Secret Operation

Bremer said of this one that the expansions have more gold the harder they are to defend. Having the middle exps so exposed is an interesting concept. This is another one of those in the well respected family of AYN/POS and cousins, although it is a fresh creation from scratch.
I find these maps are highly playable and easily taken to by first time players, as the navigation is simple and the concepts are internalized intuitively not needing comprehensive explanation of the maps.
This map forces you to be more open and exposed, as walling isn't accomplished with supreme ease almost anywhere, with some shallow bases and non-construction-friendly dirt paths throughout the middle and extending into the bases.
I wanted to try it out in a few different tilesets, since each one has a unique feel and look. Swamp feels right for this one!
I genuinely look forward to my next game on this map! If Bremer didn't make so many maps I find awesome, it would be an easy choice to play this one. But Woodland Warlords gently nudged its way into my #1 favorite Bremer map spot!