Author Topic: Terrible Forums  (Read 34574 times)

Offline Harrywangs

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Terrible Forums
« on: February 12, 2015, 06:30:09 PM »
Maybe I'm taking this forum too seriously but I have been back playing War2 for over 4 years now (at least) and I have yet to be on any of the forums. Why, you might ask? Because when I go on here and read these topics and all of the responses, I feel like I am just reading a bunch of high school kid's Facebook posts.

If there is actually a topic I'm interested in, I have to go through 30 comments of insults, immaturity, and trolling, just to get some sort of closure on the original comment/concern.

There is a time and a place, even on this forum, for messing around and stupid idiotic comments, but I feel like some people like to post, just to post. They add absolutely nothing productive to the conversation and it is extremely annoying and unprofessional. I know this isn't a "business" per se but I feel like these forums should serve a legit purpose, otherwise, why do they even exist?

I do care about this game and would like to see real matters and legit concerns dealt with in a more appropriate and controlled atmosphere by fellow players who are not admins. Weather that means deleting posts or banning people from posting to a specific topic (I have no idea if that can be done).

Maybe I am alone on this but I hope I am not. I would like to know if anyone else has similar feelings and what the admins think about this as well. Let the trolling and unnecessary comments begin... :)

Offline SmurfKinG

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2015, 06:58:43 PM »
Blid needs reading material!
(For like when he's taking a dump)

How dare you question his Majesty needs!

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2015, 07:07:40 PM »
there is about 90% trolling/sh*t talking 10% productive war2 related discussion here on the forums... and it is really annoying i agree.

i'd be happy if it was even 50%/50% tbh.

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2015, 07:11:14 PM »
Maybe I caught you a lil out of context here 8), cuz you new into the forum.
This subject has been brought up less than a week ago.

Care to read the following thread:,372.0.html

« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 07:13:07 PM by SmurfKinG »

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2015, 07:30:40 PM »
You are correct, I just read it. Thanks for the link. Feel free to delete this. I just wanted to make sure it was recently bought up.

Offline RipE[Eur0]

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2015, 07:54:04 PM »
i totally agree with harry.

ive always hated it with the occult forum and this that ppl dont use this place for real matters.
there is lots of stupid fags like jon(just one example) who give total 0 for the community. only talk shit and meaningless bullshit.

this should be a forum about war2. about gaming, ladders, replays, strategies, etc. tryin to set up gamez, tourneys etc.
more friendly environment is what we need anyway.

in the past clan forums where just perfect where ppl shared interesting gamin info. [Eur0]forum , socs forum, european forumz on times. they were great ones.

this is just a ridiculous kinder garden.
more than a half of the ppl give nothing constructive here.

i admit that i talk a lot shit here too. these spammer faggots just make me do the same shit what they do.
why bother answerrin properly or try to talk sensible shit when there iz these clowns......

maybe we should try to make active new clans. maybe it would help the spirit and activity?!?!?!


Offline tk[as]

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2015, 07:59:56 PM »
ripe... you're definitely in the top 3 of "people who post here without contributing shit" list... and you don't even post that much. but when you do, its pointless. you normally say something dumb followed by calling someone else a n*gger or telling them to lick your dick 2.5" love muscle.

Offline RipE[Eur0]

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2015, 08:12:55 PM »
yes i know. which i just admitted. u have problems with reading and understanding. i have ballz to admit if im a fag. im sorry if ive been one of these jons and smurf kings etc. i will quit that, and try to b more proactive.

however, i still say that the ppl here r mostly scrubs, and for scrubs,i give bak worthless shit. but ill quit it.
im one of the long timers and the rare ones who have always tried to build this game n community better. believe me or not.
i think i did pretty good job with the Eur0 clan bak in time. nowadays i just dont have time like u and il and burnt, so i cant do it.

still. id luv to c our community gettin nicer and bigger. id play in every fuckin tourney etc if i just had time. now we r adults, and i dont have that time for being active enough....

ps. im not in that "top3"
u r simply wrong.
u also have always so strong opinions about everything which very few of us here really give a flying shit about. no offence.

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2015, 08:26:05 PM »
im extremely offended. ps.

Offline SmurfKinG

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2015, 08:43:40 PM »
surely cant compare a 50postcount dude vs the 450ish postcount ryu and friends lol

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2015, 08:50:27 PM »
I agree all the fighting and insults is a bit much around here. I have been on less lately as a result.
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Offline Winchester

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2015, 09:35:40 PM »
You've been playing just a little longer then me then, I registered on the occult forums after I started playing frequently lol, and I was reading all the posts before I registered too when I came to the server. I was thinking heh its a small community, i'll be different and introduce myself and be a regular poster, wasn't until I was trolled into oblivion (pretty much upon arrival) that I ended up as just another one of them lol.

