Author Topic: Pastor Shoots, Kills Gun Wielding Carjacker in Parking Lot  (Read 4168 times)

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Pastor Shoots, Kills Gun Wielding Carjacker in Parking Lot
« on: June 21, 2018, 09:13:47 PM »

TUMWATER (CBSMiami) – An armed off-duty paramedic, who is also a pastor, is being hailed as a hero after he shot and killed a shooting suspect at a Washington state Walmart.

The good Samaritan is now coming forward to share his story.

Emotions overwhelmed David George Wednesday morning as he identified himself as the person who shot and killed a suspected gunman at a Tumwater, Washington Walmart.

“This was a traumatic experience for us and all those involved,” he said.

George described the chaotic Sunday afternoon, when he and his family were shopping about 60 miles south of Seattle.

“As a volunteer firefighter I have received active shooter training,” George explained. “I was sure what I heard was gunshots.”

Police say 44-year old Tim Day went on a shooting and carjacking spree.

He tried to carjack a couple in the Walmart parking lot, critically shooting the driver.

George says he then saw Day try to carjack another person and that’s when he shot and killed him.

“I carry a firearm for the same reason I carry a first aid bag,” he said. “Hoping not to use them but being prepared nonetheless.”

George is a local pastor, and volunteer firefighter and EMT who rushed to help the injured driver, Ricky Fievez.

Fievez’s son says the Good Samaritan’s quick-actions saved his dad’s life.

“That bystander who shot him is a hero,” said Tyler Fievez. “That guy could have killed both my parents plus plenty more people.”

Police say Day tried to carjack at least six people before his rampage came to an end.

George says he has been cleared of any wrongdoing in the shooting and needed time to process the events before coming public.

Police say the suspect is a convicted criminal who managed to get a gun from his finance.

Offline Lambchops

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Re: Pastor Shoots, Kills Gun Wielding Carjacker in Parking Lot
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2018, 07:12:36 AM »
From that story it sounds like he did the right thing, however I don't actually remember the part of the Good Samaritan story where he pulled out his gun and shot anyone. Didn't the Samaritan help the wounded man after the violent robbers had left?

Not sure how JC would feel about the gun lobby corrupting his story like that. Perhaps Lone Ranger would be a better metaphor.
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

Offline Lambchops

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Re: Pastor Shoots, Kills Gun Wielding Carjacker in Parking Lot
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2018, 08:22:54 AM »
Australian version of this story:

Dickhead Gets a Broken Nose.

Some dickhead tried to carjack some people in a carpark yesterday.

Fred Smith, 65 relates, "Me and the wife were just leaving the carpark when this dickhead comes up and yells 'give me the car', so I wound up the window. I think he hurt his hand trying to punch the glass".

Bystanders say that the 44yo dickhead tried this a couple of times before one driver got out and gave him a good flogging.

When interviewed the next day the dickhead stated, "I think someone must have laced my weed with PCP or something. I have no idea what happened, but they told me I just went bat-shit crazy. I'm glad there weren't any guns around - someone could have got seriously hurt".

its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!