Author Topic: 2v2 Newb + Pro Team Ultimate Face Off June 4th 10 pm EDT Fresh Assorted Maps!!!!  (Read 32952 times)

Offline eleison

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The reason I didn't include Twisted Meadows in spite of liking it just fine is because you can build on dirt, which is not standard play. If you recreated same map normal function I could include it.

The being able to build on dirt makes it and oddball and will hinder or confuse players who come to it without that awareness if the opponents know about that odd feature.

If you have some normal maps, feel free to PM or post in maps section on forum with @ so I can take a look and possibly include them in the potential map candidates that players can choose from.

My target for maps is fits at least 4 or more players and is made by W2 players, and is of quality and attractiveness and normal play style.

I also didn't include a lot of Bjaylandmaker because his gold mines have infinite gold.

I made the changes to the map, haven't had time to upload it here yet (it's on another computer). When I get back home I will upload it!

Offline mousEtopher

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I got no idea why u are doing that in monday(wtf) 10 pm,few people from europe could play it but here will be 4 am, most of us got work and can't play in this hours
I have never seen a tournament that would start at 18:00 East European time(12:00 your time)

Since i change work, for me will be problem tour 3 pm in sunday, probably i will play only half and even if i won few rounds and it will be final i will just log off "gg going sleep"  cause its only game
since it's hard to find a perfect time for all time zones i think she just went with a time that works for her & anyone else who can happen to make it at that time. if there's interest maybe we can do a similar tourney later for euro players at a more convenient for them time!
« Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 10:41:24 AM by mousEtopher »

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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@eleison I regret to inform you the map selections were finalized on the weekend I didn't get your map in time to include it in the final selection pool for this tourney, but after I've tested it out, I may use it in a future competition.

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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I got no idea why u are doing that in monday(wtf) 10 pm,few people from europe could play it but here will be 4 am, most of us got work and can't play in this hours
I have never seen a tournament that would start at 18:00 East European time(12:00 your time)

Since i change work, for me will be problem tour 3 pm in sunday, probably i will play only half and even if i won few rounds and it will be final i will just log off "gg going sleep"  cause its only game

Swag, you have my deepest condolences for your feelings of loss due to the timing of this tournament. I empathize.

I do however, decline to take responsibility for said condition on two counts.

Firstly, all users had an opportunity to vote for the time. You elected to forgo this wonderful opportunity.

Secondly, I have to question your priorities in life if work is more important to you than W2 or if playing W2 at 4 am seems like an unusual activity. I also have to question your commitment to the entire game of W2 if going to bed a few hours earlier and setting your alarm to rise, shine, and serve the king while it's still moonlight seems excessively arduous.

Young people are just too soft these days.

Offline Szwagier

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Work is more important than stupid w2 game,  normal person who has to work on 8am won't go sleep  day before at 10pm to get up at 4 am in the morning and play in the tournament for fun.
If u lose job you won't get money for pay electricity and internet connection and you won't play w2

 There is something like that in starcraft, but people sometimes play for high prize, for example, $ 1500 for promotion to the lan in italy
I remember russian protoss Dewalt  was playing europe qualifications at 10 pm but he had 2 am , he won it but he he didn't get a visa to fly to Italy  ;D

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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I don't know how it is where you come from but around here everyone has heard of fire places and candles, as well as hunting and fishing. There are always ways to be truly committed.

Offline eleison

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@eleison I regret to inform you the map selections were finalized on the weekend I didn't get your map in time to include it in the final selection pool for this tourney, but after I've tested it out, I may use it in a future competition.

Sigh. You told me to make the changes, and you gave me no time. It's not fair, I put down efforts into this.,2972.msg49383.html#msg49383

Why can't you update the map pool?

Offline He-Man

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Im in.  put me in dere baby cakes.

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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@He-Man Added you with ring as requested.

@eleison I'd already announced that map selection options would be finalized by the end of the weekend, and I did not have the ability to test out your edited map before then because I didn't have it. Nothing prevents you from hosting your own event whenever you wish with any map(s) you choose.

Offline Igognito

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Small suggestion. Could you please make a zip file with all the maps of the competition and upload it?
This way we do not need to go map hunting, and can just have a competition map folder!

Offline Igognito

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Great thanks!

Offline mousEtopher

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@eleison I regret to inform you the map selections were finalized on the weekend I didn't get your map in time to include it in the final selection pool for this tourney, but after I've tested it out, I may use it in a future competition.

Sigh. You told me to make the changes, and you gave me no time. It's not fair, I put down efforts into this.,2972.msg49383.html#msg49383

Why can't you update the map pool?

 :( +1 for twisted meadows! the tourney is still a month away, is there a big reason to be super formal about deadlines and stuff? this is supposed to be a happy occasion right! for having fun & bringing together the commmunity !!

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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A donation will be made to GFA ( in the amount of the winning team's kills plus razings from their highest kills game in CAD.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2018, 05:03:59 PM by BabyShark »

Offline Disgruntled

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Seeking ally.  Currently 1370

Offline Igognito

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I'm still looking for an ally. But I have also said to Ripe. Maybe he will carry me :-D