I'd say come in here expecting the worst every time, even from the admins. Except for IL, hes usually always serious. ^_^

These forums were mostly created because the occult forums is on Approve only and the people who approve accounts are pretty much never there and don't change the options or make someone like blid able to approve them. So its hard to get 1 person registered lol. I think it's safe to say that if Occult wasn't using that approve account method this forum we're using now wouldn't have been needed and we would have more frequent posters on the Occult, and maybe less trolls. (Not sure about that one)

Alot of the flame posts do tend to stem from in-game issues between players too, or from players being angry that admins didn't meet there expectations when it came to dealing with another player. it isn't nothing you wouldn't see in game, this just allows for longer posts that don't disappear in 5 seconds when in a game. :P

When the normal regular posters far-outweighs the trolls, flamers and spammers (Which pretty much most of the frequent posters here have done on the forums, including all the admins but IL). it will be more noticeable then, which is why the forum needs more time to get normal regular posters and people who actually play the game. They were just the first to move here because they are always on occult.

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2015, 09:40:40 PM »
I don't like certain people around the community but I can tolerate them. If they have something productive to say, I have no issues listening to them and giving an unbiased opinion. At least attempting to. I try to treat others like I would like to be treated. I don't act like someone I am not in real life.

For the most part, I think we all have one greater goal than our issues with each other, and that is this game. We are all adults, as was pointed out above, and I think most adults have the ability to communicate with each other in a positive and structured way.

Instead of posting as a reaction, maybe read the post, and respond at a later time. I just ignore people who are trolling, dumb, insulting, trying to get a rise out of you because they know they can. When you respond, you give them satisfaction. That is the entire reason they are doing it. If everyone just tries to be the bigger man, the problem will go away.

Naturally, that will not happen 100%, but if even half of us can be the bigger man/woman, the other will either realize nobody is listening, caring, or hopefully the admins will be able to take control of it. You all seem to have pretty good/fair judgement. I wouldn't worry about pleasing everyone.

Everyone is different and everyone has their own issues and grew up in different atmospheres. We all deal with things differently. I don't think people are naturally mean or assholes just to be mean and assholes, personally. I know I have the ability to realize these things and always make an attempt to step away from the situation.

We need to realize that this is WC. A game which brings some sort of happiness to each and every one of us otherwise our dumbasses would not be here 15+ years later. Be the bigger men/women for the greater cause, the community, and the game itself.

Offline Winchester

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2015, 09:42:42 PM »
you normally say something dumb followed by calling someone else a n*gger or telling them to lick your dick 2.5" love muscle.

Where as you send the dick pics and ass shots to $paCe rather then tell him to lick it lol :P

I wouldn't put ripe up there on some top 3, 5 , 10 or 20 of useless posters though, he does actually make proper threads trying to organize games between people online on forums and aren't on the actual game at the time. (Which its really what its all about!)

I agree all the fighting and insults is a bit much around here. I have been on less lately as a result.

You post alot more on here then you ever did on occult and your still retired! lol

Offline Winchester

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Re: Terrible Forums
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2015, 10:06:11 PM »
I don't like certain people around the community but I can tolerate them. If they have something productive to say, I have no issues listening to them and giving an unbiased opinion. At least attempting to. I try to treat others like I would like to be treated. I don't act like someone I am not in real life.

Thats usually my mentality, but due to unprovoked in-game issues with players i've had (Most recent was Equinox), I've tended to just bring it to the forums whenever they post. I normally leave the others alone in my troll/flame posts, and treat said person how they treat me in game.

A guy like Ripe or tk even probably thinks "Winchesters such a homo" on the forums due to some of my posts, but im actually really cool in game towards them since I treat them how they treat me, like a cool guy! Though I probably annoy tk a bit over his nude pics on here because it was a hilarious moment in my history of being on these forums haha, he doesn't seem too bothered by it though when I bring it up. (PM me if it does TK lol)

Everyone is different and everyone has their own issues and grew up in different atmospheres. We all deal with things differently. I don't think people are naturally mean or assholes just to be mean and assholes, personally. I know I have the ability to realize these things and always make an attempt to step away from the situation.

While I get what you are saying, sometimes this just doesn't work depending on the individual you have an issue with. Since alot of the flame posts do stem from in-game issues. And some do try to step away from that situation at the time in-game, by either booting/banning the instigating person from joining their game, or /ignore /dnd on them, only to be smurfed by the person they are ignoring, or /f a spammed by them and there smurf accounts to disturb there playing. Which then just upsets this person more and may drive the person to vent at them on here instead.