s gf lol? You can understand the cause for concern. I’m sure you never meant for things to become so escalated but at the end of the day, we’re all here to have fun and occasionally shoot the shit. Frankly, who cares what someones net worth is. I know for a fact he had some seed money & anybody can make capital grow if you’re 1/2 savvy and know how to invest properly. Even if it is embellished or bull shit , who cares, doesn’t affect your life at all, if anything you can find it amusing.  The way he plays, he clearly possesses a level of intelligence that would allow him to succeed is any system once you understand the rules and strategy. He’s taking time off from the game probably to get his affairs in a better state as a lot of players go on sabbaticals then come back. I don’t know 1 person who doesn’t struggle with the conflict between, what you should do, what you want to do, then what you actually do! lol The point is we should be rooting for our fellow war2 brethren in real life! Not trying to put them down
or do things that can affect them in real life. Save the shit talk for on the COURT!!


lol the point is this community is very forgiving, I think a public apology to Swift for what you did and the rest of the community for taking things to an unhealthy level would suffice just fine! I’m sure
even Star wouldn’t mind doing the same. And just explain briefly what your macarena machinations actually entailed!! lol this shits gone on long enough, just own it deal with it and lets all move on bruh!!